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Gun Rights Orgs Cheer Supreme Court Cert of Second Amendment Case

Brett M. Kavanaugh Supreme Court

As you’d expect, Second Amendment orgs are pleased that the US Supreme Court is willing to take another Second Amendment case, a year after punting the opportunity last year. As the Second Amendment Foundation writes . . . The Second Amendment Foundation today is hailing the decision by the U.S. Supreme Court to hear a … Read more

FPC: Despite SCOTUS Rejections, The Aggressive Second Amendment Litigation Will Continue

From the Firearms Policy Coalition . . . Yesterday, the Supreme Court announced its refusal to grant certiorari (review) in three Second Amendment cases, Holloway v. Garland, Folajtar v. Garland, and Flick v. Garland, all challenging the constitutionality of federal lifetime firearm bans that resulted from prior non-violent convictions. Firearms Policy Coalition (FPC)’s FPC Law were counsel … Read more