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John Stewart: Opposing Gun Registration Makes it Harder for Cops to ‘Manage the Streets’

Jon Stewart

Jon Stewart faced off with an Oklahoma state senator on gun regulation and the Second Amendment, calling out the lawmaker for “hypocrisy at its highest order” for his contradictory stances. … The comedian [accused Senator Nathan] Dahm of being a “Second Amendment purist” and bringing “chaos to order” by opposing background checks and registrations for … Read more

Is Second Amendment Absolutism the Answer? Question of the Day


In the ancient clip (not magazine) below, Ben Shapiro takes on ex-expat Piers Morgan on gun control. While Ben scores some good points, it’s clear he’s no gun rights absolutist. He’s for “better screening” for gun purchasers and laws that force people to store their guns safely, and against civilian ownership of machine guns. None of … Read more

Quote of the Day: Second Amendment Absolutist Abracadabra!

 Indiana University Law Professor Jody Lynee Madiera (courtesy

“I think that there is this idea that the Second Amendment is an absolutist text and that if you quote those words those are the most magical words that open up all the doors to whatever weapons you want and however you want to carry them and I simply think that’s not true because Supreme … Read more

Second Amendment Absolutism is Fun, Entertaining and Entirely Irrelevant

Reader Sam I Am writes: If people who read and contribute commentary to TTAG are representative of gun owners who are “pro-2A”, then the battle cry “shall not be infringed” pretty much starts and ends any discussion of “gun rights”. That means 2A supporters are as fossilized in their thinking as opponents of private gun … Read more

Question of the Day: Are You An Anarchist?

“Individuals do not have the legal authority to determine for themselves what their rights include,” Pierre Atlas (above) writes an, “doing so would be anarchy. In our republic, determining the scope and content of constitutional rights is up to the legislatures and the courts. Even Justice Antonin Scalia, writing for the majority in Heller, made … Read more