Hardy: The Gun Industry Is Selling .22 Shotguns and Fear to Kindergarteners and Minorities…Or Something

fear horror cartoon

If you’re in the market for a .22 shotgun for your kindergartner, Crickett has you covered. Trademarked by Keystone Sporting Arms as “My First Rifle”, the company markets the weapon for “true winners” in a sickly-sweet pink among a range of color swatches. A testimonial praises the weapon as “just the right size” for a … Read more

We Have Nothing to Fear But Fear Itself. Oh and Guns, Too

The right to be afraid guns

“Combine Stand Your Ground mentality with concealed carry laws and what you have is constantly simmering danger for all people of color, for two reasons: 1. Most people, as the Coalition to Prevent Gun Violence points out, “carry biases against racial minorities beyond their conscious awareness.” 2. Being armed intensifies one’s fear alert. The coalition notes … Read more