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Shotguns: The Affordable, Versatile, Highly Effective Home Defense Tool

best home defense shotgun

  In a world were all the cool kids gravitate towards ARs for self-defense in the home, the old-fashioned shotgun still provides outstanding performance against uninvited guests in your your casa. Shotguns have been around for hundreds of years and remain very versatile and quite effective in their various roles. When loaded with buckshot or … Read more

It’s Important to Counter Media-Driven ‘Assault Weapon’ Misinformation Whenever We Can

Colt LE901 16S AR-15 rifle

Reading the letters to the editor of mainstream media outlets is a great way to highlight the fact that a large portion of the population consumes and falls for fall for their narratives. This gets particularly sobering when you realize that many of these same people also vote. Case in point: someone named Tom Halfhill … Read more

Houston Man Kills 3 Home Invaders With a Shotgun, is Wounded in the Exchange [VIDEO]

3 home invaders killed channelview houston

  It’s a never-ending debate. The question: what’s the best firearm for home defense? Some like a pistol‘s one-handed maneuverability that lets you corral family members to safety or otherwise frees your off hand to use a flashlight, dial 911, whatever. Some like a carbine‘s combination of power and accuracy. A third group touts the … Read more