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Chuck E. Cheese ND, Pro-Gun Control Texas Rancher, and NRA Membership On the Rise – Maybe : TTAG Daily Digest

Some gun-toting Texans embrace Democrat’s call for tougher firearm laws The mainstream media managed to find a rancher who supports gun control. It’s cute that he thinks Beto won’t mess with the guns he currently owns . . . Texas cattle rancher Bill Martin is a lifelong Republican who owns more than 20 firearms and … Read more

CA Town Bans Smoking In Private Homes – Yes, This Matters

Image courtesy Wikipedia

The San Rafael city council recently passed an ordinance that makes it illegal to smoke in your own home. The excuse ‘logic’ for this breathtaking coup of social engineering is, you guessed it, ‘public health and safety.’ The same reasoning that brought you Prohibition, anti-sodomy laws and bans on interracial marriage now invites the police into your home to snuff out your Marlboro. Cigarettes probably don’t matter to most gun owners, so why should we care? . . .

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