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I Prefer Dangerous Freedom

Me? I think I’d prefer freedom. Yes, I definitely prefer freedom. And I think that if they want to take away my freedom, they should be ready to fight to the death. I’m not super butch warrior guy, but still I’d rather bleed out on a pile of hot brass than live as the slave … Read more

Guns n’ Statism.

The wonderful thing about molecules is that no two of them can exist in the same space at the same time. It’s very binary. Black/white. On/off. Here/Not Here. Would that society operated on such clear-cut, easily-definable rules. You’d have to be living under a rock for the last 20 years or so to have overlooked the battle within the USA over the individual’s right to own guns. But that is but a part of a larger battle, a battle for the hearts and soul of the Nation. And unfortunately, I think not enough people realize that this battle is in fact far more black and white than they believe.

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