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Warrant Issued for St. Louis Anti-Violence Activist & Police Chaplain

Why are “anti-violence” activists so violent? Could their anti-violence crusade simply mask their own violent tendencies and lack of impulse control?  Either way, cops want to put the cuffs on a gun control preacher in St. Louis who also volunteers as a St. Louis Metro Police Department chaplain. Prosecutors say Pastor Ronald M. Fraction took … Read more

St. Louis PD Brass Misleads Press on Officer’s ‘Russian Roulette’ Death

St. Louis PD Brass Misleads Press on Officer's 'Russian Roulette' Death

St. Louis Metropolitan Police Commissioner John W. Hayden Jr. has some explaining to do.  Initially, he told reporters that a young police officer’s death came as a result of “an accidental discharge” of a weapon.  In reality, two of his officers played ‘Russian roulette’ and it did not end well for either of them. Police … Read more