Caveat Emptor: Not Every Pawn Shop Pistol is Such a Bargain

Cash America pawn shop GLOCK switch

We’ll assume this isn’t a Photoshop job or some other fake intended to get clicks. And no, we don’t know which Cash America pawn shop had this G23 for sale in its case. But we’re more than willing to believe that the average pawn shop employee has no idea what that little box on the … Read more

BREAKING: ATF Blocked From Confiscating NAGR Member’s Forced Reset Trigger…For Now

NAGR Dudley Brown

Late Breaking News: ATF out of control! — Dudley Brown (@dudleywbrown) October 13, 2023 When the ATF targeted Rare Breed Triggers in 2021, makers of forced-reset triggers that ATF had magically designated as machine guns, they scooped up the company’s customer list. That’s given them the ability to go around the country confiscating the … Read more

Tedious: Gun Banner ‘Beto’ O’Rourke Stumbles Into the Race for Texas Governor

Beto O'Rourke gun confiscation ar-15

By Larry Keane Some people in politics just can’t take the message from voters. Failed U.S. Senate candidate and failed Democratic presidential candidate Robert Francis “Beto” O’Rourke is sitting at 0-2 down in the count and announced a 2022 gubernatorial campaign. O’Rourke doubled down on his infamous “Hell Yeah!” call for gun confiscation of the most popular semiautomatic rifle … Read more

Texas Democrats Aren’t Happy About Gun Rights Progress in the Recent Legislative Session

Texas Senator Nathan Johnson

Session after session, some character pretends to be more patriotic than others by promoting a twisted pledge of allegiance to the Second Amendment, a vision that negates the right of all Texans to live in a state where possession of lethal firearms is subject to a process of permitting and training. There’s nothing constitutional about … Read more

Gun Rights: As Goes Texas, So Goes the Nation

GOA video texas

By Rachel Malone As goes Texas, so goes the nation. Texas is a battleground state, and it’s no secret that Michael Bloomberg and his allies want to claim it as a prize this November. If Texas falls, that could result in the White House, the Supreme Court, and Congress all being delivered over to gun … Read more

Six New Laws Easing Carry Restrictions Go Into Effect in Texas Today…and the Media are Freaking Out About It

omg horror

DON’T FORGET: Today’s shooting in Odessa comes on the eve of weakened gun laws going into effect in Texas. Effective Sept. 1, it will be easier for Texans to carry handguns in churches, schools, apartments and disaster zones. #EnoughIsEnough @JohnCornyn — Kris Brown (@KrisB_Brown) September 1, 2019 The quote of the day is presented … Read more

Texas Gun Rights Supporters Push Back as Gov. Abbott Hints at Expanding Background Checks

Mass Shooting Texas abbott safety commission

Last week, members of the Texas gun rights community held a rally outside the capitol here in Austin ahead of the first meeting of Greg Abbott’s new Texas Safety Commission. See our report and video of the event here. As we noted, the initial makeup of the commission excluded any representatives from what the AP, … Read more

Texans Still Know That Guns Don’t Kill People, People Do – Quote of the Day

“The tragedy at the Santa Fe school south of Houston changed few opinions among Texas voters about gun control. Support for gun control in general is down slightly, while support for background checks for all gun buyers is virtually unchanged.” – Quinnipiac Poll assistant director Peter Brown in Santa Fe shooting likely didn’t change Texans’ views … Read more