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BangBang Cinema: The Losers

I have a very personal relationship with The Losers when it comes to TTAG. You could, without a doubt, say that if this movie didn’t exist at this time and place, I would have never come on board to write here. It was several weeks ago when I got a look at the posters for this Vertigo Comics adaptation that my rage-dar (like radar, but you know) went off like a klaxon in my mind. In terms of gun handling and firearms accuracy, the posters were atrocious. I spit some 600 words on the subject and before the imaginary casings didn’t hit the ground, Robert Farago contacted me with an opportunity to merge my two loves: guns and cinema. Fast forward a brief period of time and I’ve not only seen The Losers, but I’ve talked to a few cast members (more on that soon). Did it live up to the failings of the posters or should this ragtag group really be called The Winners?

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The Losers Movie Poster Lacks Shell Casings

I love living in a world where people have enough food, clean water, shelter, security and freedom to be able to occupy their mind with stupid shit. To wit: Robert Fure of’s Boiling Point blog is pissed about the lack of shell casings in the movie poster for The Losers [above]. How great is that? The man is on a roll. “I’ll just briefly mention in passing that guns don’t really shoot fireballs out of them. The muzzle flashes are crazy over the top. Anyway. In trying not to nitpick, I’ll just move on to the biggest reason why you shouldn’t over rely on photoshop. Pooch. Here he is throwing tons of shell casings around. They’re back. Let’s examine his stance. Clearly he’s right handed and holding the gun as a right handed shooter would. We can clearly see his right trigger finger safely along the frame of the gun. Strange, normally people pull the trigger with that finger. Maybe he’s using his left hand. But no. His left index finger is wrapped around the grip of the gun. All fingers are accounted for, yet he’s still firing the gun. There is the problem.” As my father used to say, “May that be the worst problem you ever have in your life.” But once we’re at it . . .

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