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An Interview With Brad Taylor, Author of the Pike Logan, Taskforce Thriller Series

Brad Taylor_credit Claudio Marinesco

Back in August, I had just finished reading the latest novel in the Pike Logan thriller series, The Insider Threat, when I posted here about how it prominently featured a GEMTECH-suppressed PWS MK109 SBR in .300 BLK. In that post I also mentioned how I’ve been pre-ordering every upcoming Pike Logan book months ahead of their release dates, because I’ve enjoyed the series so much. DUTTON Books took notice, and hooked me and TTAG up in two ways. . .

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Salt. Shaken. Stir.

Serial adulteress and professional homewrecker Paparazzi fave Angelina Jolie stars in Salt, a summer espionage thriller in theatres this month. Jolie stars as CIA agent Evelyn Salt, accused of being a Russian double-agent sent to kill the President. The movie was the recipient of some juice just before it hit the cinema, courtesy of the FBI, who arrested a dozen Russian spies and deported the lot of them. Talk about “ripped from the headlines.” According to the promotional video (above) the producers employed both CIA and KGB agents as technical consultants, to give the film as much of an authentic feel as possible (read: try not to make it any more stupid than it has to be, in order to both entertain and not lose all credibility).

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