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BREAKING: The ACLU Finds a Gun Control Bill It Actually Opposes

illinois social media background check gun control aclu

The American Civil Liberties Union, aka ACLU, has a long history of thinking the Bill of Rights only has nine amendments.  So imagine the surprise of many when the ACLU rolled out in opposition to a new gun control proposal in Illinois. Support Americans’ Second Amendment rights? Hah! Not the ACLU.  Their Deputy Legal Director … Read more

Tinder: Women Hunters Should Look for Love Elsewhere

Tinder bans woman hunter for deer trophy photo

Reader Nichole M. writes: I’m a native Vermonter and lifelong outdoorswoman. I grew up hunting, fishing, shooting competitive archery, the works. After seeing so many profiles of men holding fish or posing with deer on the popular dating app Tinder, I decided to do the same thing. I harvested a nice nine-point buck during last … Read more