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Getting Started As A New Shooter: Try, Try Again

Range at Austin

By The Rookie, I took my first firearms class about a year ago. I’d long had an interest in guns and 2A issues and had thought about giving things a try but somehow, I had never gotten around to “taking the plunge” before now. I guess what was different this time is that my curiosity … Read more

Handy in an Emergency: Know How to Quickly Train Someone to Shoot Safely

teaching new shooters

During the past year, I’ve seen a lot of people argue over whether it’s a good idea to lend guns to others in an emergency (or any time, really). Neighbors who hadn’t bought a gun suddenly wanted one when they saw the pandemic, riots, and other societal events that frightened them. Some of these people’s … Read more

Negligent Discharges: Teaching New Shooters Trigger Discipline The Right Way

negligent unintentional discharge training range

There are generally two kinds of gun owners: those who have fired a shot unintentionally and those who will. Another way to look at it is, play with fire long enough and you’ll eventually get burned. The first thing we have to understand is the definition of an unintentional — or negligent — discharge. The … Read more

Teaching New Shooters – A Few Tips to Keep in Mind

Gun Save Life New Shooter Training

Reader Troy writes: For any experienced shooter, the question will probably come up from those new to guns (lovingly called “Noobs” for this article), “Hey! Will you take me shooting?” Hopefully, your answer is a resounding, “Yes!” I have found that these questions usually occur around a time when people take off of work (Christmas, … Read more