Australian Government Offers Amnesty, Encouraging Aussies to Turn in Their Guns (or Their Neighbors)

Virus Outbreak Australia police

In a knee-jerk reaction to a massacre committed by a madman in 1996, the Australian government banned most civilian ownership of firearms. Those still retaining them after all these years face serious penalties if they’re caught with a firearm. Yet to no one’s surprise, many Aussies persist in keeping their guns hidden away. Despite all … Read more

Civilian Disarmament and Tyranny – A Tale of Three Cities

By Miguel A. Faria, M.D. Depending on the level of culture and social progress, violence can take different forms in different societies. In the mid‑twentieth century, Stalin’s brutal communist government killed more Soviet citizens through privation, forced labor, and famine than soldiers fighting the Germans in World War II. In 1994, the Hutu‑led Rwandan government … Read more

Question of the Day: Oh Yeah? You and What Army?!

I get a lot of email. Dunno why. It’s not like I’m askin’ for it. I’ve got a filtering system from the gates of Hell itself, and still I get a lot. Some of it, I even read. I have a friend that likes to forward things. Have I mentioned how much I hate forwarded emails? Not that some aren’t interesting. It’s just that I hate having to deal with the ones that aren’t. Oh, sure, I could just burn ’em before reading. But if I did I would have missed this one. Which made me stop and think – a pretty good trick when I’m on a jihad against junk mail. This one was different. And I think when you read it, you’ll be thinking about the subject too. Not that completely agree with it, but still…see for yourself:

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