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Sunday Morning Funnies: (Theme from) Shaft!

Okay. I promise that not EVERY Sunday Morning Funnies will feature the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain. But dag nabbit, they’re funny! and they and this IS the theme from a classic, blacksploitation flick, Shaft. At the time of it’s release, I remember reading something about Shaft being the film with the highest body count … Read more

Sunday Morning Funnies: Pulp Fiction

Like last week’s funnies? Well, the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain is back, this week with their spin on the theme to the Quinten Tarantino classic, Pulp Fiction. You haven’t lived until you’ve heard a shoot-em-up, film noir, movie homage theme played by  a ukelele orchestra. Trust me on this. Or not…click the link above to … Read more

Sunday Morning Funnies: The Good, The Bad, The Ukelele.

You read that headline correctly. Featured above, in our inaugural Sunday Morning Funnies feature, is the musical stylings of the Ukelele Orchestra of Great Britain, (possibly the only thing “great” that’s left in G.B.) with their rendition of the theme from The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly. Stick with it. You have to listen … Read more