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Hunter: Carrying A Gun Doesn’t Make Americans as Worthy of the Responsibility as Cops or Soldiers

open carry holster gun

The quote of the day is presented by I don’t say (that America’s relationship to guns has to change) as some sort of anti-gun absolutist. There was a time in my life, about 15 years ago, when I regularly carried a firearm for protection. My friend and client, Brenda Paz, had been murdered for helping … Read more

Couple Who Survived El Paso Shooting Sues Walmart Over Inadequate Security

Walmart store shooting

Well this is awkward. Earlier this week, Walmart caved to the braying anti-gun chorus and announced that they’re ending the sales of handgun ammunition (and apparently .223/5.56 as well) in their stores. They also asked their customers to refrain from carrying sidearms openly. That will undoubtedly mean fewer armed people in Walmart stores. Law abiding … Read more