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9/11 And The Importance of Being Armed

September 11 9/11 World Trade Center

  Twenty-one years ago today I was riding my motorcycle to work, a little late, but almost there. My boss, Governor Rick Perry, called me along the way, and I had to pull over to get the phone out, take off my helmet, and answer him. He asked me if I still had family in … Read more

Much Has Changed in the Last 20 Years…and Much Has Remained the Same

9/11 world trade center terrorist attack 20th anniversary

Frenzied pounding on the front door woke me; pounding, blended with shouts to turn on the television. It wasn’t even seven in the morning yet in Washington State, and I was alone because my young SAR dog was spending a night being neutered at the emergency veterinary clinic where I worked. Head muzzy with not … Read more