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Tape To Prevent Filipino Cops’ Celebratory Gunfire

It appears there’s a lack of trust on the part of the Filipino police commanders when it comes to their beat cops. Or maybe there’s just a lack of discipline in the ranks. Come to think of it, there’s probably a fair amount of both. Because to prevent New Year’s Eve celebration from getting the best of them, the force’s officers have resorted to taping over their subordinates’ duty guns..

As tells it,

Leaders of the Philippine National Police hope taping shut their men’s guns will thwart the traditional celebratory gunfire during New Year’s revelry that injures or kills several Filipinos each year.

A senior officer taped shut the ends of each of their subordinates’ weapons with masking tape and signed the end to ensure that it was not removed and stuck back on later.

Well, that’s one way to get the job done.

It’s good to know the force has so much confidence in their rank and file’s ability to follow orders, let alone refrain from endangering the general populace. Of course, there’s nothing to stop them from using their personal heaters to ring in the new year with a volley or five when the clock strikes twelve. It seems like the Philippines might be a good place to watch the ball drop from inside a substantial structure. Like maybe a bomb shelter.


12 thoughts on “Tape To Prevent Filipino Cops’ Celebratory Gunfire”

  1. The tape doesnt prevent them from firing there guns, it simply provides a way of telling wether or not they have been fired so the unruly officer who fires into the air can be reprimanded.

    • Kind of like police in general. They don’t prevent crime at all. They just apprehend criminals after the crime.

        • In America, the top US cop at the US Dept of inJustice — a guy named eric — supplies guns to the criminals.

  2. They might get the first shot off. After that it seems there’s a decent chance the tape would slow cycling ofthe slide, and at the very least, risk a jam.

    Hope the cops don’t need to actually use their Berettas.

  3. As someone of Filipino descent, I take umbrage at the idea that my relatives across the ocean can’t avoid a foolish display of machismo that can and does kill people. I wonder at the casualties for this kind of thing in the USA, and also south of the border. I know it’s a huge Hispanic thing to shoot in the new year, but I didn’t know it was common to all places the Spanish have colonized.

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