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Ted Nugent is Insane

I agree with everything that Ted Nugent says on the subject of guns. I understand that his “Motor City Madman” persona is just that. The [old] man behind the rock and roll ‘tude is a productive member of society who champions wounded warriors. Ted’s an experienced hunter and a relentless advocate for Second Amendment rights. But deep down inside, I reckon Mr. Nugent is even nuttier than he pretends to be . . .

This image, rightly flagged by the Violence Policy Center as “Ted Nugent’s shared vision of an angry mob of activists from American Hunter,” is way, way out there; in a mondo-messianic maximum militia sort of way.

More than that, it does gun rights advocates in general and hunters in specific no favors. It makes them out to be a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks (i.e. all white guys). The deer hunters will rise again!

Ironically enough, the article is a model of restrained probity. But this image is needlessly, mindlessly inflammatory. As oxymoronic as it sounds, it’s time for Ted to learn how to do that elder statesman of rock and roll thing.

51 thoughts on “Ted Nugent is Insane”

  1. Sorry Robert but I could not disagree more with your view on Mr Nugent. He has done more than his share for wildlife, hunters, the NRA and the Second Amendment that anyone I can think of. Yes, he is outspoken and sometimes obnoxious and I believe that is because he firmly believes what he says. Anyone who is as driven as Ted is going to seem inflammatory to the non believers!

  2. Robert, everything the article says seems spot on. As for the graphic, is he not leading a charge for hunter’s rights and for them to stand up and be heard? Your slander of Ted’s enthusiasm of hunter’s rights and the way of life… does that make you a DUF (anti-FUD)? Isn’t it another basic right? A right to be able to provide for yourself and family?

  3. “More than that, it does gun rights advocates in general and hunters in specific no favors. It makes them out to be a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks (i.e. all white guys)”

    This is one highly important fact, he gives people fodder to use against all gun owners because one outspoken millionaire can say whatever he wants regardless of what it does to the rest of the US gun owning population. Second, the “all white guys” is key here, in order to make LEGAL firearms ownership accepted more widely by the population we need POC (people of color) representation in the community.

    i am neither “trigger happy” nor a “redneck” and i seriously doubt Nugent has the ability to lead an armed insurrection as this picture would indicate. The redneck component is somewhat humorous to use with Nugent as he hails from Detroit.

    i will agree with mikej about the GOOD things that Nugent has done, but he does however give the “assault clip” dummies lots of their own talking points.

    • Your comment did make me realize something: all the writers here are white males.

      • We tried the diversity thing, but it’s just too bloody PC for anybody here to care about. We welcome anybody (who can write well) to submit posts – we print regardless of your race, creed, color, sex, political persuasion or national origin. But even the lefties we attract here are white guys. Thank God there’s no affirmative action law for bloggers (which would be akin to a Rachel Maddow Gainful Employment Act).

  4. I’ve always loved dear ole Uncle Ted, and that will never change. Ted will always speak his mind and he’ll tell anyone who doesn’t like his views to **** off. I think that’s a great picture with the hunters, and those fools at the VPC can all piss off if they don’t like it. I hope they bring back his show “TED: DEAD OR ALIVE” it was great.

  5. I like the image. The 2nd amendment is about defending the republic against men who want to completely enslave you. We’re slowly heading to that point. The supreme court of the U.S and of Indiana have just this week advanced tyranny significantly.

  6. It’s art. Get over it. And stop agonizing over whether or not the wingnuts are going to like it. Like Groucho said, “whatever it is, they’re against it.” So screw ’em.

  7. I think Robert is absolutely correct in this. Likely the artwork is not Nugents, but whoever is responsible for it is exercising poor judgement. Either way, I agree that Nugent needs to learn to be the elder statesman. We’re winning. We’re mainstream, and it’s time to start acting like it. We’re not underdogs anymore.

    • Oh, please Sebastian. You may be “winning” by the slightest of margins, but “mainstream”? Please! If you were really winning and really mainstream, it wouldn’t matter what Ted Nugent does, but it does, as you said yourself.

      He’s bad news for you guys for the very reasons Robert said. The problem is, this imagery and this rhetoric appeals to too many of you.

  8. Uncle Ted is a true American icon!!! How many people on this site have actuallyread his book ‘Ted,White & Blue’? I read it the week it came out. He has balls big enough for a dump truck. Who gives a shittin’ rip what the VAP thinks or says. It’s a left wing socialist nuthouse organization. Those who don’t like the photo need to lighten up. I say “America! Fuck yea!!” And to note, a large percentage of hunters are caucasian males,but not all. So naturally you’re going to see more white faces out there hunting. That’s not racist,just a fact. I’m an avid watcher of the firearms related shows on Outdoor channel and Sportsman channel. Whenever I see them showing firearms classes (rifle,shotgun,pistol,tactical etc.) on their shows I hardly ever,if ever,have seen ethnic groups other than caucasian. This fact was lovingly pointed out to me by my wife,who watches alot of these shows with me. My wife is black american (she detests being called “african american”;to her its insulting) Whenever I go to the local ranges, 98% of the time its all caucasian. Male and female,but mostly male. Again, not racist, just a fact. I looked at the lead photo before I read the article,and my first thought was ” a bunch of hunters with guns.” Not white guys,not “a bunch of rednecks” whatever. What you saw according to your quote was “a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks (i.e. all white guys ). Really? Maybe you need to do some soul checking dude;because that’s not what I saw. You sir sound racist and sexist. That’s right I said it. Have a nice day. Semper Fi!!!

    • “I looked at the lead photo before I read the article,and my first thought was ” a bunch of hunters with guns.” Not white guys,not “a bunch of rednecks” whatever. What you saw according to your quote was “a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks (i.e. all white guys ). Really? Maybe you need to do some soul checking dude;because that’s not what I saw. ”
      @ reaganmarine84, that’s exactly what I was thinking bro, thanks for saving me the time to type all that.

  9. I like Ted. He speaks his mind in a no nonsense way. The people that will be aggravated by the picture are the same people that get upset by a kid making a gun with his thumb and index finger and saying bang.

    As for wanting more people of color, how many people of color have you seen in the hunting areas? I hunt lots of public lands and see one once in blue moon. I see lots more at the range.

    Are we supposed to complain that there weren’t any women depicted as I know several women who hunt plus there are several women on the hunting shows.

  10. Ted on CNN tonight:

    “Anybody that wants to disarm me can drop dead,” Ted Nugent tells CNN’s Piers Morgan. “Anybody that wants to make me unarmed and helpless, people that want to literally create the proven places where more innocents are killed called gun-free zones, we’re going to beat you. We’re going to vote you out of office or suck on my machine gun.”

    Suck on my machine gun? Yeah that’ll win hearts and minds.

    • That’s basically what I tell any anti-gun turd I talk to after they refuse to digest the facts and I think that’s what Nuge did to Sir Lancealot. We’ve put our heads down and looked at our shoes long enough for these intolerant anti-gunners.

        • Perhaps Ted is just moving where that middle is.. leaving the battle to SAF, Guru, NRA, and many others, while he gets to hunt, shoot, rock&roll, and enjoying it.

        • “The battle will be won or lost in the middle”

          No, it won’t. The “middle” in America sits around and waits for better men to make decisions for it. This battle, like every political battle since the country was founded, will be won by the activists.

    • I certainly see your point, but people like Ted Nugent or Ann Coulter serve an important purpose: to say the outrageous things many of us are unwilling to say, and by doing so, make the more moderate utterance easier to… utter.
      This is a very oft-used tactic of the left and I see no reason why right-wingers shouldn’t use it as well, especially if they can do it with as much flair as Coulter. Some may disagree.

  11. More than that, it does gun rights advocates in general and hunters in specific no favors. It makes them out to be a bunch of trigger-happy rednecks (i.e. all white guys)

    sez you!

    you got a dog in this fight, champ?

    but….ain’t it a fact that non-whites ain’t real big on hunting, sports shooting and/or gun collecting….?……apart from “Saturday Night Specials”, that is!

    uh….youse got a voiciferously anti-gun Prez….right?…..what’s his “ethnicity”?

    and….wtf is the “ethnicity” of the overwhelming majority of the Tea Partiers?

    who built the US?

    white men……or non-white ethnicities?

    like i said….you got a dog in this fight, right?

    • I know many African-Americans from the South. We spend a lot of time talking about hunting with coonhounds and deer hunting. Your stereotype is strictly urban.

  12. I love Ted Nugent as much as the next guy; his heart is in the right place, but sometimes I wonder if his choice of words couldn’t be a little more eloquent or peaceful. Speaking to Piers Morgan on CNN, the Nuge stated, “Anybody that wants to make me unarmed and helpless, people that want to literally create the proven places where more innocents are killed called gun-free zones, we’re going to beat you. We’re going to vote you out of office or suck on my machine gun.”

    Suck on my machine gun? This kind of violent rhetoric makes me uneasy, especially when used in such a public forum. Getting fired up in support of gun rights and doing what you can to educate those who don’t understand is great. But why can’t it be done more civilly? Why do some people have to turn a legitimate argument into a speech that feels as if it’s raining down resentment and animosity from a soap box of hate?

    Statements like the Motor City Madman’s and t shirts that proclaim things like “Vote from the Rooftops” don’t do anything to support a positive image of responsible gun owners. They hurt supporters of the 2nd Amendment by feeding more fuel to the “gunloon” stereotype. It’s the kind of stuff that people like MikeB live for. They can’t wait to add this ammo to their magazines of “journalistic” gun grabbing theology.

    So where’s the middle ground? Where do we as a culture place our flag to show that we will vehemently stand up for our rights, but at the same time not come off as a bunch of stereotypical violent gun wielding jerks?

    • “or suck on my machine gun”

      Perhaps it’s a euphemism for, y’know, something else? Get it?

    • Hey,don’t get your bra&panties in a bunch dude. Get back in you Prius and let the alpha-males take care of this.

    • I have a “vote from the rooftops” t-shirt and all I’ve ever had is positive comments about it. Even the people who ask, what does that mean? flash me a smile and a “sweet!” after I explain it to them.
      Sounds like you and a few others here have a case of the Fudds.

  13. Ryan Finn says: “Why do some people have to turn a legitimate argument into a speech that feels as if it’s raining down resentment and animosity from a soap box of hate?”

    That is the real Ted. One shouldn’t assume that Ted is only expressing himself crudely. It’s not like he’s got it right but is saying it wrong, or that he means something different than he says. Look into his views in their totality, not just on gun control. There is a perfectly good reason his rhetoric sounds so poisoned and hateful: So is the thinking behind it.

    Ted is more of a clown than demagogue, obviously, but this is the unfortunate fact about demagogues: People don’t really listen.

  14. Looks like a bunch of pheasant hunters to me. Ted seems to be saying “Look, there they go!”

  15. Ted Nugent is a babbling draft dodging shitty pants rapist.

    If you need your girlfriends parents to sign custody of their daughter over to you so you won’t be charged with rape, your mental state is revealed. He is a rapist plain and simple. Just because the parents sold their daughter to him means nothing.

    He is a BRAVE draft dodger. LMAO. He is a chicken shit is what he is. A loud mouthed chicken shit who is brave as long as he KNOWS he will never be put to the test. He claims he shit his pants for a week and never changed them to avoid being drafted.

    His test came and went, he dodged the test like a chicken shit, now wants to claim how much of a badass soldier he would have been? Ted lives in LALA LAND.

    The bad ass soldiers didn’t run away with their tails between their legs like TED did.

    He claims he never did drugs, EXCEPT for:

    the 2 hits he took of one joint (1 interview)
    the 50 joints he smoked in his entire life ( another interview)
    The cocaine he did ( another interview)
    the meth he admitted doing

    So EXCEPT for all these drugs he has admitted using, he has never done drugs. LMAO

    Ted is a simple liar. Nothing more.

    If you want to say he isn’t then you are calling him a liar, when he admitted he lied. The only real question remaining is which statement is the lie.
    To me its easy to distinguish the lie, its the one that tries to cover up things.

    So as a self admitted liar, self admitted shitty pants draft dodger, self admitted drug user and self admitted rapist and adulterer.

    Oh yeah that’s right he cheated on his wife and got another woman pregnant.

    So as a self admitted liar, self admitted shitty pants draft dodger, self admitted drug user and self admitted rapist and adulterer.

    What makes you WANT to defend him in any way shape or form?

    Your support of Ted reveals who you REALLY are.

    I believe everyone has the right to bear arms, to protect themselves from psycho’s like Ted.

    If he wasn’t famous he would be locked up for what he says and does. Popularity gets you a free pass on being crazy. Don’t believe me? Look at charlie sheen and tell me what he did wasn’t crazy.

    • I almost forgot. He is also a POACHER. Yeah that’s right, his ETHICS when it comes to hunting includes poaching.

      He is so damn dumb he taped himself illegally baiting a deer in California, then the deer he did kill was too young.

      Ted wants to CLAIM he didn’t know.

      Uh Ted, you dipshit, ETHICAL hunters make sure they know the law BEFORE they hunt. Its the lazy crazy fools who think it doesn’t matter.

      Just more PROOF of who Ted REALLY is.

  16. Hey all for second amendment rites and freedom of speech…but Ted is kinda unstable…seems like he wants to start some revolution and be some sort of leader of this movement. I tell you something, I would never follow a crazy loud mouth idiot like him. Hate to say it the poster reminds me of a clan poster, seeing white sheets now…do not see one non- white face on that poster. I from Oregon and live next to a Indian Res. and I am half Asian and have been hunting since I was 10, only strict gun laws I support are in dangerous big cities like Detroit..cops pushing those laws, to many people looking at this whole gun law thing as a war and are forgetting all the people getting hurt by unsensable or lack of gun laws.

  17. Ted has lost it. I agree with his views on firearms and our 2nd Amendment….but I’ve watched him closely, listened to his rants, and read his writings. He is straight up nuts. Anybody that thinks like him, outside of our firearm freedoms, is far from American. Almost terrorist/extremist. If we had a nation of Ted’s extremist personalities…we would be at a civil war, already. I’d like to see our country continue on without that….

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