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Teddy Bear Gun! Just Thought I’d Leave This Here

“Introducing Teddy Gun,” the YouTube caption proclaims. “An Illinois Council Against Handgun Violence product that aims to shine a light on the nonsensical lack of gun regulations, and ultimately put pressure on Congress for common sense gun laws.” The fact that firearms are . . .

a protected class of products under the United States Constitution’s Second Amendment doesn’t stop the antis from making spurious comparisons to other government regulations to promote their campaign for civilian disarmament.

But you gotta hand it to them: comparing toy manufacturing regulations to gun control is way more ludicrous than ye olde “car license vs. gun ownership” BS. Humor — dark as it is — is more effective at winning firearms freedom fence straddlers to join the cause than rational arguments. Or is it just ludicrous?

34 thoughts on “Teddy Bear Gun! Just Thought I’d Leave This Here”

  1. Idiots. Actually, annoying idiots. How can we miss those lying liars when they won’t go away.

    A side note: I have my FBL (Federal Bear License) so I can buy all the bears I want: across state lines, too.

    • Pretty sure the last time I gave my daughter the cash for a teddy bear, she was able to buy it. Not something she could do for a gun.

      Pretty sure my daughter can carry her bear in public. Not something she could do with a gun.

      Do these people actually think the rules for teddy bears is more strict than the rules for guns?… Or, do they only want supporters who are both ignorant of gun regulations and also gullible in the extreme?

  2. Only a group of pure morons would say “There are 90 pages of government mandated regulations on the manufacture and sale of teddy bears…. and that’s AWESOME!”

  3. Love the phrase “Regulation is Good” at the end of the video. Ranks up there with

    War is peace.

    The best books… are those that tell you what you know already.

    If you want to keep a secret, you must also hide it from yourself.

    Work is play.

    Property is theft.

    Democrat socialist morons are grasping for straws more and more each day as the rest of us laugh.

  4. Even if you agreed with the regulations on teddy bears – Teddy bears are for small children. Guns are not. Small children need a nanny. Adults do not. Don’t support the nanny state!

    • Yeah, stupid attempt at drawing equivalency.

      A car has to have seatbelts and airbags…UNLESS THAT CAR IS A BICYCLE! DunT, DunT, Dunnnn!


  5. Why not use a baby stuffed Tiger ? Teddy Bears are too obvious, and bring up associations with Teddy Rosevelt.
    Be smart about it.

    • That probably went right over their heads. Besides they don’t think of Teddy Roosevelt as a hunter and gun enthusiast, they just think of him as a progressive.

  6. I want to see that same ad with an 8-inch Henkles kitchen cleaver sticking out of it with a demand for knife regulation…

  7. This is moronic on so many levels I can’t quite wrap my head around it…

    1. Do we regulate the ownership of teddy bears?

    2. Are guns for children too, can a child buy one in a store?

    3. Are not firearm manufacturers heavily regulated?

    4. Do I need a background check to buy a teddy bear at a retailer?

    5. Do I go to jail if I’m caught carrying a concealed bear without a permit in most states? Do I go to jail driving through D.C. with one in my car?

    6. Are teddy bears specifically mentioned in the constitution?

    7. Oh, for cripes sake…I give up. Piss off, Illinois Council Against Gun Violence…

    • “3. Are not firearm manufacturers heavily regulated?”

      I am NOT KIDDING when I’m telling you that is indeed a theme that there is “absolutely no regulation” regarding guns, when if you go to the ATF website to download the 2014 edition, it is 230+ pages of nothing but rules and regulations:

      • This is a shock, check out this regulation concerning NFA weapons if you move to a non-free state.

        You can leave your toys with a friend without transferring them, with conditions:

        “(N19) If an individual is changing
        his or her State of residence and the
        individual’s application to transport
        the NFA firearm cannot be approved
        because of a prohibition in the new
        State, what options does a lawful
        possessor have?
        NFA firearms may be left in a safe
        deposit box in his or her former State
        of residence. Also, the firearm could be
        left or stored in the former State of resi

        dence at the house of a friend or relative
        in a locked room or container to which
        only the registered owner has a key. The
        friend or relative should be supplied with
        a copy of the registration forms and a let

        ter from the owner authorizing storage of
        the firearm at that location.
        The firearms may also be transferred
        in accordance with NFA regulations
        abandoned to ATF.”

        Wow! 🙂

        • “Hey, buddy…I’m going to need to borrow a room in your house for a while. Oh, and I’m sending over some guys to build a vault in it. That cool with you?”
          Wow, indeed!

  8. This was spearheaded by ad agency FCB (

    From their website: “With more than 30,000 gun-related deaths in the U.S. each year, guns are arguably the most dangerous consumer product on the market, yet governmental regulation involved in their manufacturing is minimal. The Teddy Gun aims to expose the discrepancies in relaxed gun regulations, by creating constructive conversation, and ultimately political pressure, for commonsense gun laws.”

    Apparently they haven’t heard of pharmaceuticals. I wouldn’t doubt if Bloomberg paid for this drivel.

    • I am always in awe at the stupidity of people in general.
      When given the comparison of guns and anything else, the anything else is usually autos.
      Looking at this comparison, I see this: Deaths from the use of each is roughly equal.
      Deaths from guns are usually done as an act of violence; homicide or suicide. It took an act of purposefulness to take a life using a gun.
      Autos, OTOH, are a very different situation; deaths from the use of an auto (truck, motorcycle, whatever) are usually accidental.
      It would seem that actually autos are far more dangerous, because they kill by accident (usually just inattention), while a death by gun is a conscious action, apart from the gun itself, except as a tool. (Insert joke about telling your dinner hostess she must have a wonderful set of pans here.)
      IOW, if you aren’t suicidal or haven’t pissed someone off somehow, your chances of dying from a gunshot would are very small.
      But, your chances of dying as a random act on the part of a driver is much larger.

  9. The whole ad is a non sequitur. It compares regulations for the manufacture of teddy bears not to (the rather extensive) regulations for the manufacture of firearms, but to (the allegedly lacking) regulations on users of firearms. I rather suspect there are NO regulations on the use of teddy bears, but there are indeed in many places significant criinal law restrictions on use, storage, transportation, possession, carrying, and transfer of , as well as age restrictions on purchasing. Silly, actually. Do they people are really fooled by this? Well, thinking about it, they must, because they have obviously fooled themselves.

  10. “Regulation is good!”

    When “those people” will just choose wrong, and their life is ours anyway, regulation is a good thing.

  11. Well, I kinda thought the revolver Teddy was kinda cute and I’d like to have one but I’m afraid that if I got one that I might run afoul of that NFA “any other firearm” thing. Are “Teddyvolvers” subject to NFA restrictions? (I get SO confused!)

  12. I want one!!! Several actually…

    A 454 Cassull in classic scary black.
    A .9mm in Pink.
    One with a silencer that is too quiet for Cops to hear and yet warrants ear pro.
    Maybe one with a clip thing (not in it’s hair)
    Not so sure about the shoulder thing that goes up. Isn’t that called an arm?
    What about a rifle version?
    And, what about CCW Teddy?

    Man they are desperate.

  13. I believe the constitution says I have the right to bear arms.

    And since the Teddy has them….

  14. I now have a headache, thanks that. Now I’m wondering if my vintage Winnie the Poo is a curio/ relic, or am I a felon for possession of a unregistered teddy bear? What about my blankie ? Oh the humanity.

  15. Way to associate Teddy Bears with guns. Just won us a bunch more converts. Get them in diapers and you get them for life.

  16. Pretty sure the last time I gave my daughter the cash for a teddy bear, she was able to buy it. Not something she could do for a gun.

    Pretty sure my daughter can carry her bear in public. Not something she could do with a gun.

    Do these people actually think the rules for teddy bears is more strict than the rules for guns?… Or, do they only want supporters who are both ignorant of gun regulations and also gullible in the extreme?

  17. Whether or not there are actually more regulations on Teddy Bears than on guns is debatable, but even if this is the case, it is only because government hasn’t been able to get away with as much on guns.

    One is a product designed for young children, the other is a product designed for responsible adults. Bad analogy.

  18. Youtube video has disabled comments. That says it all right there. Any youtube video with disabled comments is not worth watching. Just downvote it and move on.

  19. There are a lot of regulations about most stuffed toys normally given to infants and toddlers, and for good reason. Parents aren’t always known for being able to understand the dangers the normal home present to these children.
    Just for teddy bears: the regulations regulate things like sewn on eyes, noses, tongues(!), stuffing, fabric,and much more, specifically because children will stuff anything into their mouths. The obvious danger from choking and poisoning should be obvious, but obviously aren’t.
    Guns, OTOH, are not given to infants and toddlers to play with.
    Yet, these people obviously don’t think their target audience is very smart, because the normal person would understand the differences.
    So, who is their target audience? Legislators. And the choir, who should contact their legislators to correct this situation. And these people are probably right: Neither target audience is very bright.

  20. Seeing that graphic, am I the only one that thought of Oliver from Battlebears? Does he have a Bearzooka that shoots dismembered teddy bear arms?

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