
Gun owners in Tennessee have found themselves facing a barrage of anti-gun legislation as the session ramps up in The Volunteer State.

Nine anti-gun measures are currently under consideration in House subcommittees. And all would greatly infringe on lawful gun owners’ Second Amendment rights while having no effect on criminals or violent crime.

One measure, HB 2329, would roll back Tennessee’s status as a Constitutional, or “permitless,” carry state. The bill would delete the section concerning firearms carry that states, “or who lawfully carries a handgun pursuant to § 39-17-1307(g).”

Another measure would institute so-called “universal” background checks for guns sales in the state. HB 1593, by Democrat state Rep. Justin Pearson, would require a background check for every gun sold in the state, including private sales and purchases.

According to the text of the measure, “A person shall not sell or transfer ownership of a firearm, or purchase or obtain ownership of a firearm, unless one of the following applies: (1) The seller or transferor is a gun dealer; (2) The seller or transferor makes the sale or transfer to or through a gun dealer and obtains a receipt; (3) The sale or transfer of ownership of the firearm is one (1) of the following: (A) A firearm classified as an antique firearm under 18 U.S.C. § 921; (B) A transfer of a firearm between gun dealers or between wholesalers and dealers; or (C) A transfer of any firearm to a law enforcement or military agency.”

Yet another measure would ban a large number of semi-automatic rifles, which the legislation calls a “weapon of war,” along with magazines that hold more than 10 rounds. Among other things, HB 1935 defines a “weapon of war” thusly: “’Weapon of war’: (A) Means any of the following: (i) A semi-automatic, centerfire rifle that has the capacity to accept a detachable magazine and any one (1) of the following: (a) A pistol grip that protrudes conspicuously beneath the action of the weapon; (b) A thumbhole stock; (c) A folding or telescoping stock; (d) A grenade launcher or flare launcher; (e) A flash suppressor; or (f) A forward pistol grip.

A number of other measures of concern are also being considered in Tennessee legislative committees. HB 1587 prohibits the manufacture of semi-automatic rifles, HB 1589 prohibits the manufacture, transfer, or purchase of detachable ammunition magazines that hold 10 or more rounds, HB 1592 creates an offense if the owner of a firearm fails to report the loss or theft of the firearm to law enforcement within 24 hours, HB 1595 creates a committee to study the impacts of gun violence in the state, HB 1954 increases the penalty for transferring a firearm to a minor from a misdemeanor to a felony, and HB 2336 prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale or transfer of 80% frames or lowers.


  1. “…and HB 2336 prohibits the manufacture, distribution, sale or transfer of 80% frames or lowers.”

    Doesn’t ban current ownership…this round. Next time. The slice-of-cake metaphor.

    • As allowed by those Kentuckians. Who’s responsibility it is to protect and defend the 2nd Amendment and the Rights and limitations on government, therein. Against all enemy’s, both foreign and domestic. A responsibility passed from 1 generation to the next. By the blood, sacrifice and death of the Founding Patriots. Who chose dangerous unsure Freedom over comfortable fearful subjugation. Kentucky is not alone in this fight, as many states across the nation are facing the same tyranny. At the hands of members of the liberal/progressive Democrat party and even some RINO’s among the Republican party. The only question is will they continue their success in eroding the 2nd Amendment Rights of law abiding citizens. That can only be answered by the will, desire and courage of those allowing the Evil of Tyranny. To stop it.
      “Nobody made a greater mistake than he who did nothing because he could do only a little. The greater the power, the more dangerous the abuse. The only thing necessary for the triumph of evil is for good men to do nothing.”
      Edmund Burke

  2. Lots of smoke, doubtful any fire. All the bills see to be submitted by the same couple of Democrat state congressmen and senators.

    It will be interesting to see where the bills die in the process.

    The cynic in me things they authored the bills to access money for bigger campaigns from the Democratic Party.

    • Yes, a little extra analysis about the real chances of these bills going anywhere would be nice. Leftists are always proposing corrupt, unconstitutional infringements on our rights, even in the reddest of red states. Much of the time, these are for show and have no real chance of turning into law. But once in a while…

  3. How can you write an entire article like this without mentioning the makeup of the state legislature vis how likely any of this stuff is to have a chance of passage? Currently, Rs control the house, senate and governor’s office in TN.

    • Pretending R means their good on our Constitution is how this mess was made. Rs grow government just as much as Ds do….

      • “Rs grow government just as much as Ds do….”

        Yep. Sometimes more so. You have to keep them on a short leash, but they are much better than Ds.

        • Ever heard of DHS? How about CISA within DHS? Check out CISA’s planned facilities. Check out the FBI’s various planned facilities. Who’s supporting that? Republicans have taken part in all sorts of absurd spending and growing of the government for my entire adult life, with very little to show for it. They’ve even been helping the Puppet Administration. Republicans being fiscal conservatives is a myth. They do talk a big game though.

  4. Gee, sounds just like California. Copycats!

    Just wait until this time next year. I have read that they will keep Biden on the ticket until the convention, when he will be dumped along with the disaster named Kamala. The replacement? He is already being groomed. His biggest demerit is that he is responsible for the current catastrophe in California. If noisome Newsom is elected, expect a war on guns.

    • “The replacement? He is already being groomed. His biggest demerit is that he is responsible for the current catastrophe in California.”

      All that needs to be done is to point out the catastrophe in San Fran, where the streets are literally covered in urine and feces, and business are getting the hell out as fast as their feet will carry them. Remind them California has promised to bill them for getting out of California. They will do this to every city they control.

      Plaster that on every TV screen and billboard, and the rest will take care of itself.

      • Geoff PR,

        First of all, I doubt that Republicans have the intelligence much less the courage to publicize the facts on the ground in California. Second of all, even if Republicans had the wherewithal to do what you said, there is an extremely high probability that large television networks and even local television stations would refuse to show such political advertisements.

      • First of all, I doubt that Repubs have the intelligence much less the courage to publicize the facts on the ground in California. Second of all, even if Repubs had the wherewithal to do what you said, there is an extremely high probability that large television networks and even local television stations would refuse to show such political advertizements.

        (odd spellings to avoid censorship on this site)

  5. “One measure, HB 2329, would roll back Tennessee’s status as a Constitutional, or “permitless,” carry state. The bill would delete the section concerning firearms carry that states, “or who lawfully carries a handgun pursuant to § 39-17-1307(g).” ”

    As noted so many times before, “constitutional carry”, “permitless carry” states rely on simple, state-level legislators, on the constitution of the US. As voting demographics, or sleight-of-hand, grow and change, overturning state legislation will begin to be a favored anti-gun avenue of attack.

    The norms generally are not activists, but people wanting to live their lives with as little impact on others as possible. The anti-gunners are not norms; “feel good” is what gives their lives dimension and purpose. And their sponsors have more donors and money than any group of norms.

    Know and understand your enemy; they do not think as you do.

  6. Sure move to Tennessee they said. It’s solidly pro-2A. Until a mass shooting or 2🙄😀

  7. It is better to have your 2nd Amendment rights as part of a state constitution than a law. So many of the constitutional carry laws passed over the years by states can easily be rolled back like we see proposed in Tennessee. Looks like the commiecrats in every state is in full swing during this run up to the November election cycle to curtail or eliminate as much of our 2nd Amendment rights as they can. It takes time and money for us to regain our 2nd Amendment rights through the courts and this is what they count on. Delay or eliminate the 2nd Amendment rights. Bruen and Heller wins for us are just ignored in the courts. The bottom line is state laws can be changed easily and state constitutions are harder to change. Constitutional carry should be part of a states constitution.

    • That is a good point, and I agree.

      Then again the courts can and regularly do ignore and/or p!ss on the State Constitution. That is what our Washington State Supreme Court has done. Our State Constitution has stronger guarantees on firearms than the US Constitution. It doesn’t matter when the judges rule accordingly to their own leftist whims.

      • Art, the state supreme court started ignoring the constitution when the government employee unions bought the justices. Until more of the non leftists vote, things will not change.

  8. tennesse state legislature:

    Republican (27)
    Democratic (6)

    Republican (75)
    Democratic (24)

    • A serious question for the TTAG lawyer Folks –

      If the SCotUS ‘Cargill v. Garland’ case argued in a few days is ruled that the ATF cannot create new law out of thin air, what does that do to all the previous rulings like users cannot make their own suppressor wipes, arm braces makes an SBR, etc?

      Will the ruling be retroactive, or only going forwards?

      • it’s not automatically retroactive. Each case would have to be re-litigated under the new model (like was done with Heller). Anyone convicted of an offense implicated by the ruling would have a very strong appeal, though…

    • She had notebooks and notebooks of comic book-style ramblings and what we have seen leaked so far was a few pages of hastily scribbled last-minute.lists.

      We’ll never be shown what she really wrote. . Testosterone is one hell of a drug when given to a confused chick. Teenage boys spend their whole adolescence learning how to deal with it yet they pump these “tranny boys” full of it and let them deal with the changes going one inside their brains without hardly aby guidance.

      The Texas church shooter last week is another example and there have been others.

  9. You bring the feathers and I’ll bring the tar. How many years would we get for givin Chuckie a new hairdoo?

  10. The police will not protect you. They are not there to protect you. They are there to keep order and protect people with money and valuable property. Your house, your car and you, are not considered particularly valuable by the police or the people who give them their orders.

  11. “Democrat state Rep. Justin Pearson” – this being one of the maggots thrown out of the TN leg last year (then both reelected by moron demtard slaves). Need to throw again but further.

  12. I would not have thought that the State of Tennessee had any progressive legislators. I still think the chance of passage of any of it is rather remote unfortunately for the people of Tennessee.

    Banning ghost guns is certainly needed as the stats prove that ghost guns in many states now comprise the majority of crime guns.

    Universal Background Checks would be helpful but Hillbilly States will continue to ship in second hand guns via the Iron Pipeline. Only a Federal Law would be effective.

    Banning Constitutional Carry is only common sense because without proper training in gun safety and knowledge of the deadly force laws of the State this only results in needless deaths and criplings.

    Failing to report gun thefts is another long over due law.

    • “Banning Constitutional Carry is only common sense because without proper training in gun safety and knowledge of the deadly force laws of the State this only results in needless deaths and criplings.”

      Proper training makes sure that you only shoot at real threats like acorns, right?

  13. Why is this even news here as it will never happen ever in Tennessee. Just a couple of loud mouth and well funded by the left anti gun activists in Tennessee getting in the news.

    However Minnesota could very well see a barrage of anti Second Amendment activity and Wisconsin is on the line too pending results of November elections with their new maps of districts just announced.

  14. “A person shall not *sell* or *transfer ownership* of a firearm, or *purchase* or *obtain ownership* of a firearm, unless [blah blah blah insert unconstitutional crap here]…”

    So, let’s see: I have an ~$800 pistol I don’t really use or need any longer.
    • $67 per month for 12 months.
    • $34 per month for 24 months.
    • Terms of this 100% legal RENTAL agreement to be revisited at a future time of the parties’ mutual choosing, which may include modification of the rental period, costs, and any other terms to which the parties agree.
    • Police, 1st Responder and Military discounts available!

    I’m not transferring *ownership*. That would be illegal.
    I’m only transferring exclusive right of possession and exclusive right of use.

    I’m leasing my firearms now. See how that works, gun-grabbing morons?

  15. Most of the anti-gun legislation proposed is the product of two Memphis reps: Justin Pearson and Raumesh Akbari. Memphis is a snake pit with a murder problem and these two want to make sure they aren’t the only ones with the problem.

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