Texas Senator Nathan Johnson
Texas Senator Nathan Johnson

Session after session, some character pretends to be more patriotic than others by promoting a twisted pledge of allegiance to the Second Amendment, a vision that negates the right of all Texans to live in a state where possession of lethal firearms is subject to a process of permitting and training. There’s nothing constitutional about it. Gun owners don’t buy it. In fact, some 80% of Texans thought that we ought to leave the permitting and training process alone.

Few legislators liked the idea, and far fewer wanted it to come to the floor. But leadership insisted, and they got their way. One by one, frightened at the prospect of being branded an opponent of gun rights, Republicans collapsed under the pressure of a Republican primary.

— Sen. Nathan Johnson in The best and worst of the 87th Legislature, from a Democrat


  1. That’s a beautiful thing. The GOP here in Florida is extremely anti gun and doesn’t even really hide it anymore. I’m happy for Texas.

  2. They need to pass Constitutional Carry, so that they can find out what’s in it.


  3. To misquote Conan – Crush your democrats, see them driven before you, and hear their lamentations!

    • Conan?

      “I love the poorly educated!”
      D. Trump

      While I enjoy a good Robert Howard story, real history is so much more interesting.

      “The greatest happiness is to vanquish your enemies, to chase them before you, to rob them of their wealth, to see those dear to them bathed in tears, to clasp to your bosom their wives and daughters.”
      G. Khan

  4. “Few legislators liked the idea…”

    If that were the case, it would not have passed. These things ARE passing the house AND the senate. This tells me that it’s more than a few. Leadership alone could not make it happen.

  5. “…a vision that negates the right of all Texans to live in a state where possession of lethal firearms is subject to a process of permitting and training.”

    And, there you have it, ‘The crux of the biscuit’.

    What they call ‘rights’, are pie in the sky fantasies. Such as –

    “The right to live without fear of ‘X’.”

    “The right to a decent home.”

    Yeah, Soviet Russia had that, along with a guaranteed job, and look at what that got them for 70-plus years…

    • The only thing you are better at than me is a being an example of an enraged, hate-filled bitter outcast who blames his autism on a lie.

      At least I’m the one not a total pariah in TTAG, little boy.

      Don’t worry, you won’t *ever* forget it. Because I will always remind you of it… 😉 😉 😉

      (Seriously, consider suicide. All the hurt and pain will just go away…)

      • “…just go away!”


        Is that clear enough for you? 🙂

      • Geoff is the personification of impotent rage and pent up sexual frustration. He is, unfortunately, a walking (well, hobbling) and talking example of why red flag laws exist. Sad….

      • Good for you, Geoff!! You lured the illiterate, inarticulate, ignorant, nameless little troll out to “play” again!!!

        Whack him around a little. If there’s anything left after you’re done, I make take a shot or two, myself.

      • A joke making the rounds in the late 1970s –

        A little girl is looking up in a tree and notices mayor Frank Rizzo walking her way.

        The girl says – “Mayor Rizzo! Help me get my cat out of this tree!”

        Rizzo says – “Sure, kid!” (pulls out a gun, shoots the cat, cat falls out of the tree *dead*). “There you go, little girl!”

        Philadelphia misses Frank Rizzo… 🙂

  6. “In fact, some 80% of Texans thought that we ought to leave the permitting and training process alone.”

    Well, I guess those 80% were really lazy and didn’t write, call, or email their reps and senators. And the other 20% were very active in writing, calling, and emailing their reps and senators. Or it could be that Senator Johnson is just full of shit and pulling numbers out of his ass.

    • Email is on auto delete, at least by writing them they have to open the envelope before they trash can it .

  7. They have the right to “Pursue” happiness. Doesn’t say anything about it being handed to them or catching it. Tough cookies.

    • Interesting historical note: What the Founders meant by the “pursuit of happiness” meant the pursuit of wealth and material goods through work and business through occupations of one’s choosing.

  8. Nathan Johnson, eh?

    There’s a Blazing Saddles joke in here somewhere, I just know it…

  9. Read the rest of the article:

    “We passed 25% fewer bills this Republican-controlled session than we did last Republican-controlled session.”

    And this is supposed to be a bad thing? These politicians should just stop meddling in people’s lives. Let them solve their own problems. Then maybe most of the population won’t be a bunch of wimps.

    • “These politicians should just stop meddling in people’s lives.”

      There isn’t a problem, real or imagined, Dims cannot fix with more laws and more money.

    • “We passed 25% fewer bills this Republican-controlled session than we did last Republican-controlled session.”

      *chef’s kiss*

      Actually, for full effect, mix in some repeals of stupid laws, and that would really be perfect.

  10. One of the fruits of having a part time legislature that only meets every 2 years is that there isn’t the time to betray their citizens such as in D C. Less time for them, the safer the citizens are.

  11. That’s some 80% of liberal Texans which might make up 20% of the voting population. Senator Johnson wouldn’t know of any of the others.

    • “Inconceivable” is my favorite rejoinder, but only when I know I’m wrong, and only with my daughter, who understands what I mean.

  12. Texas Democrats Aren’t Happy About Gun Rights Progress

    I’m not happy that Neocons and the Republican establishment advocated lax immigration policies that are slowly turning Texas blue.

    Idiots will say, “it’s ok because support for gun rights is growing, too,” but they miss the terrifying cause of that superficially positive phenomenon: Ordinary Americans are scared of growing political chaos. The fact that people are arming up to prepare for a potential breakdown in the civic order is *not a good reason* to be optimistic about the political culture.

  13. Anyone who tells you that your vote means nothing. Is full of sh!t. And that means Libertarian or, whoever they are. They are covering for the establishment/Deep state. It’s the hard work of involved voting citizens that got civil rights passed in Texas.

    “Why It’s OK Not To Vote – Katherine Mangu-Ward” video 50 min long

  14. After mountains of their Rat sht stinking up America who gives a flying f if a Jim Crow Gun Control democRat is happy or not?

  15. “…to live in a state where possession of lethal firearms is subject to a process of permitting and training…”

    You, sir, are on the wrong side of the pond.

    • JWT said according to Texas law, the governor does not need to sign this bill. It will become law after so many days automatically.

      It would be great if the Texas governor did what the Tennessee governor did. And that is sign a constitutional carry bill at a state Firearms manufacturer facility. Or perhaps at a Texas Ammunition plant.
      That would be great pro gun Optics for the public.

      • Everything I have been able to find on the subject is reporting that Abbott has indicated he plans to sign it. But yeah, I agree it would be great to see a big ceremony!

  16. Who gives a Crap what DemoKKKRATS want or Think ? They could carry their asses back to kalifornia , and just Leave us Americans in peace….Many of us carry a “Gun” simply because of Rattlesnakes, or because we are ranchers , and some DemokkkRAT dumped their dogs, they are attacking our Livestock and have to be PUT DOWN…. I have Killed six Rattlesnakes, so far this year in my barn or my garage, I have killed SIX DOGS, In my sheep pasture ( lost three sheep Including the one my wife bottle fed ) I am Going to Keep My TOOL, I will NOT Register my TOOL, I will NOT ask permission, I will NEVER Vote Demokkkrat, And I will never surrender to the communist Left….



      Folks like you never explain the why.

      Good: doesn’t matter if you check or not, they’re not going to break the law.
      Bad: doesn’t matter if you check or not, they ARE going to break the law.

      After 20-something states have implemented Constitutional Carry (or a close facsimile thereof) NONE of the “blood in the streets” predictions have ever come true. So why would you think Texas would be any different? This same question has been asked over and over again, as state after state has joined the club, and no answer has ever been provided, and the “sky has never fallen.”

      20. Check. 21. Check. 22? How many more times does this exact same thing have to happen before your kind finally gives the rest of us the credit we deserve, and stops with the delirious propaganda?

      • “How many more times does this exact same thing have to happen before your kind finally gives the rest of us the credit we deserve, and stops with the delirious propaganda?”

        Is that a serious question?

        The reason anti-gunners don’t/won’t stop is because the delirious propaganda works: 20 of 50 (57?) states is only 40%. The effect of delirious propaganda cannot be underestimated. The sky might fall, and that is something that must be prevented at all costs. It isn’t reality that matters to the gun control mob, only the disaster that might happen.

    • NTexas, the thing is you should not have to have a license to carry. Ease of acquisition is not the debate.
      Being satisfied with a restriction chips at the foundation of “Shall Not Be Infringed “

    • NTexas, “EVEN LEARNED MORE ABOUT CURRENT STATE LAWS”, yeah ? due to renumerating and excising, even the Codification numbers you thought you knew change every couple of years…. some of the more important ones need to be relearned every two years in Texas, and every year in other states…. but my point was that I passed the check to by my weapons, have not Bothered anyone, so I should have to pay again for a new license to carry on the ranch, or traveling from location to location ?, ( Fields and cattle in different Leased locations ), Or have to Abandon my weapon in a HOT, locked Car, when I go into a Store ( new cars tend to be bigger targets of the “bad and the ugly” )

  18. Delirious Propaganda is all they have TFred, Even if they believe you should get Credit, they wont allow it…. It would weaken the Pahhty of communism, expose joe and his ho, and they would lose face ( to them a fate worse than death )

  19. NTexas I also live in Texas and I also have a LTC. I think you should sue the junior high school that you attended. My education included history and Civics and we learned that the Constitution is the law of the land. I don’t know who said it originally but this quote is appropriate. “If you actually think that criminals will obey gun control laws you have to be a special kind of stupid.”

  20. The brother of one of the victims , has stated that his brothers deathe is not the result of gun laws but of the Defund the police Department in the soviet socialist gulag of Austin !

    • Umm and before anyone asks or comments on it, yes I am A texan , By Blood, History and, residence , I live several hours Due west of Austin, in the sheep and Cotton capitol of the US…. Before the covid lock-up I Rode several days over there to speak on the legislation put forth last session, and Blocked by the last speaker who was forced to resign….

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