Gun store sales

Let’s start with the fact that there are enough guns in this country so that every man, woman and child could have one. Add to that a couple of Supreme Court decisions that enshrine gun ownership alongside freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as constitutionally hallowed rights. On top of that is the fact that even such modest efforts at the state level to limiting access to guns to people deemed dangerous to themselves have proved ineffective. 

No better example of this is the fact that the Indiana “red flag” law designed to keep guns out of the hands of mentally unstable people only temporarily delayed the killer of eight people in Indianapolis from getting his hands on the weapon used to take their lives. Gun control advocacy stands high in the ranks of lost causes and futile campaigns alongside legitimating polygamy and scrapping the national anthem for something more singable.

The brief flicker of hope that somehow the financial problems of the National Rifle Association, and the profligate spending of members’ dues by one its top executives, might stifle the effectiveness of the opposition to even the most modest efforts to control firearms or reduce their lethality became an iridescent dream — and seemed to prove that the organization itself was never much of a factor in blocking gun-control legislation.

What kills such efforts in Congress, even in the wake of the unspeakable slaughter of the innocents at Sandy Hook Elementary School in 2012, is the recognition in the minds of politicians that there are voters in their states and districts who are Second Amendment absolutists, whether they be the kind of people who shoot at targets for practice or those who might shoot at people because of malice or derangement.

— Ross K. Baker in Gun control is a lost cause. Come despair with me.



  1. It appears that our largest problem is the proliferation of idiots and A-holes like the learned Professor Baker who penned this opinion.

    • Good times making weak men. They have no real problems so they manufacture them while dreaming of an impossible utopia. Without any real problems fiction becomes more influential to their lives than reality and eventually reality disappears entirely for a period of time until one day it kicks in their front door, rapes their kids and sets the whole family on fire.

      Good news is hard times are right around the corner.

      • “Good news is hard times are right around the corner.”

        “When things are at their worst, is when you are at your best.”

        The Alien, in ‘Starman’…

      • Indeed they are. I’m sure the coming worldwide depression and ensuing world war will be even more fun this time around.

    • Kapow!

      Read this, take a side:

      I’m just going to leave this here:

      Cop that donated $25 to rittenhouse defense fund got fired.

  2. Well the full linked article was a fun rant to read. I especially liked the phrase “charismatic weapon” at the end.

    Sheesh. This is not someone you could have a rational discussion with about guns. But then, Baker is a political science professor.

    • Political science professor indeed. He makes the argument that the SCOTUS ignored the founding fathers dread of a standing army and ignored all but the ‘right of the people to keep and bear shall not be infringed’. But there’s no reason to believe and no argument made that the existence of a well regulated militia would preclude the individual right. Further, if the 2A wasn’t a protection of an individual right, it would have been placed in the Constitution, not the Bill of Rights. And in fact they did establish the power of the federal government to raise an army and maintain a navy in Article 1: Section 8. Why would they have repeated themselves in a completely inappropriate place? I think Political Propaganda Minister would be a more appropriate title.

  3. He did get one thing right, as long as we continue to hammer our senators and congressmen the nasty lying leftists are unlikely to successfully enact infringements to the Second Amendment.

  4. Patriots will never surrender to these Constitution hating communists!

    Leaving in an hour for an anti-lockdown rally in Harrisburg, PA. It will be a good day against bad times!

  5. The point is not to actually make 800 year old technology disappear. That would be impossible and absurd. Absurdity does not trouble them. Impossibility is irrelevant.

    What matters to them is delegitimizing gun owners, turning them into outlaws and outcasts. Gun owners, the entire people of the gun, are being called “neanderthals” and accused of clinging to their guns and religions. You know, that whole pesky Bill of Rights thing. This is communist-style propaganda designed to “other” the entire class, to make them into someone to be reviled and hated as the source of evil in the world. All of the ills of the world – crime, rioting, insurrection – are being shifted toward the people of the gun. Occasional victories like proving there were no “arms” in the alleged insurrection don’t matter. Neither does the fact that if 200,000 people showed up at the Capital with an actual intent to forcibly replace their representatives, we’d already have held the vote for new representatives. Facts, we are told, are inconsequential and perhaps themselves suspect as “racist” or products of some kind of improper “privilege.” The fact-based and law-based system, they scream, is somehow wrong even though it has created immense wealth and enormous personal rights and freedoms for all persons regardless of color unsurpassed at any point in recorded history. In fact, persons of color are apparently coming to the nation in droves across the borders simply to be a part of the US.

    The mob goal is to forcibly confiscate that wealth for themselves, to effectively loot the entire society. They have no serious suggestions for an actual improvement or functional alternative. This is mob rioting and looting escalated to a societal level. Footlocker contributed $200 million to BLM? Doesn’t matter, loot their stores anyway. The capitalist system which rewards success and punishes stupidity? Burn it down. Logic and rationality are gone. This is the equivalent of a pack of rabid wolves being allowed to run amok.

    The remaining rational people understand: there is no negotiation with a pack of rabid wolves. They will kill you if they can.

    • “Gun owners, the entire people of the gun, are being called “neanderthals” and accused of clinging to their guns and religions”

      I don’t think they fully understand the ramifications if we elect to meet them on those terms… 😉

    • Quote——————- Neither does the fact that if 200,000 people showed up at the Capital with an actual intent to forcibly replace their representatives, we’d already have held the vote for new representatives———————quote

      Trumps Nazi Beer Hall Putsch failed. He lied about the election and in fact the Republicans actually gained seats in the House.

      quote—————–The fact-based and law-based system, they scream, is somehow wrong, even though it has created immense wealth—————-quote

      What bull, 90 percent of all wealth is now controlled by 1 tenth of 1 percent of the population. The average worker now is forced to work 3 part time minumum wage jobs with no benefits, no retirement, no health care, no drug care and unions who fought for workers rights have been largely crushed or reduced to impotence and new unions are been efectively outlawed by corporate Ameria.

      quote——————This is the equivalent of a pack of rabid wolves being allowed to run amok.————–quote

      The only wolves are the Corporations and their prostitute gangster criminal republicans that have exempted themselves from taxation and robbed the working mans tax base by filling their greedy pockets with corporate subsides rather than use the taxes to fund a National Health Care Program with affordable drugs and affordable higher education for the nations young people.

      • Really. Hmm. Multimillionaire Pelosi and multimillionaire Sanders and multimillionaire Warren and on and on… those are your champions to fight against “greedy” Republicans? Wow. You actually don’t understand how you and all of your kind are being manipulated by the actual monied interests. You rail about how wage inflation hasn’t kept up with printing-press inflation but fail to connect the fact that illegal immigration provides massive downward pressure on wages. Who was against illegal immigration? Not Joe Biden. Who was in favor of letting the blue collar workers earn their living on energy projects? Not Harris. Who wanted to get $1,800.00 to workers in October 2020 but was rejected? Not Pelosi and Schumer.

        The ugly reality is: Democrats propose to try to confiscate everything, to tax-and-spend their way to prosperity. That simply doesn’t work. Redistributing wealth doesn’t work. Wealth flees. It has been that way for over 2000 years back to the time of Plato and Aristotle. Read a book. Learn.

        Because what they warned was: the productive and wealthy members of society leave and go elsewhere to build wealth and prosperity there instead.

        Then they return with armies and clean out the wreckage and rebuild their homes fresh and free from stupidity.

        • 4

          Quote —–but fail to connect the fact that illegal immigration provides massive downward pressure on wages————–quote

          This is the standard far right racist response to immigrants. The reality is that immigrants do jobs most Americans will not do and studies prove it beyond all doubt. It is the blind greed of Corporations that destroyed unions who fought for years for a livable wage and benefits that led to lower wages not immigrant labor.

          I might add it is Republican businessmen who lure immigrants into the country, so they can pay them slave wages that are even below minimum wage and with of course no workers comp or benefits either.

          Illegal immigrants actually lower taxes because the millions they pay in cannot be used for retirement or even to get income tax returns because by filing they know they will be caught.

          Immigrants actually lower the price Americans pay for food because it is their slave labor that lowers the cost of harvesting food and processing food especially meat. The meat industry is largely run on illegal immigrant labor and who owns the meat packing houses, why its corrupt republican businessmen.

          Quote——————The ugly reality is: Democrats propose to try to confiscate everything, to tax-and-spend their way to prosperity. That simply doesn’t work. Redistributing wealth doesn’t work. Wealth flees. It has been that way for over 2000 years back to the time of Plato and Aristotle. Read a book. Learn.—————-quote

          It is you who need to go back to school and pass history and economics classes. Europe now through more equitable distribution of income and pays even its unskilled workers far more than U.S. workers get and that is before we even compare movement benefits. In France unskilled workers get $33.00 an hour on Sunday while U.S. worker troglodyte slaves get actually less than minimum wage because they are not given full time-work and of course they do not get any benefits like French workers get. And no wealth does not flee France as they have laws against such crimes.

          Amazon only one of many corporations made over 2 billion profit and shared none of it with its workers. Again retribution of wealth does indeed contribute to a vibrant economy because workers then can afford to buy products that they otherwise would not be able to buy.

          Compare the U.S. economy of the 50’s when the rich were taxed as much as 92 per cent and yes the American worker was much more wealthy back then as compared to slavery American workers must now try and exist in. Again redisribution of wealth works and any worker like myself that lived during those years does not have to be told how much better it was back then.

          Wages in the last 50 years have stagnated as every study done proves it while the filthy criminal rich have had their income increase by over 350%.

        • “The reality is that immigrants do jobs most Americans will not do…”

          Let me guess, you’re for raising the minimum wage, right? Yet, you’ll also pay an immigrant to do a job that “Americans will not do.” That’s a contradiction. Americans are willing to do the jobs. They just want to be paid more to do it. There isn’t a single job here that an immigrant would do that an American wouldn’t if the pay was good. You’re repeating a talking point. Any out of touch person that claims both illegal AND legal immigrants don’t lower wages either doesn’t work in those industries or turns a blind eye to it.

          “I might add it is Republican businessmen who lure immigrants into the country”

          Absolutely Republicans have historically been for immigration as a way to lower business expenses. Check Duya’s latest book. He conflates legal and illegal immigration while promoting it and appealing to emotion rather than logic. Sound familiar? Why didn’t the Koch bros support Trump? There’s a reason the establishment Republicans came out against Trump, but people that haven’t previously voted Republican supported him.

          “The only wolves are the Corporations and their prostitute gangster criminal republicans”

          I’m sensing a theme here. Republicans bad. You sound like a bitter partisan. You missed the part about almost all of the mega corporations and monopolies in this country aligning with Democrats. Do you think you’re smarter than those companies? Do you think they’re too dumb to notice that they’re supporting the enemy? There’s a reason for all things. When was the last time you heard one of those evil corporations parrot a Republican talking point? Now when was the last time they parroted a Democrat talking point? Answer: daily. Which corporations use their power to silence Democrats?

          “Amazon only one of many corporations made over 2 billion profit and shared none of it with its workers.”

          I’m guessing the owner must be a Republican.

          “fund a National Health Care Program”

          So why the focus on “Covid relief” and “infrastructure?” The truth is they could have already funded health care for people that needed it, but it wasn’t a priority. They’re blowing money left and right, so they can pay themselves and their supporters while they can. At the rate they’re going there will be nothing left. You can only tax businesses so much before they decide to leave for greener pastures, which they have been doing for decades.

          *Hi Vlad

        • avatar educated idiots suck.... and are no smarter than anyone else, they had money backing them.... they literally built nothing

          No…. many of the things “dacian” says are true….. the shilling for immigrants is pure and utter BS, but it’s time to redistribute some wealth in this country….
          The rich have sucked off the average man for WAY too long….
          All redistribution should be based on a worker’s contribution to the workforce…. the more you work, the more you make…. very simple…. the educated idiot class, the worst class, has purposely twisted the problem to make it appear as not solvable, but anyone with a kindergarten education can form a system that would work…
          Until people stop ascribing undeserved and unearned praise onto the educated idiot class, the problem will only “get worse”, according to the educated idiot class…..

        • Dacian is indeed a troll. Consider this in reference to the ’50’s: “any worker like myself that lived during those years does not have to be told how much better it was back then.”

          So Dacian must be 2021-1950 = 71 but if working age in 1950 then add 16 so 86 years old. Not that there’s anything wrong with that, but complete BS. Anyone who was an adult in the 1950s is completely familiar with the horrors communism inflicted on the world.

        • “All redistribution should be based on a worker’s contribution to the workforce…. the more you work, the more you make…. very simple”

          So I could make more raking leaves than a brain surgeon as long as I put in more hours? In what world would that ever be possible?

    • Marine veteran here…being called a Neanderthal is both recognition of profound character, a compliment and a promotion.


  6. I was especially amused by Baker’s drivel that it was the Supreme Court that decided gun rights are equivalent to free-speech. Clearly, Baker has no grasp of the Constitution and Bill-of-Rights….or……he is deliberately misleading his readers. So, is he a poorly educated poof or a traitorous liar?

    • I like how he lamented the overwhelming odds against court packing as if it were legitimate.

    • “So, is he a poorly educated poof or a traitorous liar?”

      Deliberately poorly educated. Law schools these days selectively educate on the Bill Of Rights, to include only the ones they agree with.

      “How does a Progressive count to ten? “One, three, four, five…”

  7. TTAG: supports everyone owning guns (including felons) unless they were convicted in a kangaroo court of misdemeanor domestic violence. TTAG, the real jack booted thugs.

    • “TTAG: supports everyone owning guns (including felons) unless they were convicted in a kangaroo court of misdemeanor domestic violence.”

      If you’re the kind of a piece of sh!t that beats their spouse, you should get a bullet in the back of your head, preferably with your favorite gun… 🙂

      • oooh…. look at the little man making threats…..idk this guy or his charges, but kangaroo court is a good description of the joke legal system that enforces the single mother problem in this country…
        It’s people who stand up for the kangaroo courts that deserves that bullet….. geoff the a$$ face h o m o lol

    • Lier, lawyer, mirror for yah
      What’s the difference
      Kangaroo done hung the jury with the innocent

  8. Conservatives will loose again- just like they lost on interracial relationships, divorce, abortion, contraceptives, sex Ed in schools, gay marriage, immigration, and now trans stuff.

    But hey- at least we get tax cuts for billionaires like mike Bloomberg.

    Christians have been mocked and humiliated for years. Gun owners are next.

    • “Conservatives will loose again- just like they lost on interracial relationships,…”

      So, you think there should be a law against a white boy like myself sleeping with my Han Chinese sweetie?

  9. My take is that the reason this guy wants to take our guns is because his own ‘gun’ is probably no longer shooting properly if you catch my drift.

  10. ‘…there are voters in their states and districts who are Second Amendment absolutists, whether they be the kind of people who shoot at targets for practice or those who might shoot at people because of malice or derangement.’

    Just a guess, but I doubt ‘people who might shoot at people because of malice or derangement’ are a significant enough voting block for politicians to be concerned with their vote.

  11. No, guns will not disappear overnight, but to remain ignorant of history is to also be unaware of what will come to be and sooner than most gun owners can imagine. All industrialized countries severely restrict or outright ban weapons of war and high capacity killing machines. Severe restrictions will come to pass in the U.S. as well. The new red tape and ownership licensing fees will prevent most working people from even considering buying one and if they do buy one the high capacity magazines will be of course totally outlawed which cancels out any desire to own them when you will be able to buy older designed low capacity weapons.

    Gun ownership and hunting itself has drastically declined in the last 50 years. The younger generation has no interest in weapons and in many Eastern States gun shows are populated only by aging grey bearded men who when they pass on will not be replaced. Many shooting ranges have closed because of safety concerns and noise pollution and most land is now posted and in todays world stopping and asking farmer if you can hunt on a “factory farm” will get you laughed right out of town. All these factors have contributed to a drastic decline in gun ownership. As in Europe gun ownership in the U.S. will soon become only a play thing for the rich and well connected.

    Although confiscation seems remote at this time when it does eventually come to pass in regards to confiscating high capacity killing machines history has shown that foreign countries like Australia, Great Britain and New Zealand, just to name a few, have shown that huge amounts of weapons can be and have been turned in in a relatively short period of time and remember that all weapons will not be confiscated , only certain categories so the amount is not as huge as often stated or believed.

    Will people comply? Its a foolish question to even ask if you are familiar with the history of gun control because the majority of people have in the past complied because what is most important to them is keeping a well paying job, a home, a family and avoiding going to jail and being fined or incinerated Waco style. Owning a banned toy in the closet is not their top priority in life. Wacked out Internet key board commandoes are a dime a dozen amongst bored people who do not have to go to work everyday and make a living.

    Will there be a revolution? That is a fantasy of the Far Right as we live in an information age. You are tracked 24 hours around the clock by your cell phone, your cars black box, your computer and security cameras on every corner and on every building. There is no escape , you are a ward of the state and you do what you are told “or else”. Witness the mass arrests at the Trump bear hall putsch in January.

    Will the courts save you? Again a foolish question as absolute power absolutely corrupts and the courts hate guns with a passion, their sordid history proves it beyond all doubt. Last year alone the corrupt gun hating conservative supreme court, hand picked by Trump, refused to hear 12 important 2A cases and this year refused to hear 2 more, one of which was the right to carry a gun for self defense. You cannot shit on 2A any more than that. The Second Amendment is a joke with the courts and always has been, their rulings prove beyond all doubt.

    The corrupt courts will declare that the Founders of the U.S. could never have envisioned high capacity weapons of mass destruction nor an exploding overpopulated country that has millions of mentally deranged people, none of which have access to affordable mental health care and a conservative political party unwilling to spend the money to help people in need of mental health care. The courts will declare that as long as you are permitted only to own a single shot muzzle loading pistol that your 2A rights have not been violated.

    • “The new red tape and ownership licensing fees…”

      Got a link on that?

      As for the rest of your pathetic screed, FAAFO, boy… 🙂

      • you little b ich….. why not actually LISTEN to what that idiot “dacian” is saying?
        Your attacks are obviously rooted in the fact you shill for the. gov……
        Even though this person is obviously a mouth breathing liberal, you’re even worse…..a shill for the powers that be…. and that makes you public enemy #1 Mr.geoff the turd off the shoe eater….

  12. I don’t know what you’ve been reading, but you apparently missed that there are now 20 States that have passed permitless (Constitutional) carry in the last 10 years, several others that have declared themselves 2A Sanctuary States recently, all but 8 States are “Shall Issue”, and the record breaking increase in gun ownership in the past year.

    • Unfortunately Sanctuary States are an illusion. The Feds control the States with the use of Federal Troops and with the pocketbook as many states would go bankrupt without receiving their various Federal Subsidies.

      • “Unfortunately Sanctuary States are an illusion.”

        Really? You people proved it worked in California… 😉

        • Well everybody calm the F down? Dacian wrote a well- reasoned post. I couldn’t be more pro-gun but he raises some important questions. Some ‘grown men’ are acting like school children in this thread.
          Grow up and let’s discuss rationally- he made points that we need to consider….

      • Dream on soyboy. The Feds will do nothing against the Constitutional Carry, Shall Issue, and Sanctuary States. Know why? Because we control the vast majority of food and energy that keeps the Blue jurisdictions from freezing and starving to death. Think we won’t use that power if we are forced into it? Think again.

        • Now you are trying to tell us that huge corporate owned factory farms will cease operations and cease paying their greed monger stock holders so that a minority of people can pose for pictures with their assualt rifles and tatoo’s on the internet. Sorry that is not any more realistic than thinking the sun will not rise in the east tomorrow morning.

        • This is what I mean. Calm down gunny, no need name call. Re-read Dacians posts, he is one of us.
          He’s simply offering alternate views of reality, many of which sound plausible to me. Too often we commenters get caught in our own “sound bubble” and we get very offended with anybody who disagrees with us. Now what does that sound like I wonder? LEFTISTS! Leftists do that all the time.

          While I’m on the topic – since when do gunnery sgt’s act like crybaby leftists anyway??

      • Dacain…. Ruling by the courts said that with holding federal money from states that do not play well with the fed is illegal. Conversely, if the feds with hold money, then the states can refuse to pay the gas tax and other fed excise taxes. Standoff.

        • Any Republican Governor refusing to obey Federal Law would be made an example of by being arrested and thown into a Federal Prison to be raped by the inmates. The rest of the political hacks would cave in overnight like a house of cards.

          States in the past have even claimed they were going to make and sell machine guns to the public but that never happened as there were no manufactures or gun dealers willing to face the wrath of the Federal Government.

        • I have noticed the fanatics on the Far Right scream incessantly about the Second Amendment, but they are the first to attempt to destroy the 1st Amendment. You either believe in all the Constitution or you believe in none of it. It is interesting to note that the far right of other countries always destroy the right to free speech. Trumps beer hall putsch really said it all as it was a duplication of Hitler’s attempt to take control of the government, and crush free speech and free elections, both men lost their attempted putsch. And this so called minute man great revolution was not supported by the American people and over 500 are now being prosecuted and jailed.

      • “The Feds control the States with the use of Federal Troops and with the pocketbook”

        I agree that they try to control states by cutting funding. It would be best if the states just kept that money to begin with. States have to be more cautious with their budget, so they spend it more wisely. It would also give the federal government less leverage to bully states around. Our country wasn’t meant to operate like that.

      • It’ll be more interesting to see the look on your face when things don’t happen the way you expect, son… 🙂

  13. I’ve done nothing wrong…period.

    No one will disarm me…also…period!

    But if someone tries, then I’ll do what I must.

  14. Clearly he hasn’t watched Red Dawn (original).
    Fighting in Iraq and Afganistan, as well as Vietnam has proven time and time again a determined indigineous population with solid asymmetrical tactics cannot be defeated. Americans are far better equiped than the tunnel Viet Cong or cave dwelling Afgani’s were.

    • Fantasy. Revolutions must be supported by outside counties as it takes millions of dollars in arms, ammunition, food, medicine etc, etc. If you think Canada or Mexico has that much money or would be willing to risk war with the U.S. Government you are sadly mistaken. The Government could simply ban civilian sales of ammo temporarily due to a national emergency and the resistance would collapse overnight.

      And who would fight? We have an aging population of geriatrics barely able to walk from their automobiles into Walmart. Most young people do not even own firearms anymore and would be the last group to support a right wing revolt as they are radcially liberal.

      • The U.S. government couldn’t win the war on alcohol. The New Deal failed. The government lost the war on poverty and is losing the war on drugs. It has fought, at best to a standstill in the war on terror writ large, and will likely lose Afghanistan to the Taliban.

        The U.S. government couldn’t defeat an insurgency of around 60k hidden among a population in Afghan population of 38 million. How do think they’d fare disarming an armed population of ~72 million hiding among a 328 million? Even if only 3% of that number were willing to fight, that would be a force of over 2 million. Easily the largest insurgent force on the face of the planet and the largest in human history. Say nothing of 2.7 million Iraq/Afghanistan veterans, most of whom are still of fighting age, and many of whom, like me, have significant military training and knowledge of counter-insurgency TTPs. And, say nothing of the sure to occur mass defections among police and military needed to enforce such a scheme.

        And, of course…say nothing of the labyrinth of federal and state laws which would impede any serious gun control laws. Not just the 2nd Amendment, but also the 1st, 4th, and 5th. The government can’t balance its books nor enforce its borders. It can’t seize the guns.

        The federal government’s record in waging prolonged asymmetric war is abysmal. Their record in massive social engineering projects is just as bad. Mass civilian disarmament would require both, simultaneously. It ain’t gonna happen. Left wing fantasies of disarmament are every bit as absurd as right wing fantasies of overthrowing the government.

        • Obviousy you did not read my post in its entirety. The real facts are that Afghan fighters were and are being financed by outside countries but there would be no outside help in the U.S. Do you think people would be able to fight the U.S. government without the millions of rounds of ammo and weapons it would take to win. Get real and come down from your fantasies.

          Also in Afghanistan you are dealing with a very primitive society and monitoring its people is far more difficult because of this compared to tracking suspects in the U.S. where everyone uses cell phones, computers, credit cards, and millions of security cameras watching their every move from dawn to dusk.

          Quote————quote————–The U.S. government couldn’t win the war on alcohol.———–quote

          Falsehood the U.S. government did indeed win the war with prohibition and it was a success, and they only overturned the law because of the millions in tax revenue they were losing on hard liquor. But the success of prohibition is too long and complex to go into here. You have been watching too many gangster movies.

          Quote——–Mass civilian disarmament would require both, simultaneously. It ain’t gonna happen.———-quote

          Again you never bothered to read my post in its entirety. No, the government is not going to ban all firearms, but they will eventually either ban or severely restrict high capacity weapons and magazines which still leaves millions of other weapons completely legal to own.

          And last but not the least notice how much of a failure Trumps beer hall putsch was and how successful government surveillance and civilian cooperation was (they turned in their own relatives). The majority of U.S. citizens today do not even own firearms anymore and even among gun owners there is overwhelming support for universal background checks and even bans on high capacity killing machines. I myself have been chastised at our gun club of over 1000 members more than once for bringing an assault rifle to the range instead of the local yokel muzzle-loader or shotgun. It shows you that gun owners are divided on the issue and the majority do not hang out on radical far right web sites like this one. Judging the beliefs of the majority of gun owners by the comments made on this website is pure folly and ignorance. You are preaching to a small group of far right fantacs which in no way reperesents the majority of gun owners in the U.S. today.

          Again Trumps beer hall putsch proved there is no support for any radical right wing revolution by the Amerian public who would turn in every far right nut case they were aware of that was trying to overthrow the government. Many of Trumps jackbooted storm trooperst are now on their way to prison turned in by the American Public. The Far Right would be fighting not only the govermement but the American people as well. They would have no chance of winning.

      • Rebels and guerrilla forces need organization especially in the country this fast. As DACIAN succinctly stated in his original post -the surveillance state we live in/under makes that nigh impossible.

  15. “……Second Amendment absolutists, whether they be the kind of people who shoot at targets for practice or those who might shoot at people because of malice or derangement.”
    Sentence structure and punctution matter. Please clarify…….”those who shoot at people because of malice or derangement”……. Were you referring to the shooter or the target being of malice or derangement?? Thought you were possibly referring to politicians being shot at due to their malice and derangement…… Just pondering. 🙂 🙂 🙂

    • “I myself have been chastised at our gun club of over 1000 members more than once for bringing an assault rifle to the range instead of the local yokel muzzle-loader or shotgun.”

      Move to Texas. Almost every other weapon I see on the range is an AR-15…and we practice.

      Where in the Hell do you live? MOVE, OK.

      Given the way you speak about rifles I doubt you’ve ever even held an assault rifle. I have!!!!!!!!!! 8 years in the Marines during the Vietnam conflict.

      Were I to have been handed an AR-15 as a combat weapon I’d have thrown it into the trash and demanded an M-16.

      You’re so damned dumb that you don’t even know how dumb you are. SO, SHUT THE FREAK UP UNTIL YOU KNOW WHAT THE HELL YOU’RE TALKING ABOUT.

  16. @ dacian April 24, 2021 At 14:05

    Pretty obvious that you don’t understand farming, logistics, or warfare. I’m not going to bother educating your stupid ass about any of it.

    • @Dacian:

      “Do you think people would be able to fight the U.S. government without the millions of rounds of ammo and weapons it would take to win. Get real and come down from your fantasies.”

      And who do you think does and has done the actual fighting for the US government?

      Without the Red State conservatives to do the fighting for them, the United States is neither a superpower nor a hegemon.

      In addition, civilians likely possess many trillions of rounds of ammunition along with about 650 million firearms.

      • I would like to remind all that the U.S. population includes MANY, MANY, MANY VETERANS WHO’VE BEEN THERE.

        It’s best to not underestimate them / us.

  17. I simply don’t concern myself or care what Socialist Democrat Politicians Do. In fact their continued effort to destroy the 2nd Amendment May be a good thing. Unless of course POTG choose Complacent Cowardice in exchange for continued life…Albeit Under the Boot of Tyranny. Instead of Courageous Sacrifice for something Greater than Themselves and a Future of Freedom for the Descendants. So far Complacent Cowardice has the lead in much of the Nation. but Freedom has its strongholds. Keep Your Powder Dry.

  18. “The brief flicker of hope that somehow the financial problems of the National Rifle Association, and the profligate spending of members’ dues by one its top executives, might stifle the effectiveness of the opposition to even the most modest efforts to control firearms or reduce their lethality became an iridescent dream — and seemed to prove that the organization itself was never much of a factor in blocking gun-control legislation.”


    We told you so!

    • I’ve received 3 Emails from the NRA in the last week asking me to re-up my membership and asking me to donate to the Cause. Which is strange since I’ve been a Life member for decades and I sent them numerous Emails stating I would only consider my previous donation amounts when WLP was removed from any position within the Organization and never allowed to receive a monetary sum upon removal or as a consultant. Also the entire BOD was removed from office and Not allowed to act in any position within the Organization or receive monetary compensation as a consultant. I now support only local and state 2A Organization and work independently to to influence elected officials in Iowa to pass Pro 2A legislation as well as Pro LE, Crime Victims Justice Reform, SAPA and a state HPA. So far as a state We have made great strides in Iowa to reverse the effects of previous Democrat policies and add protection against present and future attacks by Democrat administrations. Much is left to be accomplished, but one thing is for sure. None of it has or will be accomplished by wasting time suffering Fools and Idiots and screaming at the Interweb. So STOP Pissing and Moaning. If each one of you spent as much time as you do posting here and other sites. Working to get the right people in office and influence their decisions you might get somethings changed even in Democrat run cities and states. After many years of hard work it happened in once Democrat controlled Iowa. For sure nothing will change without hard work and time spent. Of course its much easier to just sit back and Bitch.

  19. “Add to that a couple of Supreme Court decisions that enshrine gun ownership alongside freedom of speech and freedom of assembly as constitutionally hallowed rights.”

    As if the Constitution was never outright amended to do so. This is how leftists such as the author of that pseudo-intellectual drivel operate: they either downplay or outright deny the fact of the matter and try to marginalize those who won’t. There is no reasoning with them, as their hearts and minds are forever walled-off from seeing things any other way.

  20. So the ‘gubmint’ is simultaneously accused of having the supreme competence to maintain a 24 hour surveillance state, and having the supreme incompetence to make a bloody mess of everything it tries to do?

    • Yes! The two aren’t mutually exclusive. Especially If the gubmint only goes after their perceived enemies (ie. us)

    • BINGO! (It’s amazing how many folks don’t understand that). We are in the middle of a communist revolution boys and girls. Once you can grok that fact… you can begin to understand their end goal: disarmament of their enemies. They will lie about facts, disregard written laws, and omit truths to accomplish that. These people have no moral compass when it comes to accomplishing that goal. The fact that so many of us are armed is the number one BLOCK to them preventing a complete takeover.

  21. Hey, here’s an idea: let’s try something that actually works to significantly reduce murder rates. That is, locking up violent offenders until they “age out” of the age demographics that are the most violent. It worked in the 90’s.

    Unfortunately, that approach is now considered “racist” because young black males are disproportionately offenders (and victims).

    While there are always going to be a few born psychopathic serial killers and psychotic spree killers, their murders are a statical blip compared to murders due to gang conflicts, robberies, and other street crime.

    Dysfunctional culture and bad parenting are the root causes of the vast majority of murders.

  22. DW,

    If you really wanted to go after gun “proliferators” (not that I believe in that or think it would work) you would start at the top and go after gov. entities. Governments arm more people directly and indirectly than private companies. If a gun was not previously owned by a GE then there is a good chance that the R&D provided by it/them helped to inspire the gun in a shooters hand. Think of all the milsurp guns owned just by the people that frequent this blog. How many guns in circulation were designed by governments? Or at least made popular by GE’s buying said gun in massive numbers? How many guns were commissioned from private companies by gov. entities?

    If governments really didn’t want “weapons of war” on our streets they would not make so many darn weapons . . . or war.

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