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Thank God it Wasn’t a Smith & Wesson Governor

“Garrett Bauernschmid’s caretaker told authorities she had arrived at the home and found a large water moccasin lying near the front door,” reports. “Bauernschmidt retrieved his .38-caliber handgun and shot one round of birdshot at the snake [yes it’s possible], but missed, according to a report from the Volusia County Sheriff’s Office. Williams told deputies the man was manipulating the safety to enable the second chamber [huh?] when the gun discharged. Bauernschmidt suffered injuries to his index and middle finger on his left hand. He was treated on scene and later taken to Halifax Health Medical Center. No one else was injured, authorities said. The snake got away.”

7 thoughts on “Thank God it Wasn’t a Smith & Wesson Governor”

  1. It seems the article is saying that the gun discharged magically on its own while this poor innocent man was exposed to its evil magical powers. Dark magic indeed.

  2. Maybe the cylinder held an alternating mix of birdshot and JHP. For snakes, he turns the cylinder to the right position by hand. For BGs, just keep pulling the trigger.

    Don’t some older revolvers have to set to half-cock to open the cylinder? So after he fires one shot, he pulls back the hammer with his thumb (but he’s in a hurry and doesn’t pull it all the way back to half-cock notch) as he turns the cylinder- and then his hand slips and he muzzles himself trying trying to catch it just as his thumb releases the hammer.

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