Thank you veterans for your service.

Few people still think of the guns falling silent on the eleventh hour of the eleventh day of the eleventh month any more. As we all know, The War to End All Wars wasn’t. And while every day should be Veterans Day, this is the one that’s been set aside to recognize those who have given of themselves to defend our country and its freedoms. So today, of all days, find a vet and thank him or her. It’s the very least we can do.


  1. You’re thanks is greatly appreciated by this veteran. In hindsight of the subsequent 100 years since, “The War to End All Wars”, has really been more like, “The War To Start All Wars.” It’s pretty amazing, we’re still dealing with the aftershocks of that conflict.

    • Thanks to Wank for giving us an example of psychologizing our challengers. Stank cant grapple with the substance of my challenge so in classic am radio tradition he simply dismisses me as insane…

      Though to be fair this is what yall did when Al Qaeda retaliated against the US military headquarters (yall like to pretend this never happened because even you liars cant trick yourselves into thinking that that target wasnt legitimate : D) and the symbol of US economic exploitation, you simply dismissed them as crazy.

      In fact Al Qaeda made clear and it was reported a handful of times that they had four main greivances:

      1. US presumes to locate military bases in other peoples countries particularly on holy land in Saudi Arabia

      2. US sanctions against the people of Iraq causing many 100 000s of deaths

      3. US gives $1 000 000 000+ annually to Israel who in turn maintains brutal degrading imperial control over Palestinians

      4. US gives $1 000 000 000+ to Egypt and massive funding and weapons to other dictatorships like Turkey and Indonesia who viciously repress Muslims in their country

      Now these are all indisputably factual greivances, you can of course disagree with them, but what you can not do is offer any evidence that these geopolitical concerns of Al Qaedas are any less legitimate that US foreign policy exigencies, you can not simply dismiss them as crazy, or rather you were dishonest and stupid to have done so.

      So again Yank has given us a nice example of psychologizing, thanks again Rank : D

        • Yes in the “minds” of Trump acolytes things like Usama’s legitimate geopolitical concerns are “fake news”, and naturally the “real news” is psychologizing Usama’s motives.

          But what do you geniuses say about media outside the US medias “Fake News” that disseminate similar versions of reality?!

          You see Usama’s evidence-based reasons for retaliating against the US military headquarters and symbols of US economic exploitation have been elaborated countless times in documents and videos disseminated in papers around the world and on countless websites across the spectrum. Likewise in interviews Usamas reasons are discussed and he is clearly not deranged, interviewes not only with ABC and CNN who your stupidly dismiss as “Fake News”, but interviews with the Pakistanis Hamid Mir and Rahimullah Yusufzai, interviews with the renowned Robert Fisk, all of which again were disseminated by outlets around the world…

          … Are all of these fake too, is it not merely the US media establishment churning out “Fake News” but the entirety of the global media!?

          How childish and silly do you have to be to say with a straight face that all the facts that challenge your delusion are “Fake News”? Thank you for being so preposterous, this way everyone can recognize your lies : D

        • And heres a little secret ferya WankerHank, President Chump is a Gump, but not as much of a Gump as yall. Hump is smart enough to know that yall glom to loony sources like Faux News and am radio and Washington Times and Breitbart etc in part because you resent the more complex nuanced coverage of NYT and CNN because you are too dumb to understand it.

          So Sump fabricated this “Fake News” foolishness because he has no respect for yall, he knows yall have little eduation and will eat up this nonsense, that it fits perfectly with your psychological need to delegitimize media youre too dumb to understand.

          And obviously he knows none of yall read any foreign media, none of them there feriners eez ginna tell yous about America, so then it would never occur to you to ask why the global media report the same criticism as the US media…

          You see Dump is preying on your insecurity and gullibility… and you love him for it…

        • And another secret StankHank, your man Rump looks at and takes seriously some version of the business media be it CNBC, WSJ, Business Insider, Financial Times etc and all of these like the global media also carry the stories inanely dismissed as “Fake News”.

          So do yourself a favor, stop embarrassing yourself, if you cant grapple with the complexities of the real world then be a big boy and admit it, we all have our limitations (I cant for example understand the nuances of Wittgenstein or anything beyond rudimentary chemistry, but I would never dream of stupidly crowing that its all bullshit), dont make it worse by piling dishonesty on top of your intellectual disability!

    • Sammy “liberties” are the privileges demanded and extracted by violence by elites in the 18th century and before, whole “liberty” is the right everyone has to live without violence being imposed on them.

      And violence is what the US military imposed on nearly defenseless people around the world, and not to safeguard our liberty or freedom, but to take theirs away. You need only look at the documentary record, not since WWII has anyone attacked the US.

      Your welcome and have a look at my post below and try to THINK, stop reflexively deifying everyone in the US military, they are not a homogeneous group, some did right, most did not…

      • Careful bud, last troll of your caliber we had in here climbed a hotel in Vegas… maybe you should be reported to DHS by TTAG. It’s probably for you’re own good. They can take you to a nice padded room for the rest of your days.

        • Youve never had anyone of my intellectual caliber here, dont squander the opportunity. Dismissing me as a “troll” is as childish as calling me a communist/atheist/socialist/retard,
          you only highlight that you have nothing substantive to say…

          As I said “… I hope amongst the usual cultist tantrums and lashings out there is even one person here who can respond to the substance of what Ive said…”

  2. I appreciated Armistice day. Veteran’s day should be a different day. Both are important but they have different meanings.

  3. I’m reminded of the makeshift memorials, visible in certain spots on Balad AB, Iraq.

    It drove home how my Army and Marine colleagues might not make it back to base.

    Although we regularly got inbound mortars and rockets, I still felt pretty safe on base.

    Funny, I don’t recall seeing any type of those graffiti markings at Ali AB…

    • You know you’re in Balad (or Sather) when you spill your latte all over the inside of your Humvee while dodging a rocket.

  4. Thank you veterans. Both my uncles served in WW1,my uncle was at Pearl Harbor(he went to church that Sunday).My son served in the middle east. May we have no more meaningless Asian wars…😢

  5. The Americans who served us are those with the moral courage to refuse illegal and immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people who posed no threat to us in places like Iraq and Vietnam and Dominican Republic and Grenada and Panama and Laos and Afghanistan and Cambodia and on and on… not since WWII has the US or American freedom been attacked, yet yall in the cult of the US military insist on your silly absurd cultist mantras “defending freedom” and “defending America”.

    In fact just the opposite is indisputably documented despite your US military cultism, that the US military has attacked a series of nearly defenseless people in their home who posed no threat to us, that the US military has taken others peoples freedom and destroyed their lives, their countries, their homes, killed their men, women and children indiscriminately. And this US state terrorism for over half a century in the Middle East and around the world is what provoked Al Qaeda to retaliate against the US military headquarters and the symbol of US economic exploitation, NOT of course because people hate our freedom (such a transparent and ludicrous propaganda claim even a child can see through it!)

    So thank you for your service to folks like Ehren Watada the first officer to refuse illegal and immoral orders to attack the nearly defenseless people of Iraq who posed no threat to us, and thank you for your service to all those who refused to participate in the slaughter of millions of nearly defenseless Vietnamese people who posed no threat to us… and lets give some credit to those in the US military who did wrong and obeyed illegal and immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people around the world, but who eventually realized they were wrong and found the courage to speak out against the Vietnam war and the war against Afghans and Iraqis, they did a grievous wrong they can never undo but at least they are sorry for it…

    For those of you in the US military who remain unrepentant, who insist your shameful lack of moral courage, your disgraceful actions terrorizing and killing nearly defenseless people in their home are something to be proud of, that your deserve to be thanked, know that you did a barbaric DISservice to America, that you shamed yourself and all Americans, that you are the worst of America like the drones who unthinkingly cheerlead you, and far from resenting that no one threw you a parade for the horrible thing you did, be grateful that you did not recieve a life sentence or a death sentence, which is what you gave your victims and what you earned for yourself…

    I hope all of this is clear, and I hope amongst the usual cultist tantrums and lashings out there is even one person here who can respond to the substance of what Ive said, because in the future the lives of many Americans in and out of the US military and the lives of even more of their victims around the world depend on ending this destructive cult of the US military…

    Thank you and no gods bless us

    • I’m all for keeping our armed servicemen safe by not sending them abroad under politically shaky circumstances, but to pretend there aren’t groups of people who would not hesitate to destroy the entirety of western civilization is supremely foolish. The fact that you think Grenada was a “defenseless” country is hilarious. I guess building a forward air field full of Soviet military hardware isn’t a valid threat.

      • I’m all for keeping our armed servicemen safe by not sending them abroad under politically shaky circumstances, but to pretend there aren’t groups of people who would not hesitate to destroy the entirety of western civilization is supremely foolish. The fact that you think Grenada was a “defenseless” country is hilarious. I guess building a forward air field full of Soviet military hardware isn’t a valid threat.

        So like your buddy below you invented a quote like the liars on am radio… you might ask yourselves why if my claims are so risible why you dont simply refute them, instead of refuting this imaginary version of me? You see I didnt say “defenseless”, I said “nearly defenseless”, and you know very well the difference, thats why you lied. Dont do it again, you make yourself look like a doosh : D

        Grenada was manifestly ZERO threat to the military behemoth US, only Cold War brainwashing could obfuscate this reality.

        And it remains illegal and immoral to launch unprovoked attacks against other countries.

        If you think having a foreign base in proximity to the US somehow changes this you are simply wrong, and be aware dunsky that if this dreamworld of yours were reality then US allies would have been under constant attack since the US presumed to locate myriad military bases on the USSRs borders

        None of what Ive said btw is controversial, its all well known to honest educated folks in America and certainly understood in a visceral way by the millions of victims of the US militarys shameful illegal immoral attacks… those who werent slaughtered that is, or had their minds taken away…

      • Sorry I forgot to congratulate on a fantastic euphemism for what honest folks term the US military launching an illegal immoral attack, you characterized this as “… sending them abroad under politically shaky circumstances”! Hilarious stuff, calling the illegal and immoral “politicll shaky”!! And it sounds like they are going on vacation or perhaps they won a Fulbright, “… sending them abroad…”!! Thanks for the laughs!!!

        • If you were from here, you’d tell you to F off. Even though you’ll sadley be denied the pleasure, know that we gotcha covered.

    • Grenada was working hard on becoming a Soviet ally and was building, with Cuban support, an airbase capable of handling long-rage bombers. That was hardly the act of a “defenseless people”. All the players in that particular cold-war movie knew exactly what was going on. Geopolitics has hard-edges and when the contest is between my military-industrial complex and someone else’s, I want mine to win.

      • So firstly as is typical of you am radio-style liars you invented a quote, I didnt say the US military victimizers victims were “defeneseless people” as you lie. I said they are “NEARLY defenseless”, meaning they have no/negligible air force or air defenses so the terrorist USAF blows them to smithereens, their weapons overall are so inferior they may as well be from another era or planet, and they are so desperate they resort to suicide attacks and/or targetting civilians, and there are countless other metrics any sane person can readily identify (drones for example, the victims of the US military terrorists are more wildly overmatched even than the rebels in Terminator!).

        And secondly GRENADA is your best try at refuting reality!!? GRENADA, this tiny country, practically a dot on my map… at the time even by the bullying standards of the US military this was the biggest joke, an embarrassment that the US would launch an illegal immoral attack on this little island, unreal… and two of you cite Grenada, its a testament to your heavy cold war indoctrination, my Gawd(who doesnt exist) GRENADA… again hilarious stuff… if it werent for all the dead bodies…

        • Seriously, which brand of glue are you eating? With the quantity you must be consuming, this sounds like an excellent investment opportunity! Help a brother out!

        • “… I hope amongst the usual cultist tantrums and lashings out there is even one person here who can respond to the substance of what Ive said…”

        • That’s the problem. You have posited nothing of substance. It’s just the incoherent ramblings of a deluded lunatic who keeps eating all the glue. So… tell me which brand, please?

    • Your premise falls apart on a few points: The US military is subservient to the civil government. Atrocities happen in war, and should be prosecuted, but that doesn’t mean that all members from that side are party to the crime. It’s conflating to cherry pick individual reasons for war over such a long scope, however containment was the underlying policy enacted by civil governance to counter the communist threat. In modern time deny shelter to violent anti US non state and state actors is the over arching policy. In modern times the US volunteer military which is a small segment of society pays the brunt of the human cost from a fairly isolated society. We can argue any of these points, and should, but don’t discredit the US Military member who mostly serve for good purposes, act more professional then almost any fighting force on earth and benefit our society proportinately more then most groups in our society.

      • Your premise falls apart on a few points: The US military is subservient to the civil government. Atrocities happen in war, and should be prosecuted, but that doesn’t mean that all members from that side are party to the crime. It’s conflating to cherry pick individual reasons for war over such a long scope, however containment was the underlying policy enacted by civil governance to counter the communist threat. In modern time deny shelter to violent anti US non state and state actors is the over arching policy. In modern times the US volunteer military which is a small segment of society pays the brunt of the human cost from a fairly isolated society. We can argue any of these points, and should, but don’t discredit the US Military member who mostly serve for good purposes, act more professional then almost any fighting force on earth and benefit our society proportinately more then most groups in our society.

        TXSmoe the illegal immoral orders that the moral cowards of the US military failed to disobey are the orders to deploy, to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us.

        You need help with your reading comprehension dunsky, this is the atrocitYYYYY I criticized.

        I said nothing about the additional atrocitIESIESIES that the animals commit raping their own, raping indigeneous women and boys, mutilating and desecrating corpses, indiscrimately killing civilians etc.

        I know you understand these things are wrong, though you do not realize or you are in denial that these atrocitIESIESIES are not aberrations but regular events, and on another occassion Im happy to document this for you using US military sources, but for today try to grapple the point about so few having the moral courage to refuse to obey illegal immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us, that is the ongoing atrocitYYYYY that made the war possible.

        Understand doofus?

      • TXSmoe the illegal immoral orders that the moral cowards of the US military failed to disobey are the orders to deploy, to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us.

        You need help with your reading comprehension dunsky, this is the atrocitYYYYY I criticized.

        I said nothing about the additional atrocitIESIESIES that the animals commit raping their own, raping indigeneous women and boys, mutilating and desecrating corpses, indiscrimately killing civilians etc.

        I know you understand these things are wrong, though you do not realize or you are in denial that these atrocitIESIESIES are not aberrations but regular events, and on another occassion Im happy to document this for you using US military sources, but for today try to grapple the point about so few having the moral courage to refuse to obey illegal immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us, that is the ongoing atrocitYYYYY that made the war possible.

        Understand doofus?

    • Nazycegrowithagun, Please accept my invitation to have a nice friendly get together, .I would very much like to chat with you personally on how fucked up the country you’ve chosen to live in is . If your interested I will post my physical address. DEATH TO AMERICA, . Peace and shalom alakem

      • “… I hope amongst the usual cultist tantrums and lashings out there is even one person here who can respond to the substance of what Ive said…”

        • Why are you repeating yourself like this? Have you had a stroke? Or did the hand that makes your sock-puppet mouth move just get a cramp from “talking” too much?

      • I have an acquaintance who IS A FORMER MARINE but is no longer one of U ncle S am’s M isguided C hildren

        He obeyed illegal immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless Iraqis in their home and eventually realized what an awful mistake he had made, what a shameful thing he was doing…

        He testified publicly:

        “Theres a saying “once a marine always a marine”… but theres another saying “EAT THE APPLE, FFAAAWK THE CORPS” I DONT WORK FOR YOU NO MORE”

        I thank him for his service, acknowledge his wrongdoing and speaking out, give him credit…

        And even more so those few Americans who had the moral courage to refuse to obey illegal immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who posed no threat to the US, they are the ones who did a service to America, not the moral cowards who obeyed, the unrepentant moral cowards yall mistakenly celebrate…

    • The ‘former’ marine at my gun club was undressed in front of the chapter for saying exactly that at the acceptance meeting. There was ONE objection to his acceptance (by the most elder man in the room) because he introduced himself as such. After assurances he was ‘still’ a marine the objection was dropped, comradere was had and the member was accepted! Love the guys at my gun range! The biggest thank you to all servicemen/women, even liberals owe you that!

    • Tom how is it that you know this favorite bit minutiae about Marines always being Marines… youre obvious mired in the cult of US military, I dont get, arent you going to answer Jeffro?

      And we should have lunch sometime, we have a park named in honor of the freedom fighter who overcame the US militarys massive assault to try to take away half his country, Ho Chi Minh… we can have a picnick there on me, drop me a line buddy : D

    • “God bless” huh? See this is what i said before every societys killer caste calls on the supernatural to help kill better, but when the Muslims cry out “Allahu Akbar” yall Islamophobes have a tantrum as if this is something especially perverse. Have a look at yourselves, the US military is the biggest terrorist gang in the history of the world, you need only ask there serial victims since WWII, a collection of some of the weakest most destitute folks on earth whose lives and homes the US military destroyed…

      … and all the while babbling these absurd mantras “defend America” and “service”… get this straight now, you did not DEFEND America, you ATTACKed folks who pose no threat to us, this is not SERVICE but DISservice, and you didnt protect freedom, you took away other folks freedom

    • More like U ncle S am’s M isguided C hildren, overwhelming majority lack the moral courage to refuse illegal immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us. No victim is too weak and impoverished for the moral cowards of the USMC and military generally to victimize in the most barbaric ways imaginable raping and torturing and mutilating the corpses…

      Lets get real and thank the ones who earned thanks, the ones who truly did America a service, those Americans who refused illegal immoral orders as they are required to due under the UCMJ and took no part in these disgraceful attacks on nearly defenseless folks, and give some credit to those who took part in the slaughter but at least at some point realized they did wrong and tried to make amends…

      As for you and your fellow Deekhead Donks, consider yourselves lucky you didnt receive what you earned and what you meted out to your victims, a life sentence… or a death sentence…

        • Thanks to Smoe for being honest about his xenophobia.

          Smoe has such a parochial mentality he cant imagine anyone who is from the US criticizing the US military, this is inconceivable to him…

          And Smoe has such a little mind in his little world that he holds the related delusion that folks around the world who criticize US foreign policy are really just jealous of Americans!

          This is the low level of discourse possible with morons like yall, substantive points are made by reasonable folks like me and the Gump acolytes shriek “you aint no Murikan” and “you hate us for our freedoms(or wealth)”… yall remain the worst of America, an unthinking disgrace

        • Loving and standing up for my great country isn’t xenophobia. Hating and bad mouthing it, while not from here, is.

        • Smoe gives an example of the worst of America’s reflex to dismiss anyone critical of the cult of the US military or any of America’s other many blemishes as “hate”, as if the only way to love is to love uncritically.

          Naturally if your son got drunk and got in the car and killed someone you would criticize him; mature adults dont express love by cheerleading loved ones when they do wrong. You can understand this, it is obvious stuff.

          But because you are in the cult of the US military and the cult of American Exceptionalism you automatically absurdly claim I hate American because I criticize its worst aspects (like you and yours : D)

          So this is one yall can tell you are brainwashed, in any other context criticizing bad behavior would readily be recognized by yall as constructive criticism, but in the context of the US military yall cultists delusions prevent you from recognizing my love of America… and I love it far more than you, I speak up to make it better, you are like zombies cheerleading every shameful act no matter how egregious.

        • Want de nada, you ain’t from here, your cult keeps you on the travel ban and on the FBI watch lists. If you loved OUR (not your) country, you’d have less of a problem proving it, and few would have commented here, questioning it. If you managed toactually make it here, don’t overstay your visa, and quickly apprise yourself of the lack of lines outbound from here to emigrate anywhere, much less the place you wanted to leave to get here. Return to your country with the notions of individual sovereignty, liberty, hand soap, toothpaste, deoderant, and drinking water that’s at least translucent.

          We (here) know why you hate us, its called jealousy. AMERICA can hold an infinite number of Americans, and openly welcome them from whatever country GOD had the stork drop them off at. We tolerate zero/none/nada/nyet, any aholes that attempt to come here to try to make America into where they came from (as an escape plan). So FTW. The could make their own America, where they are, IF THEY CARED TO (they even have the benefit of a working model) but, again, anyone b1t<hing about it needs to get gone.

  6. True story: My sister-in-law’s long term partner was considerably older than her and a WWII veteran who’d fought in the Battle Of The Bulge/Ardennes Offensive. His regiment in full retreat from the Germans, he and his sergeant were lost for five days in the Ardennes while the battle swirled around them. He was twenty years old. He described coming out of deep woods into a small clearing . . . and, there, almost hidden in the late afternoon falling snow, was a Mk IV Panzer. He described watching the turret slowly turn toward them. The 75mm fired. And missed. They slammed the jeep into reverse and backed out of sight into the deep woods.

    I’ve often thought about his story. I’ve never been in the military so I can’t imagine what it’s like to be fired at by a tank’s main gun. At that range, however, it’s hard to believe that the gunner couldn’t hit a stationary jeep. I like to think that Mk IV gunner intentionally missed.

    • My uncle fought in the same battle, forward artillery observer,he was shell shocked pretty bad( PTSD now).. . Gone but not forgotten Uncle Henery

  7. I’m happy to say that here in Czech Republic, Veterans Day is actually becoming more celebrated again. Sure, one might say that one of the reasons is that we have more veterans now, thanks to the interesting times in various parts of the world today. But I’d say that every year since the fall of communism helps too.

    • Thanks to Czechoslovakia for Milan Kundera and his service to humanity, and to the many creative hedonists reguarly transmogrifying the Prague night into something special, thats what I call service, THANK YOU!!

  8. All my guys would say “Thank you for there being an America to come back to”.

    You can’t put a force afield, without an equal or geater force at home, and one that is able to withstand a possible complete reversal of fronts.

    The most necessary weapon in war is the supportive Will of the people back home. You catch people fing with that, you off them.

    • More flapdoodle from Smoe, obviously the myriad nearly defenseless victims of the US military victimizers since WWII have had ZERO capacity to even attack the US nevermind destroy it as the fantasist Smoe claims…

      But this is the unfathomable extent of brainwashing in the cult of the US military… the US is a military behemoth with bases in everyone elses home ready to destroy them (as they do on a regular basis), yet in the cult of the US military these impoverished people somehow pose an existential threat to America, in US military cultists “minds” like Smoe these destitute hapless folks threaten the very continued existence of America…

      It would be hilarious if it werent for the mountain of corpse…

      • Ehren Watada is a coward. If he felt that way he should have resigned his commission instead of flailing about like a child. These people have no means to attack us yet they killed 3000 people. Iraq was a misfire but you’re an absolute idiot of the lowest caliber if you think AQ wasn’t a valid target. The Taliban was the government terrorizing the non-Pashto peoples (minorities) of Afghanistan and was the political party instituted by AQ against the will of the non-Pashto people.

        The northern alliance of Afghanistan welcomed us and considered us liberators. This however doesn’t fit your narrative and I’m certain you actually don’t have any remote clue what your talking about cause your troll farm gave you an incomplete synopsis anyway. Further, the who the US has SOFA agreements with is frankly no other countries business and if they have a problem with it they need to take it up with the host government. If a person invites us to be in their home, their neighbor can pound sand.

        Please just shuffle off the mortal coil for the sake of the species.

        • Watada only had to prove his status as a conscientious objector and he would have been released from service or given a non-combat position. This is established law as laid down in numerous case laws you clearly know dick about.

          Using your standard, if Grenada was clearly allowed to align with the Soviets, then the governments of Korea, Vietnam, and any other government or people that asked for our assistance was also in the right. However, I don’t see you decrying the Soviets actions or defending the right of the Korean or Vietnamese people to choose their destiny. Instead you only want to vilify the US. I retort that YOU need to apply your standard fairly, certainly I would have liked to have seen people be allowed to choose freely. However, the communists weren’t playing by those rules and we would have been stupid to do so while they weren’t.

          AQ ran training camps in Afghanistan with the express permission of the Taliban. They worked hand in hand fighting the same enemies. When the US demanded they turn over OBL and his cohorts for the unprovoked murder of thousands of American civilians, and no the egregious crime of military presence in the Saudi Peninsula at the request of the Saudi’s isn’t a crime, the Taliban would not give up their criminal allies.

          Therefore we invaded. I like how you completely dodged the issue of the Northern Alliance. That would require you to admit your AQ and Taliban hero’s oppressed non-Pashto ethnicities and waged war against them. Also, being educated you would know that it’s bad form to write more than necessary things the reader should know or can figure out on their own; English 101 and all that. So since you are dense these people= AQ in that sentence.

          Further, America didn’t provoke or commit any crimes against Afghanistan or it’s people to bring them into the war. Afghanistan was mostly irrelevant to the US and vice versa. The “crimes” were in OBL’s mind as HE was the one who demanded the US leave the middle east and destroy Israel. The country of Afghanistan was invaded because the Taliban wouldn’t give up their comrade because of their unique relationship to OBL which leads us to…

          As for AQ making the Taliban. The Taliban started organically on it’s own, but OBL funneled about 40 billion in cash and weapons to them through Paki intelligence services as well as recruiting and building/operating training camps for its personnel, so the Taliban became what it was directly because of OBL, as well as Paki intelligence services and a few other extremists.

        • So I clearly said the victims of the US military victimizers are “nearly defenseless” and like your am radio mentality cohorts youve lied by mischaracterize this as “These people have no means to attack us…”

          So you are lying when you claim I said the victims of the US military have no means.

          And you have inverted the relationship, Afghanistan of course did not attack the US, the US illegally and immorally attacked Afghanistan.

          And youve accomplished this sophistry by conflating Al Qaeda with the Taliban (btw ambiguous language is one easy way to tell someone is lying, so when you say “These people” instead of the Taliban or Al Qaeda you immediately arouse suspicion)

          There is of course zero evidence for your inane claim that “The Taliban… was the political party instituted by AQ… “. And this is such a stupid claim, no one else has ever made it, you are the first, first among morons, of all the dunces who conflate Taliban and Al Qaeda none have ever ludicrously claimed “The Taliban… was the political party instituted by AQ…”

          So congrats on being suigeneris and youre welcome : D

        • “… the (sic) who the US has SOFA agreements with is frankly no other countries business and if they have a problem with it they need to take it up with the host government. If a person invites us to be in their home, their neighbor can pound sand.”

          Thank you for acknowledging that Grenada was of course free to ally with the Soviets, and that this obviuosly did not somehow give the US the right to attack Grenada, that this was a blatantly illegal and immoral invasion by the US miltary.

          Clearly you recognize that the Soviets had no right to attack US allies and in fact did not attack US allies surrounding them. And since you are so honest and have so much integrity you naturally hold everyone to the standard, you would never apply a double standard, if its OK/not OK for us then its OK/not OK for others, thats the American way right, everyone plays by the same rules : D

        • THANK YOU AGAIN for further highlighting your ignorance of the basic facts and parading your utter lack of integrity as you continue to smear morallly courageous Ehren Watada.

          Watada was not a conscientious objector and having intergrity he had no interest in pretending otherwise. He took a prinicipled stand against the illegal immoral war against Iraq, he did not try to dishonestly hide behind CO status.

          Now YOUVE LIED that he should have resigned

          YOUVE LIED that he should have filed for CO status

          And YOUVE LIED that he is a coward, despite his courageously volunteering for the military, courageously volunteering to fight in Afghanistan, and courageously refusing to accept a safe desk job in Iraqs Green Zone

          Im afraid you no read so good or yous two stupid to communicate with, if you acknowledge these corrections and thank me I will considering tutoring you in the future, otherwise I leave you to wallow in your delusions : D

          Watada did in fact volunteer to resign but the US military refused to accept it. So you show yourself to be ignorant of the basic facts and absolutely wrong when you claim “… he should have resigned…”

          Watada joined the US military as a volunteer, despite having just graduated magna with a finance degree; he could have selfishly made a lot of money but instead he volunteered to selflessly risk his life in the US military. So you again show yourself to be ignorant of the basic facts and absolutley wrong, as this is clearly not the actions of a coward, despite your smear that “Ehren Watada is a coward.”

          Watada also volunteered to fight in Afghanistan which unlike Iraq he claimed was a legal and just war, and again the US military refused to accept this. So you yet again show yourself to be ignorant of the basic facts and absolutley wrong, as this is clearly not the actions of a coward, again despite your smear that “Ehren Watada is a coward.”

          Watada also declined the US militarys offer to give him a non-combat position, offering him a nice safe desk job in the Green Zone, and Watada declined. So you yet again one more time show yourself to be ignorant of the basic facts and absolutely wrong, as this is also clearly not the actions of a coward, yet again despite your smear that “Ehren Watad is a coward”.

          So now youve seen the indisputably documented reality juxtaposed to your repeated ignorant claims and smears. If youre honest and have integrity you will now adjust your absolutely wrong views and no longer spread ridiculous lies and slanders about Ehren Watada, and instead remember to thank him for his service, for having the moral courage to truly serve America.

        • THANK YOU AGAIN for further highlighting your ignorance of the basic facts and parading your utter lack of integrity as you continue to smear morallly courageous Ehren Watada.

          Watada was not a conscientious objector and having intergrity he had no interest in pretending otherwise. He took a prinicipled stand against the illegal immoral war against Iraq, he did not try to dishonestly hide behind CO status.

          Now YOUVE LIED that he should have resigned

          YOUVE LIED that he should have filed for CO status

          And YOUVE LIED that he is a coward, despite his courageously volunteering for the military, courageously volunteering to fight in Afghanistan, and courageously refusing to accept a safe desk job in Iraqs Green Zone

          Im afraid you no read so good or yous two stupid to communicate with, if you acknowledge these corrections and thank me I will considering tutoring you in the future, otherwise I leave you to wallow in your delusions : D

        • Naturally I didnt bother to read your prolix and no doubt inane ramble.

          FIRST acknowledge that the Afghanistan is one of countless nearly defenseless folks savagely attacked by the US military coward terrorists in their home who posed no threat to the US

          SECOND admit that youve conflated Al Qaeda and the Taliban

          THIRD admit that Al Qaeda of course did not institute a political party called the Taliban (and as I said this is such a ludicrous delusion you are the only one in history who has ever made this claim, congrats brainwashed imbecile : D)

          Only then will I allow you to get on your knees and beseech further tuition, I have spoken!

  9. dad was on the north dakota in the first.
    bro’s marine and navy in korea.
    all i had to do was register at the post office.
    my visit to the marine recruiter on howard st. next to the p.m. club was met with disdain at home. odd, considering how many times he had threatened to send me to military school…

    i don’t want to know what you guys had to do, but i’ll listen. and thank you.

  10. My grandfather and all his three younger brothers were in WW1 Australian Army. Three of them (including him) wounded badly several times. They all tried to join again in WW2 and youngest did. Still some of the toughest men I ever met.

  11. Ehren and Rob Williams – You’re one of the many reasons why I joined in the first place. Sure, I think you’re a special kind of crazy but that’s not important.

    The main thing is we can rant away (myself included) whatever way floats our boat.


    • Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

      We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

      Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

      My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.

        • Mister Ed what ARE you braying about… wheres your sense of personal responsibility… your man jwm said that he is not responsibile for his oath and following the UCMJ because of what all kinds of other folks did!

          Didnt we learn in second grade that just as we are not absolved of personal moral responsibility for our actions just because someone told us to do it, we are also personally morally responsible for our actions regardless of what other folks are doing!?

          You must be completely brainwashed to avoid confronting these 2nd grade lessons right in front of your face you donkey!

        • Mr Ed your man jwm said that he is not responsibile for his oath and following the UCMJ because of what all kinds of other folks did!

          Didnt we learn in second grade that just as we are not absolved of personal moral responsibility for our actions just because someone told us to do it, we are also personally morally responsible for our actions regardless of what other folks are doing!?

          You must be completely brainwashed to avoid confronting these 2nd grade lessons right in front of your face you donkey!

      • Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

        Behold JWMs elaborate multi-layered excuses for failing to take personal moral responsibility for his actions.

        JWM lacked the moral courage to do his duty to disobey unlawful (and immoral) orders as set out in his oath and according to the UCMJ.

        “We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

        Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

        My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.”

  12. Since you brought up laos and cambodia it was your commie buddies, those so called freedom fighters, that invaded both countries and killed anyone that opposed them.

    Admit it, dude. The only outrage you feel is that the US military stands between you and your antifa buddies throwing out the legal .gov of the US and replacing it with some hideous excuse for a commie .gov.

    • Over four decades ago huh jwm… now let me see who were the moral cowards in the US miitary slaughtering in the mid 60s…

      Why so coy jwm, you claim to be proud of your service (sic), if it was Vietnam then tell us something about how your obeyed when told to slaughter millions of nearly defenseless Vietnamese folks… or was it Laos or Cambodia, or the DR?

      Dont be shy jwm, everyone here supports your delusion, rattle off all the details of your tour and unit and all that crap like yall are fond of…

      • And again, you give no straight answer. Other than stealing the name of a man that had the courage of his convictions, right or wrong, you give no answer as to what you have done to right the wrongs you claim to see.

        A coward no matter the name you post under.

        • And again, you prove yourself to have none of the ‘moral courage’ you claim. Outside of stealing another mans name what have you done to set the situation right? One thing. Any thing.

          But nothing other than trolling.

          Here’s the name you should have stolen. Judean Peoples Front.

        • Unlike the moral coward JWM, the rest of us learned in second grade that just as we are not absolved of personal moral responsibility for our actions just because someone told us to do it, we are also personally morally responsible for our actions regardless of what other folks are doing!?

          jwm is a small man who must be completely brainwashed to avoid confronting these 2nd grade lessons right in front of his face, embarassing to watch…

          JWM the moral cowards pathetic rambling excuses:

          “Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

          We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

          Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

          My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.”

    • Personal responsibility is supposedly a core value of yutzs like yall, except when it comes to having the moral courage to refuse illegal and immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people in their home who pose no threat to us, then suddenly they claim to be absolved of personal responsibility.

      Just look at the lengthy excuses, the elaborate gymnastics as guilty jwm desperately trys to avoid being accountable, shirking responsibility for his lack of moral courage… its embarrassing to read, to think someone could be so dishonest, such a small man… but he has the enormity of the cult of the US military bolstering his lies, so his delusion is safe and he is protected from facing his wrongdoing, as men better than him have had the moral courage to do…

      Thanks for your service to all those men who were worthy of their oath of induction and disobeyed unlawful orders as they are required to according to the UCMJ… I have a dream that one day we wont have moral cowards like jwm, everyone will have the guts of an Ehren Watada, and the people of the world will be safe from US military terror and slaughter, I HAVE A DREAM TODAY!

    • jwm did wrong but in his “mind” everyone else is to blame…

      “Everything we did in those faraway lands, good or bad, we did in the name of folks like ehren, rob and comrade more dead soldiers. We did it in their names and under their orders. The American military is under the leadership of the American pols and people.

      We did nothing without their approval beforehand. And if they did not approve then they should have had the moral courage to try to stop what they thought was wrong. Refuse to pay your taxes. Renounce your citizenship and move to another country.

      Until they have taken actual steps to remedy what they see as wrong they do not have the right to judge others.

      My service was over 4 decades ago and I’m still proud of the men I served alongside.”

    • The Americans who served us are those with the moral courage to refuse illegal and immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people who posed no threat to us in places like Iraq and Vietnam and Dominican Republic and Grenada and Panama and Laos and Afghanistan and Cambodia and on and on… not since WWII has the US or American freedom been attacked, yet yall in the cult of the US military insist on your silly absurd cultist mantras “defending freedom” and “defending America”.

      In fact just the opposite is indisputably documented despite your US military cultism, that the US military has attacked a series of nearly defenseless people in their home who posed no threat to us, that the US military has taken others peoples freedom and destroyed their lives, their countries, their homes, killed their men, women and children indiscriminately. And this US state terrorism for over half a century in the Middle East and around the world is what provoked Al Qaeda to retaliate against the US military headquarters and the symbol of US economic exploitation, NOT of course because people hate our freedom (such a transparent and ludicrous propaganda claim even a child can see through it!)

      So thank you for your service to folks like Ehren Watada the first officer to refuse illegal and immoral orders to attack the nearly defenseless people of Iraq who posed no threat to us, and thank you for your service to all those who refused to participate in the slaughter of millions of nearly defenseless Vietnamese people who posed no threat to us… and lets give some credit to those in the US military who did wrong and obeyed illegal and immoral orders to attack nearly defenseless people around the world, but who eventually realized they were wrong and found the courage to speak out against the Vietnam war and the war against Afghans and Iraqis, they did a grievous wrong they can never undo but at least they are sorry for it…

      For those of you in the US military who remain unrepentant, who insist your shameful lack of moral courage, your disgraceful actions terrorizing and killing nearly defenseless people in their home are something to be proud of, that your deserve to be thanked, know that you did a barbaric DISservice to America, that you shamed yourself and all Americans, that you are the worst of America like the drones who unthinkingly cheerlead you, and far from resenting that no one threw you a parade for the horrible thing you did, be grateful that you did not recieve a life sentence or a death sentence, which is what you gave your victims and what you earned for yourself…

      I hope all of this is clear, and I hope amongst the usual cultist tantrums and lashings out there is even one person here who can respond to the substance of what Ive said, because in the future the lives of many Americans in and out of the US military and the lives of even more of their victims around the world depend on ending this destructive cult of the US military…

      Thank you and no gods bless us

    • Well we agree that the worst of the country are in charge now, but the cult of the US military will be much worse, it will be a lot of stupid blustering and brinksmanship (ie toward North Korea needlessly endangering us and the world) but most US military will continue to be moral cowards and no matter how weak and unthreatening their victims they will readily ignore their oath of induction and the UCMJ and obey orders to illegal immorally attack those folks… we can hope that Humps bullying and posturing is so ugly that a few more Americans will muster up the moral courage to refuse to slaughter whoever this Gump decided to target…

      • We all agree that the POS (D) and any libral, progressive, socialist, communist, globalists, and global warming MFs are a scourge. They encompass the vast majority of the worlds problems and damn near 100% or the legal/social issues we raille against here.

  13. Some heavy echo in here today!
    Now I’m wondering – what’s ‘nearly defenseless’? Is that something like ‘mostly dead’?

    • “nearly defenseless” in these cases means for example they have no/negligible air force or air defenses so the terrorist USAF blows them to smithereens, their weapons overall are so inferior they may as well be from another era or planet, and they are so desperate they resort to suicide attacks and/or targetting civilians, and there are countless other metrics any sane person can readily identify (drones for example, the victims of the US military terrorists are more wildly overmatched even than the rebels in Terminator!).

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