You too can earn a valuable degree in gender and women's studies at the University of Illinois-Chicago. (photo courtesy Cook County Sheriff)

While they may be highly prized in ivory tower universities, out here in the real world, gender and women’s studies degrees don’t take you far or open many doors to high-paying jobs. Bringing nothing but a gender studies degree to a gunfight also seems like a good way of proving its worthlessness. A Monday evening break-in in Chicago’s Wrigleyville neighborhood was the perfect case for proving that hypothesis.

A homeowner with a surveillance camera system noticed a prowler lurking outside his home. Mr. Homeowner, the proud holder of a carry license, then checked his attached garage. That’s where police say he found 31-year-old Tyler Hamlin.

The armed homeowner held Hamlin — on probation and wanted under two active felony warrants — at gunpoint until police arrived. Given Mr. Hamlin’s history of serial criminal activity and violence, the gun proved a wise decision.

The homeowner, identified as Niko Kara by CBS2 in Chicago said he was the only thing standing between the intruder and Kara’s wife and 2-year-old daughter.

Here’s the story from CWB Chicago . . .

The concealed carry holder received a security alert showing someone was on his porch with a flashlight in the 3500 block of North Fremont in Wrigleyville around 8:30 p.m. Monday…

“[The police] were here in about 45 seconds, and he couldn’t get out of the garage. I was standing in the door,” the homeowner told CBS2 before charges were filed.

Hamlin’s lawyer apparently thought this fact would attest to what a fine, upstanding person his client is . . .

Hamlin’s defense attorney said he has a bachelor’s degree in psychology and gender and women’s studies from UIC. He’s unhoused and unemployed.

The “unhoused” Mr. Hamlin — that’s newspeak for homeless — has quite the criminal history. In 2020, he allegedly tried to skip out on a cab fare, eventually battering the cabbie and an Illinois State Trooper before being arrested. Unfortunately for him, that infraction took place in Will County, south of Chicago where they actually prosecute criminals.

Hamlin blew off his court date on that case and forfeited his bond, resulting in a warrant on the case per the Will County Circuit Court Clerk.

Meanwhile, Cook County prosecutors gave him probation when he pled down an aggravated arson charge — a Class X felony (6 to 30 years in prison) — to a criminal damage to property charge (potentially just a misdemeanor).

And there’s another battery charge in Chicago from April, 2022.

Hamlin is currently being held without bail on the outstanding warrants. How long that will last is anyone’s guess in Chicago’s revolving door criminal justice system. In the mean time, he can regale his cellmates with the finer points he picked up while earning the gender and women’s studies degrees that helped make him the man he is today.



      • OMG…The perp is white as rice…And the center of the universe for crime was supposed to be the inner city…shows what bigots know.

        • “OMG…The perp is white as rice…”

          If he draws state prison time, a pretty white boy like that is gonna be *very* popular with the brothers.

          They will pass him around like a…

          Well, you know.

          *snicker* 😉

        • He won’t do any time, this will be plead to trespassing.
          White as rice or not, he broke into a garage in an affluent neighborhood.
          Wrigleyville is the area around Wrigley field and real estate is BIG money.
          He is homeless and most likely mentally disturbed.
          This isn’t inner city crime, it’s a B&E to a garage.

          It has nothing to do with the Nazis or the KKK.
          Sometimes the people spewing words like BIGOT are because that is what they see when they look into the mirror.
          They use the terms like Jim Crow but never were exposed to it.
          Nobody in their family was either, it’s all an act.
          More then likely they probably aren’t even the gender they claim they are.
          I wonder who on here fits that profile?

        • Sometimes you are just ‘OK’. Other times, you are a total idiot. This is one of those ‘other times’.

        • If you are writing about me, pretty much the same applies to you.
          I have talked with someone that a person supposedly did business with.
          This person came up in that conversation. They also read this forum.
          They said there was nobody of that gender that they did business with.
          That person has posted in this thread.

          This “total idiot” has seem more shootings then you ever will in your life.
          Thanks for calling me a “total idiot” in a polite way.
          That being said, I really “Don’t Care”.
          It’s Chicago, the guy is homeless and it’s a B&E into a garage. The guy is mentally ill as most homeless are.
          Someone in this thread is NOT what or who they say they are.
          It’s all a ruse but I can’t go into details.
          If I did and the said person had done hundreds of dollars in business with them, that would be bad business practices but they didn’t.

          I do love all the name calling on this forum, keyboard warriors are a special group and not one of them would call someone names to their face.

          That would be you Chris.

        • Rob, I read Chris’s comment as being directed towards Deborah.

          (I could be wrong, it well may have been directed towards me… 😉 )

        • I honestly don’t know who it was directed at.
          I thought it was directed at me.
          I know that everything with Debbie is Jim Crow this and
          Nazis or the KKK that.
          It’s a simple B&E into a garage and the only reason it’s
          news is because it is the guy was white and the area it took place in.
          Did you click on the link I posted below?
          $740K to live like a rat in a cage.

          I had a friend who had a three flat in LakeView/Wrigleyville that was almost 2 million dollars and that was 20 years ago. I never saw a house with an attached garage there, those properties are so close together you have to be skinny and slide sideways to get from front to back. Plus there is no parking at all.

        • All I got out of that article was that a dumbass with a useless college degree got caught breaking into someone’s garage. Dont need to make the world harder than it already is

    • Wtf do pronouns or gender have to do with what happened? Other than you insecure little kids frothing at the mouth to be ignorant and inbred bigoted morons?

  1. What a lie the Colleges are peddling- earn a degree in farce, get high pay from the gender equality institute.

      • “Since gender has been replaced by “identify as”, what is there to study?”


        Have you noticed that the list of genders and identities just keeps growing and growing, more and more every day?

        Just to keep current will now be a full-time occupation… 🙂

    • And I thought the only use for a gender studies degree, much like many other arts degrees, was to use it to wipe my behind.

      People want the degrees but not actually work for them. Those Business, Science, and Engineering degrees are just too hard for them.

  2. I have reported this here previously: my daughter received a near- failing grade on an essay for her college psychology class because she wrote that men and women have differing emotional and psychological constructs because their biologies have evolved for different purposes.

    I guess that psych teacher never passes high school biology.

    • Remember when this book was considered normal?

      Men Are from Mars, Women Are from Venus

      this timeless book has helped men and women realize how different they can be in their communication styles, their emotional needs, and their modes of behavior

    • This looser was clearly taking the horn by the bull in attempting to learn how to acquire a gal (or a guy who thinks it is a gal), or something St Bernard…..

    • Life, why would anyone need to study gender to begin with? I figured it out pretty quick. Probably by the time I was two. That’s a man. That’s a woman. A few years later I had to ask why a man was dressed like a woman. It was obvious. Mom said, “He’s just crazy. Don’t look at him. He only wants the attention anyway”.

      • Gadsden,

        I enjoyed studying the other gender….well, until I went into religious life…but the memories reminded me of my humanity, maleness, and good times!!

    • I could see some guys taking those classes because they’re full of the fairer sex. The problem is, most of them are there because they aren’t interested in dudes.

      • “I could see some guys taking those classes because they’re full of the fairer sex. The problem is, most of them are there because they aren’t interested in dudes.”

        There is a new and *very* interesting power dynamic starting to play out in this whole ‘sexual-gender identity’ mess that I just heard about, and it’s a doozy!

        Dig this –

        Actual lesbians, those born-females who only want to date other born-females, are starting to be harassed and attacked over their flat refusal to have ‘intimate relations’ with (what what the crazies call) trans men (born male trying to pass themselves off as born female). Like, the typical guys in those ‘Gender Studies’ classes you mentioned.

        And they’re getting very aggressive about it. Because it’s working on the normal people. The problem is, the actual lesbians want nothing to do with that bullshit. They worked for decades to get to where they are now, and the wanna-be losers are stepping into their turf.

        What used to be a wry joke, guys claiming to each other to be lesbians trapped in a man’s body just to get laid, is now starting to play out in real life. And the actual lesbians are getting (rightfully) *angry* at being shamed and viciously attacked for refusing to sleep with them.

        Could this trend be what it takes to unravel that whole bullshit ‘ball of yarn’? Are they starting to eat their own? I’d like to think so, but anyway it plays out, it’s gonna be some serious fun to watch… 🙂

        • How disturbing that anyone is pressured into sex and vaguely threatened with cancellation unless they comply.
          In case anyone was in the fence as to how toxic this culture war always was, nothing says it better than, “f**k me or else”.

        • They’ve already been doing that with straight men and “trans women.” Sorry, you’re a dude. Deal with it.

        • “In case anyone was in the fence as to how toxic this culture war always was, nothing says it better than, “f**k me or else”.”

          *Applause*. 🙂

    • Never major in anything that ends in “studies.” These are indoctrination camps focused on leftist activism.

      Beware the humanities and the arts, which are deeply infected. You will need to read Shakespeare and appreciate Rembrandt on your own time.

      Tread carefully in STEM. Sneaky leftist engineers are always looking for ways to make Ohm’s law political.

  3. During my working career I hired a lot of folks. Being educated to the point of being useless is a thing. A real thing.

    Don’t misunderstand me. Education is a fine thing. But real education. Not indoctrination which is what the universities have majored in since at least the 70’s.

    And never misunderstand or down play the value of trade school or community college. Not every body is going to be a neuro surgeon or a ceo. We need plumbers, electricians and middle managers to function as a nation.

    Myself and many others I know have made a very good living without a degree from a university.

  4. Thus the reason universities should never be free. Bums like Hamlin would ride the dole forever with free housing and meals only to supplement their income with burglary and petty theft.

    • That’s a pretty stupid take. Does that happen in countries that provide “free” education at universities? Hardly.

      Our school system is just as bad as our healthcare system – unless you can afford it.

      • I had always assumed those countries have fewer hogwash degree programs, and some sort of merit sorting. Clearly generous assumptions.

        • We are a wealthy enough nation that deserving students should have a free ride. It would benefit our society immensely.

          And gender studies is not worthy of class time.

  5. “Hamlin is currently being held without bail on the outstanding warrants. How long that will last is anyone’s guess in Chicago’s revolving door criminal justice system.”

    He will be out within a week, possibly on electronic monitoring.

    I don’t care for Tom Dart but on this we agree.

    Numbers from the Cook County Sheriff’s Office show the following:
    90 people charged with murder are free on E.M.
    40 people charged with attempted murder are free on E.M.
    852 people charged with aggravated gun possession are free on E.M.

  6. If you’re near a university, find the genders study building, and check out the stuff they’ve hung on the hallway walls. I was meeting someone there, and got there early, so I looked around. It’s interesting to say the least. Also, not a dude in sight.

      • Oh come on they only get that bad if you dare disagree with anything they say and use logic or facts to back up your stance while ignoring their appeal to emotion……….good luck.

        • Yet you use neither logic nor facts, you just spew ignorance in an attempt to feel superior.

    • doesn’t sound like a “safe place” for a straight, white, American man.

      Brave soul, glad to hear you could live to tell the tale.

  7. I hate the term “unhoused” with a passion. It’s a quintessential example of coming up with a touchy-feely term to show how much more noble/compassionate/yada yada you are than the rest of us. It also gets you out of actually doing anything of note to actually *fix* a problem.

    • Agree!

      From the article:
      The “unhoused” Mr. Hamlin — that’s newspeak for homeless —

      …and THAT’S newspeak for BUM.

  8. OK, want a degree in “Gender Studies”? Here’s the on line course for ya:

    Good morning, welcome to “Gender Studies” for realistic honest humans.

    So, lets get started.

    1. Females and males have differing emotional and psychological constructs because their biology evolved for different purposes. This does not mean males and females can not do some of the same things equally as well, but males do not get pregnant and carry a child in a womb to birth so females are special in that aspect.

    2. Removing a males penis and turning it into a ‘void’ euphemistically called a ‘vagina’ and pumping the male full of harmonies and putting in breast implants, dressing female, and wearing makeup does not make them a ‘woman’.

    3. Attaching to or constructing on a female what is euphemistically called a penis, doing a mastectomy, and pumping the female full of harmonies, growing facial hair, dressing male, does not make them a ‘man’.

    4. “I feelz” does not make a person the opposite biological gender of what they were at birth and does not make then a ‘neutral’ gender.

    5. The real human gender pronouns/terms are “He”, “She”, “Him”, “Her”, “male”, “female”, “man”, “woman”, “boy”, “girl”, “his”, “hers” —- that’s it. A ‘gender-neutral pronoun’ is a made up imaginary thing used to satisfy ‘I feelz’ so some people will having something to gripe about if you don’t use their made up imaginary ‘gender-neutral pronoun’.

    6. Yes, it is ironically hilarious when a female transitioned to being a ‘male’ in ‘i feelz looks’ selects a biological female sexual partner and ‘spouse’.

    7. Yes, it is ironically hilarious when a male transitioned to being a ‘female’ in ‘i feelz looks’ selects a biological male sexual partner and ‘spouse’.

    There ya go, class dismissed. Your ‘Gender Studies’ degree diploma is in the mail.

    • .40 cal Booger:
      With No. 5 you touched a nerve. Instead of he/she, him/her, etc. the media now uses “they” to refer to a single person of either sex, just to be gender neutral. I must be naive, since I always thought that “they” was a plural pronoun that referred to a group of entities (people, dogs, cats, etc.). It just makes me grit my teeth, like when somebody runs his or her fingernails over a chalk board. Thanks for bringing it up and giving me the chance to vent.

    • Serious question: if gender is just some oppressive social construct, then why must they try to fulfill said construct when they “change” genders?

    • Should throw some definitions in there as well.
      Woman: A word used to describe a biologically mature human female.

      Human Female: Homo sapien with the genetic potential to produce ova, get pregnant and
      bear children.

      Man: A word used to describe a biologically mature human male

      Human male: Homo sapien with the genetic potential to produce sperm and impregnate a
      human female.

    • You could have saved a lot of typing and just said that you’re an insecure moron

  9. I cannot see the connection by this idiots so-called Degree and being wanted felon or even what being a wanted felon has to do with this incident in question either. The fact is that with so many firearms in circulation it does not matter a Monkey’s Nuts whether or not the perp is or is not a wanted felon does it? He or she could probably get their hands on a firearm within ten minutes irregardless. And it does not matter how many Police Officers there are or how many supposed ‘good guys with a gun either.

    If it did matter thenthe death raste for Gun Crime would not continue to climb would iT??

    Similarly if the DEATH PENALTY was any kind of deterrent the overall MURDER RATE in the USA would fall through the bloody floor would it not?

    No the Death penalty has but one function REVENGE.

    What happenened to one of the cornerstones of Civilised Jurisprudence that ‘it is better that 100 Guilty men go free than one innocent man should hang

    • Innocent until proven guilty. Your side swept that aside with gun control.

      The entire concept of gun control is that you are guilty for just wanting a gun and nothing you can do will prove innocence.

      A lot of civil and human rights are swept aside by you fascists wanting to disarm the innocent.

  10. “I cannot see the connection by this idiots so-called Degree and being wanted felon …”

    Then you missed the opening sentence:
    “While they may be highly prized in ivory tower universities, out here in the real world, gender and women’s studies degrees don’t take you far or open many doors to high-paying jobs.”

    Someone without a good job is more likely to become a criminal; the perp was “unhoused and unemployed.” Get it now?

    “If it did matter thenthe death raste for Gun Crime would not continue to climb would iT??”

    Incorrect assumption. The homicide rate in the US has been on an overall declining trend since the early 1990s, only ticking upward beginning in 2019. Intentional homicides are “a result of domestic disputes, interpersonal violence, violent conflicts over land resources, intergang violence over turf or control, and predatory violence and killing by armed groups.”

    “Similarly if the DEATH PENALTY was any kind of deterrent the overall MURDER RATE in the USA would fall through the bloody floor would it not?”

    Invalid premise. For all intents and purposes, there is no death penalty. In 2020, capital punishment was used by only 6 states and 17 prisoners were executed in the entire US.

    “What happenened to one of the cornerstones of Civilised Jurisprudence that ‘it is better that 100 Guilty men go free than one innocent man should hang”

    Why don’t you tell us?
    Men wrongfully imprisoned for 24 years seek compensation

    “The fairness of the criminal courts process goes on trial this week when two men who spent a total of 24 years wrongfully imprisoned seek compensation for their ordeals.”

  11. The value of “higher education”? A degree in “gender studies” is the same a a degree in underwater basket weaving. Neither has anything to do with higher education. Both just prolong children from growing up, and pumps $$$ into collages and universities with no return. AKA Theft by deception, and should be prosecuted as such.

  12. Massive assumption on the authors part that the intruder would have harmed anyone vs looking to silently rob. No gun was proven necessary here.

  13. Well you got a lot of details completely wrong in order to somehow make this story into right wing trash. Typical.

  14. hello, I’m the person in this mugshot, Tyler Hamlin. I’m able to verify such. If you’d like to refer to me in a respectful manner, please utilize gender-neutral pronouns such as they/them.

    I would love to get in touch with the author of this post. Provide the other side of this story and some pertinent information regarding this incident.

    I’ll start by informing y’all that I am actually a person who practices non-violence and that the gun the “victim” wielded was completely unnecessary. Though I do understand his fear in that moment, but I did not actually burglarize his family or that shared garage. I actually went down his gangway to get to the alley. It’s a long story, but I was suffering from mental illness and being unhoused/homelessness (however you prefer to refer to such) so that is factual.

    Anyway, if anyone knows how I can reach the author John, please let me know. I am wanting a chance to civilly respond to this post

    Tyler Hamlin

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