Lori Lightfoot
Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (AP Photo/John O'Connor, File)

At a closed meeting with dozens of community groups late last month, [Chicago Mayor Lori] Lightfoot said progress was being made but acknowledged there was much more to be done.

“I feel like we’re getting traction, but it’s early in the process,” she said, according to a video of the meeting. “We’re thinking of how we can elevate these policies to another level.”

The 103-page plan calls gun violence a preventable “public health crisis” that brings “devastating levels of violence that disproportionately affect communities of color.”

It lists five “pillars,” or guiding principles:

      • Empower and heal those actively engaged in violence, whether victims or perpetrators.
      • Reclaim neighborhoods and safe spaces by directing resources to neighborhoods with most violence.
      • Improve relations between police and communities “by developing credibility, trust and authentic relationships.”
      • Consider the impact of ordinances and laws on violence and advocate for policies that will increase support for those impacted.
      • Constant collaboration, proactive planning and coordinated efforts between the city and … the justice system, community groups and private companies.

Just how the city plans to accomplish these goals is hard to pin down.

— David Struett in Nearly a year into Lightfoot’s anti-violence plan, many of Chicago’s most dangerous neighborhoods are doing worse


    • Oh. Have you listened to her. She thinks all republicans are bad. She thinks legal gun owners are evil. She refuses to speak with white reporters. There are a lot of people she thinks are bad. Most of them never have any interaction with the police.

  1. “Empower”, “authentic”, “proactive”…. Like a bad PowerPoint presentation, lots of buzz words camouflaging a meaningless statement.

    • Democrats get away with this nonsense because the media loves Democrats. All they do is cover for them.

    • There are no bad people only white oppressors in Chicago apparently.
      CRT rules the day – and blood will continue to flow.

    • Sounds like something a white freshman put together in a college African American studies class.

    • Beat me to it. I wish I had a Dime for every presentation I have heard with those buzz words in them.

  2. Wanna know how much “traction” lori is getting? Take a look at this past weekends tally of dead and wounded on heyjackass.

    64 wounded, 11 dead between 12pm Fri, and 6am this morning.

    Yeah, so much for “traction”.

    • Empowering the perpetrators? I think they have enough and a disproportionate advantage.

  3. “Reclaim neighborhoods and safe spaces by directing resources to neighborhoods with most violence.”

    So…targeting particular areas with an increased police presence? This isn’t some new strategy that these geniuses just came up with. Somehow I doubt that’s what this means.

    • NO for a progtard “resources” = Fed $ (after skimming off big %).

      Perhaps should try fencing/walling off dees “communities of color”.

    • Wait until they find out that targeting high crime neighborhoods is ‘racist’.

      • Governor Le Petomane beat me to the punch!

        As soon as the extra police patrols show up, someone will scream that is nothing more than white-devil slave masters sending thugs to oppress people of color–and demand that those white-devil slave masters remove the police immediately!

        • That’s exactly what happened in Dallas a few years ago when they brought in state troopers to help the DPD patrol the highest crime neighborhoods. The extra officers were withdrawn.

    • Directing police resources to gang infested neighborhoods will result in more arrests, which will result in more dismissed prosecutions, which will result in more violence…and claims that the police focus on neighborhoods of color is “racist” because of the disparate impact on black folk. Can’t win for losing.

  4. “I feel like we’re getting traction, but it’s early in the process, ” she said, according to a video of the meeting. “We’re thinking of how we can elevate these policies to another level.”

    That’s government speak for “our plan isn’t working and we need more time to come up with an excuse that will help me get re-elected”

    • “That’s government speak for “our plan isn’t working and we need more time to come up with an excuse that will help me get re-elected”

      And the central reason for such a statement by Lightfoot is to seek much more “Harris/Biden” money from the Fed to accomplish this goal>>>

      • She has no chance of being re-elected even with Pritzkers and Bidens blessing.
        Money only goes so far and the common folk, aldermen community activists and just about everyone else is fed up. The next mayor of Chicago will be Hispanic. Her pick of David Brown was a serious mistake, he had no idea of what he was getting himself into.

        Groot is finished, the Hispanic alderman are going to pick a candidate and stand behind him. The cops will vote against her along with their families. The whole city is fed up with her, black and white.

        Other then pedophile Pfleger, she has no real allies.

    • Read between the lines. They need to increase the budget and expand the government. That’s their solution for everything because they aren’t real problem solvers. Why do people keep falling for it?

  5. [Lightfoot’s plan] “lists five “pillars,” or guiding principles:

    Empower and heal It lists five “pillars,” or guiding principles:

    Empower and heal those actively engaged in violence, whether victims or perpetrators.
    Reclaim neighborhoods and safe spaces by directing resources to neighborhoods with most violence.
    Improve relations between police and communities “by developing credibility, trust and authentic relationships.”
    Consider the impact of ordinances and laws on violence and advocate for policies that will increase support for those impacted.
    Constant collaboration, proactive planning and coordinated efforts between the city and … the justice system, community groups and private companies, whether victims or perpetrators.
    Reclaim neighborhoods and safe spaces by directing resources to neighborhoods with most violence.
    Improve relations between police and communities “by developing credibility, trust and authentic relationships.”
    Consider the impact of ordinances and laws on violence and advocate for policies that will increase support for those impacted.
    Constant collaboration, proactive planning and coordinated efforts between the city and … the justice system, community groups and private companies.”

    The solution is really quite easy and attainable provided one proactive measure is taken:

    Go after and kill the gang members who are creating the vast majority of the problem. Go directly into the ‘hoods and treat them with the same lack of compassion and civility as they are treating society at large and let it be known in no-uncertain terms (and actions) that the central law enforcement, judicial systems, and the residents and voters of Chicago and Cook County are serious about ending this wilful violence, lack of law and order and civilized behavior.

    “Empower and heal those actively engaged in violence”??? Let the gangs give the most recent “dearly departed” a grand funeral, where other rival gangbangers will no doubt show up en masse to disrupt the proceedings and take out more… These are the “resources that should be redirected to those neigborhoods first. I believe about everything else has been failing since the late 1960s…

  6. Please know that, from the personal appearance perspective, this ‘lady’ is the female iteration of Geoff the Pervert 🤣🤡.

    • An admitted pedophile commenting on me?

      Bad news little boy – Women actually consider me decent looking.

      Unlike you, the one who looks like the Parkland school murderer… 😉

      • Geoff…Don’t feel alone I have my share of stalkers too. Being as you cannot tie them to a tree and try blindfolded to shoot an apple off their head you’ll just have to wear their disdain as a Badge of Honor.

        • That little twerp is an amusement.

          A fun punch-toy to insult at my leisure… 🙂

        • “Women actually consider me decent looking.”

          Well, this is awkward.

          About that my little Geoffie, we had to tie a steak to you…. just to get the dogs to play with you.

          Now go outside and play, you are just pasty from all that time in the basement.

        • You really are a sick, psychotic twerp.

          My mother’s dying words to me were “Don’t ever give up kicking that little bastard square in the teeth, you hear me?”

          I’m on a Quest, to torment the twerp that won’t take his medicine like a good autistic little boy. (A very ‘little’ boy, his mom told me… 😉 )

        • Well this day just gets more awkward.

          Geoffie, I was talking to your brother….about you.

          Sorry about that, hope he didn’t kick you to often.

          And stop talking about ‘little boys’, didn’t we get you help for that?

      • I get more trim than a barber shop and more 🐱 than a pound. Meanwhile you, by your own admission, give road relief to wayward truckers. Sad!

        Also guns are great, except when in the hands of mental midgets like you 🤡.

  7. Nothing good has ever came from or will come from Gun Control because Gun Control itself is inherently evil. The quite obvious problem is Content of Character has been removed and replaced with demoCrap.

    • Chicago is a shall issue city. Has been for about 8 years. Well so much for that theory.

      • Shall issue, but only once you pay up. FOID fees, mandatory training fees, carry permit fees, high prices due to lack of FFLs, travel costs to get out of they city to find an FFL, high taxes on firearms and ammo. Then once you spend all that money get ready to do it again when it all expires. Really nice of them to have “Shall Issue”

    • “The quite obvious problem is Content of Character has been removed and replaced”

      “… because we have no government armed with power capable of contending with human passions unbridled by morality and religion. Avarice, ambition, revenge, or gallantry, would break the strongest cords of our Constitution as a whale goes through a net. Our Constitution was made only for a moral and religious people. It is wholly inadequate to the government of any other.” john adams

  8. Not a mystery….stupid is as stupid does!! Identity politics, worse thing to happen to our government since Obummer!

  9. The uh “gun buyback” in Chiraq for 25 & under thug er young men’s is under way…no crowd & only a coupla homies. The news critters seemed sad. Oh and they get a lecture er counseling😏 They got some old white dude to donate $25000…

  10. The flaw: People like Lori believe that sheep can be made safe from predators. Buying a few sheep dogs (police) fixes everything. Of course, she wants to poll the sheep (cut off the horns from those that have horns) to ensure the sheep’s safety. If we have to protect sheeple, I’d rather give them huge horns, and some armor. You just can’t count on a sheep dog always being there to protect the sheep.

    Mother Nature, or The Creator, is a lot smarter than Lori and company.

  11. Did she remind the gang members that she’s a lesbian person of color? Apparently that has some mystical importance. Far more important than actually doing anything.

  12. The mayor of Chiraq is intolerant of men. But she is particularly intolerant of black males. Boys as well as adult black men. She will have life time armed security after she leaves office. Just like the previous white mayor has now. All paid for by the tax payers. People like her who have done quite well are telling other black people that “the system is out to get you”.

    Anytime voters support people like her you will always turn that city into a sh!thole.
    And I met another former resident of the state of Illinois just two days ago while I was shopping. My T-shirt that says, “keep calm and carry guns”, does attract a lot of attention, conversations, and smiles.

  13. ‘Empower and heal those actively engaged in violence, whether victims or perpetrators.’

    Victims, perps, they’re just two sides of the same coin. No reason to treat them differently.

    I’m pretty sure that will be the dumbest thing I read all day, BTW.

    • “I’m pretty sure that will be the dumbest thing I read all day”

      you can’t be sure of that anymore ….

      • Miner49er hasn’t chimed in yet, my bet is his mentally ill strawman BS will be the dumbest thing anybody has read all day. He’s probably on Wikipedia right now making the perfect inane strawman BS up and snorting Prozac as we write.

    • I can almost understand the logic to that.

      In Chicago, a ‘perpetrator’ is merely a ‘victim’ who got off the first effective shot, thus rendering the other ‘perpetrator’ into a ‘victim’ before the ‘victim’ could be a ‘perpetrator.’ If the ‘victim’ had had the opportunity to be the ‘perpetrator’ by shooting and hitting first, then the person shot, or ‘victim,’ who otherwise would’ve been a ‘perpetrator,’ becomes the ‘victim’ because they weren’t fast enough to be ‘perpetrator.’

      See? It all makes sense if you work it out.

  14. A simple solution to Chicago’s problem would be the police announcing that they won’t patrol bad areas or try to solve crimes committed by people against others in bad areas. Let there be a Purge and the local populace will rid themselves of the people causing problems.

  15. Seattle has a surge in shootings right now and the announcement in the Seattle Times of the response to the “public health crisis” of “gun violence” looks awfully (accent on awful) similar to the Windy City’s plan

  16. avatar A few years back a Detroit city planner said Chicago was on the way to ruin within 10 years! Just like Detroit did!

    Chit- ca-go, the way of Detroit! A bad smell on the shore of the lake! From a swamp to a dump! The war zone of the Midwest!

    • Chicago was built on a swamp, after all. They reversed the flow of the Chicago River in order to drain that swamp. Then the politicians showed up.

  17. Improve relations between police and the community.
    Uhhh, yeah, it’s called narc out your neighbor.
    Since most police forces are union I think it would be against their union contract to help them? I mean the sanitation department wouldn’t want you running around picking up all their trash, they’d lose their work.
    So I’m not breaking no laws. No help from me.

  18. Pffft. Those platitudes are merely a distraction. Keep an eye on your wallets & holsters, folks.

  19. Could there possibly be a more unbelievable, bizarre and grotesque mayor–let alone person–on the American political scene than this one? Just askin’. Why do Americans elect and re-elect these “human” aberrations?

    • “Why do Americans elect and re-elect these ‘human’ aberrations?”

      they don’t. someone else does.

  20. “Could there possibly be a more unbelievable, bizarre and grotesque mayor–let alone person–on the American political scene than this one?”

    not yet. but the holodomor is young so be prepared.

  21. I could only imagine what an OPEN meeting among ACTUAL tax-paying citizens would be like rather than a closed meeting of grievance mongering, rent seeking community groups that claim to represent a tax-base of negative 40 billion dollars.

  22. There’s no way the shooting numbers are so high year after year after year without a lot of somebodies somewhere taking a lot of payoffs. That’s how organized crime works.

  23. what if the city government and news media of chicago already know that the city is past the point of no return and that they are on an irreversible course for a rendezvous with self destruction but theyre not telling anybody…
    because they need the tax dollars…

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