My man from makes an excellent point: technology from non-tactical firearms trickles down (across?) to non-sporting firearms—depending on how you define “sporting.” Somehow, though, I think the point was lost on his two comely assistants. Language barrier. Must have been the language barrier.


    • Dang shotguns blocked my view… Otherwise all I heard was blah-blah-blah… It sometimes sucks to know all the latest on most firearms… Truthfully there hasn’t been any real “new” developments since the ’90s. Tactical shotgun? I believe they had those way back in WWI. Of course that is if you don’t count the chopped doubles they had back in “Wild West” times. Either stagecoach guards used them or sheriffs and outlaws used them for pretty much the same thing. Put down the enemy.

  1. This gave me an instant flashback to the old Robert Palmer ‘Addicted To Love’ video where the girls obviously had no idea what they were holding, or what to do with it.

    • As a lifelong guitar player, watching those models feign playing guitars in the “Addicted To Love” and “Simply Irresistible” videos was like fingernails on a chalkboard to me.

      • As someone who never was that good at guitar, but knew what it was supposed to be, I feel your pain…

  2. The concepts of trigger discipline and muzzle control don’t seem to have been communicated within the Russian hooker community.

  3. I think I heard him say that there are guys that will go out and buy a $300,000 shotgun? That shotgun better come with both of these hot chicks for 300k. These girls have no idea of trigger discipline, but when you’re that cute I guess it doesn’t really matter.

    • “Into the future…” oh, wait that was “slipping, slipping, slipping.” What can I say I am old and the memory is going.

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