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From the NSSF . . .

The anniversary of the tragic and senseless murders in Parkland, Fla., three years ago remind us why the firearm industry is committed to Real Solutions. Safer Communities®. The loss of innocent lives because of the unthinkable acts of a criminal defies explanation but deserves our efforts to try to prevent them from occurring again.

President Joe Biden’s call for his gun control agenda is not working to address the shared American goal of reducing criminal misuse of firearms. His demand that Congress ban the modern sporting rifle (MSR), which he knowingly mislabels an “assault rifle” and “weapon of war,” denies the reality that more murders are committed with knives, fists and clubs than all rifles combined. Over 20 million MSRs are in circulation today, used daily for lawful purposes.

SilencerCo factory tour
Dan Z. for TTAG

President Biden’s call to repeal the Protection of Lawful Commerce in Arms Act (PLCAA), a law passed with wide bipartisan support, panders to the radical base of his party. Rolling it back would be akin to allowing activist lawyers to sue Ford for the wrongful deaths caused by drunk drivers.

The criminal responsible for the horrors thrust on Parkland, and the nation, must be held accountable for his crimes. Anything less is a whitewash of the failures of local, state and federal authorities to act on any of the 45 instances of warnings, tips and police responses prior to his final terrible crimes.

Kalashnikov USA factory tour
Dan Z. for TTAG

The firearm industry has been willing to take on this hard work. It has not waited. The firearm industry provides Real Solutions, including partnerships with the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) and local law enforcement to include:

  • Partnering with 15,000 law enforcement agencies to distribute 40 million firearm safety kits, including locking devices, for safe firearm storage through Project ChildSafe®.
  • Fixing the FBI’s background check system by changing the law in 16 states and in Congress to increase reporting of disqualifying adjudicated mental health records, resulting in a 266 percent increase.
  • Partnering with the ATF to prevent illegal firearm straw purchases and warning it is a crime punishable by 10 years in prison and a $250,000 fine.
  • Improving security at firearm retailers, with ATF, to deter criminals from stealing firearms.
  • Matching ATF reward offers up to $5,000 to bring criminals to justice that steal firearms.
  • Preventing firearm suicides with the American Foundation for Suicide Prevention and Department of Veterans Affairs.

The firearm industry is committed to the shared goal of reducing and ending criminal misuse of firearms, as well as accidents and suicides. That is the common ground. These are the proven answers to achieve this goal.

Click here to learn more about Real Solutions®.

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  1. Does anyone really still think the democraps and the left care about stopping crime or keeping people safe at all? All they care about are money and power and the more blood the better because it allows to pass their totalitarian agenda off on frightened fools.

  2. Criminal Misuse of firearms is one thing. Jim Crow Gun Control is another thing.
    Problem is not designating the vast difference between the two. That leaves the don’t know crowd just as ignorant as they were before reading the article.

    • DemoncRATS and Jim Crow Gun Control

      You gotta get new material.

      I’m not saying its wrong but its nauseatingly repetitive. If you wish for people to read any meat of your statements, try not to make them seem so simila that one wants to just pass rather than read the same thing again and again.

      Truth is that liberals just don’t care.

      Conservative biggest failing point is trying to make Empaths out of Leftists. You aren’t going to change their minds by showing them truth and good faith. They know what the truth is, that’s why they’re working so hard to squash it.

      As they say, when push comes to shove……deck that mother.

  3. “That leaves the don’t know crowd just as ignorant as they were before reading the article.”

    “the don’t know” crowd will not ever see the article.

    • The don’t know crowd includes Gun Owners on this forum who by whatever reason never note the difference between the Criminal Misuse of firearms and Jim Crow Gun Control. They ignore one for the other and wind up accomplishing nothing but giving Gun Control standing.

      Other than for myself and few others taking a path that defines Gun Control as an agenda rooted in racism and genocide where’s the beef? Nowhere.
      Mountains of evidence confirms Gun Control in any shape or form has no place in America. That said it should be no doubt about the huge difference between Gun Control and the Crimanal Misuse of firearms. To not draw a wide line between the two every time some gun control zealot passes gas amounts to peeing on the wind.

  4. Who, outside the “gun community” has even a clue what NSSF is (or what the letters stand for)?

    Went to the “Real Solutions” website, but found no evidence statements such as the the one at had are sent to influencers (i.e. state and national legislative and executive politicians). There is no hope the “media” will publicize the letter.

  5. Then THEY Should stand up, Get together form a coalition and fight back against it. Make a Huge Push to support it’s citizens, buyers and gun rights. If THEY Don’t do anything then they are shooting themselves in the head.

  6. “The don’t know crowd includes Gun Owners on this forum who by whatever reason never note the difference between the Criminal Misuse of firearms and Jim Crow Gun Control.”

    Not sure that matters a whit. The 2A defenders here need not know anything about Jim Crow laws, nor the beginnings of gun controls in America. 2A defenders can develop without ever reading any history of racism in this country.

    My point was that “the people who don’t know” are the vast majority who are disengaged from the gun community, and simply follow the herd on social media. Those people will never see the NSSF article referenced anywhere in their bubble. So, why the preaching to the choir? That letter needs to somehow crack the ignorance bubble. Which it won’t, which means the “don’t know” crowd will not face the inconvenience of knowledge.

    • Actually, the “don’t know” community are likely disengaged from all things political, not just guns and 2A issues.

      People who willingly voted Harris/Biden are now complaining about the “cheap gasoline” here in IA hitting $2.65 per today, tomorrow it’ll be more. If they “did know” back on Nov 3 they’d have never voted for a guy who, to use his own campaign rhetoric against him in response to a 2A question, is “full of shit”.

      • (Since the edit “feature” didn’t work) The crux of the matter is that anyone who “did know” would’ve voted knowing that the bedwetters would shut down all new petroleum and natural gas production where they could, as well as push the heavily taxpayer-subsidized phony electricity generating “solutions” that are causing forced blackouts. They also would’ve realized that the dems would attempt to neutralize the Second Amendment and further intrude on every day lives and personal freedoms across the nation as well as press forward on the notion that since someone happened to be born Caucasian they are the root of all evil.

        In the scant campaigning done by Harris/Biden during the 2020 cycle, it was all laid out in plain English and still a huge number of Americans, as well as millions of illegal voters failed to bother to “know”.

  7. Why haven’t any of these politicians implemented the top-suggested idea to hire a seasonal school security force from the labor pool of retired cops and vets to work as security officers at our schools? It’s the absolute best idea yet and would work better than anything else.

    • The best idea is to repudiate the government indoctrination system and home school. That is the best solution.

      • Until home school becomes the norm and replaces public school as our mainstay the security force I spoke of can, and should, be done. If it works for Israel it will work for us.

  8. “Why haven’t any of these politicians implemented the top-suggested idea to hire a seasonal school security force from the labor pool of retired cops and vets to work as security officers at our schools?”

    Security officers remind the precious cargo that danger is all around, and that would make them feel sad, and damage their emotions for life, and lead to mental illness, and if nobody has guns there can’t be any mass shootings (which seem to happen only in middle and upper class schools), so hiring more security is a bad option.

    Besides, no one needs a gun, and guns in the home only increase the probability that it is the residents who will be shot, and if someone breaks into your home, just run away, and just like we need to give condoms to children in elementary school (because they are going to “do it” anyway, might as well be safe) we need to keep guns away from children because we know they will just kill other children anyway so why have guns around?

    Did I cover everything?

    • Yes … except the part they can be told to suck it up and be grateful they’re protected and they go home alive.

      Believe me I understand what you said AND what you meant. I was hoping Trump would start such a service anyway (as he did the Space Force) and he actually might have but them again this is one more of the reasons his opposition STOLE THE ELECTION.

  9. Forrest Gump: “Stupid is as stupid does.” It is not a weapon that is the problem is it stupid. “So I turned my mind to understand, to investigate and to search out wisdom and the scheme of things and to understand the stupidity of wickedness and the madness of folly.” and low and behold: “Whoever loves discipline loves knowledge, but whoever hates correction is stupid.” So if you don’t teach and learn law and order you don’t get it.

  10. “I was hoping Trump would start such a service anyway (as he did the Space Force)…”

    “Space Force” will be required to be less than it could be. The original idea put before AF leadership was a totally independent organization, reporting to no other service. Space Force is a threat to the AF, which sees itself under continuous risk of being reabsorbed into the Army. AF does not want a two front war for survival.

    In my observation, Trump’s biggest and continuous mistake was seeing government as a type of business. He launched a hostile takeover, and won. Generally, after such an event, the naysayers are fired or chased out of the company, and the CEO’s people put in charge. In government, Trump saw the president as CEO and Chairman of the Board, the board (Congress) being subservient to the CEO/COB. I think Trump never really understood what was happening, and why.

    • This has nothing to do with the core of what I was talking about. I’m sure most folks, oh about 99.999% of them, understood that I only used the Space Force as an example.

      And … since we can’t rid ourselves of lunatic Democrats that commit mass murders and those that try to deflect readers that don’t follow their agenda;

      Creating an armed security force for school security out of retired vets and cops like we did with TSA after 9/11, and/or, like we have nationwide providing court security in federal courthouses, is a definite answer to the school shootings and violence problem.


  11. “Creating an armed security force for school security out of retired vets and cops like we did with TSA after 9/11, and/or, like we have nationwide providing court security in federal courthouses, is a definite answer to the school shootings and violence problem.”

    My point was to illustrate what happens when government takes over “a good idea”, using Space Force as an example. If one has no faith in the current government ability to do the right thing, asking for another bloated bureaucracy that answers to no one doesn’t actually accomplish the intended goal. The same political leaders who led us to where we are would be the mechanism to create what you ask.

    • “No your point was to deflect from mine and I caught it. Now go suck eggs.”

      Oh, great. Thank you. Now you go onto the list of screen names assigned to the children’s table; to be ignored. ‘Preciate your assistance.

    • By all means place me on your ignore list. I can care less to waste my previous time on a lunatic libertarian. With you turds maturity never makes a bit of difference anyway. oIo

  12. Something to remember and to point out at every opportunity – roughly 100 MILLION Law Abiding Citizen gun owners did not commit a single crime today.
    We ain’t the problem yet the ‘gun control’ laws being proposed at all levels only infringe on us, not CRIMINALS.

  13. “Something to remember and to point out at every opportunity – roughly 100 MILLION Law Abiding Citizen gun owners did not commit a single crime today.”

    Yeah, but they might. That is the issue for anti-gunners.

  14. I’ve long read the good stuff on this site, and I thank you for the work.

    Civilian law enforcement fusion centers piloted ranking potential citizen dangers to society for a long time now. This infrastructure COULD allow the rounding up of known gangbangers, rapists, peds, etc and gets upsold in MSM coverage as the reason for it, but it’s about knowing who is wrongthink and who is maskthink, mapping the “butterfeld”.

    Media stories in which “hackers” gained access to x,y,z are comedy bits for those who understand the surveillance state has laid the groundwork for every stray electron discussing wrongthink. Knowing who owns what, thinks what, is illuminating who to target beforehand, imagine the tyrants of old, what they would give for this advantage.

    The professionally outraged pollys are bringing the legislation of confiscation to the fore after “bespoke FF” goes live to sell the consent of disarmament.

    I never served in the military, I’ve always loved the idea, but not the type of man useful in my younger years to any service. It is a regret I carry. Better men then me sacrificed it all to ensure we wouldn’t be captured by an internationalist cabal, and yet here we are.

    So many want to comply with mandates from on high in the delusion that another infringement, another lost speck of sovereignty can buy a return to the old normal. This is painful to watch in family members who voted for this coup.

    TL:DR – the time to use the expertise of all men opposed to this coup is at hand. I have hope that a common man such as I, accounts for himself well and doesn’t shirk from responsibilities. To all who’ve served I thank you and wish you and your family’s well.

    This is not a declaration of action, merely an acknowledgment of our near term situation.

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