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Thanks to my buddy, Matt, for linking me to The Gunfighter a few months ago. This hilarious short film should have gone up on TTAG then. Nine minutes of quality programming here, and a bit of levity in what feels like a rough couple months of serious news at home and abroad.


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    • RE “Did this take place in San Francisco?”… I lived in SF proper for 5 years and I’m actually in San Francisco right this minute traveling for work. This very easily could have happened in SF back in the time period it’s supposed to take place in (well… you know… the “real” parts of it), what with it being a hub for the CA gold rush (49’ers and all) and a real example of the Wild West. The house I used to live in is in a part of the city that was called Butchertown, and we had a photo on the wall of our very street from the late 1800’s — dirt street like you’d see in any old Western flick, complete with a saloon approximately where our house now stands. Hitching post for horses in front of the saloon and everything. No info on any actual shootouts or itchy whores, but it’s possible!

  1. “A woman!”
    “Let’s not get carried away…”

    This is fantastic. Right up there with Airplane, Top Secret, Johnny Dangerously,

    Thanks Jeremy. I laughed hard!

    • 🙂

      Love Top Secret! Although I have to admit, I actually really like fat Val Kilmer, too.

      • Top Secret, Great flick, blew me away. I think one of the funniest parts is, where the German soldier took off his helmet, and the strap stayed on his head. The guy with the “anal intruder” was pretty good also.

  2. Ok that was pretty funny. My only gripe is that I don’t think if that were real they would have called it “The Voice,” they probably would have thought it was God.

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