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From SilencerCo . . .

SilencerCo is excited to release episode five of the American Gun series, “American Gun: The Immigrant.” This video features Dahl, an American immigrant who was born and raised in Dominica, a small island in the Caribbean. Dahl’s story illustrates why the American Dream is not dead, and why the second amendment offers a freedom unlike anything else.

Dahl came to America when he was 25 years old on a path to citizenship through the U.S. Navy. Previously, he lived in other countries all around the world. The one thing that kept him from staying in any of these countries was his inability to participate in his favorite hobby: shooting guns.

“One thing I like about the US is you can be armed. The second amendment guarantees that you have that ability which is incomparable with any [other] country you go to,” said Dahl.

Now, as an American citizen, Dahl enjoys all of these freedoms and shares them with the people he loves. Although he and his brother are separated by a large age gap, recreational shooting bridges that gap and creates a unique bond. Dahl also frequently invites other immigrant friends to join him in his hobby and teach them safety and tactical techniques.

This love of shooting is just one reason why the second amendment is so important. Previous “American Gun” episodes point out other reasons such as personal protection, craftsmanship and mental health.

Episode five marks the end of the first half of the “American Gun” project and videos can be found on the SilencerCo YouTube channel. The second half of the project will commence in early 2022.

For more information on the “American Gun” campaign, click here.

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  1. When I was participating in USPSA contests, many of the shooters were immigrants from the Phillippines. They were very good.

  2. Dominica is beautiful, reefs and ancient underwater volcano topology is underwater photo awesomeness. Wonderful place to visit, but yeah no gun ownership on most. Heck, can’t even wear camo in Antiqua.
    Guy in background has a .50 it looks like. ‘Merica’!

  3. Yep “some” immigrant’s get it. Had a Ukrainian doctor give me an echo cardiogram last month. He gleefully told me about owning an AR and how pizzed he was that America was turning into a commie state. And how he couldn’t believe such a huge part of Americans voted for such Leftard gobbledygook. Sigh…

  4. There is an Arab guy at the Emmaus farmers who sells organic olive oil from olives grown on his family farm in Tunisia. Great product, fresh tasting, good for dipping. He also sells olives and spices mixes.

    He is there every week that the outside market is open, April through December. He does other farmers markets on other days. He works alone, he works hard.

    Once, when we were talking about politics in Tunisia, I told him he is exactly the kind of person that makes this country great. He seemed startled, especially since I always have a Trump button. It was a good opportunity to dispel some myths.

    I should ask him if he shoots.

    • I took an immigrant from Sudan on his first hunt with a firearm. Talked him into buying his own shotgun. It took him a while to work up the nerve to make that purchase.

      Worked with a guy from Afghanistan. We talked about guns. He wanted one but was unsure if it was legal for him to buy. After some quick checking turns out he was.

      Always, always, be helpful to new and first time gun owners. Grow the family.

    • Earlier this year, I took a Ugandan student (here on a legitimate student visa) and his wife to the range to shoot handguns/steel and shotgun/clays. Neither of them had ever even touched a gun before, as in Africa only police and criminals have guns, and most of all of them are corrupt. My friend was about to complete his studies here and return home a few weeks later, so the trip to the range was a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for them.

      Went through the necessary safety discussions, then started small with .22LR. When we graduated to 9mm, they both lit up with big smiles upon the first shots. We spent the next couple of hours ringing steel and shooting clays. At the end, they were over the moon and said holding a real gun in their hands was better than they ever expected, and they were so envious of America’s 2nd Amendment.

      Good times.

  5. I have a neighbor and good friend who is a resident alien from Mexico. When I first met him, all he had was an old (although very nice) pump-action 20 gauge shotgun which someone gave to him–and he was a bit sheepish about owning it. I showed him some of my long guns and hand guns. He was pleasantly surprised and decided that he should look into firearm ownership a bit more seriously. Two years later: he has his concealed carry license, several very nice handguns (with sweet customizations), a lever-action .30-30 Winchester rifle, and his very first AR-15. Oh, and I should mention regarding his AR-15 that he acquired various parts and assembled it himself. His next project is legally acquiring a suppressor!

    Liberty is–GASP!-contagious and exhilarating!

  6. I helped an immigrant get his first whitetail. Jimmy Muhammad. He was from Jordan. Owned a couple of local convenience stores. He had been a paratrooper in the Jordanian Army so we hit it off. He liked M-16s and Hi-Powers. He bought a Winchester Model 70 30-06 and a decent scope and was off to the races.

  7. Javier was pretty happy to become an American citizen and real proud he could constitutional carry.
    Cisco ain’t no American citizen and he carries a gunm too. Same for Jose and another guy who’s name changes from day to day.

  8. Disproven once again “More guns on the street make you safer” or NRA propaganda “An armed society is a polite society”.

    The real truth is in the stats.

    Guns, stress and politics: US road rage shootings on the rise

    fter a speeding driver cut her off abruptly on a Californian highway in May, Joanna Cloonan gestured rudely towards the car. A passenger grabbed a pistol and fired at her vehicle, killing her six-year-old son in the back seat.

    A woman in Texas was shot in the back last week while shielding her seven-year-old daughter from gunfire toward their vehicle, and another driver in Kentucky is recovering from gunshot wounds sustained after an argument involving a parking space.

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    Organic Waffle Bed Blanket In Shore – Full/Queen By Boll And Branch
    Road rage incidents involving a gun have been responsible for record levels of injury and death in the United States since the start of the Covid-19 pandemic, according to a recent report from Everytown for Gun Safety, a nonprofit that advocates against gun violence.

    Data shows that traffic skirmishes involving firearms have been on the rise since 2018, and the report said that “if current trends continue, 2021 is on track to be the deadliest year on record.”

    The pandemic, which introduced many new sources of stress to people’s lives, has also seen record increases in gun sales and shootings, Everytown said.

    – ‘Entitlement’ and ‘narcissism’ –

    Ryan Martin, an anger researcher at the University of Wisconsin-Green Bay, told AFP that “just the existence of a life-threatening illness puts people on edge, when the frustrations that they encounter would have been kind of mild two years ago.”

    In a country where the right to bear arms is fiercely guarded, the omnipresence of guns magnifies the problem, according to Martin, a psychology professor.

    Firearms are “a driving factor in multiple ways because it gives you a lethal mechanism to act out that anger,” he said.

    “Data also shows that having a gun in the car with you makes you more likely to become angry. It’s called the weapons effect.”

    Individualistic American attitudes may also be partly to blame.

    “The individualism that we see in the US probably exacerbates a lot of anger response. There is a sense of entitlement that comes with the way in which Americans tend to think about freedom,” Martin said.

    Martin and emotional management specialist Pauline Wallin both suggest that deep political divides also contribute to the violence.

    Wallin, a psychologist based in Pennsylvania, said that because Americans are increasingly polarized, a person cutting you off in traffic is more likely seen as the “enemy” rather than an “inconvenience.”

    “We’re more apt to blame other people for what happened,” she said. “It’s somebody else’s fault… it’s all about narcissism.”

    Even pandemic safety measures like masks became framed as a political debate under former president Donald Trump, and divisive messaging did not disappear with his administration, Wallin said.

    “Poor management of frustration” is at fault for most road rage incidents, according to the psychologist.

    “You have to take some deep breaths. You have to calm yourself down because you can’t think logically when you’re very upset,” she said. “Ask yourself, will this matter tomorrow? In a week?”

    Martin said drivers have to realize that engaging in an aggressive, hostile way is “never going to be a positive outcome.”

    “Let it go,” he advised.

    • The number of one-on-one confrontation rage attacks by others, especially black on white hate crime offenses, far out number by several thousands nationally on any given day any national annual road rage numbers. So yes, guns in the hands of legal gun owners does make people safer.

    • Thanks for the list of people with whom I feel no obligation to share space in the world. Lock them up, the sane in prisons and the insane in secure psychiatric hospitals. If they can’t come after me, I won’t have to shoot them in self defense. The warden of the Cook County Illinois jail stated that 25% to 30% of his inmates were there because of mental illness. That suggests we need one hospital bed for every three prison beds.

      There is nothing wrong with individualism. There is much wrong with a lack of respect for other individuals. Road rage is an example of the latter. So is supermarket checkout line rage, etc.

    • It’s not gunms Dacian, its cars. Vehicles kill more people (and critters) then any gunm. But that is an excetable form of death, because accidents happen.
      Why just the other day I was roaring down the road and seen a human , I thought, “Yah know, I could just run over that guy and probably get away with it.” ( because I wanna kill everybody)
      Then I got to thinking about the law and if I did get caught, what would be my excuse. An accident, why yes, that would probably work in court. So now I carry a small box of Bee’s in my car, now I can run over the guy( because I wanna kill everybody) let the Bee’s loose , maybe get stung a few times and dial 9-1-1
      “The bee’s flew in my window, I was fighting the bee’s , didnt see the pedestrian, and what a tragedy. ”
      Why was my window rolled up with a car full of bee’s? ” Well I didnt want the evidence flying out the window, you’ve know idea the pain I went through to preserve that evidence. ”
      So you see Dacian, it’s not the implement of destruction that’s used, it’s the loose nut behind the wheel.

      Vetted, tested, licensed, registered, and insured

      • Also, flipping the bird is an invitation to fight. If you’re not prepared to back it up, then keep your finger to yourself. The more you know…

        • Dave, you’re well within your rights to smart off to the most unstable dude you come across. You’ll also have to deal with the consequences of those actions. Why do you think I’m responsible for the actions of other people? That makes you sound like a leftist.

      • That’s debatable, had he just had his med bag?? Who knows. Then again
        the mob would have stomped the sht out of him anyway , because he wasnt one of “them”.
        What a mess, and all because of one guy resisting arrest.

        • *a guy that happened to have a warrant for third-degree sexual assault, trespassing and disorderly conduct, but the cops were called because he stole his ex’s car keys and sexually assaulted her again. They sure know how to pick their martyrs. Those BLM bums might still be alive if it weren’t for the lying media pushing this nonsense on them. The millionaire journos have blood on their hands and no doubt sleep like babies. Psychopaths.

    • What of it? 4A and 5A can in some ways “make us less safe”, as can 1A. Liberty, and a culture thereof, is not for cowards.

    • One thing I like about the U.S. is you can have paper dacian targets at the range and its called first amendment expression.

    • The number of one-on-one confrontation rage attacks by others, especially black on white hate crime offenses, far out number by several thousands nationally on any given day any national annual road rage numbers. So yes, guns in the hands of legal gun owners does make people safer.

  9. My wife had never handled a firearm until after coming here. “Parador” has very restrictive gun laws. They also have no officially recognized hunting, although the jungle tribes hunt with blowguns, bows, spears, and the odd likely illegal break action shotgun. I taught her safe gun handling, and she’s a pretty good shot. Has a hunter’s ed certificate and concealed carry permit. Her dad, who was retired military, had one of those shotguns, 12 gauge with a 12 inch barrel. When he died, her brother did not want it, so it quietly disappeared into the black market.

    Every time we travel, I get down and kiss the ground after we return—glad to be home. They do have good fishing however, lotsa weird fish in the jungle rivers and beautiful trout in the mountain lakes and streams.

  10. My nieces husband is from the Philippines .My nephew has a small ranch. They do a lot of shooting out there.
    Her husband was super nervous about the gunms and the law, couldn’t believe we can have legal gunms. For some reason he cant get the hang of shooting, I think hes to nervous about having gunms and the law?

  11. My son did his 2nd shoot last weekend. 100m with the Ruger Precision Rimfire.

    He loved using the rifle. And scored 100 out of 100. He was ecstatic to get that score.

    Also good because he helped choose that rifle.

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