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76 thoughts on “The New Must-Have Piece of Equipment for Gun Retailers: Cash Counting Machines”

  1. Looks like Weimar Germany. I had a grand uncle stationed there, he would tell stories about people carrying baskets full of bank notes – followed by carts and wheelbarrows – to buy bread and eggs.

    • And they kept the wheelbarrow because it had some value, then burned the money for firewood… coming soon to a country near you

    • My dad used to tell us kids that it is wise to bury coffee cans filled with currency under the shed out back.
      If shit ever hits the fan, you can dig them up… because coffee cans will always be worth SOMETHING!!

      • Now that dad’s been gone awhile, I can admit that I Didn’t take his advice… I invested heavily in precious commodities.
        Stainless, Brass, Steel, Pb(lead), Copper, Nitrocellulose compounds…….

      • “My dad used to tell us kids that it is wise to bury coffee cans filled with currency under the shed out back.”

        Just to be sure, did you run a metal detector over the back yard when your parents passed? 🙂

        • Dad’s gone, but mom at 92 still lives in the same house… have to help her pick the rest of the crop from her half acre garden today…fall starts this week, which in Mn. means winter is about 5 or 6 weeks away.
          And the shed still has various holdings of 61 years worth of theirs and eight kids collection of “stuff”

        • . means winter is about 5 or 6 weeks away.

          Winter OFFICIALLY begins on Dec 21 however I just saw a prediction of temps in the 20s in NY next week so you COULD be seeing “Winter-like” weather as soon as late next week also…

        • My mom used to tell me and family, when she goes, don’t throw anything out of the walk-in pantry and fruit cellar without looking inside……..treats in cereal boxes, bottom opened canned goods, et el……enough to bury her several times over, and finish the gkid’s college and down payment on her first home. Still would prefer to have her home cooked meals back. For Dad, it was guns, war pics/souvenirs (true badass….professional silence), bonds in the fake air handling ducts in the basement and garage/workshop. Oh, those Depression era kids…..oldies but goodies…..truly the Greatest Generation:) 🙂 🙂

    • Absolutely. And James, yes, absolutely as well. Haven’t seen any for a couple years up here now. Sad face.

  2. A year ago the Slytherin Administration backed down on the proposed $600 withdrawal notification to the IRS from your banking institutions. Is their intention to hire 87k additional IRS personnel related to a renewed push to implement cash tracking by banks?* Coming soon to banks near you…the new and improved (insert amount here) cash withdrawal reporting limit…it’s for the kids, Come On, Man…ya gotta support it.

    *that’s enough to staff just about every bank, credit union and their branches with it’s very own Stazi officer.

    • “A Treasury Department report from May 2021 estimated that such an investment would enable the agency to hire roughly 87,000 employees by 2031. But most of those hires would not be Internal Revenue agents, and wouldn’t be new positions.

      “According to a Treasury Department official, the funds would cover a wide range of positions including IT technicians and taxpayer services support staff, as well as experienced auditors who would be largely tasked with cracking down on corporate and high-income tax evaders.

      “It is wholly inaccurate to describe any of these resources as being about increasing audit scrutiny of the middle class or small businesses,” Natasha Sarin, a counselor for tax policy and implementation at the Treasury Department, tells TIME.

      At the same time, more than half of the agency’s current employees are eligible for retirement and are expected to leave the agency within the next five years. “There’s a big wave of attrition that’s coming and a lot of these resources are just about filling those positions,” says Sarin, an economist who has studied tax avoidance extensively and who was tapped by the Biden administration to beef up the IRS’s auditing power.“

        • Do you have a source or citation they provide evidence to the contrary?

          Or is your objection just about the way you ‘feel’ about the issue?

        • You can bet that 86,999 of those new hires will be loyal democrats.
          Plus One Libertarian.
          It’s like one of that Idiot Obama’s Jobs Programs that cost $500,000 per new job.

        • Miner, yeah, I got a source and a citation for yer sorry ass: every single word uttered in the last few years by the left; north and south, east and west. Globally. And that includes you, Mr smarmy pants .

        • Of course he believes it. The cult always believes it. Plus, Janet Yellen is assuring us that the IRS will only ramp up harassment enforcement of the really, really rich people. So no worries! Yes, she’s the same person that assured us that we wouldn’t have an inflation problem, then it would only be transitory. It’d be gone before you knew it! Then, she said, oops, she was wrong. It’s here to stay, and it will be painful. Remind me again why she hasn’t been fired? It’s because they don’t care about inflation! They’re going to keep gorging themselves on the government teat until we kick them out. They’re laughing at us as they print more money and raise the interest rates. Pain! Not for us! LOL!

          The “increase in service funding” is just another cultist talking point. The service increase is a measly 4% of the obscene increased budget. In other words, the service won’t increase in proportion to the massive increase in audits and harassment. Since the service already sucks, then it will continue to suck even worse. Why don’t you ask an FFL how the ATF’s service has been lately. You ain’t seen nuthin yet. The IRS will be cracking down on small cash businesses. It’s audit time.

          Of the $80 billion windfall the IRS will rake in from the Inflation Reduction Act, just $3.2 billion — or 4% — will be spent on improving taxpayer service. In contrast, $46 billion — or 58% of the new money — will be devoted to enhancing “monitoring and compliance.”

          That $600 IRS notification proposal wasn’t so they could go after the wealthy. Dem voters are so gullible. They’ll revisit that proposal in the future. They’re setting the stage for a massive surveillance and compliance state. Democrats don’t even want that, hence the lies. Who’s the wannabe authoritarian again? I keep forgetting.

        • “It is wholly inaccurate to describe any of these resources as being about increasing audit scrutiny of the middle class or small businesses,”
          I suppose you believe that crap.
          While we may not have a source or citation yet give it a year and see what happens. If you trust this administration to help the people you’re an idiot.

        • Citation above muckraker. Miner doesn’t know what he’s talking about. Anyone can find it, and the related info, with a search. I’ve previously posted the IRS’s plan of how they want to spend their money. That was in a reply to Miner. I doubt he read it. He’s just a talking point machine. In other news, propaganda still works.

        • “Miner doesn’t know what he’s talking about“

          I made no statement, I merely shared an article featuring interviews with humans actually involved with the issue.

          Do you have credible evidence or statements by knowledgeable people that are at odds with the reporting?

          Or just more empty prose and ad hominem attacks?

        • Empty prose Miner? I called you out for pushing misleading talking points. Your masters are pretending that the IRS is focusing their funds on customer service and only going after the wealthy. This is a lie, just like their other propagandist lies. The tiny increase in customer service funding is not in proportion to the increase in audits. Therefore the service will actually get worse. Is that clear enough for you?

      • You-“At the same time, more than half of the agency’s current employees are eligible for retirement and are expected to leave the agency within the next five years. “There’s a big wave of attrition that’s coming and a lot of these resources are just about filling those positions,” says Sarin, an economist who has studied tax avoidance extensively and who was tapped by the Biden administration to beef up the IRS’s auditing power.“

        Ok, so the IRS, most famous for targeting conservative organizations under the Obama regime gets more money. So tell me Miner49er, do you ever look at govt programs with a skeptical eye? In California, they diverted tax payers funds to pay for CHP pensions, that money was supposed to go to road maintenance. THEN California came up with a fuel tax increase to pay for the roads and only the roads. The key word here is the word ONLY in the last sentence. If you tell me your spending my tax money on X, then later come to me and want to tax me more and the money can only be spent on X we super promise (total b.s.).

        The answer to any increase in taxes is no, always no. The answer to any additional funding for govt agencies is almost always no! Next time you’re at the DMV, ask yourself if this place is being efficient run? If the DMV isn’t running efficiently with the money they’re already provided then why give them more money…..

        • They fully trust Big Government. The bigger, the better. It’s part of their belief system. Big Government only benefits Big Business, but the cult doesn’t know that.

        • Miner, soo you are going to deny that the IRS was posting hiring positions for “CI Field Agents, willing to use deadly force”, a listing that was pulled on August 10, 2022 after universal outcry from all sides?
          I mean, you can Google it or whatever you use as a source, but are you actually going to call bullshit ?…
          Whom do you suppose ordered that little tidbit to get swept under the rug? See if you can find it there, lowlife, it’s probably somewhere near your abode.

      • hire roughly 87,000 employees by 2031. But most of those hires would not be Internal Revenue agents, and wouldn’t be new positions.

        So THAT is a fucking lie. The $80,000,000,000.00 is NEW funding, any current position will be refilled upon being vacated and paid for with current funding levels which is automatically renewed annually. NEW funding is in addition to that annual budget of approximately 12 billion and provides for 87,000 NEW FIELD AGENTS… What govt agency do YOU know of that goes to Congress for NEW funding for every position that becomes vacant? Kool-Aid swilling morons might believe that shit but anyone with any sense at all knows better, looks like YOU are in the former group.

        “In addition, Democrats want to add in another 86,852 FTEs, more than doubling the staffing to 166,660. These positions are described as “new, specialized enforcement staff.” See page 17 of the American Families Plan Tax Compliance Agenda for more. The increased funding and staffing are designed to restore IRS enforcement capability through a sustained rebuilding of the IRS.”

        • ANYONE that would apply to hire on with the Obiden admin (IRS other) should automatically be banned from hire as being a prog and moron. Can enlist if they want to work for Sam.

        • Did you even read what you posted?

          “The increased funding and staffing are designed to restore IRS enforcement capability through a sustained rebuilding of the IRS.“

          That’s restore and ‘rebuild, not create ‘new’ positions.

          I’m sure there are many wealthy folks who are rather nervous about the IRS rebuilding their enforcement capability, but if you made money off of this wonderful society our fathers and grandfathers created, you need to bear a portion of the expenses.

          And the portion they pay should be commensurate with the bounty they reaped from the People’s marketplaces of America.

          “For unto whomsoever much is given, of him shall be much required“
          Luke 12:40 KJV

        • Miner,
          Do you understand why the tax code is so complicated? It’s because the upper class owns the politicians who write the tax code. Before you revert to your typical tribalist responses, the politicians I’m referring to are on both sides of the political aisle.

          Obama was going to go after the rich. What happened next? The greatest transfer of wealth to the upper class in the history of the country at that point. The Puppet promised to go after the rich to “pay their fair share.” What’s happening now? Another massive transfer of wealth to the upper class.

          Are you catching on to the game yet? The rich will always win, no matter what. That’s why the focus has to be on allowing the middle class succeed, not pretending like you’re going after the rich. That isn’t what we’re seeing right now. In fact, we’re seeing the opposite. That isn’t a theory. We have the data to back it up. Of course they lie about what they’re doing. They have to. Most voters wouldn’t support that.

        • Did you even read what you posted?

          Apparently, YOU have a comprehension issue. The IRS has NEVER had 180,000 employees (guess you missed the part about MORE THAN DOUBLING staffing by ADDING 86,852 NEW positions, and PUHleeeze never quote the bible again. Yesterday you dishonestly tried to support the Constitution (which you abhor) and today AFTER all your blasphemous “Sky Daddy” remarks you want to use the words from his book. You are a truly worthless POS.

  3. Parallel Economy. hard to send online ammo/accessory dealers an envelope of cash.
    I dont trust the mail system, Fed Ex CEO didnt paint a rosy picture. And I know you never have enough ammo. But at this point, you are late.
    Wait until they start flagging cash withdrawals from your bank.

    • Registered mail via USPS is safe. One does have to declare a value which becomes the insured value of the piece. Everyone, without exception, from orgin office to delivery has to sign for and initiate new paperwork, thus if a registered piece leaves the mail stream the point of departure can easily be determined. Registered is really nothing more than insured 1st class mail. Prep is different, in that no plastic tape etc can be used because the receiving clerk has to date stamp and initial across each seam.
      Another option is Express Mail and a value does not have to be declared. Each express piece is insured up to $500,000 and the cost is figured into the cost of mailing. Speak to a local postal person since some of this may have changed since I retired in ’95.

    • For years, whenever I send out postal mail, I never write my return address on the outside of the envelope. Only the addressee is shown, so the images USPS keeps of every piece of mail it handles don’t show my name and they don’t have the ability to track where it came from in that big database of theirs. None of their beeswax.

      • Haz, that is certainly your choice. If the delivery address for any reason cannot be read, then the piece is sent to the dead letter office where the piece will be opened and either returned to the sender with a letter explaining why or delivered to the recipient with a letter also explaining why. A return address keeps them from opening the piece in search of either address. Still your choice.

        • Nonsense. How much mail do we all get from corporations that have no return address on their envelopes, or in non-standard print on the reverse side? I have never once in my life received a complaint from any friends, family, or other recipients stating that the mail they received from me was tampered with.

          As long as there is an addressee, the mail will be delivered. A return address is for the case in which the addressee cannot be located or refuses the item.

        • Haz if the mail piece cannot be delivered to the addressee for any reason, then it can’t be returned to sender due to the absence of a return address and that is when a piece is sent to the dead letter office where it is opened in search of an address. I am not criticizing you, I am merely trying to explain what consequences can occur and your never receiving any complaints from friends etc has nothing to do with my previous comments. I am glad that you have not had any problems, but problems do happen.
          Again the choice is yours. Do as you like.

        • Hush, thanks for relating your personal knowledge and experience from your career with the USPS, it’s factual reporting like this that helps us understand the situation.

          And please don’t think poorly of Hazy, he’s a conservative and would much rather make his decisions based upon his feelings as opposed to reporting from those with personal knowledge and experience.

          Regretfully, it seems your explanation does not feel ‘truthy’ to him.

        • @Hush,

          Yes, you’re correct that a piece of mail that cannot be delivered nor returned would be considered “dead” and therefore opened to inspect for information that would allow delivery. I had that happen to me once, many years ago, when I accidentally dropped a sealed envelope in the mail that was intended to be hand-delivered to a friend. There was nothing written on the outside but my friend’s name. The USPS opened it and was able to return it to me because my personal bank check (written to my friend) had my home address on it.

          I apologize for the misunderstanding. I interpreted your earlier comment to imply that you thought the USPS opens all mail that doesn’t display a return address on the exterior.

        • Haz, that’s ok. I read your comments daily and we are usually in agreement. Also, I am a retired Postmaster(’95) and I learned a long time ago that all I could do was to offer advise relative to best practices, not demand. The things that can happen to any piece of mail is only limited to one’s imagination. I am a firm POTG and at 79 I can’t see good enough to drive, but I still go to the range as often as possible and waste some ammo. I’ll be 80 Thanksgiving day and will be looking out for your gift in the mail,
          take care.

  4. ATM withdrawal limits are mostly a practical matter. Each one only has so much paper to spit out before needing a refill, so they’d rather the first person to show up afterwards not empty it in one go.

    Work out trade-ins for agreed value, so you can keep the money changing hands below whatever amount the Irritatingly Rude Simpletons want to spy on.

  5. As always, the American people will figure out a way around the intent here, which will soon be followed by calls from the gun-haters to prohibit cash transactions, either for firearms and ammo alone, if not in general.

    Cash is one of the last barriers to complete control of the people.

    It’s only a matter of time.

    • “It’s only a matter of time“

      You bet it’s only a matter of time until the Republicans force a cashless society on America.

      Hopefully the Democrats will put a stop to this big government move by the conservatives.

      “Democratic lawmakers and advocates warned at a congressional hearing Thursday that even with the proliferation of credit and mobile payments, putting restrictions on cash payments would harm low-income Americans who do not have a bank account.

      Rep. Donald Payne Jr. (D-N.J.), who introduced a bill this year that would prohibit retail businesses from refusing cash payments, argued that Americans should be able to decide whether they want to use cash.

      “It’s about choice,” Payne said in an interview with the Hill. “To eliminate a choice is un-American.”

      Payne’s bill, the Payment Choice Act of 2019, has bipartisan support among its 34 co-sponsors.

      He argued that a transition toward a cashless America would be to the detriment of people who do not have a bank account or who distrust banks.“

      • Democrats are NOT pro-cash, they just want to CONTROL the replacement…

        The “digital dollar” is now mentioned in a separate bill introduced by Rep. Maxine Waters (D-Calif.), titled the “Financial Protections and Assistance for America’s Consumers, States, Businesses, and Vulnerable Populations Act.”
        In the latest step toward a cashless society, House Democrats have proposed a “digital dollar” currency controlled by the Federal Reserve that’s meant to make payments to people and businesses forced to shut down amid the coronavirus pandemic.

      • He argued that a transition toward a cashless America would be to the detriment of people who do not have a bank account or who distrust banks.“

        They didn’t have mass failures when they moved from actual paper “food stamps” (used like cash) and replaced them with EBT cards, don’t need a bank account, the govt will give them one.

        • “don’t need a bank account, the govt will give them one“

          The number of folks with an EBT card is a tiny fraction of the portion of society that utilizes mainly cash and does not employ credit/debit cards.

    • Republicans don’t want you to know their corporate masters are behind the push for a cashless society.

      Vote Democrat if you want to keep the cash option available for anonymous participation in our economy, vote for Democrats because they’re the only ones fighting to preserve your rights:

      “A pair of bills introduced in Congress over the past week would put a stop to retailers going cashless.

      Representative David Cicilline, a Democrat from Rhode Island, has authored legislation nicknamed the Cash Always Should Be Honored (CASH) Act. The bill so far has attracted nine co-sponsors, all Democrats, including Representatives Yvette Clarke of New York, Ilhan Omar of Minnesota and Ayanna Pressley of Massachusetts.”

      I understand these facts may not fit your treasured narrative, or the conservative big government propagandists, please accept my apologies for bursting your bubble with reality.

    • @Miner49er

      Ha ha ha ha ha ha!!! That’s hilarious.

      Of COURSE the Democrats have to shout and scream about “keeping cash.” They’re the only ones any sensible person would ever believe actually want to do it.

      “The lady doth protest too much, methinks” – Hamlet

      • “…and then some”: the little known, seldom included addendum to Hamlet’s astute observation…

  6. Vote all you want. The flight plan doesn’t change. Left wing, right wing are both wings on the same jew bird of prey

  7. I will say the church we went to was saying they were having trouble dealing with cash from collections, so for giggles my wife and I looked at buying them a counter. It’s shockingly affordable to get one. If you handle even moderate amounts of currency it’s a good deal.

  8. I recently went to a Starbucks and got a coffee. This is quite rare for me as I have no love for Starbucks, As I sat and watched customer after customer Order, after 10 customers, every single one paid with some type of credit card or debit card Me excluded. Now I learned a long time ago that if you can’t pay cash, well you can’t afford it. This has served me well. .

    We should be very concerned, Others use credit card to live on. This is a mentality of “can I afford the payments” Rather than if they can actually afford the product. A report I believe in 2012 revealed that of all americans of at least 50 years of age, over 53% have saved nothing for retirement. How will they survive, well they won’t.

    Now I like going to yard sales usually on saturday mornings, I quickly noticed, people living in nice middle class neighborhoods have nothing of value, no tools, No hobby items, Most garages are empty and no food storage. Meanwhile, I like farm and rural yard sales. These people have tons of specialty tools, equipment, kitchen accessorys etc. I thnk this is because living in a rural area, when things break or need repair, they fix it themselves, usually saving a lot of money. Just an observation. Begs the question: Which one are you?

  9. nice middle class neighborhoods have nothing of value, no tools, No hobby items, Most garages are empty and no food storage

    Did you check the Bros over in the Hood, that’s where you’ll find all the middle-class stuff from those “empty” garages.

  10. In the 40+ years I’ve been buying Guns and Ammo, I’ve always paid Cash. Don’t own a Credit Card, and don’t want one.

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