gun store coronavirus
(AP Photo/Marcio Jose Sanchez)
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We in the retail side of the business have been SLAMMED. To boil it down, the industry has taken a deluge of orders and there’s not enough product to go around. That includes both guns and ammunition.

But there are a few things sticking out that should be highlighted regarding how the industry is reacting to the fear, uncertainty and doubt going around. Let’s start with what’s staying the same.

From a federal regulatory standpoint, nothing has changed. For those who are wondering (and there are a lot of you out there…I’m getting your phone calls) that means:

  • Firearms will NOT be delivered to your door
  • Firearms will NOT be delivered without a background check
  • 4473’s will still be filled out on licensed premises or legal extensions. (Gun shows are the most common extension, but with most states barring large gatherings….all your business is being done in-store.)

From a state regulatory standpoint, some things have changed depending on where you live.

Governors are either opening or closing firearm retailers’ doors (thankfully most are now open now). States are either strongly suggesting or mandating that all work be done by appointment only with appropriate spacing between people.

Many stores are screening these customers ahead of time. Some are even trying to make sure customers do not have flu-like symptoms before being allowed in their stores.

These are all reasonable and workable scenarios that small business owners can accommodate with some extra work to prevent contagion from spreading. I’ve spoken to a number of retailers who’ve said that they actually prefer the appointment-only model.

At the same time we are facing a few real catch-22 situations.

If a governor orders firearm retailers closed, they get sued and draw the ire of the NRA/SAF/FPC and gun owners. But what happens when the stores stay open? This is a classic case of dammed if you do, damned if you don’t.

In my area, there are a number of large chain firearm retailers and a number of large ranges that do a lot of CCW classes and group events. With a massive amount of foot traffic coming on the retail side — many from new gun owners — there are a lot of people wanting to schedule CCW classes.

If a range is still holding those classes (maintaining the necessary distances between people) they then send the paperwork off to state offices…that are closed and won’t process them. Does it make sense to continue the classes before the state offices reopen?

Then there’s the risk. With the high demand for guns and customers still lining up to buy firearms, how do you balance the health risks, for yourself, your customers and for your employees?

Should I, as a business owner, risk getting sick — either myself or my staff — right now? From a business perspective, is that risk worth it just to make a few extra bucks?

Here’s another consideration: let’s say a customer later develops flu-like symptoms, tests positive, and then state officials show up and tell me that person said they spent X amount of time on my range or in my store while they were contagious. They may tell me I should shut down and disinfect the place. That’s not an inexpensive proposition.

Let’s take that worst-case scenario one step further. If the local media find out that someone tested positive and spent time on the range and in the store and they report it, I’m not sure the old adage of “all publicity is good publicity” really applies.

I don’t think many customers will knowingly walk through your doors for weeks, if not longer. They will treat your location as radioactive for an extended period of time, I don’t care how many Lysol wipedowns the staff may have done.

At a certain point, the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. I’ve talked with some other friends in the industry and we are all seeing the same thing. Some small business owners are making the decision to close because they are prioritizing their health and that of their staff.

It’s a call each dealer has to make for him or herself.

gun store coronavirus
(AP Photo/Ringo H.W. Chiu)

And let’s face it…a lot of those dealers are out of inventory with no vendor likely to resupply them in the next two weeks or so. What good does staying open right now really do for them?

What we’re seeing now in the industry is also a whole bunch of really angry people. They’re upset that for 14+ days their online orders for firearms and ammunition have not shipped out.

This is due to a few factors, mostly order volume. The next reason is that many online merchants utilize drop shipping from manufacturers themselves and they never had the item in stock to begin with. Finally there’s magnitude of demand right now — we haven’t seen anything like this in quite a while, if ever.

We are seeing dealers who won’t do transfers because the juice isn’t worth the squeeze. First there’s the manpower issue; there aren’t enough hands to deal with the customers in the store, let alone process transfers for online sales. Also, it isn’t worth it to make $20 or $30 and risk staff health. Many dealers are simply becoming more risk-averse.

Who gets angry about all of this? The folks without a gun, that’s who.

Just today, I had five conversations with people who have ordered guns from online vendors and they’re angry that they haven’t been given any shipping dates.

I’ve heard that many of dealers aren’t even answering their phones because they are so busy. So not only are some buyers out of pocket for the guns, they don’t know when the product will ship. And if they haven’t done their homework, the gun(s) might be going to an FFL that is closed now. They may not be able to call the vendor to try and change the FFL on the order because nobody is picking up the phone.

There’s only one thing worse than not having a gun — paying for a gun that’s due to be shipped to a gun dealer that might not be open or able to finalize delivery to you.

I’ve never been sure why someone would pay for a gun online without getting a shipping date but many people do. While the answer used to be “because it was cheap,” now the answer is “they were the only seller who had the gun I wanted.”

So, what happens when the regular retailers close? A lot of the home-based kitchen table FFL’s are still doing transfers…right?

Maybe not so much.

I’ve talked about kitchen table FFL’s in the past and the experiences vary quite a bit. Most people who have a kitchen table FFL do it as a side job and many are aggressively practicing social distancing.

What does that mean for gun owners? The same thing it meant before all this happened: failing to plan is planning to fail.

The entire business model of internet gun-buying has relied on just-in-time inventory, predictable shipping windows and someone on the other end to crack open the box, run the A/D book and process the 4473.

With everything going on in the world, there are no predictable shipping window now. There may or may not be someone on the other end to receive the package. They may or may not have the ability to get a background check cleared and they may or may not be willing to deal with the risk of getting sick.

Some people call it bad business, but in reality, this is the new normal. And with states extending shelter-in-place orders and the potential for unemployment and crime to skyrocket, the demand for guns and ammo will not let up anytime soon.

Much of this varies from state to state. What are you seeing in your area as far as gun retailers and ranges? Are they closing due to a lack of inventory or fear of contagion? Have you been able to get the product you need?

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  1. I’m glad I have an amply supply of ammo and all the guns I need or want. I wanted another pistol or two but that can wait. Sucks to be in a FOMO mode about owning a gun, any gun, right now.

    • Agreed. I performed all the remaining acquisitions on my wish list between 2016-2019. I’m set.

      • I could never complete my list. The manufacturers keep making new stuff I want.

        As a side note my “Summer Project” is at the gunsmith now for Part 1 of 3 improvements.

        • This. Plus, I occasionally discover some old gun to add to my historical collection list.

          I have that Garfield attitude. “Which gun would you like?”

          “One of each would do nicely, thanks”.

      • Agreed also. Been planning for something like this since the 80’s. Ramped up more during the Clinton and Obama Regimes. Have all the firearms I want and more than enough ammo. Being raised by a father and grandparents who lived through the Depression. Taught me a lot about being prepared for Hard Times. Stored food for several months. Canned, smoked and preserved with their knowledge of survival. Medications for 3 months as well as antibiotics for several months for entire family. Had a inside track on that one. At the end of all this. I hope this event becomes a Reset for not only Our Nation but, perhaps the World. Realizing what truly matters in life. I do believe society will be transformed. lessons will be learned. The only problem will be. Will they be remembered. Be safe Maintain OP SEC and as always Keep Your Powder Dry.

        • May not be all the ones that i want, but are certainly ones that will work for why I bought them.

        • Darkman: I hope they will learn, but then I once said that there would never be another Viet Nam.

      • I was a lapsed gun owner. I didn’t buy any guns from 1999 until after the night club shooting in 2016, when the media told me I don’t have the right to own “assault rifles”.

        I’ve made up for lost time. Since then I’ve bought 9 guns, a stripped lower, a complete lower, a shit ton of magazines and about 1000 more rounds of ammo. And I’d like to thank the lying media for prompting me to be better armed and prepared.

        • @Kevin,
          Similar situation, I grew up a hunter and only kept hunting guns until 2013 when the “Free State” said I couldn’t have any so called “assault weapons”. So I bought some before the law took effect and when the gun industry found workarounds I bought more. Now I own many and lots of ammo. Thanks for waking me up Legislature/Gov!

    • I had to look up ‘FOMO’ in the urban dictionary.
      Fear of Missing Out. ( If you didn’t own s gun before this, you either had issues or lived behind enemy lines)
      Part of me wants to be snarky, but it’s probably best to “Welcome New Gun Owner” or pending approval and “Safety First”☠️

      • It’s characterized by a sinking feeling in the stomach that you should have done or bought something and didn’t. Now it’s too late.

    • if people have little or no familiarity with firearms,…the best thing to do is sell them a revolver…they’re e not going to go to a range…or in all likelyhood, ever shoot this thing…they may even be a little disgusted with themselves for having purchased it, ..which is an admission they were giving in to their fears…under those circumstances it’s best to keep it simple. as safe as possible and absolutely reliable even with little or no maintenance……

  2. I went to a couple or places, or tried to, last week or the week before, just to see what was happening. Bass Pro was closed. Another local box store was also closed. The LGS’s were open but running low on inventory. I have not been back to any of them since then.

    I lived through the 94-04 AWB, and the Obama and Clinton admenstruations. So as far as needs, I’m good. I am sitting this one out. I wish I could pick up some range ammo and do my usual weekly or bi weekly range trips without using what I have. But missing that for a while is OK. I could take out the .22s if I rally wanted to. But I have all the guns and ammo and food and toilet paper I feel I need for now so I am watching from the sidelines. I am looking forward to the used market in 6 months.

    When things return to normal I will be looking to expand my reloading capability and add bullet casting to my repertoire.

  3. After recently commenting on TTAG’s last breaking news post regarding LA County and law suits around the country, I have a new found understanding of life on the other side of the gun counter. Hank, thanks for the post. Stay safe and when things return to “normal” I hope your business also returns to normal. Failing to plan really does mean planning to fail. Hard to feel sorry for the people who have just now realized that having a firearm in their possession might be a good thing.

    • “Hard to feel sorry for the people who have just now realized that having a firearm in their possession might be a good thing.”

      I don’t understand this line of thinking. At all. No one was born knowing this stuff. It’s like saying you don’t feel sorry for a 3th grader that doesn’t know algebra.

      Some people had better parents or a better overall education. Some people had other life experiences that drew them to firearms earlier in life than others. The fact that it took some people until now to realize certain things isn’t surprising nor is it reflective of a particular fault with them. It’s a reflection of having spent their entire existence is an upper crust part of the 1st World.

      We should be happy that people have reached the conclusion, not petty about when they reached it.

      • i’m not surprised a third grader doesn’t know algebra.

        i AM surprised an adult doesn’t know defending himself or his family is fairly high on the priority list.

        but, since i can’t be petty about that, can I at least be amused by the people who were all for gun control up until two weeks ago?

        • ” i AM surprised an adult doesn’t know defending himself or his family is fairly high on the priority list ”

          I’m not surprised by this at all. Most people grow up is some kind of sealed environment. I know several gun owners who never gave a thought to home or self defense. And the reason is simple — they’ve never seen the threat. Not even in their imaginations. They were raised in solid, stable, quiet suburban neighborhoods where nothing ever happens. No home invasions. No muggings. No mayhem. Nothing. And their whole life has been like that. In a word — they’re smug.

          So, no, it’s no surprise to me at all that they would spend zero time planning for a whole rash of things that are completely unknown, unthinkable, and unimaginable to them. In their world none of this bad stuff ever happened, and, therefore, nothing bad ever will happen. Why plan for that?

        • “No mayhem. Nothing. And their whole life has been like that. In a word — they’re smug.”

          You’re dead on but I think you just described a much wider swath of America than I think you intended to.

  4. I haven’t even attempted a trip to a gunshop. And ILL has miraculously kept them open. I haven’t bought anything in ILL gunwise(in years) except a lonely box of 223 at Point Blank,Mokena. Not going shooting until the plague ceases. My favorite shop(Blythes,Griffith,IN) as of yesterday had NO LIMIT on Tula steel 223(6.99/20). They closed the Valparaiso store to consolidate for now. Got enough guns & ammo for the foreseeable future…those that don’t price gouge get my business!

  5. Hank….firearmsconcierge or red jacket sounds like the same guy, minus the fictional book story telling.

  6. Better to have and not need than need and not have. If you’re looking to arm yourself now, you’re doing it wrong.

  7. I am a kitchen table ffl. I have stopped doing business, including transfers. The few dollars is not worth the risk

  8. In Dallas, I can report that I had a gun purchased online that was going to a Range I frequent. I got called last week to let me know they had the gun, but were ordered closed. The next day I got a call, the Texas AG made a statement gun stores are essential, and they were open for ‘retail business only’ (no range). They had X’s marked on the floor, 6 feet apart, and I completed my transaction.

    Not a panic buy at all, just a recently introduced model that I wanted to have. Been looking for it at local stores for months now, but didn’t find it, which led to the online search.

  9. kinda like buying bread in the grocery store. . . On the gunm owners goodwill tour I gave away eight of my firegunms last week to friends who had none, plus ammo. .Going out to a friend’s today to deliver an 870 and a box of buckshot.

  10. If you’re going to write an article mentioning your state, name the state. What’s going on in my area? If I don’t tell you what state, it’s pretty meaningless. Borders on hearsay. Just like hearing “1,000 people died of coronavirus in a small town of 2,000”. I don’t watch the news anymore. I read.

    • “I don’t watch the news anymore. I read.”

      Most of cable news is just discussing what was already reported on, in print. It’s always best to go to the source.

  11. My whole family was dirt poor , but the one thing they all had was a gun & ammo so they could feed them selves. So needless to say, I’ve been brought up around weapons of all kinds, no one killed another family member or got into trouble with a gun, we were born ready.

  12. At this point, I think people fear losing their business/job more than getting sick. Everyone will get exposed to the virus eventually. People think the virus will disappear in a few months, that’s not how this works. The virus is here and it will spread to you. The point is not to allow the spread to overwhelm the medical system, not to prevent you from getting it. You can’t live in a bubble forever. Life will go on and you won’t have a business/job if you don’t adapt.

    If you are from generation X and Boomer, it’s best not to put yourself at a higher risk right now. The young people’s chances of dying from the virus is very low.

    The government would love for you to lose your job/business. They want that to happen. It’s great for government if you become dependent. They would considered it one of their greatest successes, if in a time of individual responsibility, you throw all of that away and beg to be save by government.

    • “It’s great for government if you become dependent.”

      You spelled democrats wrong.

      I agree with your first paragraph. It’s a matter of managing the risk.

      • But I thought Trump wanted to put his name on all “his” checks he is sending out to replace Americans’ income?

        Government, including Republicans, want you to be dependent on them. Just like the NRA wants you to be dependent on them. That’s how they keep their jobs, get rich and gain power.

        • In other news, our president talks about his hair:

          “In a bizarre sudden departure from detailing additional hospital beds intended for New York coronavirus patients during his daily coronavirus press briefing on Monday, President Trump asserted that his hair is indeed his own. “My hair is blowing around. And it’s mine. The one thing you cannot get away with. It is a problem if you are president,”

        • No doubt he wants to be viewed as a savior from disaster, but if given the choice, he was happy with the economy prior to the virus scare. Anyone that has halfway paid attention to the man knows he wants people to work, and become self sufficient. Have you not heard him brag about employment numbers? He practically did it daily. The democrats, by contrast, prefer the lower class to be dependent on government, ensuring future votes.

        • miner. Your comment is more a condemnation of the msm than it is of Trump. Why does he have to talk about his hair and not the nations business? The msm are ragging on it constantly. If they were more professional and unbiased this would not be an issue.

          The sorry state of the modern journalists reminds me of when Jimmy Carter arrived at the white house. Dozens of so called journalists stalking the first cat, socks. One real journalist got a photo of the mob of idiots stalking the cat.

          What can we expect from a system that the left has subverted from education to indoctrination?

        • Eye roll. Picking apart every word in every sentence; I am really tired of it, whether from the ‘left’ or the ‘right’. No real information in that sort of reporting. Just ranting, meanness. I scan past all of those stories on Brietbart, Gateway Pundit, Infowars, Zero Hedge, NPR, NY Times. Not worth reading unless there is real humor.

          NOT demeaning anyone who enjoys that type of reporting. Just saying I don’t. I don’t care if Nancy’s teeth fall out while she is giving a speech. I don’t care if Trump identifies a virus as ‘Chinese’. I do care if a presidential candidate is showing signs of dementia. So, I scan past a lot of stories, looking for real information.

          Yup…I am grumpy sometimes.

        • Socks was the Clintons’ cat, not the Carters’. At one point, Bill sternly told journalists to leave it alone. There was a cartoon of Socks out for a stroll surrounded by husky tomcats wearing sport coats and sunglasses.

        • Miner wrote the same hair blurb on earlier posts. I’m starting to wonder if he’s a paid troll for Soros or Bloomberg.

        • Get a grip, it’s a press conference during a pandemic, with thousands of Americans infected. No member of the main stream media asked about his hair, they asked him about his policies and the effects of the pandemic.

          But he had to speak of his hair, and express his pride that it was all his own. He has also discussed his TV ratings in recent press conferences.

          Vanity of vanities, all is vanity…

        • You must lie awake at night, miner, trying to figure how Trump got 8 years as president. And you still haven’t figured it out. It is you that made it possible. Your way was so appalling that even Trump looked good.

          And you and your kind haven’t learned a thing yet. Fascinating.

        • Dominant Democrat Establishment Hoplophobic Communist Coastal Mogul Media.

          There I fixed it for you.

  13. How many people are allowed to congregate at this asshat’s store door for how long in order to read all the BS signs/notices.

  14. Too many rely on others for their security. When “others” have issues of their own some people will be without the security they assumed would be forever. Their mindset is along the lines of gullible parents who relied on Gun Free Zone Signs to protect their children.
    America woke up on 9/11. Not too long after many in America took a nap thanks to buckets of marxist media propaganda.
    Today is another awakening for many in America. If it were not for those pulling the gun rights wagon the sleepyheads would be almost sht out of luck.

    • Debbie W. : You’re right. Many have chosen to not remember 9/11 and many young folks will never understand it.

      • Well, the young won’t understand it because the schools won’t teach it.

        I graduated college in 2009 and my final semester just needed an extra 4 credits so I took History of the Vietnam War. The first week was talking about 9/11 because it was a 100 level class and none of the freshman knew shit about 9/11 because middle and high schools didn’t want to teach it for fear of “traumatizing” the kids.

      • the lesson from 911 is it was preventable…incompetents at the top allowed it to happen…this is different,..while we all knew it might happen, we haven’t seen its like in over a hundred years…making it an extremely rare event…we’re, once again…learning as we go……

  15. If you bought a gun online without a firm shipping date, no point in getting angry about it under these circumstances. If gun rights haven’t been your primary voting litmus, then you are experiencing only what you previously supported. You should have done your research, instead of reacting in panic mode. Welcome to gun ownership, eventually.

    • I agree. I’d also argue that most buying a gun online aren’t a first time buyer. Most people wouldn’t buy a product they know nothing about that cost hundreds of dollars online, or be able to navigate the typical checkout procedure including having the receiving dealer send a copy of their FFL to the seller. If you aren’t a first time buyer, then you probably don’t have an immediate ‘need’ for the firearm. Whatever you have in the closet will probably work fine for putting holes in the marauding hordes. I’m as big a fan of immediate gratification as anyone, but everyone will get what they ordered in a few weeks.

      I’m also seeing ammo available again. It just cost 50-100% more than normal. So if you weren’t prepared, get a few boxes. I just wouldn’t be buying in any quantity though. Even if you live in a ghetto, it isn’t going to turn into Fallujah in the next couple of weeks. Save your money so you can buy in a few months when prices are back to normal.

  16. I became a gun owner at the beginning of the Great Ammo Shortage, so I knew before this not to let the tank get to E. Since I can’t go to the range right now, my stash (medium sized at most in normal times) will easily last through any real emergency. I’m not buying anything, in fact I sold a carbine because I’m using my extra time to organize my house and get rid of extra stuff.

  17. Good article. Reckoning time for anyone that was on the fence about purchasing firearms and gun control. That is, if they had any leanings towards Joe Biden and Democrats. With all the supply delays and shortages beyond normal restrictions, they’ll have a taste of what could be well beyond even the new (hopefully temporary) normal.

  18. I went to a couple of stores in my area and the foot traffic while higher than normal is nowhere near the level that it was two weeks ago. My Sportsmens warehouse had a line out the door and my Cabela’s was stripped bare pretty much of all ammo. I haven’t bothered going back to Cabela’s or sportsman’s warehouse since. This isn’t the first time we’ve dealt with shortages with panic buying. It’s just the first non-political one. Give it a few months while everyone ramps up production and they’ll be a glut I’d say by August.

    I wanted to get 3000 rounds of ammunition in various calibers but that will have to wait and I’m not paying the inflated prices. What I have been doing in the meantime is buying parts that I’ve been holding off on buying. I bought a spare AR15 Bolt, extractor kit, two firing pins, AR and 1911 magazines As the first isn’t in as high demand as I thought it would be and the second one isn’t in demand at all. I sold some brass because I don’t reload but I collect it. Basically I’m not in the market for any new firearms right now, I would just like to get more ammo. However I have had no issue finding .270 Winchester And because I can’t find anything else I stocked up on that.

    • Just got a sale flyer from Cabela’s. “SALE” on ammo they don’t have!?!😃😋😏

    • UPS just delivered 600 rounds of Remington 9mm range ammo from Midway. Ordered it early last week when I saw they had it at 24 cents per round. Surprised they had it and surprised at the price. Now, all I need is a range to open…

  19. “…how do you balance the health risks, for yourself, your customers and for your employees?”

    1) Have employees wear a respirator.

    2) Try not to get annoyed with constant Star Wars jokes.

    • Strych9,

      That 2nd point may be more difficult than it sounds after 6 or 10 hours of non-stop foot traffic.

      “Listen, Obi Wan, that’s the first time I’ve heard that joke….in the past 10 minutes. Now, you want a light-saber or the Yeet Cannon. Or do I need to call in the in the Stormtroopers?”


      • LOL. And for the unscrupulous workers…

        “These are not the guns you’re looking for…”

        *waves hand* (towards the higher priced merch)

        Also, why is everyone suddenly named Luke!?

  20. Thank the Lord I live in a state requires no background checks or record keeping for private transactions. Mike called me yesterday to ask if I were interested in buying his Sig P226. Seems he found a private seller on line that has something he has to have. Selling the Sig to finance it and keep the peace with his bride. I catch up with him in a day or two and get my new-to-me P226. (Mike’s not really out anything. He has another 226 as well as other Sigs.)

  21. I live in northern IL and gun shop are open. So is the closest indoor range to my location.

    Yesterday I went to shoot a new SP5, which I bought during the panic. The transaction took the normal length of time. I also bought a case of 5.45×39 at the beginning of the panic from Sportsman’s Guide. At the time all the popular calibers were mostly sold out on their site, but they still had 5.45 at the usual price. I looked at buying a box of 7.62×25, but all they had was Winchester White Box which is kinda over priced compared to PPU and S&B. This is where having a non-standard caliber firearm that isn’t too oddball pays off.

    I also bought 2k 9mm FMJ to reload, because why not? Even if all the factory ammo was mostly gone, components were still widely available. Having a reloading press and knowing how to use it is always good insurance. I shoot 2-300 rounds of 9mm most weeks, so I like to keep ample stock on hand.

  22. Shops in NC are open, but there’s a bigger picture here.
    Why do civilizations disappear? Look at the bickering at the highest level of government, the globalist UN is corrupt and liars.
    ALL our large institutions are corrupt, government, education (what college takes in students and explains that a degree in diversity is useless or that we’ll explain student debt).
    We’ve been eroding since the end of the ‘50’s.
    Who teaches critical thinking today? The feds and md’s say no need for masks, not because you don’t need one but because they want them for medical folks. That idiot Bill Gates said years ago we should plan for a pandemic, via TED.
    Best to rely first on yourself and those close, then rely on the government, but hey, we all have iPhones and big screen tv’s.
    There’s something to be said for church and God.
    Good luck, prepare for the EMP in the meantime.

    • The thing that I find so freakin’ strange about the “masks” issue is that people are going apeshit over the N95 rated masks while better products that are nearly infinitely reusable for this application are still available from a variety of companies/distributors. They cannot be used in hospitals because of the sterilization rules that require destruction or an autoclave.

      Granger Canada has this stuff in stock for a regular price (seems higher at first glance because Canadian Dollars). Fastenal a bunch of N99 or better rated reusable respirators and cartridges in stock. In fact, in many cases you can still buy the respirator and/or the filter cartridges by the case.

      It’s almost like no one has ever worked in the trades.

  23. Just arrived in Western NC from CA for a job change within my company. Was looking to escape CA for a long time. At first we planned to fly, which would require shipping my ammo and having most of my guns in long term storage (We’re staying in a 2 month Airbnb rental while house hunting). After our “exploratory trip” 3/12-3/17 and flying back on 20% full plane we decided to drive. That means I could take my serious Home Defense firearms with me easily and my ammo. Had to convince my wife we had enough room in the rented Nissan Pathfinder for 2 ARs and ammo. 3 day cannonball run road trip, no sit down meals any more, stayed at La Quintas for pet friendliness.

    Had WuFlu experience at Turners Outdoorsman when I went to get some smaller carry cases for the rifles to fit in the car easily and somewhat hidden. line outside at 5pm no new people allowed, asked about buying gun cases and they asked if I knew what I wanted. Checked their latest ad and picked out what I wanted and they let me buy them right then.

  24. I only know what I read, haven’t been out and about in three weeks and haven’t needed to go to gun shop in over a year. Long ago I consolidated and eliminated calibers, bought cheap, stacked deep. Quit buying non-essential firearms. Ordered ammo/mags (consumables) OnLine. After the political anti-gun posturing past and present: anyone who is not prepared for the supply line to be cut off is foolish. Essentially, that is the case now; just a trickle of what it was and an unknown supply/demand/political future. I’m not what you would call a prepper, just a Planner.

  25. Bought some magpul fore grips & ergo grips on sale from primary arms and a couple of flip up front sights from yankee hill that will replace the A2 front sight – I did all of this because my guns were at a friends house – when people started loosing their minds he told me I needed to go pick up my guns – once I got them back in the house I got the itch to finish the small stuff – they were at his house because I’m gone for weekends & weeks at a time and I live in an apartment complex with no gun safe – I don’t have to be worried about being gone for weeks at a time now

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