Virginia gun owner militia open carry
Courtesy Jeff Hulbert

Republican politicians are generally more tolerant of openly armed supporters than are Democrats, who are more likely to be on the opposing side of people with guns, the records suggest. In July, for example, men wearing sidearms confronted Beto O’Rourke, then the Democratic candidate for Texas governor, at a campaign stop in Whitesboro and warned that he was “not welcome in this town.”

Republican officials or candidates appeared at 32 protests where they were on the same side as those with guns. Democratic politicians were identified at only two protests taking the same view as those armed.

Sometimes, the Republican officials carried weapons: Robert Sutherland, a Washington state representative, wore a pistol on his hip while protesting Covid-19 restrictions in Olympia in 2020. “Governor,” he said, speaking to a crowd, “you send men with guns after us for going fishing. We’ll see what a revolution looks like.”

The occasional appearance of armed civilians at demonstrations or governmental functions is not new. In the 1960s, the Black Panthers displayed guns in public when protesting police brutality. Militia groups, sometimes armed, rallied against federal agents involved in violent standoffs at Ruby Ridge and Waco in the 1990s.

But the frequency of these incidents exploded in 2020, with conservative pushback against public health measures to fight the coronavirus and response to the sometimes violent rallies after the murder of George Floyd. Today, in some parts of the country with permissive gun laws, it is not unusual to see people with handguns or military-style rifles at all types of protests.

For instance, at least 14 such incidents have occurred in and around Dallas and Phoenix since May, including outside an F.B.I. field office to condemn the search of Mr. Trump’s home and, elsewhere, in support of abortion rights. In New York and Washington, where gun laws are strict, there were none — even though numerous demonstrations took place during that same period.

Many conservatives and gun-rights advocates envision virtually no limits. When Democrats in Colorado and Washington State passed laws this year prohibiting firearms at polling places and government meetings, Republicans voted against them. Indeed, those bills were the exception.

Attempts by Democrats to impose limits in other states have mostly failed, and some form of open carry without a permit is now legal in 38 states, a number that is likely to expand as legislation advances in several more. In Michigan, where a Tea Party group recently advertised poll-watcher training using a photo of armed men in camouflage, judges have rejected efforts to prohibit guns at voting locations.

Gun rights advocates assert that banning guns from protests would violate the right to carry firearms for self-defense. Jordan Stein, a spokesman for Gun Owners of America, pointed to Kyle Rittenhouse, the teenager acquitted last year in the shooting of three people during a chaotic demonstration in Kenosha, Wis., where he had walked the streets with a military-style rifle.

“At a time when protests often devolve into riots, honest people need a means to protect themselves,” he said.

Beyond self-defense, Mr. Stein said the freedom of speech and the right to have a gun are “bedrock principles” and that “Americans should be able to bear arms while exercising their First Amendment rights, whether that’s going to church or a peaceful assembly.”

Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect, leading to curtailed activities, suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear and frustration.

Concerned about armed protesters, local election officials in Arizona, Colorado and Oregon have requested bulletproofing for their offices.


  1. This blog outright censors any noticing of institutional j3 wish power and how it’s the driving force behind gun control in the US.

    • What percentage of congressmen who voted for the AWB in 1994 were Jewish? That’s a sincere question that I don’t know the answer to.

      • Gun Control democRats fear firearms because like perverts who savor control firearms stand in their way. It’s clearly a perverted itch that drives them.

      • While JPFO is certainly a pro 2nd Amendment organization, and while I don’t have any survey informations upon which to base my opinion, it has long seemed to me that a significant majority of people of the Jewish religion are anti-gun. It has always surprised me that so many seem to be that way. One would think with their experience in WWII, that Jews would be at the forefront of gun rights activities. That said, I remember that a well-know rabbi in Germany urged his congregation not to do anything that would make the Nazi mad at the Jews. Don’t make the Nazis mad? What more could they do that they weren’t doing in their non-mad state?

        The inanity of that remark and the distorted thinking behind it is what leads me to believe there is some sort of dissonance in the thought process of many Jews.

        The same problem exists with the Japanese American thinking. So many of them are anti Second Amendment. Had the Americans of Japanese descent who were put in concentration camps during WWII resisted round-up with arms, nothing would have happened. One merely needs to take notice of Hawaii, the state that was actually attacked by Japanese forces. No Americans of Japanese descent were incarcerated in Hawaii. The federal forces there were afraid that the resistance would be so great that Hawaii couldn’t serve as a forward military base and the Americans of Japanese descent went about their lives in peace.

        • In my experience, the more liberal Jews belong to Reform synagogues where the Progressive rabbis encourage all the Lefty $hit (e.g., anthropogenic climate change, gun bans, increased government).

          More conservative Jews tend to belong to Conservative or Orthodox synagogues, who don’t go for that crap.

          I was, in effect, ejected from my local Reform synagogue because I carry. Then I was asked to not even be in the building.

          I joined a Conservative synagogue where my carrying is supported and encouraged.

          Some people can’t or won’t learn from history. And they vote.

    • It is a stupid and intolerant idea to try to connect Judiasm with gun control. The 2nd Amendment has no religious requirements and there are Jewish groups like the Jews for the Preservation of Firearms Ownership that are pro 2nd amendment. The sooner you stop posting racist conspiracy theory bs the sooner we can focus on actually protecting our rights.

      • Not so fast john boy…Did it ever occur to you that Jews For The Presevation of Firearms could possibly be motivated by the Gun Control that assisted in directing them to concentration camps, slave labor, starvation and gas chambers?

        Gun Control is an agenda that is far, far outside and not connected to the Second Amendment. That is unless of course if you are or think like a nazi or member of the Gun Control military wing of the democRat Party known as the kkk.

        • From memory. US Senator Dodd (Snr) was involved with a Gun Control Act around 1968. During WW2 he was an attorney involved at the Nuremburg war crimes trials. He had access to German documents, including all their laws.

          “Jews For The Preservation of Firearms” was asked to look at the wording of the new US Act. Almost word for word, several parts of it matched the German law of 1936.

        • No it didn’t, you drunk goober. The only thing that even comes close to 1936 German law is New York’s response to Bruen.

          HR1808 is a copy-pasted version of the 1994 ban that was Bill Ruger’s list of competitor’s guns with carve outs for his products.

        • Debbie, for your information, Jews for Preservation of Gun Rights is on OUR SIDE! I don’t care what their “motivation” is.

        • @Debbie W: Um, no.

          I have been a member for decades.

          They “got” the message of ‘confiscation leads to genocide”.

          The group has published a few books outlining that concept. They have also been promoting disbanding the ATF for many years.

          Were you, perhaps, referring to Jews in the concentration camps that assisted the Nazis in an attempt to prolong their lives? While I don’t approve of these acts, I understand the drive for self-preservation.

          Something to think about.

  2. “Today, in some parts of the country with permissive gun laws, it is not unusual to see people with handguns or military-style rifles at all types of protests.”

    We need to see people carrying every day, not just at protests, so that it becomes more accepted and ubiquitous.

    “Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect, leading to curtailed activities, suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear and frustration.”

    There is always a self-defense reason. Gun free zones make excellent targets for mass shooters. if everyone were armed, mass shootings would be limited because the shooter would be taken down quickly.

  3. Seems like if the presence of firearms at an event keeps things from getting “sometimes violent” or at the very least keeps people from shouting in each others faces it would be a good thing.

  4. When a Republican tells O’Rourke that he isn’t welcome in that town, all he hears is “this town needs more illegal aliens from over the boarder that vote Democrat”.

    I don’t care what NYT thinks. I’m not asking for their permission.

    Personally, I’m not completely in favor of protesting while armed but I am very much in favor of being armed in general. Do as you will.

  5. “Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect…”

    I only wear my seatbelt when I know I am going to be in a crash.

    I only pay my homeowner’s insurance when I am certain a disaster is on the way.

    I refuse to play the lottery because they want me to purchase the ticket BEFORE the numbers are called.

  6. “Others argue that openly carrying….when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect…”

    I only wear my seatbelt when I know I am going to be in a crash.

    I only pay my homeowner’s insurance when I am certain a disaster is on the way.

    I refuse to play the lottery because they want me to purchase the ticket BEFORE the numbers are called.

  7. Regarding the comment in the article that open carry should only occur when there is an obvious self-defense reason:

    I only wear my seatbelt when I know I am going to be in a crash.

    I only pay my homeowner’s insurance when I am certain a disaster is on the way.

    I refuse to play the lottery because they want me to purchase the ticket BEFORE the numbers are called.

  8. Hey, team!

    Sometime today, maybe, you will see three similar posts from me. All were attempts to get around the censors.

    Dan Z. maybe you should have a conversation with WordPress.

    • I’ve seen no indication that they care about that.

      It reminds me of readers complaining about a revised format for Car and Driver magazine. The editor essentially said tough luck. Readership tanked and he left shortly thereafter. Ignore customers at your peril.

    • Yup. The mental gymnastics of “properly” wording my comments to get past the filters is now a daily exercise for me. It’s almost to the point where I might have to insert numbers, spaces, or characters into most words to fly under the WordPress anti-flak gunns.

      K!ind of l!ke th!s. O r t h i s.

      One day, we’ll all be possum.

      • Actually I think Whiskey Poppa just picks some percentage of posts on the theory that random senseless enforcement will make us all be nice. The FBI and DOJ seem to work the same way, other than when they are acting as the enforcement arm of the Democrat party.

    • They seem to not like the word tra-neee, if you spell it normally.
      So I can’t talk about my transmission?

  9. “Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect, leading to curtailed activities, suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear and frustration.”

    Oddly though, no one claimed “a corrosive effect, leading to curtailed activities, suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear and frustration” when the ‘mostly peaceful’ BLM rioters were expressing their ‘first amendment’ rights to ‘protest’ as violent burning and looting and attacks on victims were carried out by ‘mostly peaceful’ BLM rioters and ANTIFA claiming they were expressing their ‘first amendment’ right.

    • ““Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason,

      “Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason,”
      Does one scout the public event before attending to determine if any “obvious” self defense reason(s) exist? Seems if any “obvious” reason(s) existed, that if may be in one’s best interest to avoid the said event. Otherwise, there is no way to know if any obvious reason(s) are going to be present.
      Of course “gun free zones” are guaranteed to be absent of any guns, thus making one completely safe!

      • Your reply reminds me of a story I heard about a sheriff who was asked by a reporter if he was expecting trouble at a business luncheon, because he was wearing his pistol. His reply was “Miss, if I was expecting trouble,I would have brought a long gun”

    • Ummm never?!? Going back a few years anyone remember the Bundy ranch “standoff”??? The gubmint backed down. And did quite little to stop the BLM & Anti fool riots,theft n vandalism. And they label good Americans as this & that bad. There’s many millions of “us”. Have a swell Christmas…

  10. While it’s more acceptable to open carry a sidearm by yourself. I highly recommend you find a group of friends to open carry long guns together as a group. This looks much better for public relations. A group of peaceful open carriers with long guns publicly looks a lot better, than a single individual standing by himself with a long gun. Be smart about using your rights.

    And having a flag and or a 1st amendment sign helps even more. But never forget it’s your birthright to do so.

  11. What I think would impress the New York Times to an even greater degree, would be people peacefully openly carrying long guns with a Bayonet attached.

    Unfortunately most AR-15’s produced today do not have a bayonet lug on them.

      • I’ve been wanting an AR-15 with a bayonet lug on it for quite some time now. My Daniel Defense rifle didn’t come with one. And to be honest at the time I wasn’t thinking about bayonets when I bought that AR-15.

        And I think the people who attacked Kyle Rittenhouse would probably still be alive today. If Rittenhouse had a fixed bayonet, at the time of the demonstrations. It’s a different story trying to reach for someone’s rifle, when they have 8 or 10 inches of razor sharp Steel in front of it.

    • The order to “Fix bayoNETS!” is most definitely an attention getter. I saw first hand that it pretty much froze a few hundred rioters, and in fact, caused some of those rioters to start moving toward the most obvious exit points, even before any actions taken by the squad.

      Of course, most stood and stared, fascinated, like they were looking at a snake stalking them. The real stampede toward the exits only began after we advanced on the crowd in a threatening manner. The real trick was to pace ourselves, so that the rioters didn’t hurt themselves while they escaped.

      • Bayonets are in their element as a formation weapon. Hearkening back to Colonial-era British infantry tactics, where the foot soldier was essentially trained as a pikeman who could shoot.

        And would also be a nasty surprise for anyone trying to grab your barrel in the dark.

      • It still amazes me how the “gun community” almost completely discounts the importance of the bayonet in the 21st century. Crowd control is a must in a society with a First Amendment that America has. It prevents or reduces the chances radical individuals who would motivate a crowd to get out of control.

        I’m not saying that the police need to have fixed bayonets at every public protest. But the idea that they should never be used is simply stupid. It costs innocent people their lives. And it costs billions of dollars in damage to private property, when rioters feel they can destroy things, that don’t belong to them. And not have to worry about the consequences like immediately being stabbed.

        Years ago Soldier Fortune Magazine had an article written by a man about this. Who might be you???

        The police did exactly what you’re describing. His unit fixed bayonets and marched toward the rioters and at a slow pace. The rioters immediately stopped what they were doing, broke up and Scattered. The damage that they were causing or we’re about to cause was immediately stopped.

        And the police stopped the riot without firing a shot. Just like the Oath Keepers did in Ferguson Mo. The proper open carrying of long guns by law abiding civilians stopped the riots there. And just like the police the oath Keepers never shot anyone.

        I have looked for that Soldier of Fortune article and I cannot find it. I wanted to include it in my research about the Second Amendment. Which is about the right to keep and bear Arms. Not just the right to just have guns.

    • And most commercial bayonets don’t even have the proper attachment system, or if they do, it’s a plastic imitation that will likely break the first time it’s used in earnest.

    • I have walked downtown streets with my rifle and bayonet attached, a sharp ten inch bayonet. Was with other people, armed and not.

      Have never had anyone get in my face and complain about it.

  12. “…response to the sometimes violent rallies…”

    What’s that you say? Is the Gray Hag beginning to acknowledge the violence perpetrated by those BLM supporters? Stop the press!

  13. carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason,

    Which part of the word “public” do these fools not understand? In public, one is liable to meet – just anyone. A robber, a rapist, or just some idiot intent on mayhem. I am much more likely to be assaulted on the sidewalk in front of the courthouse, than in my own bedroom. That is an OBVIOUS self defense reason!

  14. The real reason the NYT is concerned about Americans who exercise their Constitutional Rights is that they fears that their version of “truth” will be countered in a manner than debunks their wild-ass theories of how America should be and what we stand for. With the Left it is all about control over the individual.

  15. What a lot of Fat Ole boy Dick-Heads all tooled up and nobody to slot. Must be frustrating.

    Have they any idea as to just how really bloody ridiculous they look to the rest of the world?

    And I Mean REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous’ I used firearms of every description in my two decades a SGT Armourer and Smallarms Instructor in the RAF and as a member of the UK Army Infantry Reserves and ANYBODY , in my professional opinion, swaithed in that kind of gear out of uniform looks like a Dick-Head and as about much use as one in the real world

    • Albert L J Hall. Here is a RED HOT NEWS FLASH for you. We Americans don’t look to “slot” anyone. But we sure as he** believe in the RIGHT OF SELF DEFENSE. You might remember if you review your History that it was the American people who first defeated you English and won our freedom.
      Tell me, how often do your RAF folks have to use a firearm?
      Your professional opinion? ROFLMAOBT!

    • You were in for 20 years and never made it past Sgt? Wow, you really sky rocketed through the ranks. Just kidding, no one here believes anything you say, troll.

      • Probably only promoted for years of service. He must have been very good with his sweeping technique.

    • @Albert LJ Hall

      “Have they any idea as to just how really bloody ridiculous they look to the rest of the world?

      And I Mean REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous’ I used firearms of every description in my two decades a SGT Armourer and Smallarms Instructor in the RAF and as a member of the UK Army Infantry Reserves and ANYBODY , in my professional opinion, swaithed in that kind of gear out of uniform looks like a Dick-Head and as about much use as one in the real world”

      You have any idea how ridiculous people in the U.K. look worshiping a monarch and being servants of the crown? It looks REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous.

      You have no professional opinion on firearms. You have been outed before for your lies about your claimed experience yet here you are again lying and that makes you look REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous.

      If someone wants to carry their rifle or pistol around its what they want to do, its a constitutional right. Just like someone carrying a phone or tablet or laptop around to use to exercise their first amendment rights almost continually even though they mostly look REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous ignoring where they are going and what they are doing in favor of their device.

      But hey, here’s a few fun facts for you…

      * 1.6 Million crashes happen every year because of someone using a phone while driving.
      * Around 390,000 injuries happen yearly from accidents caused by texting & driving.
      * 1 out of 4 car accidents in America are caused by texting and driving.
      * About 1,000 injuries per day happen because of someone texting and driving.

      And driving a car isn’t even a constitutional right.

      I’d rather see a bunch of law abiding people carrying their rifles or pistols around than see someone in a car with a phone.

      But hey lets look at a bigger picture for things, aside from cell phones for other non-firearm things that actually represent some of the most dangerous things in society here in the U.S. and its about the same in the U.K. in terms of danger posed even though the numbers may be different…

      An average of 168,000 children are treated in the emergency department each year for toy-related injuries (

      Each year, an average of 29.5 million injuries and deaths are caused by defective products ( Consumer Product Safety Commission).

      Defective products kill more than 22,000 people every year in the United States (Consumer Product Safety Commission ).

      Over 2,000,000 (collectively) seriously injured or killed annually in car accidents and over 90,000 of them are kids under the age of 12. (CDC) (a combined total of about 1.2 million will die later as a result of complications from car accident injury – these are not included in car accident deaths stats)

      Stairs, Ramps, Landings, Floors result (collectively) in serious injury or death to over 2,700,000 million annually. (NSC)

      Beds, Pillows, Mattresses result in (collectively) serious injury or death to over 824,000 annually. (NSC)

      Chairs, Sofas, Sofa Beds result in (collectively) serious injury or death to over 558,000 annually. (NSC)

      Faulty glass table tops result in millions of (collective) injuries and deaths annually – about 2.5 million. Mostly kids under age 7 and young adults in their early 20’s. Injuries range from minor abrasions and damage to major organs and vessels, to death. 50% of the injured suffer injuries to their deep organs, upper torso, abdomen or joint cavities and require surgery; 8% of the injured die within a month of injury (about 100,000, deaths from complications due to injury).

      Just injury alone, normal household non-firearm consumer product injuries totaled ~12,000,000 in 2021.

      Drug overdoses result in over 100,000 suicide deaths annually (CDC)

      More than 250,000 people in the U.S. die annually due to medical errors (AKA malpractice). ~27% of hospital deaths attributed to gun shot are actually a result of medical errors (AKA malpractice).

      Nationwide; 1 out of 4 educational institution staff members (public or private schools k-12 and universities) have a history of sexual molestation or grooming of students and conducting sexual violence either against students or other school staff members.

      Annually, over 22,000 people in educational institutions are intentionally assaulted and injured by use of a #2 pencil.

      … and the list goes on and on for thousands of things…

      Considering daily life non-firearm ‘things’ that can result in injury or death – society is literally over 1,500 times safer around firearms than any other thing.

      So, its not really that ridiculous after all that someone would choose to exercise their second amendment rights and carry a rifle or pistol around as they literally chose the safer option to things.

      But hey, Albert you do you and we will do us so mind your own business and your own country because when you don’t you look REALLY, REALLY REALLY ridiculous.

  16. “Concerned about armed protesters, local election officials in Arizona, Colorado and Oregon have requested bulletproofing for their offices.”

    LOL … I’m sure some do

    Actually this is kind of comical but not surprising. I’m sure there are plenty election officials in these 3 states as well as most other have the same fears as it coincides with their guilty conscience. Those perpetrating election fraud will be the fastest and first to go and despise the most any upcoming civil war they alone will be responsible for creating.

  17. “Others argue that openly carrying firearms at public gatherings, particularly when there is no obvious self-defense reason, can have a corrosive effect, leading to curtailed activities, suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear and frustration.”

    suppressed opinions or public servants who quit out of fear or fear and frustration?

    good riddance you pussies.

  18. Second guy from left, is that the tactical way to hold a water bottle? I’ve never been instructed on the procedure of bottled water use and deployment.

  19. Thank you to the “most libertarian governor” in America. For signing the repeal of preemption in the state of Colorado. And for passing even more gun control.

    “Many conservatives and gun-rights advocates envision virtually no limits. When Democrats in Colorado and Washington State passed laws this year prohibiting firearms at polling places and government meetings, Republicans voted against them. Indeed, those bills were the exception.”

    “Democrat Jared Polis: Most Libertarian Governor?” Video 6 min long

    • “Colorado… passed laws this year prohibiting firearms at polling places and government meetings…”

      This is why no one trusts the media. This is untrue/misleading. There’s no prohibition on guns at polling places, there’s a prohibition on OC at polling places. While I don’t really think that makes any difference vis a vis safety at all in either direction, it’s very different than “prohibiting firearms at polling places” and this part of the statement is just untrue.

      Government meetings, the rules are still the same as they were before, so this part of the statement is misleading. This is why this whole thing is so fucking stupid. In order to bar entry to a public facility, to those carrying a gun, CRS Title 18. Criminal Code § 18-12-214 requires that the specific location provide, and I quote:

      (a) Security personnel and electronic weapons screening devices are permanently in place at each entrance to the building;

      (b) Security personnel electronically screen each person who enters the building to determine whether the person is carrying a weapon of any kind;  and

      (c) Security personnel require each person who is carrying a weapon of any kind to leave the weapon in possession of security personnel while the person is in the building.

      The number of public buildings that will do that are, mostly, the ones that already do. The same is true of meetings. If they didn’t already, they probably won’t due to the cost of doing it within the confines of the CRS (at least as it is now).

      Private businesses don’t have to have permanently installed equipment but they have to follow the same basic rules. They have to have security guards and control every entrance while using magnetometers. Which is why most places, even bars, don’t bother outside of special events or some of the venues for major sporting events, which combine it with ticket taking anyway.

      Where this does get obnoxious is the local capacity to ban the sale, possession or transfer of certain weapons within their jurisdiction. But the very places that want to do that also don’t fund their cops so… good hunting, I guess?

      That said, all of these potential restrictions will be subject to review under Bruen at the Federal level and the antis know this. They also know that RMGO is chomping at the proverbial bit to drag some local jurisdictions into court.

      You wanna hear some gun controllers currently gnashing their teeth about how this “victory” is total bullshit? Take a trip to Boulder. The only thing louder is the gaggle of menopausal women blathering about abortion.

      This is mostly worthless virtue-signaling being laundered as *meaningful* by the incompetent/lying media.

      That said, I’d still urge non compliance with all of it for anyone who would listen, just as I do with about 95% of other .gov edicts, because they’re bullshit at best.

  20. Where is Lucas McCain when we need him? Nobody in North Fork seemed overly concerned about his Model 92. Nor did they panic at the sight of Sheriff Micah carrying his sawed off double. I want to live there.

  21. Security Guard Successfully Overpowers And Disarms Man With Rifle In Buffalo >

    Gotta give this security guard guy Hero status, no doubt about it.

    The reality is that thousands of times annually across the United States in constitutional carry (e.g. permit not required to carry) and more-firearms-permissive states ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent violent crimes from beginning by simply brandishing their firearms without firing a shot, and only ~5% of the time do defenders actually fire. Thousands of lives saved from harm or death annually without firing a shot, just going back to the beginning of 2018 (1 Jan 2018) and coming forward to date (the research survey period, which actually runs to December 31 2022 but those from now to then haven’t happened yet in time) not a one of them appeared in the media simply because no crime actually happened because it was stopped before the crime began. This is not included in anti-gun so called ‘research’, heaven forbid they actually use facts as all inclusive even though the data is available. A crime that was prevented from happening is not reported as a crime in stats but none the less ordinary law abiding citizens with guns prevent crimes thousands of times annually according to thousands of police reports surveyed. Yes, guns in the hands of ordinary law abiding citizens have, using a Joe Biden term, ‘social redeeming value’.

    No violent crime has ever been prevented by a victim complying or running away once the violent crime begins, its all up to the criminal on how they want to proceed. Its a myth that complying will mean you are less likely to be harmed, the reason its a myth is that its not up to you and is up to the criminal and indeed there are thousands of cases annually where a person complied and was still harmed a lot more cases by more than ten to one than there are successful compliance keeping one from being harmed. Violent crimes are only stopped by resisting and a person resisting with a firearm is 94% less likely to be harmed and 6% or less likely to be harmed if they employ their firearm very early in the incident and this applies to others around you as well that you may seek to protect also.

    But when an unarmed person defies the odds that in over 85% of cases of a non-firearm armed person resisting a criminal (or complying with or running away from the criminal) they are seriously harmed or killed, and is successful in doing so without being harmed or others being further harmed its really something to notice. This is the second time in last several days (this incident and the Club Q incident) that such an heroic act has happened and been successful to stop an in progress crime, and actually made the news.

  22. The FBI has stated the greatest danger to American Democracy and freedom are the jackbooted terrorists on the Far Right like the Proud Boys, the Oath Keepers, the KKK and other far right vermin who have crawled out of the sewers of hate when Herr Drumpf made racism “cool again” when he ran for President.

    Attacks on Jews this year have been the highest recorded in the history of the U.S. Steven Spielberg discussed this at some length in an interview this week on MSNBC news. Its truly frightening.

    The Far Right have threatened voters at the polls and at drop off boxes.

    The Republicans have done everything imaginable to prevent the working class from voting complete with closing voting places and implementing ridiculous laws and hoopes to jump through to vote. They have taken down thousands of voter drop off boxes and tried to ban or prevent mail in voting with the most frivolous of reasons. It goes byond even what the German Nazi’s did under Hitler.

    The Far Right planted bombs and were armed when they stormed the capital under the direction of Herr Drumpf when he led his 1923 style beer hall putsch no different than Hitler’s beer hall putsch to try and take over the German government by force and kill legally elected government officials.

    The Far Right have been behind the majority of mass murders in the U.S., they have attacked and murdered people at Planned Parenthood who’s business was and is 95% birth control.

    The Far Right have attacked gay night clubs and massacred dozens of people, both in Colorado and in Florida at the Pulse nightclub were 49 people were slaughtered and 53 crippled by a far right wing religious fanatic who hated gay people. There is zero difference between the Far Right so called Christian fanatics and the far right Islamic fanatics. Neither of which represent the common ordinary Christian or Muslim religious people.

    The Far Right in Portland, Oregon attacked peaceful Black Lives Matter protesters and then posed as Black LIfe Matters protesters when they broke into and set businesses on fire AS VERIFIED BY THE FBI.

    These are only a few of the atrocities committed by the Far Right Stormtroopers whenever there have been public gatherings running counter to their Jackbooted Nazi philosophy. All of it right out of Hitler’s book Mein Kampf. At many Far Right gatherings they give the stiff armed solute complete with Nazi Flags.

    The torch parade and murder at Charlottesville by Trumpite jackbooted Nazi’s horrified the American People and mimicked Hitler’s torch parades and book burning. Republicans everywhere have now resorted to Hitlerite book bans and book burnings with Ron De-Insane-ous of Florida the most worshiped new Stormtrooper for “the cause”.

    Ron De-Insane-ous has made it his priority to destroy all vestiges of the 1st Amendment, especially in elementary, secondary and university schools. Only Far Right propaganda now is allowed to be taught and “truthful American history has been “whitewashed” and totally banned just as Hitler did in Nazi Germany. Who would have thought that after their defeat in WWII that the far right Nazi rats would ever once again infest the countries of the world.

    The Far Right have done more to convince the American people that banning weapons of war is not only a good idea but mandatory if we are to preserve our Democratic way of life and not be taken over by force by the Trumpite Jackbooted heavily armed thugs giving stiff armed solutes complete with Confederate and stylized Nazi flags.

        • Bingo. I really, really hope that fool got the covid shot. The majority of the people dying from covid are the vaccinated.

    • dacian, the DUNDERHEAD, You have a one track mind. First, the FBI couldn’t find a fart in a telephone booth with a fart detector. Second, the FBI has become a WOKE Left leaning whose leaders are a feckless as Sleepy Joe and his other lemmings.

    • decian…
      Just about everything you state is either spun , false or misleading.
      It is the ‘Jackbooted Thugs’ that are actually attempting to save ‘The Republic’ , avoid the call for democracy and keep Americans constitutional ‘GOD endowed’ rights, from the Progressive editing table.
      Attacks on Jews is an almost exclusive Islamic problem, there are thousands of people from all types of political , religious , and secular backgrounds, who believe that Jewish nationals control the worlds finances.
      Calling for ID cards and other ideas that would protect American elections from being democratized at a time when more and more citizens are questioning the integrity of our electoral systems is not adding barriers to disenfranchise citizens, but to safeguard against fraud and cheating.
      The true verdict on the Jan. 6th, 2020 rebellion is not in and can not be in as long as we have a divided congress. The FBI had infiltrated this rebellion and had many of it’s members and others on the inside with political agendas.
      Please, comparing to Hitler, not the brightest bulb on your tree ? Please read about the ‘German night of Long Knives’, then come back.
      The Pulse nightclub killer was a far right wing , nut ? Not a truth.
      The far right being responsible for most mass murders ? Can’t possibly back this up with facts. Most Mass murdering in America is done on the inner city streets of Progressive run towns and is black on black. Don’t go there. Name a mass shooting done by a far right conservative.
      Sorry to pop another misconstrued bubble, but the difference between Christian conservatives and Islamic conservatives, is Christ said , judge no man , lest thy be judged and reiterated throughout the New Covenant is ‘Thou shalt not murder’. and Islam teaches that it is perfectly acceptable to murder and Infidels, by decapitation, if they will not conform and accept Islam and Mohammad as it’s profit.
      Video after video after video of the BLM protesters attacking anyone with opposing opinions.
      Removing of books from school curriculum that teach that there are no genders, no truths and no GOD is well within the purview of the governor of Florida and every other free state in this nation and it has been going on for a very long time. It is not anti first amendment, it is not an attempt to ban a book(s).
      If firearms were banned, along with the free speech necessary to do so, it is much more likely that propositions such as Post Modernism, non gender enlightenment and free elections would be on the cutting room floor, rather than Progressive American nationalism.
      It was National SOCIALISM that dictated the evils of Nazism in the middle part of the 20th century, not Constitutional Republicanism .

  23. fellating-biden inc., anal-tracking-force, totally-stupid-assholes, chicom-dick-chompers, fornicating-dog-anuses…

  24. Although it was more of a “rally” than a “protest,” it’s telling that the author omits reference to the Virginia Citizens Defense League “Lobby Day” rally in January 2020, which was probably the largest organized, mostly armed, rally in US history.

    Estimates of as many as 50,000 attendees, the majority of which were peacefully armed, although the “official” and media estimates were well below those of on-site observers.

    Perhaps the author chose to ignore the event because out of those tens of thousands of armed attendees, there was not even one single arrest associated with the event. Ironically (or perhaps not) the ONE arrest that day occurred over an hour after the end of the event, when a young woman was charged with wearing a mask in public – on a 20 degree day in January – which was later dropped when she had her day in court.

  25. Oh, so the officials from the Cheating states are scared enough to request bullet proof glass?
    I’m surprised that we didn’t see request from Pennsylvania and Georgia, did they have the same request?

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