Kirsten Gillibrand
New York Senator Kirsten Gillibrand Credit: Dennis Van Tine/MediaPunch /IPX

Failed presidential candidate Senator Gillibrand [D-NY] has a plan to address the problem of suicides by military members and encourage them to get the mental health treatment they need.

Currently, the Department of Defense has a policy that requires mental health professionals to report many cases of mental health concerns of service members to a commander. This policy leads to mistrust and acts as a barrier to treatment because service members fear the repercussions to their career if they come forward with their mental health challenges. Of course, DOD must have policies to keep their service members and colleagues safe, but their standards for reporting mental health challenges are vague and go much further than the standards for civilian mental health professionals or even military chaplains. This policy is more likely to force service members to suffer in silence and does nothing to help commanders maintain good order and discipline.

So she doesn’t want people with mental health problems to be reported to the authorities because that would discourage them from coming forward and making their needs known. Except when she does.

You see, Gillibrand also favors so-called “red flag” laws. Laws that encourage non-professionals to report people they suspect of having “mental health challenges” to the authorities.

Isn’t it amazing how little she cares about access to help if there’s a chance to violate someone’s Second Amendment rights?


  1. shes a democrat what do you expect. say one thing do another, a politician’s code being a democrat. but there was one man ,not a career poltician as with many in congress who never heald a job, was this builder of buildings who gave up a wonderful life to be attacted day in and day out for over 3 years, that man was and is donald trump, who made promises and during those 3 years kept them , a thing no other president has done ever except for an actor from california who said once ” Are you better off today than you were 4 years ago” u know who that was . president trump said to the people of color ” what do you have to loose” to this day the people of color have gained a respect they have wanted for centuries. president trump has given them the chance for posterity.

    • Yes, she is a democrat with ties to both the Clinton foundation and the child-trafficking sex cult called NXIVM.

    • President Trump has done what he’s said. Yet you’re giving him a power he doesn’t have. He can’t by saying so give respect to people of color. People of color like people of white 🙂 aren’t asking for respect from anyone. No one was waiting for a TV personality to declare them okay!

      Point taken though! When people realize how bad the Dems policies are and flock to the Republicans the Dems are done. The real error some Republicans make is being negative toward Latinos. They are strongly Christian, Pro Life, work hard and believe in the American way. Pushing them away is just stupid. Blacks disown their trash just like whites do. Lumping the losers with the successful is stupid too. Blacks know the Dems have messed up their lives by their policies. There would be a tiny minority of Dems in eight years if the Republicans would muzzle their tiny racist minority.

      • This comment is so true, especially as regards Latinos. A non-handout majority including whites and non-whites all who prefer work to welfare would get rid of welfare as a concept, and clean up all the disability, SNAP, housing, and other similar scams. Presto, illegal immigration problem solved. Local workers suddenly available for unfilled jobs. People staying in school or getting GED’s. Reduced unwed pregnancy rate. What’s not to like?

    • Hypocrisy is normal behavior for every politician or political animal. If you routinely and strongly support one side over another, you will be a Hypocrite who tells yourself lies about your Hypocrisy.

      • You could also classify her with other male and female politicians that sell their influence for money, ” Political Prostitutes ” !

  2. If not for Hypocrisy they would just be average Leftards,doing all they could to undermine the Constitution of this nation.

    • Off on a tangent here…. I just read Mom-Demand-Action Florida chapter quote from Cindy Martin “Our veterans and active duty military put their lives on the line to protect us overseas–they shouldn’t have to be terrorized by gun violence at home.” It was a gun-free zone, honey!

        • “Bingo ! but then what can one expect of Demanding Commie Mommy’s.”
          What can one expect?
          I expect these “Moms Demanding Action” get the “ACTION” they deserve.
          That would include rounding them up, charging them with interfering in the rights that honest US citizens are GUARANTEED per the Constitution/Bill of Rights/2nd A (words like “Shall NOT be Infringed” have meaning), jail, arraignment, posting bail, trial………
          The same goes for ANTIFA and all the SJW/prog left losers who shut down free speech on college campuses.
          The ACLU should be working overtime on this, and diverting the vast majority if their $s to stopping these Civil Rights Violations.

          PS; Gusty says…..LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, that it what James Campbell thinks about that topic.

          PPS; Since Gusty is still blovating after all my posts, I’m saving him the trouble. This frees up his time to chat with Vald in their Moms basements.

  3. No hypocrisy at all: different day; different subject; different news cycle. Person for all seasons (is “person” still allowed as an identifier?)

    • She might be A Man for All Seasons (1966). You’ll have to ask how she identifies in order to avoid mis-pronouning her.

      • “You’ll have to ask how she identifies in order to avoid mis-pronouning her.”

        Her? You really used that term under such uncertainty?

        Besides, he/she/it/flexible quit talking to me after that silly incident at the bar last…..

          • “Yup. ‘Cause I don’t give a shit if someone feels mis-pronouned.”

            Ooohhh, you horrible meanie. Just a meanie.

        • “Yup. ‘Cause I don’t give a shit if someone feels mis-pronouned.”


          I feel so *empowered* now that I don’t care how offended some gender-confused fuckwit ‘feels’ about whatever the hell they believe themselves to be.

          As the great Andrew ‘Dice’ Clay once said : “Your ass, your face, what’s the difference?”

          *snicker* 😉

          • “I feel so *empowered* now that I don’t care how offended some gender-confused fuckwit ‘feels’ about whatever the hell they believe themselves to be.”

            Just so much meanyness today. So much. I gotta go find by clutching pearls.

        • This is where I highly recommend an episode of Futurama. Specifically “Bend Her” (S05E13).

          Bender decides to win the robot olympics by having a sex change to become a fembot. Hilarity ensues.

          Watch it today, before it gets pulled from the digital ‘verse forever like that one Simpsons episode about Apu! (Or just buy the DVD’s because Futurama is a set worth owning every season of.)

          • ” (Or just buy the DVD’s because Futurama is a set worth owning every season of.)”

            Ok. I used to fly military aircraft, and am not afraid of technology, but what’s a DVD?

        • They’re these cheap, semi-flexible, shiny plastic drink coasters that also hold information, kinda like that bar napkin you’ve got with the hot fox’s Tumblr handle. You know, the one in your pocket you’re secretly excited and ashamed of?

          Anyway, they have this feature that they can’t be deleted the way streaming content ca. In that regard they’re kinda like a book. If you own it no one can decide it’s “not PC” and destroy it unless they get their claws on your physical copy.

        • OK, we’ll retry this to figure out what’s tripping the filter… so if there’s like 20 copies of this tomorrow morning…

          They’re these cheap, semi-flexible, shiny plastic drink coasters that also hold information, kinda like that bar napkin you’ve got with the hot fox’s CB handle. You know, the one in your pocket you’re secretly excited and ashamed of?

          Anyway, they have this feature that they can’t be deleted the way streaming content ca. In that regard they’re kinda like a book. If you own it no one can decide it’s “not PC” and destroy it unless they get their claws on your physical copy.

          • “…kinda like that bar napkin you’ve got with the hot fox’s CB handle.”

            Ok, then. Why didn’t you just say so. I got bar napkins stuffed in a shoebox at the back of the closet, under dirty underwear.

        • Heh, so mentions of Tum-bl-r (what I originally had in place of “CB”) trip TTAG’s filter.

          That’s interesting. Almost as interesting as a hot fox touching your no-nos.

        • Also, Geoff,

          “Your ass, your face, what’s the difference?”

          As was said to me by a man: “It depends on which side of the spit-roast you prefer.”

          He was technically discussing the finer points of dentures but for our purposes here it’s close enough.

        • @ strych9

          “Yup. ‘Cause I don’t give a shit if someone feels mis-pronouned.”

          Best quote of the week.

        • How’s about she/he/it? When you say it pretend you’re that annoying Southern sheriff in a couple of those Roger Moore James Bond movies…

        • So what?

          If you want to be PC then you have to ask every time because there are people out their who change their gender. It’s called “gender fluid”. Shit, she might even be “species fluid”. It’s like you people have never filled out a “consent contract” to get laid or something.

          Comon’ people it’s 2019 and damn near 2020. It’s time to embrace progress and the LGBTQIA2S+/LGBTQQIAAP/IITYWTMIWHTKY movement(s). Think of the furbabies!

          (No, I didn’t make up any of those acronyms.)

    • Sure ‘person’ is ok with me. I’m thinking of identifying as a male Indian with a side of Chinese and maybe a dash of Mongolian. I’m still not sure which bathroom I want to use. Maybe odd/even days would work.

      • “I’m still not sure which bathroom I want to use. Maybe odd/even days would work.”

        I’d pay money to watch you do both, at once.

      • Indian with a side of Chinese and a dash of Mongolian? Sounds delicious. I’ll call you anything you want if you’ll let me have a bite.

      • A former associate of mine tried to get his wife to pursue a license in his profession so they would be first in line for government contracts in a male dominated profession. Now you can just identify as whatever you want in order to benefit yourself. How could they protest it after all of the trans promotion?

  4. As long as we all shut up, pay our taxes, and don’t make trouble people like KG will let us live at home and watch tv every night while she and her ilk run the country into the ground.
    She can pound sand.

    • Yes sir. And that descriptor fits an ever-growing number of Democrats as more and more of them fall out of the clown car that is the Democrat Party primary race

  5. She probably just figures we’ll all be better off if those “gun nuts” suicide rather than seek help.

  6. Hypocrisy and bassackwardness go hand in hand. It’s similar to lying too much, you can’t keep them straight>

  7. Yeah! Why should I admit I have a drinking problem if it could hurt my career as a
    long-haul truck driver? Do you see how moronic that logic is? You can’t just act like nothing is different.

  8. ‘The Truth About Guns’ is such an odd name for a website so obviously dedicated to advancing the homosexual agenda.

  9. Hypocrisy is normal behavior in politics. Of course she is a Hypocrite. Same as every other Republican, Democrat, Greenie or what have you. Without Hypocrisy political partisanship simply could not exist.

  10. Sillibrand is an idiot. Yes, supporting Red Flag Laws while condemning Military Psych Care Policy just hilights the hypocrisy blatently prevalent in the DEMONcRAT Party. Kuntsten needs to go back to her corner.

  11. In simple terms, understandable to, note the following. Red Flag Laws as they are known are garbage, as are the supporters thereof.

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