depressed woman L forehead

A little over a year ago, I wrote about the amazing progress constitutional carry had made, though not without a number of failed efforts. The total at the time was 18 states, something that seemed unimaginable just a few years earlier. It wasn’t long ago that there were still fights to move no-issue states into the may-issue column, and may-issue states to shall-issue. No-issue is now ostensibly down to just a single state.

In other words, in the not-so-olden days, being able to carry, even with a permit, was a fight. Now an amazing amount of headway has been. With Indiana’s governor signing constitutional carry into law this week, we’re up to 24 states, making constitutional carry the most common model in the United States (it now far outnumbers shall-issue, may-issue, and no carry).

About this time last year, though, things didn’t quite look as optimistic. Yes, a few states, including “better late than never” Texas, had barely passed permitless carry laws. But Michael Bloomberg’s Everytown civilian disarmament subsidiary was only too happy to gloat about defeating constitutional carry bills in 15 states . . .

Now, a year later, things aren’t nearly as much fun for Everytown. We “gun extremists” managed to get the legislatures and the governors of ten of those fifteen states to pass constitutional carry either later last year, or this year. And, the legislative season isn’t over. Georgia seems poised to be next, and others may yet follow this year.

As FPC also pointed out, Moms Demand Action got a lot more action than they bargained for the last few years. Their (losses) are also on full display:

Where It Stands Now, And Where It Could Go Next

Image by Kolomaznik, CC-BY-SA 4.0

Constitutional carry is now now the most common model of lawful carry in the United States, but it’s going to face more resistance to growth from here. The solidly red states almost all have it now (Georgia is now on deck and as for Florida, well…). Now we’re starting to get into the purple states.

Those won’t go as easily as the states that have enacted permitless carry in the last five years. Just getting places like Alabama, where gun control emerged as Jim Crow laws and public officials still openly make it clear that they use gun control to deny other civil rights, like the Fourth Amendment.

Now, expect the effort to be even more difficult. New Mexico and Colorado still have a lot of pro-gun people in rural areas and small towns, but the cities have been filling up with vultures from California for the better part of two decades. The same is true for Nevada, Oregon, and Washington to varying degrees.

Even if you somehow get past those, the remaining “may issue” and “no issue” states are going to be even less fertile ground for it. New Jersey, New York, Massachusetts, Hawaii, and Maryland are the most challenging examples of this.

That leaves only a few states where permitless carry is remotely likely to happen in the near future. The Carolinas, Florida, and Louisiana are good candidates. Wisconsin, Michigan, and Minnesota…maybe. Same for Nebraska, Pennsylvania, and Virginia, but with those purple-state challenges.

Nobody can say it’s impossible in any state, but some are definitely going to be more challenging than others. If there’s anything the last ten years have taught us, though, it’s to never say never.


      • Click on the blue Kolomaznik….. below the map and a legend will appear on the bottom of the image.

      • The Trump that gave the scotus a conservative slant for the first time in when?

        Hating Trump is how we got biden. Thank you for that.

    • quote————By the end of Trumps second term we will have nationwide constitutional carry.-

      Not likely JWM. A President convicted of a crime (and Trump is guilty of many of them) and will be indicted is ineligible for running for President again.

      • We can assume anybody indicted by the biden doj to be innocent. As the biden admin is a criminal .org.

        • Its been a criminal organization since 1861 when the fought for slavery and the Klu Klux Klan. Of the top 50 most dangerous and criminal cities all 50 are rotten Democrat, of elected officials in prisons 95% are Democrats, of the Democrats in office would sell out or Country and People such as has happened with the latest Democrat thug who gamed the system and lied, cheated and was elected by fraud, lies and a crack addict son. The only reason we’re not behind the barbed wire now is we are better armed than they are; arms to the people for safety against the usurpers, A second amendment for all free people.

      • You need to up your dose of Prozac.
        Five + years of fishing for a Trump crime and they got bupkis.
        They even tried making up “crimes”.
        They don’t have the stones to try prosecuting the most popular and effective President of my lifetime on a fictitious crime.

  1. It’s just a trap, they’re going to let us get used to carrying gunms then one day they’ll say nope but we still will, then they’ll throw everybody in jail that does.
    It’s the government.

    • there are notenough armed enforcers to do that everywhere. Run the nubmers. HOW many firearms are theoreticlly in the hands of citizens nationwide? The number boggles, and that’s not even all of them. How many citizen/permanent resident adults own some? That number also boggles. Far more than the Mad Mommies and BluoomingIdiotBurghers would care to acknowledge. How many total authrosied LE are there nationwide, including the various Fed agencies (which cannot enforce local law anyway, only fed, so they can’t enforce these laws). Now put the big stack on the table next the little stack.

      The wiser of the paid LE just might decide it is more importand for them to go home tonight than it might be for them to confront three citizens who might be armed and determined to remain so.

      Does not look good for they who would disarm America. And even so, I dou;bt they’d have got more than maybe forty percent of all the arms in private hands before they’d be deluded enough to think they managed to execute “Mr. And Mrs America turn them ALL in”.

      • Two generations. They need to make it stick for two generations. You can grow up with guns and hide them. You can have built memories with your children who may hide them. But once your kids grow up and have kids of their own, those kids will not have grown up with memories of guns. They’ll be Grandpa’s old relics in a safe without emotional attachment that carry legal risk. Once your kids pass away and their grandkids are set to inherit your firearms, that’s when they all get turned in.

        Now, reverse some decisions within those two generations and things kinda reset. But if it lasts two generations, they’ve won. No real need to send goons door to door.

    • Be a possum ahead of your time, possum. Move on up here to the queens colonies where we have already circled back past all that tiresome nonsense and gone full retard beyond it.

  2. No issue is absolutely not down to a single state. Hawaii, Maryland, and New Jersey are all de facto no issue states, and large portions of California and New York are no issue as well. Many states in the northeast make it extremely difficult to get a permit as well.

    • ILLannoy made shall issue kicking & screaming through court order. And shockingly our fatazz governor said gunshops were “essential”. Miracles can and do happen…

    • By area, California is mostly “virtual shall issue”; by population it is mostly “no issue.” Look at the map. Only the red areas are virtually no issue.

    • they WERE forced to go to SHALL ISSUE, were they not? Making the pwperwork time funds, etc, being invested as a precondition to exercise a constuitutinal right could be a new case. ARe we forced to go through al these hoops to exercise our RIGHT (better called a duty) to vote as aprecondition to the use of that right? That has been tried multiple times. It has been declared unconstitutinal by SCOTUS. COULD (but admittedlynot likely to be) happen on this issue too. Face it, the cost of the Mother MayI Card from da gummit IS a form of tax as a precondition to the enjoyment of a guaranteed right. If it has ben declared unconstitutinal as a precondition to vote, it could also be so decreed with respect to our right to arms. That’s the way things were even before that fine April day in Concord back all those years.

  3. I have seen it all in my lifetime.

    People forget why former laws were written in the first place.

    We have went from many states not even allowing concealed carry at all to permits to carry and now to not having any permit. This is a tragedy and as time goes on even the Neanderthal Republicans who often pander to far Right Fanatics will be forced to change course once again and go back to requiring training and a permit to carry a deadly weapon as the future will see many needless deaths because people who carried had no training in either firearms safety or knowledge of the law as to when you can and cannot shoot.

    But when did the Morons of the Far Right ever use common sense when dealing with any problem, especially the gun problem.

    • “I have seen it all in my lifetime.”

      So much history in a short amount of time?

      “People forget why former laws were written in the first place.”

      We have not forgot that non white people were considered incapable of acting civilized. We have not forgot that Fascists’ enact laws to keep people dependent and unable to defend themselves from the same Fascists’.

      “We have went from many states not even allowing concealed carry at all to permits to carry and now to not having any permit. This is a tragedy and as time goes on even the Neanderthal Republicans who often pander to far Right Fanatics will be forced to change course once again and go back to requiring training and a permit to carry a deadly weapon as the future will see many needless deaths because people who carried had no training in either firearms safety or knowledge of the law as to when you can and cannot shoot.”

      An educated person would know that Neanderthals were highly intelligent , very adaptable and made highly functional tools. When you phrase people as Neanderthals you are showing your ignorance, not theirs.

      To minimize your concerns, we should bring firearm education to the schools beginning with the 6th grade up to 12th. 6 years of formal instruction to cover safety, law and the use of force should suffice. Add to that formal military training for discipline and preparation for the rigors of the real world. A little self respect, pride and discipline never hurts society. I argue it betters it.

      “But when did the Morons of the Far Right ever use common sense when dealing with any problem, especially the gun problem.”

      In order to make logical solutions you must correctly identify the problem you want to solve. The problem is not guns. The problem the behavior of people. Take firearms from the equation and people will still behave the same. There are those who will commit violence on others. That behavior is what needs solved. So easy I figure you could see that without help. But we are here to help guide you.

      • “we should bring firearm education to the schools beginning with the 6th grade up to 12th. 6 years of formal instruction to cover safety, law and the use of force should suffice“

        I agree.

      • To our Wannabe Paratrooper

        quote—————-An educated person would know that Neanderthals were highly intelligent , very adaptable and made highly functional tools. When you phrase people as Neanderthals you are showing your ignorance, not theirs.———-quote

        Again not exactly correct. Neanderthals were inferior to Homo Sapiens Sapiens that is why they became extinct. Homo Sapiens Sapiens used throwing spears capable of hitting one at a distance while Neanderthal relied on clumsy thrusting spears. Obviously their battle organization was inferior as well. We have seen no evidence of Neanderthal Art either. So yes even though Neanderthals were not exactly the thuggish brutes Anthropologists once thought they were they were far from the equal of Homo Sapiens Sapiens. Next time research before making a complete fool of yourself.

        Your diatribe about teaching gun safety in school is ludicrous as it will never happen in the 21st Century. I do not disagree with this proposed training at all but unlike you I am able to see reality. The Majority of U.S. Citizens do not own any guns and would never tolerate such a program in the schools. They view gun owners as throwback vicious, racist, Neanderthals and they want nothing to do with weapons or their children being exposed to them. They would also worry about accidental shootings with guns in the schools as well and this is not an unwarranted concern at all.

        quote————In order to make logical solutions you must correctly identify the problem you want to solve.——–quote

        Have a sixth grader explain my post to you as you lack the reading comprehension to understand and your far right paranoia will not accept any of it.

        Quote————-So much history in a short amount of time?———quote

        Even a person with minimal reading comprehension would realize that I am not a young man simply by the amount of experience that I have posted on this forum. I also find it incredulous that the Far Right simply refuse to believe that liberals and Socialists own weapons. After all the Red Army did not defeat the White Army in Russia by throwing cream puffs at them.

    • Let me translate for everyone here. When Dacian says he’s seen it all, what he really means is that Constitutional Carry amendments have had no impact in crime or death. However, because he believes things will get worse in the future they will in the future, that’s proof you’re all Nazis.

  4. I’m all for the state-by-state approach for the time being but we really need a national approach and, forgive me, but dunking on Everytown isn’t getting us that.

    I would point out that there are quite ominous signs at the national level that indicate that state level wins are in jeopardy across the country for a variety of reasons. Since I’m fairly confident that we can walk and chew gum at the same time, I’d say it’s time to pay attention to both fronts.

    “My state passed Constitutional carry!” isn’t going to be a great victory if the country essentially collapses. In fact, historically speaking, it could be the beginning of the complete loss of the right entirely.

    • You thinking war, economic collapse, subversion or all of the above + additional fuckery?

      • I think that an entire political economy has been spun up around sowing social unrest for the purpose of creating opportunities.

        It’s straight-up Marxism in that regard. The people are too comfortable for a revolution, so you break things until they’re agitated enough and then offer them a quick, out of the box solution and because your option is pre-packaged you seem the the smartest person in the room and people have a tendency to fall for that deception.

        Similar in some regards to Churchill’s comment about lies getting halfway around the world before the truth gets its pants on.

        Biden’s fairly casual comment about food/fuel shortages in the future isn’t that surprising in content if you’ve been paying attention. The delivery was… curious.

        • Sounds a lot like what the immigrants from Argentina have been talking about for the last 3 decades. Was hoping we would at least be more interesting than bananna republic.

    • strych9, I understand what you’re saying but are not the states merely/actually/finally (and as per ‘agreement’) coming into compliance with the “national approach”, i.e.: the Constitution of the United States of America and the Second Amendment contained therein, like, you know, right near the top? Sad state of affairs indeed when a bill to follow the law must be presented and then passed into law before said law is honored. But speaking from Canada I’ll just shut up now.

      • On paper, er, parchment you’re correct.

        Then again there are a myriad of unconstitutional federal gun laws too so… we seem to have a habit of ignoring the rules.

    • A national approach can also result in federalized licensing. I’d be careful what one wishes for.

      The regional cultures need to be changed, especially the rural-urban split.

      • Who said anything about federal licensing? Why would you even consider that an option?

        Repeal all laws repugnant to the Constitution and /solved. No further action is needed.

        Change the urban-rural split? LOL, that’s number 46732846528746283745698234 on the list of things that aren’t ever gonna happen.

  5. Let me save our troll from the UK with having to make another strenuous post:

    In the civilized UK, we don’t need Moms or Everytown, because we are all loyal subjects who grovel properly, and lick the boots of our authoritarian masters! You in America need to remember your roots, and kiss the Queen’s arse!

    • Queens beans
      Dont see no lights a flashin
      Dont hear no buzzers or bells
      I think she’s like Joe Biden
      You can tell it from the smell
      Change that dirty diaper
      It’s where the cleaning starts
      Someone just told me kiss that queens arse

    • Idiot Brit (ha, almost has a Zoolander vibe goin on), don’t forget the numerous neighborhood drop boxes for yer knives with Grover from Sesame Street on them proclaiming “Only cowards carry!”. True story bro. The UK IS mom’s and everytown…

  6. IMO…Those behind laws that prevent citizens from carrying a firearm for legitimate self defense and the result is citizen death or injury those behind such laws should be arrested and stand trial alongside the perp.

    • The bastards are complicit in the deaths of those they keep disarmed. They should suffer the same fate as the victims.

      • Exactly. When the government takes away means of protection, then they are assuming responsibility and should be held accountable when someone is hurt or worse.

  7. This is one where I think “our side” gets it almost as wrong as the Leftist/fascist idiots like MinorIQ and dacian the stupid.

    Let’s start at the beginning – our Founders recognized the INHERENT right of human beings to self-defense. They protected that right via the 2A. Yes, states were supposed to be the petri dishes of democracy, and adopt various versions of the “American dream”, based on what made sense to them.

    News flash, kiddies – the INHERENT rights of human beings were never intended to be up for grabs. Not even an idiot like MinorIQ would argue (dacian the stupid might, but no one pays attention to him) that Delaware could restrict the right to access to counsel, or decide to punish lawbreakers with torture.

    We each, inherently, have the right to self-defense. For many people, that implies/requires a more effective means than a rock. KKKalifornia effectively eliminating the right of self-defense for any except the young, large, and fit is a perversion of state’s rights. NO state has the “right” to deny or infringe the inherent rights of its citizens.

    This ain’t rocket surgery, folks. All humans have inherent rights. Government’s ONLY proper role is to fiddle around the edges, within limits. We have forgotten/ignored that, to our detriment.

    • Governments only proper role is: to provide for and to administer public works, to provide for and administer regulation suitable to trade and commerce, to provide for and to administer a foundation for a legal system, to provide for and to administer the collective defense of our homeland, to negotiate with and act in our best interests with other nations and to recognize, codify, guarantee and uphold both our naturally inherent rights as well as our agreed upon civil rights. I say we fire every last one of the bastards. And bastardesses (gotta be inclusive…)

  8. There are alternatives. In the Dark Ages a carry permit in Florida was issued by the County Commissioners and was only valid in that county. Didn’t matter though. No one could get one anyway. I just stuck that Colt Series 70 Government Model in a Sparks Summer Special and went out the door.




  10. Ohio CC is effective June 13. 90 days after certified by the Sec of State. The Politicos didn’t just let it sit around before being certified. And Indiana rino signed CC. So Moms need another boogey man.

  11. I am surprised that these states have passed CC, looking at the massive carnage and deaths in the states that had it already…oh, wait

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