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The Trend Continues – Police Officer Denied Service at Olive Garden

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A Kansas City police officer says that he was denied service at an Olive Garden restaurant in Independence, Missouri because he was carrying a firearm. The Officer, Michael Holsworth, took to Facebook to voice his story and frustration . . .


Holsworth states that while he was waiting, an employee came up to him and let him know that firearms were not allowed in the restaurant.

Holsworth said he was in full uniform and told the worker he was on duty, which required him to have a gun. When he said that he could leave, the employee allegedly said, “Yes, please leave.”

Olive Garden reportedly reached out to Holsworth to apologize for the confusion. They also stated that they are looking into this particular incident, and that all law enforcement are welcome inside their establishments.

No word on Olive Garden’s official stance on non-law enforcement armed patrons like you and me, but according to the website, they’re 2A-friendly as of June 18th 2013.


138 thoughts on “The Trend Continues – Police Officer Denied Service at Olive Garden”

    • Olive Garden is a great place to eat when you’re in high school and don’t know of or can’t afford any better place to take your date.

      • If you could find one, Buca di Beppo used to be the chain to go to for sit-down casual Italian food, but even they have sunk quite low on the portions and quality. I remember a couple years ago Olive Garden added several hamburgers on their menu, and I completely stopped taking them seriously.

        • There is a clear trend of terrorists, domestic and foreign, as well as the insane seeking to go out in a blaze of glory by murdering unarmed people in places that are “soft” targets. I stay out of and will not give my business to any organization or place that prohibits law abiding citizens from carrying guns. It’s simply too dangerous and those policies suggest a basic misunderstanding of reality.

    • I agree on the food. I’ve tried it several times because the idea of it seems like there should be good food, but the reality is they miss the mark every time. As a side note, I had lunch at my local Burger King with 2 armed civilians a couple of tables over, openly carrying with no one alarmed, no one killed, and no one arrested.

      Maybe officer Holsworth should think back on the last 3 dogs he shot, or the last three people he threw to the ground with his knee against their spine, or the last three people he tazed or hit with his baton, and did any of those people work in the restaurant business? I’m just not buying that all these places of business are randomly telling the police to leave.

        • We have only heard officer Holsworth’s version of events. I’d like to hear the other side because I’m thinking there is a story for “why” the officer was asked to leave.

      • bj, maybe this cop has never shot a dog. Not all ar15 owners are adam lanza and not all cops are guilty of crimes committed by a few.

        • Allen, you realize how many officers there are in this country, a few is a good description. The good ones who let them get away with it and defend them are not much better in my book and until they flush the bad ones out they will remain that way.

        • In 69 years now, I have never been aware of an employee turning a customer away from his/her boss’s establishment because he/she was ignorant of the establishment’s requirements. And still having a job, and without effusive apologies from that boss after the firing.

    • I used to love Olive Garden, a couple of decades ago. Now I’m not so impressed with the food. But I will say the one in Lufkin, Texas has some first-class wait staff.

    • I use to think Olive Garden was great. My wife and I would go on dates there from time to time. Then we actually visited Italy. I haven’t eaten at any Italian restaurants since except for a single mom and pop place with a legitimate Italian menu. You realize that Olive Garden and the like is absolute garbage compared to the real thing.

      • I ate at a local Italian restaurant owned/cheffed by an Italian guy, using his mama’s recipes (and occasionally her cooking) before I ever tried Olive Garden. Needless to say, I was dissapoint when I finally did try Olive Garden. I would rather just eat Denny’s where the food doesn’t pretend not to be bland and boring.

    • Or, just as bad, an officious one who thinks it is important to enforce all rules, all the time, especially the stupid ones that no one else at the place gives a hoot about.

        • If police did that in general you would never so much as want to step foot in your vehicle, or walk down the street, as everyone would be in jail. Blame your legislators for that.

    • The other side would be the police not allowing the citizenry to open carry in their Police Station; sounds like a wise decision on Law Enforcement’s part; BTW the police (on or off duty), and with most states retired police, are by statue exempt from any gun-free zones, so the employee the asked (ordered) the uniform officer to leave was in violation of the law.

      • “so the employee the asked (ordered) the uniform officer to leave was in violation of the law.”

        Private property. No violation of law occurred.

      • @onespeedbiker: Wait a minute! You can’t have it both ways. Police are exempt from “gun free zones” but they are free to break the law as far as private property rights ? I doubt that is true. The Olive Garden restaurants are not legal Gun Free Zones but rather the policy of their restaurant chain prohibits guns. There is a big difference. I don’t happen to agree with Gun Free Zones and I think it is ridiculous and unsafe for OG to prohibit weapons in their restaurants at all. But that is another subject. It is their right to prohibit whatever they want, within reason, in their establishments. Also, your comparison about civilian arms being allowed in a Police Station is way off the mark. What folk are getting at here is if OG can make and exception for a police officer then why not make the exemption for everybody ? As most here know that a civilian with a legal right to carry is less apt to kill someone accidentally than the average police officer.

        • ” It is their right to prohibit whatever they want, within reason, in their establishments”

          For example, blacks, jews, and the like? Might want to think about what you’re saying. No briefs, only boxers? Commando will be prosecuted? LGBT? Plus, the chances are really good that the owner(s) are not on the premises, nor consulted on the supposed policy, so “private property” is not a real good response, when a manager, not owner, is making those rules.

      • Cops just hate it when they are caught up in the rules the the rest of us second class citizens have to follow. LEO’s are civilians too.

      • A post that yells “a little (legal) knowledge is a dangerous thing.”

        I hate this stupid “posting too quickly” garbage. The fact that I can read and type at above a 3rd grade level should not be a problem.

        • It does that as a proactive measure to throttle spammers who try to flood comment sections on blogs.

          That TTAG is a very high page hit website makes it a target for spammers to flood it with “I made (bullsh!t) money every week” crapoloa.

  1. I like Olive Garden. Their restaurants are generally designed to be quieter than your typical chain restaurants (I hate noisy restaurants). Can’t complain about the food or the service, either.

    Let’s hope this unfortunate incident was simply the result of a bad hiring decision by Olive Garden, and that decision is quickly rectified.

    • That ain’t food, and it’s sure as hell not Italian Food.

      And Olive Garden treats its employees like prisoners.

    • ” Can’t complain about the food or the service, either.”

      I swear this is a true story:

      Growing up, I loved school lunches as a kid.


      It wasn’t until later that I realized what an indictment that was on my own mom’s cooking.

      She tried, but she is one of those lacking the touch in the kitchen.

      There’s lots out there better than Olive Garden.

      Just sayin’…


      • Geoff, that made me laugh. I remember my father saying he was the only one in his platoon who actually liked army food… because my grandmother was such a bad cook.

      • School lunches were pretty darn good in the early ’60s, I still have never found dinner rolls as good as my lunch ladies made them. And the fried chicken/mashed potatoes rocked!

  2. That was just plain wrong. But remember that feeling, officer, for the next time you set up a blatant speed trap.

  3. If I had a restaurant I’d allow guns, just not overpaid union thugs like cops.. And anybody wearing a union shirt will be asked to leave

    • Yes!!! I like your idea. I would offer a discount to patrons that work in the private sector.

        • +1. I’m no fan of unions, and government union attitudes are especially annoying (I live in the Peoples Republic of NY).
          That said, in the restaurant biz, margins are almost always thin. Making any significant demographic unwelcome ups the chance of failure from “likely” to “almost certainly”.

          As a businessman, just hold your tongue and take their money. And try to defeat them at election time.

  4. I don’t think anybody is missing out if they choose to eat somewhere, anywhere, other than Olive garden. It’s just a bunch of over-salted freezer food that’s reheated with generous magins tacked on to make you feel like its “authentic” and “home made”.

  5. Good! Until cops go through what we go through and their union starts standing AGAINST bs gun free zones, we can’t put a stop to that insanity.

      • No even close.

        There are carve-outs all over the place. If you think the same rules apply to cops and non-cops you REALLY are not paying attention.

        Also…qualified immunity. See any/all stories of cops with ND’s that get a free pass when the non-LEO ND folks get convictions. As but one example.

        Oh, and just to mention it…former LEO here. Not a ‘cop hater.’ Just calling it like I see it.

  6. Hard to tell whether some of this stuff is about cops (a’ la BLM) or about gunz (a’ la Bloomie).

  7. So, while ON DUTY and in uniform, I sit down in Olive Garden with my family…

    WTF? You have your whole family under arrest and decided to stop by Olive Garden before taking them to booking?

      • Not and brag about being on the job while doing it.

        Although he’s probably technically right, assuming it’s his duty to drop his fork and answer a radio call if one comes in, it just sounds odd.

      • I’m not “on duty” when I’m at lunch. Even the military frowns upon wearing the uniform off-base for non-official events. Reasonable exceptions for grabbing a quick lunch, convenience shopping, etc. That does not extend to going to a sit-down restaurant with the fam.

        • But if you’re not in your police uniform, the restaurant folks might accidentally charge you for the meal 😉 (Actually, I wonder if the “free meals for cops” thing ever goes on any more, back in the day some restaurants liked to do that to encourage cops to patronize the place, like having a security guard for the price of a meal.)

  8. Not that I’ve been to an Olive Garden in 8 years,

    But it looks like they really need to refresh their employee training.

  9. I would have replied to her assembly Well I hope you guys don’t get Arms robbed because if we’re not allowed on the property with our Firearms Will be waiting adjacent your parking lot For you to come out and fill out the report How friggin ridiculous are these companies getting We need to Take our business our money and our time elsewhere if we make a big enough statement to that we will not put up with this crap Any more from these anti-gun organizations!I’m sorry this happened to you sir Absolutely ridiculous.But yet were considered the crazy gun people I don’t get that Do any of you get that or remotely understand where Olive Garden is coming from I mean to be honest with you I wouldn’t eat at that shithole if it was the last place on earth to begin with but To treat a customer and a law enforcement officer on duty like that Ridiculous.

    • Don’t know if you opened the bottle a little early, or if you just don’t know how to type, or don’t understand punctuation and capitalization, but that hurt my head to read….

    • ……………………………………………………………………………………………………

      There ya go. You seemed to be running low so I threw in a few extra to get you through your next post. You’re welcome.

  10. Given that the PoliceOne survey which polled thousands of officers shows that the rank and file police officer supports our right to bear arms isn’t it time we stop bashing police officers unless we we know there is actual misconduct involved?

    • As much as I like the results of that poll, I don’t believe for a second that they represent the majority opinion of officers. I have met more that support restrictions and limits that those that do not.

      • What kind of meetings are you having?

        When a law abiding citizen has an involuntary LEO encounter, it’s a near certainty that the LEO involved is an asshole, so the cops we come face to face with are not a representative sample.

  11. what I don’t understand is why he let some twit order him around? How hard is it ask for the manager?

    • “what I don’t understand is why he let some twit order him around? How hard is it ask for the manager?”

      I really hope you’re kidding about that.

      I damn sure don’t want to eat where I’m told I’m not wanted.

      Just use your imagination what might *extra* be in your food from the time it leaves the kitchen to when it’s set in front of you…


  12. this is stupid. i dont care what uniform you wear, officer. you are not special. you are just a person. this is no different than olive garden refusing to serve me for carrying a firearm. they can feel free to reject your business, and you can feel free to give your business to their competitors. i have no interest in your whining about how this treatment is outrageous ONLY because youre a cop.

  13. While the philosophical discussion of police v civilians, and private property v gun-free zones [aka free-fire zones] is interesting, there is something strange about this. Note carefully the last paragraph on this post – as of two years ago, Olive Garden is owned by one of the most 2A-friendly companies in America.

    Just a guess, but given that this is Missouri, I suspect that the employee was a BLM advocate. Hopefully to be fired soon.

  14. I dunno, but if I was a cop, I’d be researching the myriad of laws on the books until I found one that fit the situation. Thereafter, if I could find such a law and I was refused service, I’d be frog-marching the refuser out of the restaurant in handcuffs.

    While I have no love for cops, it’s time to end this bullsh!t.

    • Cops who do things such as that, are the reason many people resent cops. Its private property and they have a right to refuse service, however I do think that employee will be looking for a new job soon

      • Its private property and they have a right to refuse service

        Uh, actually, no, it’s not just private property. It’s a public accommodation, which is why it can’t refuse service to, say, black people or blind people with guide dogs.

        Whether or not a public accommodation can refuse service to an officer is a matter of state and local law.

        • I’m not aware of any state law which prevents refusal based on occupation and I’m almost certain none make it a crime to refuse service based on weapon rules.

          Bottom line: a private business has a fair amount of leeway to tell people to leave as long as it doesn’t violate certain protected classes. The best option is not to change the law but to leave when asked, not give them any money, and then make sure your friends know what they did so they can decide whether to patronize the business.

    • That’s not a cop’s job to go researching myriad laws, thwn personally enforce retribution fir personal slights. How about these tax collectors for the welfare state focus on the laws they’re already supposed to be competent in enforcing and leave the civil rights violation fishing expeditions to someone qualified?

      Frog marching? Not every violation of the law subjects one to arrest. Some are punishable by fine alone. Some require civil remedies. Even those that can result in arrest, often require a filing of charges and obtaining of an arrest warrant.

      What you’re proposing is just a pretext as cover for an abuse of power. Nothing good can come of shortcuts and vendettas masquerading as “law” enforcement.

      • That’s not a cop’s job to go researching myriad laws

        Of course it is. We often accuse cops of ignorance of the law regarding legal open carry. If they researched the laws, they’d know.

        If the b!tch who refused the officer broke a law and arrest would be appropriate, she deserves to be arrested. Period.

        • Uh… conveniently left off half my statement. You can’t slice and dice to arrive at what you want to disagree with.

          I said don’t go seeking retribution for personal slights and do gain competency on the laws they’re expected to enforce daily; for example, open carry. Some obscure, convoluted statute doesn’t count. Here’s a tip: if a uniformed cop has to “go do research” on the law, then that point of law researched (including stautes, precedents, regulatory agency rules, AG opinions, etc.) is way beyond that uniformed cop’s ability to process and properly enforce it.

          He needs to file a complaint with an appropriate agency and let their lawyers handle it. He doesn’t need to run around like Judge Dredd with a copy of “Law School for Dummies” in his back pocket and harassing people.

          Your tortured and untenable logic would have every beat cop camped out at the law library all night researching capital equipment depreciation schedules, then SWAT teaming the local bookkeeper for misapplying an automobile’s class life to office furniture. Good grief.

    • Thereafter, if I could find such a law and I was refused service, I’d be frog-marching the refuser out of the restaurant in handcuffs.

      Glad you’re not a cop.

  15. Yeah not a big cop lover but Olive Garden is full of shite on this one. Good luck getting the local po-leece responding in a timely fashion DUMB AZZ…BTW most of the comments are in stark contrast to the reaction of the several FB gun groups I belong to. Don’t you dare say a negative word about the boyz in blue…

    • Setting aside the propriety of this one restautant’s decision on this one incident, the fact remains that Olive Garden acted within its rights. You may not agree with their decision, but it is their decision to make.

      Citizens acting within their rights does not give license to government employees to withold public services or otherwise to exploit their public authority to exact personal revenge. It’s called equal protection of the law, and how much of a jerk someone may be doesn’t invalidate it.

  16. The guy is obviously a product of a liberal education. Saying that I hope the dumbass is robbed at gunpoint so he can wet his pants and hope that a cop with a gun would rescue him.

  17. I just wanted to put in my 2 cents here. I’m in Illinois *shudder* and the local Olive Garden is a family favorite for get togethers. Since I got my CCW permit I’ve made it normal to scan every doorway every time for the no guns allowed signs. And none of the Olive Garden’s I’ve ever been to have them up. That leads me to belive this isn’t a companywide policy, and my personal experince in retail leads me to belive it isn’t even a store policy. Most often when I see someone asked to leave someplace by staff, it’s because someone did something that offended someone (eg having a gun, looking a certain way, etc) and they took it upon themselves to raise a stink about it.

    Personally I think the officer did the right thing as he was, while in uniform, representing his department and raising a fuss can reflect poorly on said department. Now was he a civilian, or in plainclothes, I’d for sure have insisted on a manager.

    • The OG I frequent (because I’m not that picky when it comes to Italian-esque food apparently) has very nice faux-stone “Unlicensed possession of a weapon is a felony… blah, blah, blah” signs. I silently read it and say to myself, “Got the license, I’m ok.” and proceed to eat. Concealed means concealed after all.

  18. “Then you really might know what it’s like….what it’s like…..then you really might know what it’s like….what it’s like…….”

    Deal with it, copper. Rebuild the bridges and maybe you can regain the respect of the public. Until then, you can get treated like a potential spree killer just like the rest of us.

    “On duty”, give me a break. Officers call out or go off or whatever their local lingo is when they’re on break. It’s called a 10-6. Now, in fairness, in a smaller department, you truly are always on duty throughout your shift, because there just isn’t enough backup. Also, if a hot call comes through, it could mean everyone’s mobilized. For the most part, though, your 30 minute lunch is your own and you’re not really on duty. You’re more mid-shift. So don’t expect special privileges on your personal time.

    • Jonathan – Houston says:

      “’On duty’, give me a break. Officers call out or go off or whatever their local lingo is when they’re on break. It’s called a 10-6. Now, in fairness, in a smaller department, you truly are always on duty throughout your shift, because there just isn’t enough backup.”

      I don’t know how it is down there in Harris County, but back when I was a Deputy Sheriff in Dallas County there was many a time that I got called back to duty _before_ my meal was even served.

      At best, there were 8 deputies on patrol at one time…and that when all 8 districts’ patrols were On Duty (quite often we were running short).

      Moreover, 2 of the districts were ‘contract’ districts serving individual communities (at last note, there in Harris County, those are usually contracted to the Constables), so only six deputies were available to respond to ‘Calls For Service’.

      • You’re right, like I said, it depends on the personnel available. Sheriff and Constable deputies tend to be spread more thinly. So they’re more apt to be called back.

        Contracting to private neighborhoods is an additional burden, but that’s one that’s ongoing and for which the department accommodates long term. You tend to see that more in neighborhoods in the unincorporated parts of the county, contracted either to the Constable or Sheriff’s department, but such communities tend to have less crime and fewer calls anyway. So there’s less out there to disrupt people’s breaks.

  19. Divide and conquer. It’s the cops’ turn. Don’t let them get away with this; we get turned away for carrying, the cops get denied for #BlackLivesMatter.

    We both need to realize a commonality of interest, and fight this battle together.

    If I see a cop get turned away, I’m leaving, and letting the management know why. I would hope the cops would reciprocate.

  20. Whether Olive Garden is a good restaurant chain (their Italian fare is as genuine as Chop Sui is Chinese) or not, they need to come clear on their policy regarding firearms and place a written copy of it at the door. It is embarrassing for a police officer not be serviced when it is his duty to carry a firearm. It is obvious that employees take it upon themselves to slant any policy as they wish, specially without a written policy. The best thing for any PD is simply to publicly boycott the chain (their palates will be thankful). The upper management will be then forced to take an official position in writing and both PD officers and civilians will know if they need to avoid the restaurant chain. Personally, I ate there once about 20 years ago and have avoided it ever since.

    • Thanks for being one of the few gun owners that doesn’t think government employees are superior to us lowly peasants.

    • Exactly. If they want to refuse service to armed customers, that’s their right. But they should do it across the board, from Joe Schmoe to the police chief.

      I really believe we wouldn’t have half of the shitty gun laws we have in this country if there weren’t LEO carve-outs to most of them. Start talking about restricting cops to 10-round mags and watch the police unions scream.

      • I had the same idea. Implement that in NY, maybe it’ll give more innocent bystanders time to flee, instead of being shot by police.

  21. Food comments aside, with a little googling I found that the President of Olive Garden has personally called and apologized to the KCMO officer and has denounced the actions of their employee.

  22. So, this is barely a story. A rogue employee, or at best, a rogue location, went against company policy. If it was the employee who decided for herself to ask the cop to leave, she should be disciplined.

  23. Something seems fishy with this story(s). It’s almost like there’s a set-up going on and the CSGV is going to bust out a GOTCHA! video.

  24. If Olive Garden has a no guns policy, they damn well better tell government employees to fuck off too. I get being annoyed at Olive Garden for the no guns policy, but I don’t get being upset that they didn’t treat a thug in blue as superior to us lowly peasants.

  25. Odd story, but as long as all the restaurant staff went home safely at the end of their shift, I guess it all worked out well.

  26. All the cop bashing gets tiresome. There are some jerk cops, I’ll give you that. Just like there are some jerk Veterans Administration employees, jerk DMV employees and I’ll bet if we looked hard, we could probably find a couple of jerk firemen.

    Here’s a flash: Most cops strongly support the 2A and most also support open carry. I don’t really count because i am retired but I want to see constitutional carry in my lifetime. If you go over on and ask, you’ll find that i was very involved in the right to carry in Illinois during the run up to finally getting passed. I was out of pocket for several hundred dollars in paying for meeting halls to town hall meetings to support illinois concealed carry. All this even though I already had an illinois concealed carry permit via LEOSA. And I wasn’t alone, there are lots of active cops on Illinois Carry and they are all quite vocal in support of concealed carry. The Chicago Police Patrolmen’s Association and the Chicago Police Sgts Association both came out in support of Concealed Carry in Illinois as did the Illinois Sheriff’s Association.

    Some cops are most definitely jerks and some of us have run into at least one in our lifetimes. I am happy to say i got one cop fired and another cop jailed because they were jerks.

    There are a couple of you that carry cop hatred to a whole new extreme.If you really think that assuming one representative of a profession is symbolic of the entire profession than i have to ask if you use the same criteria to assume all members of a religion or a race or an ethnicity can be identified by a single representative of that race, religion or ethnic background.

    If you do, what does that make you?

    • Whitewashing bad cops as “jerks”. Nice. Tell me, how do you jive your holster-licking of the armed agents of the state abusing their power and public trust with supporting the 2nd Amendment?

      • any chance you could maybe rephrase that into some form of understandable English so I can decipher what you’re saying?

        I explained my position and you seem to be having some disconnect in explaining yours.

    • If you got a cop locked up, it’s a safe bet he was doing a lot worse than just “being a jerk”.

      You’re right, the officers who do really bad shit are a small minority. The problem is not just those few “jerks” (or “bad apples” as others like to say). The problem is that the vast majority of cops seem content to look the other way when those guys are doing their bad shit. The 95% or more who think of themselves as “good cops” aren’t drumming the bad cops out of the profession, and most times will actively circle the wagons and defend the “jerks” unless the offense is particularly egregious (or caught on camera).

      A cop who lets another cop get away with a crime or abuse of authority is just as much a “bad apple” as the guy committing the offense, and there’s a lot more than just a “few” of that kind of cop.

    • “The Chicago Police Patrolmen’s Association and the Chicago Police Sgts Association both came out in support of Concealed Carry in Illinois…”

      I’ll bet dollars to donuts that this sure chapped ol’ “Super Cop” Garry McCarthy’s mulatto ass. 🙂


      Chicago top cop warns that his officers will shoot concealed carriers

      On the ‘Up’ side:

      Chicago Aldermen May Call for Termination of Police Chief as Violence Continues

  27. I’d like to see the lapel camera footage of this.
    Employee is lucky the officer didn’t smell marijuana on her, detain and search her until something his buddies showed up, then shut down the place and all look around at accomplices until something was found. May not hold up in court but in some cases, that isn’t the point.

    I have cops in the family and the number one rule about restaurants is don’t eat in the same places you patrol and NEVER eat out in uniform unless its a buffet.

  28. So naturally he takes to whine on Facebook like a jilted 15 year old girl. “Please share!” File under “totally happened”.

    • Being a butthurt whiner is one of the first qualifications for being a cop. Right after being a person of low morals and suspect character.

  29. If a business has a no guns allowed policy, it should apply equally to police officers if they aren’t performing official duties. This guy was out to dinner with his family, so even if he was in uniform, the restaurant is within its rights to ask him to either disarm or leave. What’s the problem?

  30. Why does this government employee think a state issued costume should allow him the privilege of ignoring the property rights of a business owner? Let him sit in his tax payer provided vehicle and eat a sandwich from home if he is “on duty”.

    There are no good cops. If such a thing existed, they would spend all their time arresting the bad cops.

  31. Fancy costumes and shiny badges should not grant extra rights.

    It seems perfectly consistent if they don’t want citizens armed in their restaurant, that they would not want police armed in their restaurant.

  32. A cop was denied entry in houston to house of blues. They made him out his gun and knife in his car. He was plainclothes but had a badge.

  33. I’d eject the uniform and/or badge, not the gun…

    If he loves the badge and uniform, and the evil they represent, so much that he can’t part with them, then I wouldn’t want him in my place, either.

  34. Apparently they were worried the officer would swallow without chewing, choke and sue. This business not having a crystal ball to predict the officers intention with his food. Perhaps a background check before eating would ensure responsible chewers only be served so food wouldn’t get into the wrong hands.

  35. The sad is in Mo that police officers & all commissioned law enforcement personal are exempt for all gun laws

    there is no place that they cant go without their sidearm even off duty!!!

    And KCMO pd are state police officers on the same level and powers as a MO Highway Patrol

    And in a uniform there is no place they can under Mo law

    The Mo law states they from all gun laws on where they can carry.

    What I know

    • What *I* know, is you should watch your grammar a little more closely, so that your posts will be understandable and coherent.

  36. Olive Garden is a Darden Restaurant. I regularly and frequently patronize Longhorn Steakhouse, another Darden Restaurant, here in Arizona specifically because all the Outbacks in the state are gun-free zones; and I have personally thanked at least two of their managers for maintaining a firearms-friendly business, so I know they don’t just allow firearms because it never occurred to them to ban them.

    Therefore I suspect that either 1) Darden has no national policy on firearms one way or the other, or 2) the KC Darden is violating it. (We’ve seen individual WalMarts attempt to ban guns, a situation that always gets quickly corrected when it is reported to the national HQ).

    I think the most expeditious solution here is for some gun-rights journalist to contact Darden to ask them whether they have a national policy on firearms friendliness, and if not, propose that they adopt the same one WalMart has, to wit: if it is allowed by local law, it is allowed in WalMart. This incident is in fact an opportunity handed to us on a platter.

  37. Their Business, their rules..We have a car wash that caters to Cops, they get washed and wiped down by scantily clad Barely legal girls,needless to say there is no shortage of cop cars, they show up in droves, Cops standing around watching while the girls put on the show.. I do my part in my business. As a contractor, I add 10% to my invoices if the customer is a cop…It’s how the game is balanced out.

  38. I hope they don’t call the police when they are getting robbed or something, as I can only imagine them respecting their “no firearms” policy if they ever need help.

  39. According to a tweet from Olive Garden (in that Snopes article) their policy is to follow state/local laws with respect to private citizens’ open/concealed carry.

  40. An interesting question might be, “are we sure it was an employee who asked him to leave?” Maybe just a dingbat.

  41. Google HR 218. No discrimination, no guns MEANS no guns. Am I beneath you for not having or being in uniform, what about active military in uniform and their M-16’s? Thomas Jefferson’s letter to James Madison on January 30, 1787 have the last word: “I prefer dangerous freedom over peaceful slavery.” I have the right to feel safe and that includes carrying a loaded firearm. I have the right to protect myself and if you don’t like it tough $hit.
    The 2nd Amendment was put into the Constitution so the people could protect themselves from a corrupt government. No double standards put DC politicians on Obamacare and SS and take away their guns.Thanks for your support and vote.Pass the word.

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