uvalde police school shooting
Courtesy Austin American-Statesman

By Lee Williams

My heart sinks every time I see breaking-news graphics announce another school shooting. It’s like a gut-punch…the lost lives, the suffering of the wounded, the horrors the first responders must encounter, and the families that will never again be whole.

The blame and blood-dancing usually start before the bodies are even recovered. The talking heads call to ban or further regulate firearms, magazines or accessories in common usage, as if the contents of my gun safe located thousands of miles from the crime scene somehow played a role in the killings.

Politicians will gleefully announce new infringements, none of which could have prevented the mass murder, but that’s never their intent. They were eagerly awaiting another opportunity to do something that will score points with their base and their donors, as well as disarming law-abiding Americans.

Keep in mind that more than three times as many people die each year from excessive alcohol use than from firearms, yet no one is calling for a ban on bourbon or vodka, because the booze-ban industry died on Dec. 5, 1933, while the gun-ban industry sputters on.

Their misguided efforts have no chance of ever stopping mass murders because they are solely fixated on banning an inanimate object, while ignoring the person who’s pulling the trigger and those who help facilitate the crimes.

In my humble opinion, if we truly want to stop school shootings we should harden the staff, not just the buildings, and we should focus on the other bad actors, too, not just the trigger-pullers. It’s time to start holding parents, law enforcement, and the legacy media strictly accountable – criminally, morally and very publicly – for aiding and abetting these preventable deaths.


I guarantee more parents will take an interest in the websites their children frequent or the videos they’re downloading the first time they see other parents charged as accessories to murder. They will ensure their firearms are safely stored when they see other parents arrested for aiding and abetting.

Photos provided by the Oakland County, Mich., Sheriff’s Office show James Crumbley, left, and Jennifer Crumbley, the parents of a teenager accused of killing four students in a shooting at Oxford High School in Oxford, Mich.  (Oakland County Sheriff’s Office via AP)

They will take a sudden interest in the video games their children are playing, or pay attention to significant changes in their behavior once police start making arrests for what is the ultimate in criminal neglect — allowing a child to commit mass murder.

Nowadays, children are bombarded by stimuli completely undreamed of by previous generations. Some are good, but many are very bad, if not pure evil. As a result, parenting requires more vigilance than ever before. This is a fact, but it’s not an excuse. Today, if a parent ignores obvious signs that their child needs help, allows unauthorized access to firearms, and lives are lost as a result of their willful negligence, they should pay for it in prison.

Law enforcement

How many mass murderers have been known to the FBI or local law enforcement? Most of them. These killers usually have a long history of indicator crimes, which often go completely ignored.

Law enforcement needs to improve how they track potential mass murderers.

Years ago, a few forward-thinking police departments formed career criminal squads. It was their job to follow and hound to death the truly bad hombres who were responsible for the majority of crimes committed.

These units were effective. While civil libertarians hated them, the bad guys soon tired of the frequent contacts with law enforcement tended to encourage them to straighten up or moved on. It’s time to resurrect this model.

School Shooting Florida nikolas cruz
The Parkland killer was well-known to city, state and federal law enforcement. (Amy Beth Bennett/South Florida Sun-Sentinel via AP, Pool)

Officers today need to understand that if they encounter a potential mass shooter or even suspect someone might fit the profile, their responsibility for the safety of the public doesn’t stop when their shift ends. That’s exactly what happened with the Parkland murderer, whose name does not merit mention.

Law enforcement had 39 contacts with this soulless demon in just seven years. Each officer took a report and moved on. No one took any responsibility, including the FBI.

After the Parkland killer posted on social media his goal was to become a “professional school shooter,” an FBI agent asked him a couple questions – over the phone – and that was it. The FBI’s investigation ended. So much for Fidelity, Bravery and Integrity, the much-ballyhooed essence of the FBI.

In a perfect world, agents would have interviewed this hellion in his home, searched his room and seized his computer, phone, journals and, of course, any weapons he had access to. The feds should have made him a top priority. He threatened to shoot up a school. Instead, he was hardly a blip on their radar.

This pattern of ineptitude has been repeated over and over again at every level – federal, state and local.

Everyone with a badge in their billfold who encounters a potential mass shooter should be fired if lives are lost because they failed to act. That’s how seriously law enforcement should take these individuals. This re-prioritization should be inculcated throughout entire departments. If an officer can’t handle the added responsibility, they should quit. The stakes are too high to allow anyone to fail.

Uvalde police response bodycam
Uvalde report bocycam image

The same standard should apply if law enforcement fails to act during a mass shooting. Parkland and Uvalde taught us the high price that’s paid when cowards don a badge and carry a gun.

Police are issued tactical gear for a reason, and it’s not to loiter around a school hallway playing games on their phones while children are being murdered a few doors down. Unfortunately, there’s no way to identify or screen for cowardice until it’s too late.

Scot Peterson Parkland broward coward
This Feb. 14, 2018 frame from security video provided by the Broward County Sheriff’s Office shows deputy Scot Peterson, right, outside Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Fla. The video shows Peterson going toward the high school building while a gunman massacred 17 students and staff members, but stayed outside with his handgun drawn. (Courtesy of the Broward County Sheriff’s Office via AP)

Strict accountability is the only way to ensure law enforcement takes every encounter with a potential mass shooter seriously. A lack of time, resources or manpower can no longer serve as an excuse. After all, how could any other law enforcement mission be more important than tracking suspects who could potentially murder kids?

The legacy media

How many times have you heard cable TV news actors speculating wildly about a possible motive after a mass killing?

These murderers are crazy. That’s the answer. They don’t have a real motive. Their actions are incomprehensible. There’s no way for a rational mind to truly understand the actions of an irrational one. Unfortunately, this doesn’t stop the legacy media from mindlessly speculating, since mindless speculating is what they do.

Salvador Ramos Uvalde school shooting shooter
Uvalde killer’s Instagram profile photo

The media often defaults to bullying as the cause of the carnage – as if every kid who’s ever been bullied picks up a gun. Unfortunately, once it’s repeated enough times, some children start identifying with these mass murderers, especially if they’ve been bullied or have other problems fitting in.

Combine this with 24/7 coverage – including the murderer’s favorite websites, games and even music – and the media has successfully given the killers a near cult-like following, which is exactly what they wanted. And the deadly cycle is bound to repeat itself.

If the legacy media had never named the Columbine killers, much less described how they dressed, what they wrote in their journals, and who they listened to while plotting their murderous assault, they could never have inspired other troubled teens to commit similar barbaric acts. Countless lives would have been spared and hundreds of families would not be grieving today. There’s no debating that.

Columbine high school massacre
Columbine High School killers (Wikimedia Commons)

This isn’t a call for censorship. The last thing we need is more government intrusion into our lives. Instead, it’s time for some self-restraint by the legacy media.

It’s very easy to hold the legacy media accountable for overblown coverage of a terrible tragedy. Simply change the channel. If enough of us do, they’ll get the message, eventually. It will take time. They’re a thick-headed bunch.

Armed staff

Nowadays, school administrators are focusing on hardening their facilities, not their staff. Regardless of how secure a school campus is, Uvalde taught us that a determined maniac can always get in. Legislation that would allow teachers, staff and other volunteers to arm themselves – regardless of their state of residence – would save lives.

Another option that is operating with great success in Florida is the School Guardian Program. School Guardians aren’t police. They’re not school resource officers. They don’t teach classes. They’re not responsible for discipline or counseling. They don’t have office hours or other distractions. Their only responsibility is to shoot bad guys who want to harm kids.

Many of Florida’s School Guardians are combat veterans. They’ve proven they can use deadly force when it’s required. They’re issued a plate carrier, a handgun and a carbine, and are trained (certified) by local sheriffs.

They take their jobs extremely seriously, and they’re easy to spot. They patrol outside the school in the morning as kids are dropped off, and in the afternoon when they’re picked up. So far, no school with a Guardian has been attacked.

Gun-free zones have always been magnets for mayhem. It’s time to end this, put politics aside, and truly protect our kids.


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This story is part of the Second Amendment Foundation’s Investigative Journalism Project and is published here with their permission.



    • The Art of Gun Control…

      Use criminals murdering defenseless, unarmed people to persuade useful idiots to believe the solution lies in Gun Control a History Confirmed agenda that is rooted in racism and genocide.

      Frankly it is a close call for who is sicker…Gun Control zealots or the perps.

  1. Nobody wants them to stop.
    They’re great for fundraising and clout chasing and half the country is firmly in a de-population death cult that believes there can never be too many excess deaths. Unless one of those deaths happens to be them of course.

    • It is not about gun control. It is about people control. A dictatorship is very hard to establish in an armed society. Every time there is one of these horrific mass shootings, who do they want to crack down on? It is always the law-abiding citizens that they want to restrict when it comes to guns. Yet, these same liberals are always making it easier for the criminal by being more and more lenient on the lawlessness of our society. Liberal prosecutors are constantly refusing to prosecute hardened criminals as if giving them a break will somehow reform them. These prosecutors aren’t that stupid. They are just that morally corrupt. Our country has been on that long slippery slope to eternal damnation for at least the last fifty years and now it is slipping at an even faster rate.

      • A simple law would change things: specifying that any prosecutor who decided not to pursue charges for unlawful gun use during any crime, where even having a gun visible counts as use, and the person who was not charged later commits a felony crime of violence, shall be considered an accessory to the new crime of violence for the reason that the prosecutor willingly and knowingly allowed a known violent criminal to remain free to engage in further violence against citizens.

        • This is good. If the alledged crime is not really a crime, the court will reveal that as the evidence indicates, and the likelihood the accused will commit any serious crime further down the road is small. But if cinvicted as charged, the criminal will now be a Prohibited Person and thus have a tad more difficulty obtaining his next gun. He will also have priors, likely be incercerated for some period of time, and paroled/probated for some period of time. And even if he DOES go on to commit further violence (notice the gun does not perpetrate the violence) then the DA is blameless because he did his assigned task in trying the case.

          WHen he lets the perp walk as happenee AT LEAST THEN the DA must dance to the new tune.

    • Most school districts don’t give a shirt about security.
      “Guns ar icky, takes time, insurance, won’t happen here….”

      I worked in public schools as an educator for 10 years.

  2. Gun control is in many cases a diversion to get people to look away from the failures of government and a media who basically produces infomercials to recruit new mass shooters.

  3. “These murderers are crazy. That’s the answer. They don’t have a real motive.”

    Wrong, they want their 15 min. of fame, and possibly on some mass-murderer trading cards.

    They are defective…

      • It’s something which is better than nothing. As usual, mostly what I’m hearing for a solution is let’s expand the government to catch and treat the symptoms instead of understanding and treating the underlying cause (unless the interview was too short and didn’t get into that). They did get into a small part of the cause which is essentially a social contagion spread by mass media, but people would still have to be susceptible to it.

    • mass shooters (which are mass murderers, and includes school shooters) are crazy, even though the medical mental health community gets their panties in a knot over the use of that term. It’s just not a mental illness defined in the DSM-5 (yet) and that’s their bible they use to justify their claims of no mental illness publicly, its intentionally deceptive to claim that. Its a “nope, not in the DSM-5 so it doesn’t exist therefore it must be guns” type of thing and the anti-gun idiots parrot that.

      And sure these mass shooters do want their 15 minutes of fame, and that’s part of the mental illness, its why they simply do not care if cameras are around because it captures them in their moments of infamy and it will be preserved for a longgggg time. They know anti-gun and the media will keep bringing it up over and over for a long time trying to blame it on guns. They have seen others be showcased by democrats and the media so much and those achieve fame through infamy (complete with a fan club, yes there are sick people who worship these) so its something they want too. The democrats and media are basically a teaching tool for them, detailing in the smallest detail of how others did what they did, police response times, entry points, school procedures, etc… . Its why they don’t rush when they first start shooting, its because they have learned from the media coverage of past events the police on average are going to be at least several minutes (some times longer) before they enter the school and will stop them, so they know (in most cases) they are going to have area dominance for a while in what ever area of the school they are in basically unchallenged and are not in a hurry and have plenty of time to hunt and take a lot of victims. And then some of them simply don’t care what time they have or that someone is there to stop them because the think (the odds are) they will still get some victims (and they usually do) before they are stopped, they will still get their 15 minutes and live in fame through infamy through democrats, anti-gun, and the media.

      Forensic psychiatrists James L. Knoll IV, MD, and George D. Annas, MD, MPH, of SUNY Upstate Medical University in Syracuse New York, both leading authorities on the mental health aspects of mass shooters, summed it up for the mental health community various studies on various aspects in terms of mass shooters…. Although mass shooters may not meet DSM-5 criteria for a recognized disorder … “they do have an ill-defined trouble of the mind for which the mental health field has no immediate, quick-acting ‘treatment,’”

      In other words, mass shooters do have mental illness but not something clearly defined and for which the mental health community has no immediate quick-acting treatment, such treatment includes diagnosis so its also a mental illness that has not yet been diagnosed so it can be put in the DSM-5.

  4. “Years ago, a few forward-thinking police departments formed career criminal squads. It was their job to follow and hound to death the truly bad hombres who were responsible for the majority of crimes committed.

    These units were effective. While civil libertarians hated them, the bad guys soon tired of the frequent contacts with law enforcement tended to encourage them to straighten up or moved on. It’s time to resurrect this model.”

    There is no need to give police any more power over us. The need is for the DA/Prosecuters to get off their lazy behinds and put these creeps in prison the first time they are arrested.

  5. Realistic depictions of extreme gun violence became prime time fare in the late 50s to earliest 60s.

    The modern era of high score shootings began in 66. Monkey see, monkey do.

    Fish, insects and bears protect their young – then there are the democrats…

  6. The Florida ‘School Guardian Program’, there are groups in various states trying to implement such a thing in their states.

    My sister is working with a group trying to implement it in her state.

  7. quote———–In my humble opinion, if we truly want to stop school shootings we should harden the staff, not just the buildings———quote

    Far Right propaganda. Many schools do not even have enough money to buy enough school supplies or pay teachers decent livable salaries yet you scream of spending money they do not have on building bunkers. And high traffic public buildings are extremely difficult to monitor, especially schools.

    Many teachers are not “gun people” and the possibility of firearms accidents are very high and more likely than a school shooting itself. Teachers also are not sadistic cops who take pleasure in killing people and they would hesitate to pull the trigger while the maniac would not hesitate to shoot them.

    quote—————-I guarantee more parents will take an interest in the websites their children frequent or the videos they’re downloading the first time they see other parents charged as accessories to murder.———-quote

    Complete nonsense. As far as I know no one in the U.S. was ever charged for letting their kids play video games. And Japan has the highest addiction to violent video games yet children there do not go into school with knives and try and commit mass murder or take shotguns and rifles which are legal to own in Japan and commit mass murder with them.

    As a matter of fact taking ones frustrations out on a video game may just actually lower violent acts at school. Its never been proven video games promote actual violence and Japan certainly is a good example of that.

    quote————-Politicians will gleefully announce new infringements, none of which could have prevented the mass murder——–quote

    Wrong: You are not listening or accepting what they are proposing which is not rocket science or anything new as its already been done in foreign nations and their success at cutting way down on mass shooting prove they are right and you are wrong, dead wrong (pun intended).

    When Britain had a school shooting in the 90’s they put an end to it with tough gun laws. Germany did the same and also succeeded. Austrailia passed tough gun laws when a maniac with an assault rifle slaughtered 50 people including chasing al little girl around a tree and then blowing her head off. New Zealand recently cracked down on weapons of mass destruction because of their mass killing and because of Australia’s successful gun laws. Never again has Australia had a 50 kill mass shooting.

    Many of the school shootings were done using the parents guns which were not locked up. The gangster criminal republicans who are prostitutes of the NRA have fought safe storage laws tooth nail and claw.

    The gangster criminal Republicans have fought tooth, nail and claw funding National Health Care which would include paid for mental health care for anyone needing it “including children”

    The gangster criminal Republicans have fought tooth , nail and claw passing a Universal Background check.

    The gangster criminal republicans have fought tooth, nail and claw red flag laws which can and do save countless lives. Remember a person wrongly accused can always get their guns back but you cannot bring the dead back to life when the police are forbidden to take firearms.

    The gangster criminal republicans have fought tooth, nail and claw mandatory mental evaluations before granting a permit to purchase a gun which most industrialized nations have had for decades because they work. Many times it does not even take a trained psychologist to see if a person is acting erratically or responding to questions with nonsensical answers. It is clear they are disturbed persons.

    The gangster criminal Republican’s have fought tooth, nail and claw mandatory training with firearms.

    The gangster criminal Republicans have fought tooth nail and claw laws that would mandate when a person could and could not use deadly force.

    • dacian the demented dips***,

      Are you simply a Leftist/fascist liar, or are you also stupid?


      Now, before you start off on your LYING rant about that ‘not being true for inner city schools’ (your usual lie), read it and weep:


      I would ask the clarifying question: “Are you stupid, or a liar?” But embrace the healing power of “and”.

      The conclusion is inevitable – you are a stupid liar.

      • to the Lamp that went out of his head

        Nice try on deflection to try and insinuate since one city “proposed” not yet passed a new budget that all inner city schools have done the same. Sorry that is a bold face lie.

        And your other link is from a far right nut case racist forum. Although they deny it to the sky most inter city school funding, when they even get any, often goes to the salaries of the CEO’s, not the students. and certainly not the teachers who work often for less than what the janitors get.

        Sorry your lame attempt to claim inner city schools are rolling in money at that the students get the same level of education and the same high quality teachers is another bold face lie.

        Yes another far right rant from the Lamp that went out of his head and who claims to have 4 law degrees and has written numerous books, none of which he can remember the titles to.

    • @dacian

      “Far Right propaganda. Many schools do not even have enough money to buy enough school supplies or pay teachers decent livable salaries yet you scream of spending money they do not have on building bunkers. And high traffic public buildings are extremely difficult to monitor, especially schools.

      Many teachers are not “gun people” and the possibility of firearms accidents are very high and more likely than a school shooting itself. Teachers also are not sadistic cops who take pleasure in killing people and they would hesitate to pull the trigger while the maniac would not hesitate to shoot them.”


      There are currently 37 states that allow teachers and school staff to be armed.

      The schools here allow armed teachers and staff. Its allowed under state law, and by school board policy. We even allow parents and others with the enhanced permit to carry in schools, we are permitless constitutional carry and shall issue (if you want a permit). States are legally allowed to preempt the federal law on guns around schools, they do here for permit holders (who can carry in a school) and they also preempt it for non-permit people except they cant take it out of the car but can have it on their person. We literally have volunteer ex-military ‘fire teams’ on many of the schools grounds in the state during school hours sitting just outside the school on school grounds, fully trained in stopping a hostile individual and rescuing innocents, all with the blessing of police, school board, and its actually permitted under state law. Its not an official program though. They pay for their own gear and stuff, they are fully armed, fully trained, and ready to go. They have kids and family in these schools, they have community ties to these schools, and they will give their lives if necessary to protect them unlike the Uvalde cowards, and they know what its like to be in combat and what needs to be done and they will not wait around for permission or some leadership decision from on high and will act as a unit and get the job done. Plus here, permit or not, any law abiding person with a firearm can legally enter a school to stop the lethal threat of a school shooter.

      Here its been going on for years, armed teachers/staff and armed volunteer fire teams, civilians all and not one accident yet but it has stopped/prevented before the first shot was fired.

      37 states …

      so it is overall false that “the possibility of firearms accidents are very high and more likely than a school shooting itself” by there being civilian ordinary law abiding armed people on school campus.

    • As quoted above ” Many times it does not even take a trained psychologist to see if a person is acting erratically or responding to questions with nonsensical answers. It is clear they are disturbed persons.”
      You are SO CLOSE to seeing the truth that all it would take is a glance in the mirror.
      Yes, you are describing YOURSELF.

    • quote: “Far Right propaganda. Many schools do not even have enough money to buy enough school supplies or pay teachers decent livable salaries yet you scream of spending money they do not have on building bunkers.”

      Dackie Boy didjya even READ the piece?

      Or do you simply not comprhend the difference in the meaning of the words “staff” and “buildings”? Go and learn about the FASTER Saves Lives programme, developed in the State of Ohio in direct response to the Sandy Hook school shooting. Staff who volunteer for this programme receive intensive specialised training, including live fire with THEIR OWN personal weapons, in every aspect of a school shooting including trauma response after such events. The entire programme COST THE TAXPAYERS NOTING because the gun industry stpped up and sponsored the entir programme. Training personnel, curriculum development, training facility use, liason into government to get laws changed to enable it to be implemented, range use, ammunition and targets, instructional aids, handbooks.. all of it donated.

      the result in Ohio? In the years since it was implemented there has not been one gun-involved incident at an school in any district where this programme has been in use.

      The Parkland school folks had met with the FASTER folks to explore the viability of bringing this programme into Broward County.. the meeting was about two weeks BEFORE the massacre we all heare about. After the canary had escaped the cage in the form of the massacre, the board voted unanimously to NOT persue this option. I did read a few months back that it has been reconsidered and now is approved. Personally I think Florida as state should implement this programme, and the folks from Ohio would be honoured and delighted to come help them set it up..

      THIS is what it means to harden staff rather than facility. Don’t forget, at Sandy Hook the facility WAS very much hardened. The perp simply used the tool he had stolen from his Mother, whom he had murdered, to gain access to the outside entrance then to deal with the security at the strategically placed (checkpoint) office. Once those two barriers were neutralised, there WERE no barriers to the classrooms he entered, still carrying his stolen tool. I have often pondered how differently that day would have played out had the TEACHER in those classrooms had been FASTER trained, and armed, when that dirtbag busted into those rooms. They would have KNOWN precisely what to do with the children, where to place themselves and how to quickly and accurately deal with the killer. For that matter, had the two women (now dead at the hands of the killer) also had that training, said killer never could have gotten up to the counter at the office/checkpoint as they would have also acted per their training. Hear gunfire, glass breaking, front door crashed open, man with gun walks down hallway toward office, well trained and skilled office ladies say BANG BANG MAXWELL SILVER, perp begins dirt nap, school dismissed for the day, ALL of them alive and unhurt, crews come in to mop and decontaminate floor repair shot up main entrance door and other minor damage.

      But this narrative does not suit those evil people who want ALL OF US disarmed But I do not care about those perverts who prefer dead innocents to the rest of us being armed, trained prepared, dedicated.

      so go take a hik, Dackie Boy. YOU are part of the cause of the nationwide killing spree beiing promoted by nefarious actors.

    • Dacian Response: Pass laws! Because this isn’t my problem, it’s somebody else’s. I’m not going to stand watch at a school, or talk to children about the misery in their lives, or debate existential questions with them, or any such thing. That’s somebody else’s job. I just vote for somebody else to solve problems for me. They are simply not my problems, nor my responsibility.

    • @dacian

      “The gangster criminal republicans have fought tooth, nail and claw red flag laws which can and do save countless lives. Remember a person wrongly accused can always get their guns back but you cannot bring the dead back to life when the police are forbidden to take firearms.”


      republicans have not fought red flag laws. States are free to implement red flag laws all their own. In fact all 50 states have red flag laws already, just not some in forms specifically called ‘red flag’. All 50 states have laws that are used to do the same thing a specific ‘red flag’ law does. What the republicans object to is yet another law at state of federal level that the democrats want to throw money at and use for political gain.

      “wrongly accused can always get their guns back”


      less than 30% of firearms are returned to the “wrongly accused” under laws called ‘red flag’ now. You apparently don’t understand what happens after police take firearms or any property under red flag laws, they are not, in democrat controlled states, under their ‘red flag’ laws desires, obligated to return firearms or any property and in fact can destroy them after a certain amount of time unless the person can afford the lawyer to go into court and sue them to return them before its destroyed. Its a seizure confiscation without warrant in violation of constitutional rights in a grey area being exploited by the democrats, the republicans object to this also so you want to complain that republicans are standing up for constitutional rights that applies not only to firearms but all property seized.

      “when the police are forbidden to take firearms.”

      yet another fairy tale of the democrats. There is no state where the police can not take firearms in situations amounting to what a red flag law would do.

      Overall the reason the republicans object to specific red flag laws focused on firearms from democrats is because – 1: They are BS plays for political grand standing. 2: They are much broader than just ‘help’, they are exploitative foundation building blocks for blatant unconstitutional search and seizure, and provide no real substantive due process, and are based upon the Hitler’esque ‘inform on those who do not conform or are undesirable’ principal.

      “red flag laws which can and do save countless lives”


      Red flag laws are not designed to save lives. This is a myth, a lie, a deception. Red flag laws, like the laws in different forms under different names in all 50 states that already exist that do the same thing – are designed to respond to a ‘complaint’ AFTER THE FACT of such covered behavior being discovered and/or reported and its only luck that the person didn’t already harm them selves or someone else by the time the behavior was it was discovered and/or reported. You evidently do not understand that law to stop or take action is only applied after the fact. Red Flag laws do not save lives, they rely on luck that the person has not already done something to harm.

  8. Love him or hate him, but actor Steven Seagal said the quiet part out loud: they’re allowing it to happen to further an agenda. I completely agree with him.

    • mgd,

      Sadly, many people on our side are helping the civilian disarmament industrial complex in a round-about way. Notice that the author of this article, who is presumably on our side, goes to the Nth degree blaming parents of spree-killers and leveling unreasonable demands on parents?

      For example, the author demands that parents keep firearms unavailable to their children. Okay, until what age? A 13 year-old child is plenty responsible (and legally able) to baby-sit someone else’s child. If we believe that a 13 year-old child can be responsible for another family’s child, why would we not trust that same 13 year-old child to responsible with a firearm?

      And what about a 13 or 14 year-old child who needs to defend him/herself or a younger sibling from a violent attacker when parents are away from home?

      Finally, why do we not expect even an 11 year-old child to know that is horribly wrong to go to school and execute fellow classmates–regardless of the method to murder them?

      Rather than wasting significant energy looking at parents as “aiding and abetting” their own children, we should be spending effort on arming more righteous defenders in schools and reinforcing timeless values which produce physically, emotionally, and spiritually healthy families and communities.

      • I grew up with firearms in the house. We knew not to touch them w/o parental guidance. My parents knew we were curious and took the time to educate us about them. I knew how to get to them in an emergency as well. That’s before I was a teenager.

        • mgd,

          Same here. I knew where the firearms were when I was in second grade–in zipped rifle cases in my parents’ closet. I never even imagined handling them without my parents’ assistance.

          Then again, I actually had two parents and my parents were reasonably invested in my upbringing. (Note: my parents were far from perfect parents. Nevertheless, they did the best job that they could and their efforts were more than satisfactory to ensure that I had ZERO desire to go murder anyone.)

        • I think I was twelve when my dad decided my brother and I should learn to handle the rifle kept in the cool room right off the kitchen and back door. Its primary purpose was for discouraging wildlife from messing with the orchard, garden, and pasture, but it made appearances in the living room on a couple of occasions when an alert went out that someone had escaped from the state prison work camp.
          It was a great disappointment to enter seventh grade the next year and learn that with the new junior-high school building there was no longer a rifle club.

  9. All kids get bullied, it is how they react to it that determines when it stops. A good punch in the face will usually do it(the suspension from school and the rest of the reactions by authority figures are just icing on the cake).
    We have to stand up to the bullies on the school board and support our kids if they do get in that fight(and tell them to act repentant).
    Being from a family that doesn’t buy $200 sneakers and all the expensive electronics other kids have is a mark on you that you are not worthy to go to that school. Some of these kids retract into themselves, stay in their rooms and find an activity(like video games where they can talk trash and act like a badass to others of his ilk). Some kids will believe the BS and will act out, since that is to only way to get noticed by their peers.
    These kids need an outlet, a place to hang and play sports(that has some supervision and maybe ID tags to keep the drug sellers away). If we don’t invest in our youth today, we will have favelas and no entry zones for outsiders in these hoods in 10 years.

    • This reminds me of my school when I was in seventh and eighth grades. The phys ed teachers had boxing gloves hanging on their office walls as a reminder: want to fight, we’ve got these handy. They didn’t try to stop fights, they just required those who wanted to fight each other to learn the rules and use the gloves. Another angle added to the deterrent: a couple of teachers actually had experience in boxing, and they gave lessons to anyone who got picked on (what today is called bullying), so any bully who thought about picking on someone knew that if they acted they were going to be hauled to the gym and required to fight “like a gentleman”, and there was a good chance that their targets would have at least some lessons.
      That continued in high school, but our high school had its own version of discouraging bullies: the Lettermen’s Club had at some point decided that there just wasn’t going to be any bullying, or at least if there was it was going to be reserved for lettermen and under a code of honor. It didn’t take long for new students to find out that trying to beat someone up meant being stopped swiftly and forcefully by some of the school’s top athletes and most likely subjected to the ‘rule’ “If you want to fight, you can fight us” — which usually meant taking on a varsity wrestler.

      There was anther side of things, too: the school’s “Christian Club” had a project required of all members — to watch out for those who has few or no friends and to step up and be their friend (I think this was most effective when it was one of us who was also a letterman; having a letterman friend imparted some social status, plus everyone knew that picking on someone with a letterman for a friend meant that the letterman, and likely some friends, would be picking on you!). As Christians we often got treated like outcasts, and we were determined that we wouldn’t let the student body turn anyone else into outcasts.

      Though those were also the days that many juniors and seniors had their own trucks (kids of farmers and loggers, mostly) and most of those trucks had gun racks, and most of those gun racks had rifles and/or shotguns in them — and no one freaked out over it, and no one would have dared to even touch one of those guns without permission. It was a whole different world back then.

  10. The breakdown of the family unit is the major cause of this breakdown of morals in our society. These mass shooters almost always come from fatherless homes. Young boys need a strong father figure in their lives to show them what real manhood is by example and masculine discipline. Mothers are doing a great job but when it comes to steering young boys into manhood they are out of their element. There are so many outside pressures on the family unit in today’s society that mothers are being outnumbered by the deviates of our society.

    • School shooting’?!? Home school. My granddaughters are home schooled. Eff the gubmint propaganda mills!

  11. That’s all well and good, but how about just simply making mass shooting/murder a FEDERAL crime with a mandatory death sentence and holding EVERYONE who allowed prior problems with the shooter to go unreported or unpunished accountable. How many of the most recent shooters were KNOWN to School officials, local law enforcement, FBI to be problematic but still managed to “LEGALLY” purchase a firearm and kill a bunch of innocent people? Put THEIR asses in jail, take THEIR jobs, it’s NOT just the parents, it’s everyone who has day to day contact with those losers who would take the lives of innocents to satisfy some distorted sense of self-worth in the last few moments of their own worthless lives.

  12. Making it a death sentence would just cost taxpayers a heck of a lot of money because the appeals can drag on for decades and cost tens of thousands of dollars a year.

    But federal — absolutely. The stated reason for protecting the right to keep and bear arms is having an effective militia. By definition, every able-bodied adult is a member of the militia, and so their use of arms, including guns, is supposed to be well-regulated, and by the opening clause, that means using their arms for upholding the security of a free state. Since using arms for initiating force to harm or threaten to harm others is contrary to the security of a free state, then such acts are offenses against the militia and should be punished as such. I’d make it part of a new Militia Act (which among other things would offer a refundable tax credit up to $750 for purchase of arms for defense of self and home to anyone living in a county or parish where there has been a crime of violence within the previous five years) and make prosecution of all criminal misuse of arms, whether as merely an implied threat right up to actually shooting someone, mandatory by prosecutors at all levels with failure to do so also an offense against the militia. Additionally, a schedule of penalties would be established with the clear requirement that time served for such a crime would not be subject to bargaining away, good time, parole, or any other reduction.

  13. Keep in mind that more than three times as many people die each year from excessive alcohol use than from firearms, yet no one is calling for a ban on bourbon or vodka

    Don’t tempt them. They’re only going after the guns first because it’s easier to confiscate alcohol from an unarmed man than to take guns from a sober one.

  14. Lee, there is no way any of your suggestions will ever come to pass. The only way to stop shootings at public schools is for there not to be any public schools. Defund all public schools and educate children in private or home schools. You never hear of those getting shot up. And in the homeschools all of the staff and some of the students can be armed at all times.

    • Sandy Hook murderer was home schooled, although he had his GED by the time he murdered his home school teacher.

    • It usually isn’t that the private schools are that much better than the public schools. It’s that the private school students are more likely to have involved parents. My kids went to a top school in the state that isn’t easy to get into. The teachers were shockingly mediocre. I discovered the key difference was involved parents.

  15. “Today, if a parent ignores obvious signs that their child needs help, allows unauthorized access to firearms, and lives are lost as a result of their willful negligence, they should pay for it in prison.”

    sounds great, until you realize that that same attention would then be directed at everyone everywhere, including you and your gun safe located thousands of miles from every crime scene everywhere.

  16. If we can’t stop school shooters…what possible chance do we have to stop other terrorists?
    Yeah…pretty much zero.


    • “TAX [EVERYONE]”

      That isn’t how it works. Picking and choosing who gets special treatment on tax breaks and handouts is a major source of their power. They aren’t giving that up which means they’ll push for “equity” but they’ll never push for equal treatment.

  18. “mass murderers have been known to the FBI”

    Murder is NOT in the purvue of the incompetent damn FBI. It’s a state/local crime. PREmurder is not in the purvue of the utterly corrupt FBI. But very little of what the busybody FBI involves itself in, is fedgov business in any Constitutional manner.

  19. I guarantee more parents will take an interest in the websites their children frequent or the videos they’re downloading the first time they see other parents charged as accessories to murder.

    – Lee Williams, NSSF

    How very Orwellian of you, and charging those not committing the crime? WT-absolute-F! Nice tyrannical anti-civil rights steak you got going on there. Fuck right off you traitorous bastards.

    These people are no friend to us, but the enemy within.

    Everyone want’s to see these incidents to disappear, but this is far from the right way to achieve that goal. Rebuilding the pride in the proper family dynamic, reinstituting personal responsibility, as well as reopening mental facilities for sequestering the truly dangerous insane. Like Lee Williams. Whose sole proper point in this overarching shitpost is protecting the children by force of arms, as the sensible do everywhere else outside of schools.

    Christ Dan, why do you guys give these asshat’s a treestump, after how many times they’ve betrayed us exactly?

  20. SOm wopuld the fact that the PARKLAND shooter had had 39 contacts with the police have been sufficient to ban him from firearm ownership? If that is indeed the case then could the SOCIETY in which he lives have made it impossible for him to obtain one ILLEGALLY? I mthink NOT to both questions because innthe first binstance people like you woulod have been fighting HIS case for ownership and inthe second it is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent firearms from falling into criminal jhands because forone thing so many LEGA OWNERS are cashing in on the profits of the illegal trade. You know it, the Police know it and the FBI know it’

    The Police do NOT make the laws and they are neither judge or jury. And you cannot incarcerate people merely on suspision and throw away the key.

    Neither does Police harassment to the point of MOVING ON a potential perpetrator seem very logical to me either.

    In a DEMOCRATIC Society Police can only act withe the CONSENT and the CO-OPERATION of those they police. If that consent and co-operation is compromised the hands of the police are effectively tied.

    • it is IMPOSSIBLE to prevent firearms from falling into criminal jhands because forone thing so many LEGA OWNERS are cashing in on the profits

      Is that how criminals in Not-So-GREAT Briton get THEIR guns, oh wait it’s nearly IMPOSSIBLE to be a LEGAL gun owner in that quasi-dictatorship.

      The Home Secretary said the continued use of guns in UK cities is a “major concern” as she pledged more cash to get weapons off the streets in the wake of the Liverpool shootings.
      On Friday, Priti Patel met police officers and visited the scene where Olivia Pratt-Korbel, nine, was shot dead by a gunman who chased his intended target into her home.
      Asked how concerned she is about the continued use of firearms in the UK’s big cities, Ms Patel replied: “This is a major concern.”
      So just how is it that a nation with some of the most strict gun control laws anywhere in the entire world–an island, mind you, with limited points of entry through which guns can be smuggled–is having a “major concern” with guns?
      If gun control works as advertised, the UK should be an absolute Utopia, with almost no violent crime at all, much less any concern involving so-called gun crime, yet here we are. This is the Home Office minister for the British government acknowledging that this is a problem in a nation that has all but banned private gun ownership. It sounds to me like she’s also acknowledging that gun control didn’t work.
      Bad people are going to do bad things, but all they’ve done in the UK is make it virtually impossible for anyone to defend themselves. They don’t even seem to recognize the right to self-defense. That makes the entire nation a virtual playground for the criminal.

      Requirements for a gun license? Two years residency, background check including social media interviews with family friends and employers, credit check including outstanding debt, a home visit by cops for first time applicants, references from one person for a shotgun and two persons for all other firearms (not a family member, gun dealer or member of any force or service) and a check for mental health records. Fun times in the land of the Nanny State. Oh yeah, licenses must be renewed every 5 years and cost about 80 pounds (currently about 100 bucks American) and there is still stories like this (Following the shocking shooting in Plymouth, where five people were killed on 12 August, the Home Secretary made clear that today’s guidance will be kept under close review, and updated with any further lessons learned from the ongoing inquiries into these murders.) in the news.

  21. If you really want to stop mass shootings, then we must restore the very foundation of society, the family unit. Too many of our young men grow up in fatherless families. Semiautomatic guns have been around since the beginning of the 1900s. These mass shootings are a fairly recent phenomenon. The rise of mass shootings started right after Lynden Johnson’s GREAT SOCIETY, the welfare state that was established where government assistance was only available to families where the father was absent. These fatherless families are the spawn of most of the societies’ ills. Hence, what you sow, you shall also reap.

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