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The really awesome part? It took three people to make this happen.

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  1. I guess the concept of dryfiring the gun first to get used to the feel of it never occured to ANY OF THESE THREE RHODES SCHOLARS.

  2. I’ve seen 2 people who unable to pull the trigger on a glock during a simunitions Tueller drill. They had their finger on the edge of the trigger and failed to depress the center “safety” lever.

    Guns aren’t complicated to operate but if you build an idiot-proof device the world will build a better caliber of idiot.

    • Guns aren’t complicated to operate but if you build an idiot-proof device the world will build a better caliber of idiot.

      mitch127 wins the Intenets today.

  3. From a military perspective, if you make something idiot proof, your less than stellar Private will figure a way to bugger it up. Did anyone there know how to drive that little revolver?

    • Of course! The guy behind the camera who asked if the safety was on was clearly the brains of that little operation.

  4. Well that was a cliffhanger. I got nervous just watching that little event.

    It would not have surprised me one bit if yellow shirt had turned around, finger on trigger, barrel pointed at someone’s chest and said “something’s wro…” BANG!

    Were either one of those on-camera geniuses using hearing protection?

    • I have the same reaction. I can barely stand to watch these videos with all the suspense, wondering how many people can die in one ND.

      But anyway, everyone should own a firearm and carry should be mandatory.

  5. Wow, I can’t believe that I finally agree with one of Magoo’s comments “But anyway, everyone should own a firearm and carry should be mandatory.” I guess Magoo is moving away from the dark side and is now able to see the light.

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