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This Is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: Mexico’s Extra-Judicial Killing Edition [Video NSFW]

The following story – republished with permission from – chronicles an extra-judicial killing caught on tape. The soldiers involved are members of GATES, the Mexican Army’s Special Forces. Our source says that the Mexican Army in general and GATES in particular are known for their disinclination to take prisoners. This against the backdrop of Mexico’s notoriously corrupt judicial system. (Which explains but doesn’t excuse the murder.) Once again,I’d like to point out that Mexico’s lawlessness is directly related to their citizens’ lost gun rights . . .

GATES of Coahuila continues to come under attack from human rights groups and citizens. In the video detonations of firearms are heard and suspected members of GATE and army appear. The special police and tactical force founded by former governor Humberto Moreira, has been accused of executions perpetrated against citizens.

The issue has continued from the onset of the formation of the agency, with elements seemingly unconcerned, when such killings of civilians occur in view of the public.

Also, reports of bodies discovered in army barracks have had no consequence even that of a 15 year old teen found beaten and dead in the barracks of the border city of Acuña.

There have been more than 5000 complaints issued against GATE and its sister agency GROM (Metropolitan Reaction Task Force ).

In this video of an apparent extrajudicial killing, it is assumed the men killed are “suspects”, however there doesn’t appear to be weapons around or in the vehicle of the dead men. Albeit the footage of inside the truck is blurry.

With GATES and soldiers standing facing the vehicle they began shooting. It is obvious they are not in fear of retaliatory gunfire, as they shoot at a standstill without cover. Then one of the forces says (paraphrased);

“Remove them from that side, I will finish off the mother fuckers.”

“He’s still alive,”

“The one in there is still alive, boss.”,

“I will kill this dude”

“Kill him.”

El Diario of Coahuila reported the story, and says the government of Coahuila dismissed the veracity of the video and blamed ‘narco-reporters’. The state contends, some reporters and media outlets are on the narco payroll, to broadcast “fake” videos designed to discredit GATE. The state secretary swears he has a list of these reporters. He says he will forward this list of names to SEIDO.

They say;

“All the GATES videos are false, and were ‘analyzed’ There is an ongoing operation against Los Zetas by tactical groups of Coahuila, argued the secretary of state government, Victor Zamora Rodríguez.”

The problem with that self-serving statement is that civilian killings and disappearances at the hands of GATE and GROM has transpired since the inception of the agencies, with as many being innocent as guilty of crimes. As for those who are genuinely suspects, a civil democratic society is doomed when allowing police and armed forces to become judge, jury and executioner.

26 thoughts on “This Is What Happens to A Disarmed Populace: Mexico’s Extra-Judicial Killing Edition [Video NSFW]”

  1. “We know for a fact the Sgt. Gomez was selling weapons to the cartels at the time of this shooting. He couldn’t have been there!”

  2. “a civil democratic society is doomed when allowing police and armed forces to become judge, jury and executioner.”


  3. I keep showing these stories to my Marxist counter-parts, few as they are now, in my social circles. They really don’t understand what they’re asking for when they beg the State to replace individualism and self-determination.

    This is what happens. This is what always happens. This is the only thing that ever happens.

    It always all leads to the wall, the rope, and the screaming…

    • I love talking to leftists about the situation in Mexico. Invariably, I ask them why they think it can’t happen here, and it’s always really clear (even if they refuse to come right out and say it) that they think we Americans are immune to this kind of thing because those of us of European descent are better than those savage brown people. And I keep pressing, forcing them to come right out and say it. I love seeing the dawning realization in their eyes when they recognize the direction I’m driving them. It’s pretty awesome.

      • We wouldn’t have to worry about it drifting North if either party had a vested interest in securing the border – which they don’t. A nation without borders isn’t.

      • Excellent point! ISIS seems far away; Libya’s Egyptian Coptic Christians or Paris’ Charlie Hebdo hardly any closer. Mexico; well, how close could it be and still be outside our own boarders?
        Congress-critters of both parties want to preserve an open border and keep drugs illegal. Perfect formula for maintaining the threat from the cartels. There is enough evidence of violence with the drugs creeping north into the US. There is plenty of evidence from the inner-cities that native Americans are capable of wanton violence.
        I fear the only scenario that will wake-up Americans would be repeated attacks on soft targets by jihadis.

        I can vaguely anticipate the lament. It goes something like this:
        – You OCT guys; where are you now that we really need you?
        – We Moms, through the grace of our noble legislators
        – GAVE you Open Carry!
        – Now, all you can bring to a jihadi attack are a bunch of pistols!
        – Where are your carbines “men”?

        As INTERPOL Secretary General Ronald Noble pointed out (after the Nairobi mall attack): “Ask yourself: If that was Denver, Col., if that was Texas, would those guys have been able to spend hours, days, shooting people randomly?” If mall attacks come to America anyone want to place bets as to whether they occur in the Won’t-Issue States?

        • “I fear the only scenario that will wake-up Americans would be repeated attacks on soft targets by jihadis.”

          That’s a very optimistic position to hold and I’m not being sarcastic. Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night but not fully and drifted back to sleep? That’s what is likely to happen here. People would wake up initially but drift back to sleep. “Oh Big Brother, protect us from the bullies!” to which they would reply, “absolutely we will, but we must pass these laws in order to offer that protection and you must part ways with your right to this and your right to that and part way with all civil liberties! It’s all for your protection!” And the people will proclaim, “yes yes, do what you must!” And Big Brother will say amongst themselves, “this was the plan the whole time..”.

          9/11 gave us the Patriot Act, which is still in effect, and people cheered for it’s creation. The Patriot Act was broadened under Obamas supervision, (NSA monitoring) “We need to monitor your emails, your internet traffic, you phone calls, your bank transactions, your travel habits, your facebook posts etc to keep you safe from terrorism”. There’s a clause in the National Defense Authorization Act that allows the government to seize all materials and industry during times of peace or war for their own purposes. That can range from the alloys at a car factory to the food and water you have at your house. Also, when enacted, the NDAA would suspend the writ of habeas corpus and allow the authorities to detain one indefinitely. People will say that habeas corpus suspension only applies to enemy combatants of the US, AKA terrorists. Well, look at who the FBI and the DOJ consider to be terrorists and you’ll see that you and myself, along with many if not everyone who visits the site, fit a good bit of the criteria to be held suspect.

          The people need to start reading the signs now and not just pass them by paying no attention. History is rife with examples of what happens to a populace when government becomes to big to be held accountable by the people. History is cyclical and it does indeed repeat itself. This notion that time and thus history is linear is a falsehood that lulls one into believing that because something has happened before it surely can’t happen again.

          As a once dear friend of mine who was a reformed gang-banger would often say, “shit is getting real”.

          And it’s getting more and more real. Every. Single. Day.

  4. Mexico gives every indication of being well on it’s way to becoming a failed state. A hallmark of a failed state is when the differences between cops and criminals become fewer and fewer until there’s little difference between the two. Tellingly, the Marxist historian Erik Hobsbawm in “Bandits” observed that in police forces the differences between the cops and criminals can be very slight. What he meant was that when the state begins staffing it’s police forces with the same kinds of people who might otherwise become criminals, it’s very easy for the state to become a criminal enterprise in itself. That appears to be what’s happening in Mexico. The only military organization with any integrity appears to be the Mexican marines and they are rumored to have a high context of “marines” who speak vernacular American English. I have many friends in the north and, those who are wealthy enough, have to move around with constant, multiple armed guards to keep from being kidnapped. As for Mexico being “gun-free”, that only applies if you are poor and weak. Those with any wealth and position are armed to the teeth.

    • Between asset forfeiture, warrantless searches of persons and property, constant surveillance, and police who are almost never punished for the grossest of misconduct… We aren’t far from Mexico geographically, and certainly neighbors in the state of our republics.

      Our corruption is slightly more nuanced, and not quite so egregious, but we’re catching up quickly.

  5. As awful as its going to sound, we aren’t far at all. At least ostensibly these extra judicial killings in Mexico are implying that the victims are, or are thought to be related to cartels, and thus the these men think they are killing “the bad guys.” But you see here our police are simply killing people that piss them off. Sure it happens over there too, but this recent rash of caught on tape sorts of police incidents here are reflective less of “extra-judicial” killing and are more along the lines of thuggish gang violence perpetrated by law enforcement. So I would point out to your liberal friends that we have already arrived at this point. It IS happening here.

    • You make a reasonable point. Unfortunately, I’m afraid that it’s nearly impossible to get the point to register with the Progressive mindset.
      Those who sympathize with inner-city minorities will say that they need to advance their Progressive political clout to get the police to reform their brutal mistreatment of minorities. I.e., it is a problem to resolve through the political process from the voters up to the executive (governor or president) and down through the ranks of law enforcement.
      What is your alternative suggestion to the Progressive mindset? I’d like to recall the history of the Deacons for Defense and Justice (et. al) during the Civil Rights era. These few grass-roots minorities made it clear that they would defend themselves against lawlessness whether from the private-sector or the public-sector. By and large, they acquitted themselves responsibly. Only a very few stepped over the line separating self-defense from assault; and, then, not terribly far.
      The difficulty with this alternative story-line is that it is incomprehensible and unacceptable to the statist mindset. The exclusive solution is via the state and the state in the control of the “right” people.

    • Small potatoes compared to the ICE detention sites – they can ‘lose’ people in there for months at a time. Several agencies use that system as a secret prison for folks not worth the time to “extrajudiciously render” out of the country. Ones valuable enough that they want to sit on for a few months and scare the crap out of demonstrating the power of the state.

      “See, we can evaporate you just like Argentines. Who do you think taught them how?”

  6. Mexico, Irag, Chicago, Camden, Oakland, Lybia, it is all the same corruption with similar results with armed gangs over an unarmed population. The police dept in Chicago is a gang just like the Crips or the Bloods.

  7. teams.The third quarter was uneventful, just six points were scored, a field goal by both teams. Not only was I not prepared to spend the night in a riot scene but a to run to the store or would like to use a non-toxic alternative? Well, you have and in 1993There are different ways that can help you in concealing your identity. Derma Rollers

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