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 Det Inspector Tony Parsons. Police seized 23 firearms and a large quantity of ammunition during a raid of an Alexandra Hills residence. Picture: Steve Pohlner (caption and photo courtesy herald

“A BRISBANE gun buff faces possible jail time over a secret cache of high-powered firearms he allegedly built up over two decades,” Australia’s reports. Anyone want to guess what constitutes a “cache” in the Land Down Under? “A raid on the 52-year-old family man’s Alexandra Hills home has netted 23 firearms, including nine shotguns, 12 rifles, a concealable firearm and a slew of ammunition.” Slew? What’s slew with you? Meanwhile, “Detective Inspector Tony Parsons said it was a ‘significant seizure (that’s) reflective of what firearms may be out in the community that haven’t been appropriately licensed.'” Imagine that. And what heinous crimes did the cacheman commit (other than possession) worthy of a ten-year stretch? . . .

Det Inspector Parsons said while there was no evidence these particular guns had been used, the risk they posed to the community was considerable.

“On this occasion the firearms weren’t adequately stored, which therefore leaves the person or public open to the firearms being stolen during a theft of the residence … being diverted to the wider community, and the risk therefore that (they’re used) in armed robbery, home invasions or assaults on a person,” he said.

“It’s quite easy for persons these days to shorten a weapon by cutting the barrels off to make them a lot more concealable, and that’s where the main risk to the community lies.”

Not in the possibility of government tyranny or the threat of an armed assault on a ballistically defenseless law-abiding citizen. Obvs. And when, pray tell, was it not so easy to saw off a shotgun? There but for the grace of the United States Constitution . . .

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      • Yup, looks like some Moisins, a couple of hunting rifles, a Springfield and an M-16. And a muzzleloader. The “cache” of ammo is right by the camera in the picture above. [There are a couple more views of this massive cache at the linked site.]

        • Looked at the linked pictures. It also looked like an m1 rifle above the AR. It’ll be a shame to see this stuff melted down.

  1. When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns. All the weapons I could see in that photo were common sporting firearms, mostly shotguns. The crime here is having to have a license to own a shotgun that ain’t belt fed and FA. Actually, a belt fed FA shotgun would be kinda neat. Does anybody even make one?

  2. The statements by the police are classic “uh, I don’t have a good answer for this so let me throw some crap against the wall and see if it sticks.”

    • Exactly. The guns haven’t been used n crime, the owner is not a known criminal, but because they weren’t locked up in a safe they are a potential danger to the community because they might be stolen, and either the thief or someone to whom he sells them might use them for a vile and illegal purpose. Um hmm. That means no guns for YOU. I remember a story where a rancher was arrested and his guns seized because when they “inspected” his safe, they found a LOADED RIFLE (horrors!). And ya know, for the “safety of the community,” it is important not only that firearms be locked up in a safe, but that they be UNLOADED. Who knows, those rifles might escape into the wild and cause unmitigated CARNAGE.

  3. Thank God the police were here to stop a man who had collected and hidden guns with no intention of harming anyone. Truly this is a criminal worthy of spending years in prison. On par with arresting a senior citizen with glaucoma for smoking pot or a cop shooting a joy-riding teenager.

  4. Pathetic really. My guess is the poor guy doesn’t even have any ammunition. “Risk to the community” indeed!

  5. Very “scary” (great term used in the second grade). The only thing I see missing is the usual five zip-tie tags that I always see on evil weapons handled by confiscators in the U.S.

  6. The only crime being comitted here is a nice, elderly fellows collection is going to be melted down. For no reason. Other than Australia sucks.

    • In the first pic I didn’t see it but in the second pic I did. Ya it looks like a m16

  7. Ya know, if all of these laws actually did anything, then the laws against theft and burglary would’ve stopped anybody from putting these evil guns into nefarious use.

  8. I think if I would give them something to really charge me with. Maybe not but I sure would be angry enough.

  9. I knew there was a reason why I didn’t take R&R in the land of oz. I had more fun staying in Nam. I could carry a firearm any where I went in Nam, and no one said any thing about it. In fact I was ordered to carry at all times. If I went off the installation, I had to have a sidearm w/me. There is a lot to be said about being in a combat zone.
    As an MP we were directed to keep law and order in a land that had no law and order. Oz is supposed to be a land of laws, but only if they are liberal repressive laws. Well there is always Israel. No wait, not any more. It’s ok if the ragheads kill civilians now. They are just acting out, and will come to their senses once they have massacred all the unarmed Hebrews.

  10. I’ve been told more times than I wish to remember that my Rights are not Absolute but the IRS,EPA,NSA and ATF has the absolute right to $crew me for every mistake I make.

  11. That Aussie cop sure looks like a badass posing with that cache. I definitely see two Enfields in there – can’t miss the distinctive nose cap of the No.1 Mk.3. I’d fly there tomorrow and buy every last one for a fair price. Man, does this kind of stupidity have to be contained here in the US.

  12. Biggest nanny state on the planet. Didn’t Australia used to have a reputation for turning out some tough sumbitches?

  13. “Police seized 23 firearms and a large quantity of ammunition during a raid of an Alexandra Hills residence.”

    Those sandwich bags of ammo are what I burn on a single range trip…

  14. I used to be in love with a girl from Oz… From the sound of things, it’s a damn good thing that didn’t work out.

  15. Allot of milsurp rifles, double barrel shotguns, one Colt Sp1? and a muzzle loader. Wow the Aussies would die from shock if they saw merely a fraction of my small collection. Also, I saw less ammo in that shot then there is currently on the shelf at Wal Mart. Doesn’t make sense to outlaw such an antiquated collection. What sucks is they will now be melted down and the guy will spend a decade in jail. Australia is the perfect example of how slippery the gun control slope is.

  16. Mr. Farrago, could you refrain from using “Edition” constantly in your headlines? Thanks.

  17. What, did they outlaw tables down-under, too, or was the floor the only
    horizontal surface of sufficient size that they could find on short notice?
    In their perverse desire to return the Aussies to a safer time when they
    defended themselves by screaming and running away, for the photo op,
    they’ve managed to strike the exact same pose of the early protohuman
    in Kubrick’s 2001: A Space Oddity, at the moment when it’s pondering
    the greater significance of that pig jawbone it’s been holding in its hands.
    Inspector detective is squatting like Kubrick’s protohuman, but in this
    non-directors cut, the protohuman destroys the club, or throws it away.

  18. In Australia, people have to get a license to own firearms, then a license for each firearm they then purchase. This is after the Hobart massacre caused a public outcry. The rules are pretty strict, nobody is very happy with them. The disarmament crowd is upset that all firearms aren’t banned. But Oz is a big country with dangerous animals (mostly spiders and snakes, also wild pig and kangaroos) and desperate people, mostly of convict origin (look, two of my ancestors were sent there in chains in 1788 and 1789, so I can say that).
    Here in New Zealand we sit one license test, then are trusted to buy whatever is legal within that category (I have Category A, shotgun and rifle). As long as you’re not a loonie and use the firearms for the purpose intended and safely, there are few problems. I think our rules are better. But I envy the freedom you have in the States. We have forgotten that until the late 1920s, we could buy handguns as well, but these are out of most people’s reach, except for pistol club members in very rigidly controlled circumstances. Personal protection was provided for in the English Bill of Rights of 1689, but is not included in New Zealand legislation. That of course, does not apply to criminals. A lot of Aussies come here for the hunting…

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