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THIS Time It Will Work: Lightfoot Throws Another $400 Million at Failed ‘Gun Violence Prevention’ Programs

Lori Lightfoot

Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot (AP Photo/Charles Rex Arbogast)

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The budget drafted by Lightfoot and approved by the City Council contains $411.6 million to implement “Our City, Our Safety.”

The funding reflects the plan’s “holistic approach” to reducing violence by improving communities. Specifically, it targets community areas where poverty, low educational attainment and poor health outcomes, including shorter life expectancy, are concentrated.

These neighborhoods have accounted for 50% of the violence in Chicago over the last three years, according to statistics cited in the plan.

But it has been difficult to gauge whether money spent so far has been going where it’s needed most.

— David Struett in Chicago plans to spend more than $400 million to make neighborhoods safer, as debate continues over what actually works

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