This Virginia Mom Demanded a Different Kind of Action to Fund Her Political Campaign

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Susanna Gibson Moms Demand Action Virginia House of Delegates
Susanna Gibson (above left) is a Democrat running for a seat in the Virginia House of Delegates

Given the state of politics in this country, it can’t really surprise anyone to learn that politicians will do pretty much anything if you throw enough cash their way. How do you think someone who’s been on the public payroll for his more than four decades amasses a net worth of over $10 million? Usually, though, pols go to great lengths to conceal their pay-for-play services. That apparently wasn’t how a Democratic state House candidate in Virginia operated.

From the New York Post . . .

Susanna Gibson, a mother of two young children who is running in a competitive race to represent District 57 in Richmond, showed quite a bit more than skin on the adult streaming website Chaturbate, according to screenshots of archived material reviewed by The Post.

The 40-year-old nurse practitioner hosted more than a dozen of the live romps with her husband on the platform, which was then posted to a publicly accessible archive on the website Recurbate in September 2022 after she declared her candidacy, the Washington Post first reported.

The unconventional candidate had more than 5,770 Chaturbate followers, whom she repeatedly pressed for more “tokens” in exchange for certain acts in “private” showings — adding that she was “raising money for a good cause.”

That “good cause” was apparently her budding political career which has gotten a boost by being supported by Michael Bloomberg’s infelicitously-named Moms Demand Action gun control group.

Susanna Gibson
A live shot from one of Susanna Gibson’s sex videos (courtesy New York Post and Chaturbate)

Gibson, for her part, says all of the new…exposure of her fundraising practices won’t slow her down.

“It won’t intimidate me and it won’t silence me,” Gibson said. “My political opponents and their Republican allies have proven they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me and my family because there’s no line they won’t cross to silence women when they speak up.”

Stunning and brave.

Congresswoman Spanberger probably had no idea how right she was about Gibson’s ability to get a variety of things done, as thousands of Chaturbate users can attest.

Shannon Watts wasn’t available for comment regarding how good Ms. Gibson looks in one of Moms Demand Action’s red t-shirts. And the Moms aren’t the only gun control group to, uh, get behind Ms. Gibson.

Given her unique talents and qualities, it probably won’t surprise you to learn that Gibson has outraised her Republican opponent so far.

Gibson launched her campaign in July 2022 and has since raised $376,895 during her campaign, compared with $339,621 raised by the [David] Owen campaign, according to the campaign finance website the Virginia Public Access Project.

That’s not really hard to believe. While David Owen is certainly a distinguished looking gentleman, he’s probably not the type who would attract much support from the token-tippers on Chaturbate who are looking for the hotwifeexperience.

You just can’t make this stuff up any more. And you don’t really have to.


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  1. Memes are writing themselves…………..time for a coffee break……..may need to add some whisky.

    • In school cool kids who had a slot between their front teeth like hers could spit really far. She probably has done that with something besides spit.

        • Nope, not that I don’t get what you are saying just not even interested even if she was remotely attractive. Too much crazy/stupid/evil mixed throughout to ever be interesting.

  2. She is trying to claim it is Republicans and her opponents who are behind this . . . smear campaign.
    Her opponent, David Own, says he found out about her videos on the news just like everyone else.

    • “The unconventional candidate had more than 5,770 Chaturbate followers, whom she repeatedly pressed for more “tokens” in exchange for certain acts in “private” showings — adding that she was “raising money for a good cause.”

      So let me get this straight, shes basically been soliciting for this money in exchange for “certain acts in ‘private’ showings” (which were sexual acts by the way) – doing this voluntarily then using the money as part of her personal income. Then when she gets found out she claims “I’m whoring for a good cause.”

      • This will help her with the Dem base and give her more name recognition. The publicity will also probably secure her more viewers and thus more porn revenue. It’s were we are as a society.

      • to Booger Brain

        Having sex with your husband is not whoring. But I suppose its your far right puritanical religious views going haywire. I suppose next you will be telling us all we should go into prayer, ritual, incantations and then paint our bodies red and dance naked by the light of the Moon.

        • Did you read where she and her husband are in a open-relationship?
          She also bragged about having sex with up to three man a day, “‘I’ve had three in a day actually. Don’t tell my husband he was the third.”
          Or, ‘I’ll let you f*** me in the a** doggy style in a private room if someone wants to pay. That’s the deal.’
          What would you call performing sex acts for money?

        • @dacian

          “to Booger Brain

          Having sex with your husband is not whoring. But I suppose its your far right puritanical religious views going haywire. I suppose next you will be telling us all we should go into prayer, ritual, incantations and then paint our bodies red and dance naked by the light of the Moon.”

          learn to read. It tells you in the article …

          “…had more than 5,770 Chaturbate followers, whom she repeatedly pressed for more ‘tokens’ in exchange for certain acts in ‘private’ showings”

          Those were sexual acts you moron and if you knew anything about how to do do research you could see it for your self.

          so once again, shes basically been soliciting for this money in exchange for “certain acts in ‘private’ showings” (which were sexual acts by the way) – doing this voluntarily then using the money as part of her personal income. Then when she gets found out she claims “I’m whoring for a good cause.”

          She been selling ‘private showing sexual acts’ for money to the viewing ‘public’ at Chaturbate, plain and simple, she was whoring.

        • lil ‘d , I’m sure that you can’t relate, since having sex with YOUR husband is perfectly normal to you.

        • to Booger Brain

          And I supposed when Mitch McConnell got paid $420,000 from the drug companies that it was not acting like their private prostitute. Of course T tag no longer permits me to post a rebuttal

        • charging people to watch might be…it’s all in the interpretation…reminds me of a couple who “performed” for the bar patrons after the club closed…and were showered with bills…..

      • Are political campaign contributions subject to income tax? Looks like a good scam. The political affiliation of the IRS will prevent any investigation.

    • Any time a Democrat gets into trouble it’s because of a vast Right-wing conspiracy.

      This immutable characteristic of the universe is so well known it barely warrants a mention anymore.

  3. These people will not rest until they finish trashing my state. Hashmi is my state senator and has never once made herself available during Lobby Days going back to at least 2020 when I started going downtown to talk to Reps. Try as we might, my district cannot get rid of Dawn Adams, Hashmi, or Spanberger after courts ruled that districts had to be redrawn months before the 2019 elections.

    The “blue wave” was just over a dozen democrats running unopposed because their Republican opponents were carved out of their districts.

  4. Willing to commit a sex crime? Is she saying that it’s a sex crime to bring attention to the fact that your opponent does porn films?

    • That’s what I’m wondering… its a sex crime to point out she does porn where she basically commits acts of prostitution?

        • geoff…by your own words you are the kind of pervert who gets off on women being bound, gagged and under your control…that’s hard to do of course with your 2 inches cut clean off and stuck in your mouth.

        • “…that’s hard to do of course with your 2 inches cut clean off…”

          So, you’re threatening to take a knife and mutilate me?

          Keep talking like that and I might take you up on your kind offer… 🙂

      • A bit of reading, she’s arguing that drawing attention to the video violates some kind of “revenge porn” law in which circulating a video to harass or intimidate is a crime. I’m guessing that with a video that was already publicly available, and with her having made money from her on-line activities, her legal argument is probably weak.

        • Her calling that revenge porn shows what kind of idiotic public servant she’d be. If she’s so desperate for money that she’s willing to ho her body out like that, then how do you think she’d treat a position of power? Of course she knows dim voters don’t care about integrity.

  5. A politician or candidate can’t be surprised, she put this stuff out there for all to see. Your opponents will dig up any potential scandal, even stuff that really isn’t a scandal to drag you through that mud.

    This is more an egg on the face of her campaign managers and whoever was supporting and putting her forward as a candidate, they should have been in front of it or even told her not to run, any secret like this will come out

  6. As pointed out, Joey Obiden is the ultimate political whore. But for progtards that is a model. Play of pay for a turn of phrase.

  7. Imagine how many children in today’s world are now growing up knowing their moms (and in some cases such as this one, their dads on screen with their moms) are doing the pokey on the Interwebs for money.

    Clown world we live in.

    • That was my first thought too. Wonder what their kids think, if they have any? I’m not going to look it up to find out, just because I may find out, and I’d rather not know.

      • Oh, they do.
        And from the ages of 10-35 it’s going be nothing but “dude, look at your mom” (shoves phone into face)

  8. Why not. Ukraine is looking to fund their war effort with porn production.

    Whoring, drugs, smuggling, human trafficking, these things used to fund underground criminal organizations. Now they fund globalist enterprises like the erosion of individual rights and endless wars for profit.

  9. “…they’re willing to commit a sex crime to attack me…”

    Is she trying to claim that she was pressed into sex work against her will? Other than that I fail to see how showing that a political whore is also a real whore is any sort of crime.

    On a more serious note however, at least it wasn’t someone like Feinstein. But, fair warning dear reader, it soon will be.

      • It’s a great distraction from the fact that nothing’s going to happen to Grisham in NM.

        A few years from now she’ll be promoted at national level politics and Cons will wonder why.

        • Yup, she’s setting up her bonafides and creds now to distinguish her from run-of-the-mill Progressives.

  10. One of the newly minted and armed IRS agents should pay her a visit and demand her records.Somebody should take a close look at her campaign finance records.

  11. She’s a brave leftist woman. She’s standing up for every women’s right to be a whore.

    3rd rate, or less, male athletes claiming they’re women inside destroying real women athletics with the full support of the dems and now mommy whores bragging about it.

    And which party claims they’re for women’s rights?

    • If here advisors are remotely competent she’ll soon pivot to “I had to do it to make ends meet, that’s why you should elect me, because I’m a normal person like you and understand your struggles”.

  12. “How do you think someone who’s been on the public payroll for his more than four decades amasses a net worth of over $10 million?“

    Lame attack on President Biden.
    Even more ironic, the article you linked to actually has the answer:

    “Biden is worth an estimated $10 million, up from $8 million when he took office. The increase has nothing to do with family business dealings in far-flung countries. Instead, he is getting richer by doing what a lot of 80-year-old Americans are doing: sitting on real estate. The president owns two homes in Delaware that are worth an estimated $7 million combined, $1.8 million more than they were when he took office.“

    So what did Jared and Ivanka Trump do to ‘earn’ $2 billion from the Saudi Arabian royal family?

    What did Jared and Ivanka Trump do to ‘earn’ $40 million from Qatar?

    What did Jared and Ivanka Trump do to ‘earn’ $40 million from the united Arab emirates?

    But that’s different, right?

    “Wealth funds in the United Arab Emirates and Qatar have invested hundreds of millions of dollars with Jared Kushner’s private equity firm, according to people with knowledge of the transactions, joining Saudi Arabia in backing the venture launched by former President Donald J. Trump’s son-in-law as he left the White House.”

    • “But that’s different, right?”

      Yes it is, everything you write is different because you don’t understand what context is.

      • Let’s not forget the money that talented artist hunter is raking in for his ‘paintings’.

        But not to worry. hunter was not elected so he has no influence over the white house. Did the SS ever find out who that cocaine belonged to?

      • Quit dodging the question 40 ounce:

        So what did Jared and Ivanka Trump do to ‘earn’ $2 billion from the Saudi Arabian royal family?

    • “Lame attack on President Biden.
      Even more ironic, the article you linked to actually has the answer:

      “Biden is worth an estimated $10 million, up from $8 million when he took office. …”

      That may explain $1.8 million — but you glossed over the bigger picture, unsurprisingly.

      How did Zhou become worth $8 million?

      From the same article:

      “Cash came pouring in after Biden left the White House. The former vice president earned $11.1 million in 2017, $4.6 million in 2018, $1 million in 2019 and $630,000 in 2020, the year he was elected commander in chief. Between his time as vice president and president, his net worth shot up from an estimated $2.5 million to $8 million.”

      “But that’s different, right?”

      Jared and Ivanka aren’t President of the United States nor career politicians — there’s your difference.

      • “How did Zhou become worth $8 million?“

        Oh wow, that’s a real big mystery!

        No you silly goose, Joe Biden earned that money and if you had researched more from Forbes you’d know exactly how. Or you could’ve looked at his taxes which he released years before.

        “When Biden left the West Wing, the big money started coming. In 2017, the Bidens declared $11.1 million in total earnings, nearly twice as much in a single year as they had made in the previous 18 years combined. About $10 million of that flowed through two S-corporations called CelticCapri and Giacoppa. The Biden campaign explained in a press release last year that the money in those entities came from speaking engagements and book payments connected to Joe’s memoir, Promise Me, Dad, and Jill’s memoir, Where the Light Enters. Publishers Weekly reported in 2017 that the couple’s book deal with Flatiron Books was valued at $8 million. In February 2017, Joe Biden was also named the Benjamin Franklin Presidential Practice Professor at the University of Pennsylvania, a post that earned him a $372,000 salary that year.”

        “Jared and Ivanka aren’t President of the United States nor career politicians“

        Just can’t stop yourself from making your bullshit misleading statements, Jared and Ivanka were actual White House administration officials, and then received their middle east Muslim payoff for all the hard work they did at the White House for the Saudi royal family.

        “Ivanka Trump gets new White House title
        David JacksonUSA TODAY
        WASHINGTON — Presidential daughter Ivanka Trump said Wednesday she will take a formal White House position without pay but will be subjected to federal ethics rules.

        Her official title will be assistant to the president; her husband, Jared Kushner, has the title of senior adviser, and also does not get paid.“

        Isn’t it amazing, those same wonderful folks who brought you 3000 dead Americans on September 11, 2001 are financing the Trump family, to the tune of $2 billion.

        So what did Jared and Ivanka do to ‘earn’ $2 billion from the Saudi royal family?

        Y’all Trump-loving conservatives are nothing but moneygrubbing sell-outs to the Saudi royal family, how sad for America.

        • Man with no brain, think about the comparison you’ve brought up.

          You’re upset because we convinced Saudi Arabia to spend $20 billion on a transportation initiative that the US will benefit from.

          Yet you have no problem with Jared Trump getting $2B from the Saudis straight into his pocket, just for his and the Trump family’s benefit.

          That’s not patriotism, that’s self-serving greed.

          Oh look, Ivanka’s in bed with the Chinese as well:

          “Jared Kushner and Ivanka Trump reported between $172 million and $640 million in outside income while working in the White House, according to an analysis of financial disclosures by CREW. It is impossible to tell the exact amount as the income is sometimes reported in broad ranges and cover four months of income before Ivanka Trump officially joined her father’s administration and nearly one month before Jared Kushner joined.

          Just a month before her father was elected president, Russia renewed two trademarks for Ivanka Trump’s business. This would be the start of a pattern. In 2017, Ivanka’s business won preliminary approval for three Chinese trademarks on the same day that she dined with Chinese President Xi Jinping at Mar-a-Lago. In May 2018, Ivanka’s business was awarded “registration” approval from the Chinese government for five trademark applications, with an additional one getting “first trial approval.” The same week, President Trump announced he would try to save jobs at ZTE, the Chinese telecommunications giant closely tied to the government. A month later, Ivanka’s business got registration approval for three more Chinese trademarks, on the same day her father announced he’d lift sanctions against ZTE.“

        • “Yet you have no problem with…”

          Now who’s avoiding the questions?

          Show me that any of what you posted is illegal. Prove it.

          Otherwise, let’s return to the default position of “fuck right off, Liar.”

      • Liar69er, when you’re proven to be an asshole, you double down.

        That’s a bold strategy; let’s see if it works for you.

        “Just can’t stop yourself from making your bullshit misleading statements, Jared and Ivanka were actual White House administration officials …”

        Misleading? I said that neither were President. Zhou BaiDeng is a career politician who’s now President.

        “About $10 million of that flowed through two S-corporations called CelticCapri and Giacoppa. The Biden campaign explained in a press release last year …”

        Sure, I believe it. Pull the other finger. You’ve got some balls quoting income from S-corps when the unnamed ones have been instrumental in laundering BaiDeng’s ill-gotten gains — Burisma, anyone?

        More will come out as the House continues to investigate.

        “So what did Jared and Ivanka do to ‘earn’ $2 billion from the Saudi royal family?”

        I thought you already made your “bullshit misleading statements’ that “prove” what they did. But you have no evidence that any of it is illegal.

        Fuck right off, Liar69er.

        • “Y’all Trump-loving conservatives are nothing but moneygrubbing sell-outs to the Saudi royal family, how sad for America.”

          News item:

          “The White House commending the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the anniversary of 9/11 while the Kingdom is still actively fighting the 9/11 families & survivors in federal court is something….” political strategist Brian Walsh tweeted.

          Survivors and the families of 9/11 victims are still fighting a long-running federal lawsuit in New York to hold the Saudi government responsible for the attacks. For 15 years, the lawsuit had been blocked because of the “sovereign immunity” protection for foreign governments in court. Congress cleared the way for the lawsuit in 2016.

          Biden Official Criticized for Praising Saudi Arabia on 9/11

        • More of your sad misleading disinformation campaign, you posted:

          “The White House commending the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia on the anniversary of 9/11… “

          The fact is, the White House did not “commend” Saudi Arabia, the NSC just stated they welcomed the Saudi Arabians being a part of a Mid-East transportation initiative.

          From your link:

          “White House National Security Council (NSC) spokesperson Adrienne Watson commended Saudi Arabia for participating in a major joint project that would connect Gulf and Arab counties by railways, an initiative that the Biden White House has pushed in the Middle East to combat China’s growing influence in the region.

          “We welcome this weekend’s announcement by Saudi Arabia committing $20 billion to support President Biden’s signature initiative, the Partnership for Global Infrastructure (PGI),” Watson wrote in a post on X, (formerly Twitter) on Monday.“

          At least they weren’t doing the Dance of Loyalty with the King of Saudi Arabia, like Donald Trump and the CEO of Exxon mobil:

          And you blame Joe Biden for high gas prices, hilarious!

        • “The fact is, the White House did not “commend” Saudi Arabia …”

          Take it up with Newsweek, Liar69er.

          And once again — fuck right off.

        • “The fact is, the White House did not “commend” Saudi Arabia …”

          Take it up with Newsweek, Liar69er.

          “At least they weren’t doing the Dance of Loyalty …”

          More from Newsweek:

          Biden, in particular, has been the subject of immense scrutiny when it comes to Saudi Arabia. Despite vowing during his 2020 presidential campaign to make the country a global “pariah” for the killing of U.S.-based journalist Jamal Khashoggi, Biden traveled to Saudi last year and shared a controversial fist bump with the country’s de factor ruler, Mohammed bin Salman, also known as MSB.”

          And I see that you ignored that BaiDeng became the first president to bow out of participating in any 9/11 memorial events, or that BaiDeng out-and-out lied about being at Ground Zero the day after 9/11. And you had nothing to say about BaiDeng screwing over the 9/11 families by freezing Taliban assets in the US so that the victims can’t get the money.

          You’re a total piece of trash, Liar.

  13. I knew “antirevengeporn laws” would be used this way. You cannot have a class of speech that you can give a picture or letter to someone, and a person who reveals that picture or letter and reveals it to others goes to jail, as if its a classified government document.

    You people allowed this by voting because of “poor poor wahmen”.

    They will use this law to jail political opponents.

    • It can’t be revenge porn if it was originally released by the person starring in it and it was made, explicitly, for public consumption.

      • correct, basically its not revenge porn if the person in the porn made and released it for public consumption their self and was a willing participant, especially if they received some form of ‘monetary’ compensation for it.

    • She has no revenge porn claim. She posted the videos on a site where anyone could see them. Now she’s angry that someone did some basic oppo research and found them.

      Zero laws were broken here. She’s actually in outraged that politics is a dirty business when she should be asking herself how she could have been so blindingly stupid as to announce her candidacy without first deleting the videos.

      I’d say that’s prima facie evidence she’s too dumb to hold public office, but with people like Kamala Harris, Hank Johnson, Eric Swalwell and Mazie Hirono in office, well….

  14. Susanna Gibson: “Gun control, ban…no second amendment…. yeah…oh yeah, yes, YES yes o baby …YESSSSS OHHH YESSSSSSSSSS! AHHHHhahhhhh…give me more tokens.”

    • Reminds me of the haggard housewife ironing clothes while on speakerphone at $7.50 per minute during the earlier days of phone-sex. I’d also imagine that Miner is a regular donor to her campaign.

  15. So many of you will joke about how ugly a woman candidate is, or else you go on to speculate on how she is in bed or how she got to where she is. While I do not condone this type of “action” for votes or getting money for their campain chest, this judgement is getting old.
    While she may be a misinformed woke democrat, or wants to support the extreme left, she should be judged on her actions and voting record(she may not be woke). They claim they are for gun safety, and would like to see some sort of safe handling class for weapons, but if they spell that out, they won’t get the votes from the rabid gun haters. I would support(as would many in LE and the range), a free safety training class on scheduled weekends, taught be volunteers.
    It is a shame that in order to run as a democrat as a new face, she has to embrace the extreme left, there seems to be no room for a newby to be middle of the road. Remember that there are many metro areas that will never vote in a republican. Please look at the facts and remember that we need new blood in Washington and our state capitals, if they are women, so what? They need a chance and should be better than the well entrenched carreer politicians they wish to replace. If they are parents of school age children, they should be aware of the BS that is getting shovelled down their kids’ throats.
    Many of us know middle of the road democrats that may embrace the idea of getting the homeless off the streets and trying to make them function in our current society. They feel that it may cost plenty, but throwing them away costs more. They could embrace other liberal causes to a point, but some are pro gun, pro LE. They could attend church and bring up their children to respect others and give charity where it can help.
    The middle of the road stance, whether it is liberal leaning republicans or conservative leaning democrats is the base of our country. Sadly, most of the media has taken the left wing ball and run with it. This does not represent the majority of Americans’ views.

  16. Gifford’s Group supports her campaign.
    But then again, why WOULDN’T they, seeing how they BOTH screw people for money.

  17. This woman has shown in more ways than one that she’s willing to do anything for money. I would bet my life on the fact that she will not uphold her constitutional oath of office should she be elected and defend the Virginia citizens right to keep and bear arms, as she’s proven she’ll do anything for money, she would sell your rights down the river in a heartbeat.

  18. Her stance on gun control is something I take issue with. Her consensual sex with her partner isn’t. And her lying and saying it’s “revenge porn” when she posted the videos publicly herself. This is a non-headline in my opinion.

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