1. Microcoulombs

The TASER X3 ECD is the company’s main non-lethal weapon for law enforcement work. As you’d hope, it’s optimized for human use (against humans). The device’s average main phase charge is 63 microcoulombs (μC) typical. The pulse rate per bay is 19 pulses per second (pps). The TASER Wildlife ECD is built to incapacitate large animals with thick hides. The average main phase charge: 85 microcoulombs (μC) typical. The pulse rate per bay is the same: 19 pulses per second (pps). FYI: A microcoulomb is a unit of electric charge equal to one-millionth of a coulomb, approximately equal to the charge of 6.24151×1018 protons or -6.24151×1018 electrons.

2. Price

The TASER X3’s msrp is $1799. The price includes a holster but not TASER cartridges, which run $50 – $90 a paid. The TASER Wildlife ECD runs $1999 and includes six 35-ft TASER cartridges and a holster.

3. Availability

Depending on your locale, you can buy a range of Tasers right now. If you’ve got a four-legged wildlife issue, you’re gonna have to wait March 2011.


  1. I actually read a story a last summer about an Alaska cop, I can’t remember where, who found a black bear on his back porch getting into some food. He used his standard issue taser on it and it worked. Bear twitched and then ran the hell away. Granted it wasn’t a grizzly, but it makes me wonder if the normal taser works in this application and the animal version is more of a marketing ploy.

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