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7 thoughts on “Three Point Innovation’s New AR Mag Loader”

  1. It only works if the rounds are already sorted and lined up nose-first. That would never work with com-bloc ammo, which is always packaged with the rounds pointing up-down-up-down. Bummer.

  2. Dan, look at the LULA loader. It works very well and isn’t so ginormus or awkward as this thing.

    • That looks pretty slick. Definitely smaller. The Three Point gizmo looks a little faster, but small is good, too. Here’s a good Nutnfancy demo of the LULA for those who are interested.

  3. Looking forward to the day that I can afford enough ammo to make this thing worthwhile.

    P.S. Is anyone else having trouble with your keystrokes lagging behind while typing a response here in the comment box?

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