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Two U.S. Marshals One FBI Agent Shot, Kansas Motel Set Ablaze During Attempted Arrest

“Just before 10 p.m. Saturday, the U.S. Marshals Service Fugitive Task Force was executing a federal arrest warrant for 28-year-old Orlando J. Collins at the [Kansas Country Club] motel,” reports. Mr. Collins was on the Kansas Most Wanted list and was considered armed and dangerous. Things did not go well . . .

Members of the task force approached the motel room door on Saturday night and came under fire, with shots coming from inside the motel room. Two Deputy United States Marshals and an FBI Agent experienced non-life-threatening injuries. Patton tells KSNT News the three officers were injured “as a result of gunfire.”

“They sustained non-life-threatening injuries and they were transported to a local hospital for assistance,” Lt. Colleen Stuart with the Topeka Police Department.

After continued gunfire, investigators believe a fire started in the room where Collins was and spread to the whole building. Patton said it is too early to determine if the fire was set intentionally.

A bad guy shoots at the feds then sets his room on fire? I don’t think so. Anyway, Mr. Collins was immolated in the resulting conflagration. The Feds “sustained non-life-threatening injuries and they were transported to a local hospital for assistance,” according to Lt. Colleen Stuart with the Topeka Police Department.

47 thoughts on “Two U.S. Marshals One FBI Agent Shot, Kansas Motel Set Ablaze During Attempted Arrest”

  1. Armed and dangerous, indeed. Some jobs I just would not want. Kicking down doors that have people behind them believed to be armed and dangerous is right up there near the top of my list.

    • We don’t pay them enough, especially given the BLM terrorists and their ACLU commie lawyers waging a 50 year long low-grade war on cops that cannot end well.

      • The Bureau of Land Management is waging a war on cops? Last I checked they were enforcing
        federal laws and asserting government authority just like the police.

      • There is a war going on, but it is by the cops against the American people.

        It is well past time to start disarming government employees. Citizens should be armed, not government parasites.

    • Stupid people, stupid places, stupid things. 10pm??? Thuggin time of day. Couldn’t just grab the guy when he walked out the door, as getting in a car?

      How many other citizens did the feds burn out at that motel?

      • ” Couldn’t just grab the guy when he walked out the door, as getting in a car?”


        And miss the chance for some video footage of just how ‘cool’ they are?

      • Right?…… Or how about 10 am when the rest of the workforce is at work and these types are usually still comatose from the bender the night before?

  2. ‘A bad guy shoots at the feds then sets his room on fire?’

    What? It worked in Waco.

    • Yeah Deputy Marshall Givens would have that whole ordeal ironed out and under control with just one squint and shoulder shrug. ???? That show was terrible after 2 seasons. To be honest I was more of a Boyd fan.

    • If I recall, Raylan did his arresting during the daytime hours but only if they came quietly.

  3. Look at the comments…

    What has the public’s trust in law enforcement come to?

    Eat what you sow

    It’s a good thing though. Making dinner out of our tax money? Better not be betraying us then.

    • My trust in Local/State Law Enforcement is lower than average. I neither trust nor distrust any particular member of that group, until he gives me reason to trust or distrust him.

      My trust in Feral Law Enforcement is negative, with ample good reason. If they weren’t OK with railroading innocent taxpayers, they’d quit when they saw that the ones who do it get rewarded/promoted for it.

  4. So, a quick search for the fugitive’s name comes up with a bunch of links to the basic story. And image search shows a picture of this guy:

    So, maybe Mr. Collins was a bad (sideways?) shot and had something in the motel room that could easily catch fire. Yeah, we all know the Feds screw up from time to time, but that, in and of itself, doesn’t make this some sort of conspiracy. Maybe it really was just the Feds trying to catch a dirtbag, and things went wrong for all of them.

    • Unless he happened to get a good deal on white phosphorous ammo at Walmart, or the dresser was filled with pre mixed tannerite, it is physically impossible to shoot something and ignite it

  5. I always wonder if some of these fires are a result of flash bangs catching things on fire. It’s not like the cops are going to be in a rush to point that little fact out.

  6. There was a whole lot of gunfire in that eyewitness video. Easily 70-100 rounds fired in brief interrupted bursts. Love the cackling women and additional idiots who pull up to get a closer look at the gunfire. Damn, people are idiots.

    • Hmmm, that’s a lot of flying lead.
      How many of the three wounded feds got that way from being shot by the fugitive, and how many of them got that way from being shot by feds?

  7. Wait a minute–are we sure the feds were actually shot? Serious question; I know that’s what the headline says but the story says they “experienced” injuries “as a result of gunfire”. That seems like kind of a roundabout way to say someone was shot and wounded; it could just as well mean they tripped and sprained an ankle running for cover or broke a tooth diving to the tarmac. I dunno, maybe I’m making too much of it, but that just sounds like a weasel-wordy -funny way of saying someone got shot.

  8. video example to illustrate the term “ditz”.

    Think that solitary bang was a flash-bang and I bet the fire was discovered shortly afterwards.

    It’s not like the ATF/FBI never started a fire while serving a warrant before.

    • Setting a fire while serving a warrant…

      H’mm. Where have I heard that one before?

      Oh, yeah, I remember! Philadelphia, 1985:

      “On May 13, 1985, a bomb was dropped on a row house in Philadelphia, unleashing a relentless fire that eventually burned down 61 houses, killed 11 people (including five children) and injured dozens.

      The fire department stood by idly. The Philadelphia Police Department did the same. The fire raged on, swallowing up home after home until more than 200 were without shelter in an entire community distrustful of the individuals responsible for the blaze.

      The police.

      It’s a shameful part of recent American history that’s somehow been buried under 28 years and other destructions that have fallen on the city of Philadelphia. But in the wake of Birdie Africa’s death this week, the only child to survive the bombing, GlobalGrind decided to take a trip back in time to explore what happened the day American bombed its own people.”

    • Thanks, Ralph, for asking the “burning” question that was in my mind, but that I lacked the gumption to ask!!

  9. A lot of hate for the marshals here. Most of you don’t realize that half of those guys on the fugitive task force are local LEO manpower loaned out to the marshals (a close friend does this), that is to say, YOUR fellow GUN OWNER neighbors who are sticking their necks out so you don’t have to. Also these are proper WARRANTS (as required by the constitution) for actual Scumbag BAD GUYS! The idiot was probably burning evidence.

    • Does your friend dress like a shitbum and attack people without identifying himself, before arresting them on falsified felony charges?

      If yes, then he’s just an apprentice thug assisting the full time thugs.
      If no, then we’re not talking about him, are we?
      Note the list of the wounded, two Marshals and one Fibber. No members of any legitimate law enforcement agency were harmed in the making of this news item.

      • Ummmm, loaded question much? No, he wears a big ass label on his vest that says Police. I guess you would prefer scumbags roam free on the streets and not be brought to justice (since we are throwing around ad hominems). I myself am partial to justice. Just saying that I actually know some of these dudes and they are just like us (not the assholes you think).

  10. Wow… I can’t believe how many gun owners are embracing the BLM narrative. This post and the following comments are just depressing. I used to think it was ridiculous for federal agencies to be investigating 2nd Ammendment/right-wing types, but I’m starting to think maybe their concerns are warranted.

    You people are buying way too much Internet stupidity.

    • Oh, Bullshit.

      Link to one comment posted before yours that contains information (such as an actual threat, for example) worthy of an investigation.

      Geez. Listen to yourself. Or don’t; I don’t care. But venting off on the Internet is not some great crime that merits investigation of “2nd Amendment/right wing types.”

      Good grief. Take your SJW-esque (il)logic somewhere else.

    • Yeah, what are we gonna believe? Our own lying eyes or a lying government employee?
      It is ridiculous for Federal agencies to be investigating anyone. The Federal government was only given jurisdiction in 3 crimes: counterfeiting, piracy, and treason. The Feds should have no other law enforcement duties or powers.

  11. Huh. I drive by that motel every day. This is the first interesting thing that’s happened there my whole life. The owners probably stand to make more off the insurance than they’ve made from occupants in *years*.

    Anyway, the guy they went to arrest shot himself after [allegedly] starting the fire that ended up consuming his body and most of the motel. All of the officers are said to have been injured by gunfire; two were released, and a third was in good condition but still being treated.

    Orlando Collins was wanted in relation to a holdup and carjacking that happened on 22 April, and was a “person of interest” in a robbery and attempted robbery that occurred on 04 April. He is believed to have set two separate cars on fire, the contents of which helped tie him to all of these events.

    Just in case anyone cared what the actual details were.

  12. Feds screwed up big time. Saw a newscast from Kansas City where they interviewed the manager. Manger said the feds came in, asked for the key to the room, escorted the manager out of the office, and minutes later the place was like the OK Corral.

    Stupid move. The feds wanted the collar, and they didn’t want to wait for a SWAT team. They knew the guy was armed and dangerous. He had committed four violent crimes in the last three weeks. His face book page included a recent post of a cache of rifles and weapons, and a rant that he was “an army of one.” .
    If they think he is in there, they should have established a perimeter, surveiled, and called in SWAT. You don’t just walk up and try to enter a motel room. That’s how you get shot. You surround the place, use high tech shit to determine if a person or persons are inside the room, and go from there.

    Pretty damn stupid. They put a lot of innocent people at risk.

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