Taiwan China military
Taiwan military honor guard (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying, File)
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Taiwan is increasingly in the news lately. More frequent mainland Chinese military threats to the island, Communist Chinese aircraft violating Taiwan’s airspace, and tough talk toward the United States have made it an increasing topic of conversation, even in U.S. politics.

As the Chinese Communist Party sets Xi Jinping up for an extraordinary third term, they’re working on a re-write of recent Chinese history. They’ve said that Mao Zedong unified China, or stood it back up on its feet, while Deng made it rich. Now, they say, Xi Jinping has made it strong.

How a government defines “strength” can tell you a lot about its mindset. For Xi Jinping and the Communist Party, strength comes from force. Strong police to control the people, a strong military to control their neighbors, and other forms of control have greatly expanded under Xi’s reign. Force and fear have become the glue that holds the People’s Republic together. Now they’re switching the glue out for superglue.

This shows us that the Chinese regime doesn’t trust its own people. Or anyone. No one other than the CCP is entrusted with so much as a meaningful vote, freedom of speech, or other basic human rights (let alone gun rights) that democratic countries value. If anyone dares to speaks out or step out of line, the CCP comes down hard to assert control.

Taiwan used to be much like communist China — a dictatorship that didn’t trust its people with human rights. But in recent decades, they’ve taken a far different path. Military dictatorship and martial law have been replaced with democracy and increasing respect for human rights. To get there required placing trust in Taiwan’s people.

Chinese President Xi Jinping (AP Photo/Ng Han Guan, File)

As Xi moves to cement “strength” that’s built upon distrust and oppression, Taiwan has a great opportunity to best Beijing with real strength that’s based on trust and democracy. To do that fully, they need to trust their own people with the right to keep and bear arms.

A Neglected Military Struggles With Its Image In A Newly Democratic Society

In theory, Taiwan not only has a military force of approximately 165,000 professionals, but 1.7 million reservists and a further 1 million non-combat civil defense volunteers. Combined, those are impressive numbers that rival or exceed most militaries globally. But numbers without context can be deceiving.

To get an understanding of that context, we must explore the history of distrust between Taiwan’s military and its people.

When Japan was defeated in World War II, the island was handed over to American control, but this was after 50 years as Japanese territory. During that time, a fusion of Chinese, Japanese, and indigenous cultures had developed in Taiwan (often by Imperial Japanese force). At war’s end, the island was surrendered to allied control, and eventually placed under the authority of Chinese nationalist generalissimo Chiang Kai-shek.

Chiang Kai-shek
Chiang Kai-shek in 1943, By Unknown authorPublic Domain

The defeat of the Japanese also eliminated the common enemy nationalist and communist leaders had, allowing civil war to resume. Ultimately, the nationalists lost, and retreated to the island.

Like many American allies over the decades, the nationalists were chosen out of expediency, not on moral grounds. Chiang’s government wasn’t communist, but it also wasn’t a force for freedom. It was a brutal dictatorship that had no real respect for human rights, and even engaged in mass murder on occasion.

The period from the late 1940s to the late 1980s, was known as the White Terror. Martial law, massacres of protesters, imprisonment of political dissidents on smaller islands, the conscription of child soldiers, control of journalists, and at least one assassination in California were all part of the nationalist dictatorship’s efforts to stay in control.

People who came to Taiwan with Chiang (known as “the foreign born” or waishengren) were heavily favored over Chinese families who had come hundreds of years before, as well as indigeneous islanders (the “native born”, or benshengren). Often, policies of forced assimilation and the use of the Mandarin language instead of Taiwanese were brutally enforced.

Given Taiwan’s record, it’s no surprise that democratic governments were willing to switch their recognition to the Communist government in Beijing. The communists were brutal left-wing authoritarians, but the competing Taiwanese government was run by a brutal right-wing authoritarian that wasn’t much better (and this oppression continued after his death in 1975).

China’s economic reforms in the 1970s gave western governments incentive to extend diplomatic recognition to the Chinese Communist Party. Foreign political leaders also didn’t want to see a bloody war continue, so measures were taken to maintain military aid to Taiwan to preserve the status quo. This allowed democratic governments the economic benefits of trade with China while still ostensibly containing communism (the policy of the time).

Taiwan was also beginning to reform around this time. With the death of Chiang Kai-shek, it became possible to put more native-born Taiwanese (as opposed to people who fled from the mainland in the 1940s) in government positions. As Taiwan’s middle class grew, more people felt comfortable agitating for democratic reforms, but this resulted in the 1979 Kaohsiung Incident, a deadly crackdown that galvanized the pro-democracy movement.

Chiang’s son, Chiang Ching-kuo, saw the writing on the wall, and slowly allowed more and more democratic reforms during the 1980s. He eventually declared that family succession of governmental power would end with him, and that free and open elections would follow. He finally ended martial law in 1987. After Chiang Ching-kuo’s death, reforms continued and the first direct presidential elections occurred in 1996.

While Taiwan’s populace has rejected Chiang Kai-shek’s legacy (memorial parks and even the island’s main airport, once named for him, have been renamed, but not removed entirely like Confederate monuments in the U.S.), mainland China has actually been rehabilitating his image. In some ways, Chiang’s reign in Taiwan looks a lot like what Xi aspires to today — brutal dictatorship with more relative economic freedom.

The military’s status as an arm of Chiang Kai-shek’s political party (the Kuomintang or KMT) didn’t end so quickly, though. Unlike the military in most democracies, Taiwan’s military was like that of the People’s Republic of China — controlled by the leading political party and not the state itself. The KMT’s equivalent to the Nazi Gestapo, the Taiwan Garrison Command, was finally disbanded in 1992, but party control of the military didn’t end until 2002, when further military reforms went into effect.

Taiwanese artillery guns fire live round during the Han Guang exercises held in Taichung, Taiwan, on Thursday, Sept. 16, 2021. Taiwan’s annual five-day Han Guang military exercise is designed to prepare the island’s forces for an attack by China, which claims Taiwan as part of its own territory. (Military News Agency via AP)

This repressive history left a lasting legacy of mistrust of the Taiwanese military. While the military was sorely needed to protect from potential invasion from the mainland, the likelihood of war seemed smaller with time as relations with the CCP improved, and reliance on the deterrent power of the United States took a larger role.

The Taiwanese army spent American money on flashy weapons systems (tanks, fighter jets, etc.) while infantry and ground forces languished.

Mandatory service in the armed forces was largely seen as a waste of time by a public who didn’t think Taiwan’s military was really an effective institution that could protect the island from the PLA. The military itself also seemed to have the same attitude of distrust toward reserve troops, reducing training requirements to nearly nothing. It relegated them to performing menial tasks like painting or cooking during “training” days and only having reservists fire a few dozen rounds during initial training.

Taiwan military vehicles (AP Photo/Chiang Ying-ying)

The end result is a military and reserves that appear to have great strength on paper, but are severely lacking in terms of working equipment, training, and even ammunition. It has gotten to the point where military units have been forced to purchase components on Amazon using their own pay to try to keep at least some of their combat vehicles running.

“Their underlying thinking, based on my observation of the policies, is that China’s People’s Liberation Army (PLA) has grown to be too strong for us to fight militarily anyway. They think Taiwan should just focus on putting up a good show of being tough, buy enough U.S. weapons for display, and pray that Americans come to our rescue when the Chinese call our bluff, which hopefully wouldn’t happen,” a retired navy captain told Foreign Policy.

Recent Events Remind Taiwan Of the Need for a Functional Military

China’s actions in Hong Kong have changed the playing field. Despite lots of saber rattling over the decades, the Communist Party has long held that they’d prefer to accomplish unification with Taiwan peacefully. To facilitate support for this in Taiwan, they’ve floated using the same “one country, two systems” approach that seemed to work in Hong Kong and Macau.

Chiang Kai-shek’s political party, the KMT, is still committed to eventual reunification with the mainland. While they’ve given up on wild dreams to “retake the mainland”, they’ve worked to expand ties between the island and the mainland, hoping that a peaceful reunification would one day be possible.

The last seven years of Communist Party action in Hong Kong has shown that they can’t be trusted. In 2014, CCP officials said that they considered the 1984 transfer treaty with Britain spent, and that they have no further obligations under it. United Kingdom officials disagreed, but are powerless to demand compliance as Beijing eroded key provisions of Hong Kong law protecting individual rights and elected government.

A new “national security” law criminalized many basic actions of political speech, and a subsequent restructuring of the legislature reduced the number of seats chosen by election to a meaningless portion of the overall chambers.

Given its complete lack of respect for “one country, two systems” in Hong Kong, the possibility of a peaceful unification with Taiwan has been made impossible by the Chinese Communist Party. Under Chinese doctrine, the lack of a peaceful reunification means war is not only justified, but required.

In this Sept. 15, 2021, file photo released by the Taiwan Presidential Office, Taiwanese President Tsai Ing-wen, center, speaks with military personnel near aircraft parked on a highway in Jiadong, Taiwan. Taiwan’s Defense Minister Chiu Kuo-cheng said that Taiwan must defend itself Thursday morning, Oct. 28, 2021 and could not completely depend on others, after the island’s President said she had faith the U.S. would defend the island if China made a move. Tsai said in an interview aired Thursday with CNN that she had faith the U.S. would help defend Taiwan if China made a move on the island. (Taiwan Presidential Office via AP, File)

Beijing has been ratcheting up pressure up on Taiwan in 1021. Increasing numbers of military planes have encroached in Taiwanese airspace almost daily, and CCP officials have been making greater and greater threats. Military exercises meant to show the PLA’s capability to invade have increased in frequency as well.

Officials generally don’t think an invasion is imminent (a recent estimate is that any attempt would be at least 6-24 months away), but given the lost opportunity for peaceful reunification, it’s looking like an invasion by the mainland is inevitable unless the CCP can somehow be discouraged from taking such action.

To read part 2, click here

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  1. Don’t look for joe xiden to come to your aid, Taiwan. He’s, if not outright on xi’s payroll, actively scared shitless of China.

    You need to go black ops and buy some nukes.

    • While China is dominating in many world markets, and competing with US interests, Xiden is busy trying to install Chinese/soviet Communist Saule Omarova to oversee our banks.

      It’s f****** ridiculous. Can’t make this **** up.

    • Must Not forget China is 1 of the largest purchaser’s of Hunter’s paintings. At $50,000 to $250,000/Per.

    • Indeed. Taiwan’s only hope would be to not only fully arm it’s populace, but go into total war mode. Devote its entire existence to militarizing and yes, get nukes. They need to take the same approach as Israel.

      • Why shouldn’t they go 5th column on China? They have a distinct language and cultural advantage.

    • @jwm,

      I read of the new COVID variant earlier last week, when it was initially designated the ‘Nu’ variant. It was the next letter in the Greek alphabet the WHO has been following (e.g., Kappa, Lambda, Mu, Nu, Xi, etc…).

      Two days later, I read a headline article stating that the WHO completely skipped over the letters ‘Nu’ and ‘Xi’ specifically to avoid insulting Xi Jinping, and went to Omicron.

      Biden is simply another political puppet dancing to China’s strings.

    • As the Democrats demonstrated in Afghanistan and in South Vietnam, they always betray allies that depend on the US for their independence to their enemies.

      “Don’t trust China. China is asshole.” — unknown Hong Kong protester
      So also is the Democratic party.

  2. Who cares?

    Taiwan has gay pride parades. China banned K-pop. Why am I supposed to hate China again?

    To American who cares if China takes over Formosa, I ask why do you care? I certainly don’t think any American lives should be risked and no taxpayer dollars spent getting in the middle of a Chinese civil war.

    Maybe we should just stop allowing Chinese people to buy US real estate and attend US colleges.

    No Chinaman ever called me a racist white person.

      • Ok so I’m supposed to be upset about the Vietnam war? That was like 60 years ago.

        Uhm- Christians are persecuted in the US more than China. I will loose my job in the US for quoting certain passages from the Bible.

        It’s not like both mainland and Taiwanese are both Chinese- oh wait. And they both suppress Christianity because of the Taiping Rebellion… but you don’t read books- you read “Business Insider”.

        • From your very strange response it’s clear you flunked history and math. Its also clear as hell you don’t give a damn about American POW’s and others murdered by the Red Chinese.
          As to religions show me evidence of ROC suppression of Christians. The Taiping Rebellion was a 160 years ago and didn’t occur in Taiwan.
          The biggest Chicken Sh*T you are pedaling is your being oppressed for religion. Your employer hired you to do a job not proselytize on Company time. Tell me about the reeducation camps for Christians! Tell me about U.S. Government torture and murder of Christians!

        • – Christians are NOT persecuted in the US more than China. I will loose my job in the US for quoting certain passages from the Bible IN SOME COMPANIES.

          In China the GOVT will TEAR DOWN YOUR CHURCH and then rape you till you are dead.

          STHU with your BS.

    • Microchips, Taiwan is a leader in the industry.
      We may not need any stinking badges but we do need microchips.

  3. Hate to be a bubble burster but if China ever decides to get serious about Taiwan there is absolutely nothing anyone can do about it… They have the largest standing army and navy in the world AND the largest Air Force in the region (3rd largest in the world)… Oh yeah and there is the fact that you could practically throw a rock from the mainland and hit the Island… WHEN (not if) China makes its move they will not be deterred by a few US ships an Aircraft Carrier and a strongly worded letter…

    • Thanks to the 2nd Amendment, the United States has the largest standing army in the world.

      The only way that changes is if India and/or China decides to trust their own citizens with arms or those citizens have their own revolution and establish that right.

      • TBH, I’m not always standing. Sometimes, I lean against a tree. Sometimes I sit down. Other times, I stretch out, and get comfortable in a prone position. We’ll not discuss variations on the prone position here . . .

      • I’ve never heard ANYONE claim the American militia could be shipped off to fight a war in China. Afraidthey are not involved in any”standing army”, regardless of how logical that may sound.

    • You Maddmaxx know about as much about the chicoms (an Taiwan) mil as does this Sensiba chick (not much).

    • I think the biggest deterrent to China isn’t military intervention but economic sanctions. The USA and Europe still have the power to crush China’s economy and there’s plenty of third world countries that would be delighted to provide us with cheap labor. China came to power by selling cheap goods to the west. This dynamic is, however fading.

      • Yup however you’ve got to remember 86% of our pharma is produced in China, what’s America got St Joseph aspirin. Just guessing but 99% of our footwear, clothes, made in china, everything china brand, salt , mushrooms, tools, silverware, furniture, tires,door knobs, commodes to kitchensinks.
        It’s the other way around, China quits selling to the U.S. we’re fcked.

        • “…you’ve got to remember 86% of our pharma is produced in China, what’s America got St Joseph aspirin…”

          Correct, but we can do something about it. India hates China with a passion, we need to make a deal with India and start a pharmaceutical industry in India. India’s economy is in a *massive* stage of growth, and we need to leverage that. Along with the economies of Vietnam, who also hate China.

          A *lot* of countries in that region hate China, leverage that against China.

          (You’re awfully sharp for a marsupial with a rat-like tail, nasty yellow teeth, and bad breath, Possum… 😉 )

        • Gotta agree with Geoff. Yes there’s a bunch of stuff we need and want that we’re dependent on China for, but there’s a long line of countries ready, willing and able to take their place. It was stupid of us to get into this place in the first place, but the pain would be temporary.

        • EDIT –

          While China does manufacture some pharmaceuticals,the ‘raw ingredients’ of them, known as the precursor chemicals, are the headlock China has on the world.

          Along with what are called the ‘rare earth’ elements for electronics and the powerful magnets electric vehicles require.

          Those are the things the rest of the world needs to step up production on…

        • Possum… With imported goods, before China there was Taiwan, before Taiwan there was Japan, before Japan there was Mexico, before Mexico it was made in the USA. Or Canada or England…. You get the idea….

      • Using economic deterrent does not always work out for the best.

        The US tried this before 1941 with Japan and where did that get the US?
        In a war with Japan.

        • It worked for a middle eastern cartel known as OPEC.

          The difference now is, we can produce all the refined petroleum this nation needs, if the tree-huggers would get out of the way.

          Remember “No blood for oil!”?

          “Drill baby drill” got us energy independence…

  4. Ehhh…should we fight a war for Taiwan? Or South Korea? Or Ukrainian “sovereignty”? No. We need to get rid of dims n Rinos and seal our southern border. I can’t imagine any of these nations coming to our aid. The Kings of the East will be destroyed in due time ie soon.

    • What we should do is go back to the pre-1917 days of staying ‘neutral’ while enriching ourselves arming whichever side we think is better.

        • We did far more damage to the USSR than Bin Laden did to us, and this could have likely been avoided with a few billion of our profits funneled in the right direction.

          Of course, now there’s $85 billion in top shelf American military supplies from what Biden left behind in Afghanistan, so it might take a while for the demand to catch up with supply.

        • “We did far more damage to the USSR than Bin Laden did to us…”

          And that was done by cranking up production of oil and gas here. We literally crashed the price of oil, and that was a kick in the teeth to Putin… 🙂

        • We hurt Putin worse when we drove down the price of oil…

  5. What Taiwan really needs and could obtain, if they don’t already have, over a three day weekend, is nuclear weapons.

      • Yep!
        Repatriate our nukes from Turkey which is an ally in name only then ship them directly to Taiwan.

      • “We could make a donation to their cause almost instantly.”

        The radionuclides of a detonation (fallout) have a distinct ‘fingerprint’ that can be traced back to the reactor that produced it. It would be tied directly to us.

        There’s another source – AQ Kahn, the Pakistani nuke engineer, has built a nuclear bomb for House Saud, available anytime the King asks for it.

        But I seriously doubt MbS wants a war with China… 🙁

        If China invades Taiwan, the best way to hurt China is an embargo of Chinese shipping.

        Or, Chinese shipping could start mysteriously sinking…

        • “The radionuclides of a detonation (fallout) have a distinct ‘fingerprint’ that can be traced back to the reactor that produced it. It would be tied directly to us.”

          That is a myth employed as a plot divice by a popular author of fiction. Plutonium from reactors is separated from the fission products with extreme efficiency to maximize the fissile properties and minimize radioactivity. Variations in the isotope ratios of residual fission products are primarily dictated by how much time has passed since the target slugs were removed from the reactor. Variations in the ratios of Plutonium isotopes in the bomb are driven primarily by irradiation time and rate in the reactor and secondarily by time since removal. Once a nuke detonates the isotope ratios of fission products will be overwhelmingly dictated by the fission products generated by the explosion. The isotope ratios of Plutonium will also be dramatically altered.

          Tom Clancy is a great author of fiction, but in this case he took extreme literary license.

        • That was somewhat true thirty-five years ago, but not any longer; purification has improved substantially enough that isotope differences after detonation are no longer useful as a fingerprint.

  6. You’d better care. Taiwan is the largest producer of computer chips in the world. Anything electronic has at least one of their chips in it. Let the Chicoms take that… or just wreck that. And the chip shortage for cars ain’t nothing compared to the shortages that will come from that.

    There is a big, serious reason why the Japanese just started spending over 5 billion dollars to start up a major computer chip manufacturing establishment in Japan.

    America should be busting its ass to do the same and fast. But American megacorps, just like the federal govt. simply can’t be relied on to get much right any more.

    In so many ways and from so many directions, we are f^^^ed.

  7. Send in the gays, trannies and anyone else who demanded they be allowed to service in the military. I’m sure they will do just fine.

    “DON’T tell it to the Marines! US elite force hits back at claims that British Royal Marines hammered them so badly in Mojave Desert war game that they were forced to surrender”


    Yes, the US military has really be changed. But not for the better.

  8. When the Chicoms “re-unite” Taiwan, Japan becomes the next frontier. And there are scores to settle.

    South Korea can be safely by-passed, or overrun as desired (S.Korea is a UN problem, not an American one). The distance between S. Korea and Japan is no deterrent. Indeed, there is a political dispute between S.Korea and Japan regarding the legitimate name of the waters between Korea and Japan. China could make a case for assisting Korea in establishing “East Sea” (East of the Asian continent). Essentially, China could easily push itself to claim Japan itself is a threat to their interests in Korea.

    So, Taiwan is important geo-politically, but do geo-politics really matter to Americans? Trade is more important than principle. Even surrounded by the rest of the world, if America can obtain trading agreements, does it matter anymore who controls which nation? That is the calculus to consider. America is the Golden Goose. No one would be silly enough to kill the Golden Goose, right?


      • He raises valid points, especially when it comes to the atrocities Japan inflicted on the Koreans in WW2.

        Korean teenage girls were ‘Comfort Women’ for the Imperial Japanese army.

        So, yeah, Korea has some ‘issues’ with Japan, but compared to China… 🙁

      • I’m well aware of the history here. But let’s bring up current history. The JDF takes great pains to stay out of the headlines. But look at what’s known about their ships and aircraft. They’re first class. In some cases their electronics are better than ours.

        China is a fascist dictatorship with all that implies. Her generals and admirals are in place not because they’re any good, but because they’re loyal to the party. They lead an unmotivated conscript army. Cannon fodder.

        If the reports are to be believed the average chinese recruit is practically useless.

        Size and numbers are a false way to judge the value of an army. Saddam had one of the largest armies in the world. He wound up in a spider hole wishing he really had an in with God.

        Human wave tactics simply are no longer valid. If they ever were. Stalin cost his nation 20+ million lives through bungled leadership. At a time when two other major powers were eating at his enemies from the west.

        • The Chinese PLA is already letting the leadership know an attack on Taiwan will be expensive and probably not worth the cost. PLA veterans are still angry about the casualties in their punitive expedition into Vietnam back in the late 70s.

        • Human wave tactics were completely obsolete with the invention of two things: the belt-fed machine gun and the flamethrower.
          They may have been obsolete before that, but those were the final straw.

  9. Anyone who thinks Taiwan can defeat China in a military confrontation over Taiwan is delusional.

    Anyone who thinks the US can defeat China in a military confrontation over Taiwan – without going nuclear – is delusional.

    The problem is that Biden’s administration seems intent on encouraging Taiwan to declare independence of China. This violates the “One China” policy which has been the agreement between China, Taiwan and the US for the last fifty years. The end goal of all parties has been to negotiate a peaceful reunification of Taiwan with China whenever they get around it.

    Now the United States wants to use Taiwan and other Asian nations (most of whom are *very* cool to the idea) to “contain” China. Simply put, “that ain’t gonna happen.” There is no “containing” a large land mass country with 18% of the world’s population, the largest economy in the world, the largest standing army, and nuclear weapons – short of nuclear war which would eliminate the US and still leave China with the first or second largest population in the world.

    Right-wing morons in the US notwithstanding…

    Taiwan is not an existential issue for the US. It *is* an existential issue for China. China remembers being under the control of colonial powers in the last century. China remembers being attacked by its Asian neighbors in the last century. China remembers the civil war in the last century – to overthrow the people currently residing on Taiwan.

    Make no mistake – China *will* go to way over Taiwan – including with the US. And Pentagon war games show that if the US intervenes – it will lose, unless it’s prepared to start WWIII over an island thousands of miles away.

    The U.S. Military ‘Failed Miserably’ in a Fake Battle Over Taiwan – https://www.popularmechanics.com/military/a37158827/us-military-failed-miserably-in-taiwan-invasion-wargame/

    The US cannot defend Taiwan, and China knows it – https://www.rt.com/op-ed/537062-us-defend-taiwan-china/

    What needs to happen is that the US stops trying to encourage Taiwan to declare independence, stop referring to it as an “ally with shared democratic values”, and stop saying it has a “commitment to defend Taiwan” – it doesn’t, it can’t and it won’t.

    People who don’t comprehend the military balance and military options available in a given conflict zone need to STFU.

    • Gather all Western nations in an economic treaty to embargo China.

      We should have embargoed China a long time ago for economic reasons alone.

      • It’s amazing how many people simply lack comprehension of how the world economic systems works these days. Trump was a moron for thinking he could do what you suggest – and only morons thinks this sort of thing is feasible.

    • An invasion of Taiwan would require ships. I suspect the concept of hunter-killer submarines has not been completely factored into any doom and gloom attitudes towards such a conflict. Those bad boys are scary fast and dead silent, and today’s torpedos will mostly leave no survivors. If nothing else, China’s military would be decimated and ready for takeover by U.S., which would be relatively undamaged. They will never try it, but with Comrade Biden at the helm, they likely won’t need to. I suspect if there *is* such a war, he’ll have the U.S. enter on the side of China, against Taiwan. Everything he has shown me so far says he is a dyed-in-the-wool Communist.

      • I assume the Pentagon war games that showed the US would lose in a confrontation over Taiwan factored in that exact possibility. Your Pentagon war games experience was when, exactly? You are aware that China also has hunter-killer subs – one of which, if I remember correctly, surfaced in the middle of the US Pacific fleet in recent years?

    • Amphibious attacks are the most difficult to do. The Chinese tried before on one of the islands close to their shore and got thoroughly beaten for their efforts. In that case a group of Taiwanese M3 light tanks proved a great force multiplier.

      • When was this alleged Chinese amphibious attack? In the last twenty years? Things have changed, friend.

      • In fairness (although Woodrow Wilson doesn’t really deserve ‘fairness’), our foreign involvement in 1917 was very similar to our decision to go to war in 1812. In 1812 the British were seizing our ships and compelling (kidnapping) our citizens to serve in the British navy. In 1917, if we sent a shipload of, say copper, to a neutral country like the Netherlands, the British would board our ship, seize the cargo, set everyone aboard free, and compensate the shipper at full market value. Or, the Germans would sink the ship from a U-boat, killing everyone on board. The Germans simply didn’t have a surface fleet to match the British navy and had to rely on more underhanded means. This was a massive mistake on the part of the Kaiser, but the real miscalculation is starting a war you cannot finish unless it’s over relatively quickly. The Japanese learned an even harder lesson (as well as the Germans) 25 years later.

        I suppose sometimes foreign entanglements are unavoidable.

  10. FLOOD Taiwan with firearms. Twenty three million Hi-Point handguns would kill a LOT of Chinese invaders.

    • A few hundred thousand M1s in a warehouse in S. Korea would be a good start.

      And Korea’s Daewoo makes a good AR platform, and a decent 9mm handgun…

  11. Part 2 of this is where Sensiba floats the idea of Taiwan arming its citizens.

    Good, but they can, (and should), go much further.

    Taiwan needs to very publicly destroy all government records of civilian firearm ownership.

    Arming the Taiwan people can only be effective if the invading Chinese army has no idea who has those weapons.

    *That* will give the Chinese military a case of heartburn, and perhaps China’s leadership…

    • No need to destroy records.
      Just put the records in a locked filing cabinet. If the day comes that somebody rolls in and opens it, make it trigger a public emergency alert.
      And let them find that every scrap of paper in the cabinet just say “EVERYONE”

      It would make a good plot twist in a movie produced by ben shapiro, directed by mel gibson…

  12. Miss America is a draft dodger.
    Dont wanna fight in no war
    Now Meagan is called nasty names
    Some say she is a whore
    Johnny Reb said hed go instead
    But that just wouldn’t be fair.
    Biden doesn’t like to sniff,
    a guys greasy hair.

  13. Real first-class piece o’ thinkin’ all. After all, in Iraq, every single household was required to have an AK-47 by Saddam Hussein, and we all saw just how effective small arms were against soldiers and a modern military machine. When we invaded, they repelled our actual soldiers with ease. Our tanks, air power, artillery … all were useless against the small arms that are made by the companies that pay for this website.

    • Your 1st line applies, to yourself. Two words for the mental midget. Afaganistan & Taliban, who just “won” with the same.

  14. The alphabet proud author complains about the chicomms and wants American veterans to volunteer to die in Taiwan to create “pearl harbor 2,” even as she stands with the pro-china Dems and stabs pro gun Repubs in the face on pervert issues.

    This is why deviant sex is BS – it makes you stupid and confused.

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