My name is Todd Rathner and I am again running for reelection to the NRA Board of Directors where I have proudly served for the past 17 years. I have been fighting for our God given right to bear arms for over 20 years and am widely recognized as an effective no-compromise Second Amendment lobbyist.

After this historic presidential election in which the NRA played a vital role in denying Hillary Clinton the White House, it is imperative to keep the “NRA Team” that made that happen in place. As a long-time member of the Board and the critical Legislative Policy Committee, I strongly supported the NRA’s efforts to crush Clinton.

Among my considerable Second Amendment victories, I am very proud to have played a crucial role in enacting Arizona’s Constitutional Carry law eliminating the need for government permission to carry a concealed weapon in Arizona. That is just the high point of my central role in enacting every major pro-gun reform in Arizona in the past 17 years, making Arizona the most gun friendly state in the U.S. according to Guns and Ammo Magazine (2015).

My efforts have also resulted in passage of pro-knife owner bills in 17 states as the Director of Legislative Affairs for Knife Rights, the NRA for knife owners. Each one of those victories is a win for the Second Amendment.

I am also the Chairman and chief lobbyist for the NFA Freedom Alliance where I have worked in numerous states to make is easier to own suppressors and to allow hunting with suppressors. I am currently working in a number of states on behalf of the NFAFA to enable hunting with suppressors, as well as working to eliminate confusion in state laws regarding possession of NFA items. One example of bad law that I worked to correct is the “defense to prosecution” law in Texas. It said that if you owned an NFA item, it was illegal, but you could use your NFA paperwork in court to defend yourself. That’s a horrible, and potentially expensive, position to be in. I fixed that law to say that if you have the NFA paperwork, its legal, period!

I am a three time graduate of Gunsite Academy, a graduate of Tactical Response, and an NRA Certified Instructor.

I currently serve on the NRA’s Legislative Policy Committee, which oversaw NRA’s efforts to deny Hillary Clinton the White House. I also serve on the NRA’s International Affairs Committee, which oversees the NRA’s activities to block global gun control at the UN.

If you are an NRA voting member, your ballot will be in your monthly magazine this month or it will be mailed to you if you are an electronic subscriber to an NRA magazine. NRA Voting members are those who have been a member for at least five consecutive years or are Lifetime members.

Please keep in mind that the fewer people you vote for on the ballot, the more power your vote has, and I would sincerely appreciate your vote.

Please go get your NRA magazine or ballot out of your mailbox and VOTE for Todd J. Rathner TODAY then mail your ballot back to the NRA right away!

Also, please go “LIKE” his Facebook page to keep track of his campaign.

Thank you for your consideration.


  1. Todd, thank you for your service, and good luck in this election.

    “Please keep in mind that the fewer people you vote for on the ballot, the more power your vote has,”

    Rubbish. Voting for a single candidate will improve the odds for that candidate. But the more votes I cast, the more power I wield. It’s just math. Nice try, though.

      • Um… no. You never get more powerful by voting less. Part of what bothers me about Mr. Rathner’s thinly veiled suggestion that we vote only for him, is that in my experience, the politicians who make such suggestions tend to be selfish and self-absorbed. Winning becomes more important than the cause they claim to support.

        I have never met Mr. Rathner and don’t want to impugn his character. But his suggestion to vote for fewer people is concerning to me, to say the least.

    • Curtis, if you want to diminish the election chances of any candidate, simply cast a vote for any other candidate.

      If your only goal is to keep Todd Rathner on the board, then cast a vote for Todd and don’t vote for 60 guys running against him.

      Looked at another way, if you have votes on your ballot for nominating committee selections (I assume Todd is one of them), you are reducing the prospects of the candidates not selected by the nominating committee.

      If you want to take control away from Wayne’s lapdogs (a group with heavy, but I assume not 100% overlap with the nominating committee selections), then vote only for candidates who aren’t Wayne’s lapdogs. Doing this requires you to cast fewer votes than you are entitled to cast, because there aren’t that many candidates who think Wayne needs watching.

  2. (If he is watching this article)
    So what are you working on now?
    Why are you better then Kraut / Stamboulieh / Maloney?
    All I hear is that the NRA is at the “Federal” level and states are left to local organizations for defense. But you claim state level victories in your “resume”
    The federal laws 34′ / 68′ / 86′ etc.. I hear are/is political suicide and not worth attacking because they are “too big” “too much publicity” etc..etc.. but the NRA works at the federal level ….I haven’t seen a federal gun law get repealed.

    the bigger fish are the state laws and politicians that are attacking gun culture, why doesn’t the NRA do more for them? Federal laws don’t mean crap if states laws are more restrictive, why doesn’t the NRA organize activism? Rallies and marches held by the NRA?
    Its cool they get behind some court cases, but those seem like slam dunks anyway, why aren’t they out defending the “questionable” types, gun rights are a civil right…right?

    • “Rallies and marches…”

      There were rallies and marches in Washington last weekend. All the shouting and sign waving won’t change $h!t.

      Today was the annual “march for life” in Washington, lamenting another year since Roe v. Wade. Forty four years after abortion officially became legal, it’s still legal.

      The NRA must be influential, judging by how much the organization is demonized by the left. The influence comes from uniting citizens in a common cause and making sure they vote accordingly. The influence comes when legislators know that if they pi$$ off the NRA they’ll lose votes.

      People can march and rally all they want. History proves that governing is done in private offices and private voting booths.

      • Pretty much spot-on. The only thing that rallies and marches do accomplish is to embolden and encourage those legislators who would be inclined to submit new legislation related to that cause, and they could possibly intimidate legislators who would be inclined to oppose their cause.

        But in and of themselves, they accomplish nothing generally.

        Reports vary, but there were supposedly three million in the “Women’s March” — which is a hell of a lot. The Tennessee GOP tweeted out that the only march that counted was the one that happened on November 8th, when somewhere around 30 million women marched to the ballot box and pulled the lever for Trump.

        So the question is – who were these women who marched? If they were all Hillary voters, then yes, it changes absolutely nothing. But if they were Trump voters, or non-voters who may be much more likely to vote next time, then organizing them may have a notable effect at the ballot box.

  3. ” Federal laws don’t mean crap if states laws are more restrictive”

    This was, in effect, the whole battle and the whole point of the NRA’s 2016 strategy. When the Supreme Court incorporated the 2nd Amendment against the States, it opened the door to where state laws can’t be more restrictive than the federal laws. The next step is to confirm two Scalia-like originalist justices to the court, and then get some precedent-setting rulings.

    This was the only way to go. Fighting each and every state ordinance is a never-ending battle and a fruitless waste of energy when Bloomberg can just wave the money wand and start the process all over again. But a ruling from SCOTUS that says “the 2A shall not be infringed, and we mean it”? That changes everything.

    • That’s my hope. The marxists just introduced an “assault weapon” and “high capacity” magazine licensing scheme/ban here in Washington (it would be illegal to transport a magazine, unless it is empty and locked in a case–because those loaded magazines jump out and shoot people all the time). They’ll never make it out of the legislature, but they will put it on the ballot as an initiative and Bloomberg, Hanauer, Gates, and Allen will pay to get it passed. (Yes that Gates and Allen, so if you support gun rights don’t buy Microsoft products or watch a Seahawks game).

      We need a SCOTUS ruling that says these laws violate the Heller decision. Ginsburg turns 84 on March 15. Maybe we should throw her a surprise party. 😉

  4. I have arguably accomplished more pro-NFA owner legislation than any single individual in the country. I ran legislation to make it legal to hunt with suppressors in numerous states, removed the restrictions on NFA ownership in a number of states, and founded the NFA Freedom Alliance which has a stated goal of repealing the Hughes Amendment . No other organization has that as a stated goal. There are other qualified individuals running, I am simply asking for your vote. You can vote for up to 26 people, I just want to be one of them.

    • I don’t question your record sir, I’ve googled you and it speaks for itself, I just want to know if us NRA members keep giving you the ball your going to take it to the endzone, and not “rest on your laurels” we need men to keep up the fight, and I want it to be you.

    • First off: Thanks. Your resume sounds like a strong nomination for gun rights hero of the century.
      Second: Perrin does bring up a good point. You’ve had some solid victories on gun rights in gun-friendly states, but if reelected, would you try to help those of us in states that are hostile to gun rights? If so, how?

      • I passed a law reforming the knife possession laws in NY that was vetoed by the governor, probably the only 2A law to ever pass in NY state. I helped craft a repeal of the federal switchblade act which is currently before the US Congress. I have killed bad laws in numerous anti 2A states. I will continue to do so.

    • Mr Rathner, I hate to keep publicising my issue with your NFAFA “organization” and the $200 I sent you on November 9th. It’s not as if we haven’t had personal email correspondence on this issue so I have no qualms about airing it out on forums such as this.
      My contribution over two and a half months ago was to achieve the following membership level:
      $200 per year – Stamp Holder – If you are willing to pay just as much to protect your freedom as to obtain government permission to exercise that freedom, you will be added to our email alert list, be authorized to display the NFAFA Stamp on your websites, forum profiles, automobiles, gun cases, etc; and receive a limited edition NFAFA member morale patch.

      I am one of very few shooters on TTAG that defends the merits of Tactical Response and argue ad nauseum in favor of James Yeager”s approach to mindset and tactics.
      I was so thrilled the day Hillary Clinton was denied the highest office in the world that I wanted to move to regain all the rights I believe we are guaranteed in the Bill of Rights. When you received Yeager’s endorsement, NFAFA seemed like a great place to go. I wanted to go beyond Constitutional carry and repealing the NFA was right up my alley.
      Do you know what buyer’s remorse is? It’s what I feel right now except it is worse. At least with buyer’s remorse, the buyer has a product in hand. I don’t have anything from your organization and it looks unprofessional from someone running for an important position within the NRA.
      Nothing personal. But I can’t support your campaign at this moment. Assuming I haven’t already with my hard earned money earmarked for NFAFA.

        • Yes same address. You have had all my correct information including my credit card number for going on three months.
          You said you have one girl processing all member dues. I understand that can be quite an undertaking. But now I learn you are on the NRA board running for reelection. Seems like you should have more friends helping out. Exactly how many people like me sent you money?
          On second thought, roughly how many people like me sent you money?

        • Want to make a wager?
          I’ll apply for a tax stamp tomorrow and we’ll see which comes in first:
          The BATF Stamp? or the NFAFA membership packet I paid you $200 for on November 9th 2016?
          If you win, you keep my membership. If the BATF wins, you refund my dues and cover my cost for the NFA stamp.
          You have already been given over 100 days head start.
          Is it a bet?

  5. If I vote for you will you do something about the NRA calling me for more money literally twice a week (or more)?

    I’m down for the cause but FFS, 8x a month is a bit much. It’s like the NRA became that clingy freshman chick you met at a party last week. Yeah, she’s hot but damn is she getting annoying.

    • This is EXACTLY why I am no longer a member. That and the statement Lapiere gave after sandy hook. Two or more phone calls a week soliciting money when, at the end of the day the true mission is pretty simple. National constitutional carry, repeal of the NFA in total, and no background checks, PERIOD. You know…Freedom. When I hear the NRA get behind all of these things I’ll put up with the two+ calls a week. Until then I have more hope in the two Trump sons pushing dad to get some things done. You know they don’t want to wait months for forms to clear and there are states where even they can’t carry (i.e. Massachusetts). HPA and SBRs off the NFA list would be a start.

      • You do realize that the HPA was drafted by the NRA and will not move an inch without NRA support, don’t you? Call 800-672-3888 and ask them to stop calling you.

        • has the bill sponsor as Rep. Salmon, Matt [R-AZ-5] and it was introduced on10/22/2015. No where on the information page does it say anything about the NRA. So, what you’re telling me is that you wrote the bill for Mr. Salmon and he just carried it to Washington for you? That’s a bold statement. I wonder what answer he’d give if asked the same question?

      • Matt Salmon retired and is no longer in congress. Most bills are drafted by lobbyists and lawyers, not by actual congressman. It’s just the way it works. The bills are indeed filed by the congressmen or senators, but they are very rarely actually drafted by them.

        • That Needs to change. How about your lawyers and or lobbyists get in touch with actual shooters and firearms owners to help with wording and specifics?
          I formally volunteer my services.

        • That’s almost as sad as having to call an 800 number to get the organization that you gave money to, to stop them from calling twice a week at a minimum. I noticed that was your only advice, not a ” I’ll be looking into the constant phone harassment of our members .” Also, I like the arrogance of this statement “I passed a law reforming the knife possession laws in NY…” Really? All by yourself? There are plenty of TRUE gun rights organizations out there that need our money, not lobbyists who only ” work ” at the state and federal levels that rarely (if ever) do anything for the lone gun owner. No thanks.

        • Ed, you’re talking out your backside. I know Todd Rathner personally, and he is a true champion of the Second Amendment. He is personally responsible for the fact that I am able to legally carry a Microtech switchblade in my pocket as I type this. When Todd says that “he passed” a knife reform law, he means it. In Texas, New York, and many other states, pro-knife legislation has passed solely because Todd Rathner put in the time and effort to shepherd it through. He could easily just focus his efforts on his home state, but he does not. This man travels extensively throughout the country to promote pro-Second Amendment legislation at every opportunity. I’ve never seen someone more dedicated to the cause of advancing our rights, and am proud to support his reelection to the NRA board.

          Whatever you think of the NRA as an organization (and it’s clear from your comments that you’re less than happy with them), Todd Rathner’s credentials and record of successes are beyond impeachment.

  6. Considering all the anti 2nd Admendment laws across the country, it seems you have failed more than you succeded. I dont vote for loosers.

    • I missed the immediate outrage when Elizabeth Warren and Maura Healy made instant felons out of hundreds of thousands of Massachusetts gun owners illegally last year. Oh yeah, there was none that I saw.

  7. Todd- How many people sit on the Legislative Policy committee nowdays?

    My understanding is that not all are current elected board members, it may include some former board members, etc. Is that correct?

    • There are 25 members of the legislative policy committee with 4 or 5 non board members. Committees are appointed by the NRA President and non board members with particular expertise are often added to supplement the committee.

      • I assume you said what you meant to say, but it seemed odd to me (widespread belief that the President is a do-nothing job) so I’ll ask for clarification:
        Did you mean to say appointed by the President or appointed by the Executive Vice President?

    • Todd- thanks for the info. I didn’t know Legislative Policy was such a big committee. I’ve found in business that most boards are ten to twelve people max, it’s hard to have twenty-five people speaking at once. But I suppose you have people on that committee to represent all areas of the country, I hope?

      Anyway could you please tell us the names of the people serving on the Leg. Policy committee currently?

      I think I may have contacted HQ several years back for this info. and they didn’t have it available for members. It’s like we’ve got to sort through the Rifleman and look for committee appointments. That’s one thing NRA needs to work on, get out of the 1960s private club mentality. If we’re paying dues, the members are the ones that keep the lights on at HQ and pay the bills, thanks.

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