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Dan Z for TTAG
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By Larry Keane

In a welcomed sign for hunting and shooting sports enthusiasts across the country, the Trump Administration this week submitted its 2020 budget proposal to Congress, and it’s chock full of good news for outdoorsmen and women.

President Donald Trump – an ardent supporter of law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights – included in his budget a focus on additional resources for visitor services at National Wildlife Refuges, monies for recreation management, acquisitions for more public lands and expanded hunting and fishing opportunities for all Americans.

U.S. Secretary of the Interior David Bernhardt was especially pleased by the budget announcement, adding in a press release, “We are also extremely appreciative of today’s proposal…” that includes funding plans for the maintenance backlog in National Parks as well as Fish and Wildlife Service and Bureau of Land Management facilities.

More Access, More Opportunities

The president’s budget proposal included an additional $12.6 million ($86.8 million in total) ensuring more Americans have public lands access and additional opportunities to enjoy the outdoors activities, including hunting and recreational target shooting.

Another $10 million was requested for public lands acquisitions that were previously unavailable for recreation activities. And an additional highlight includes an increase in funding to $86.8 million for the National Wildlife Refuge System (NWRS) services that offer wildlife-dependent recreation opportunities. Nearly 60 million Americans each year participate in activities provided by the NWRS. These are fantastic outdoors and public land investments, and Americans from across the country have reason to be excited about this great news.

pheasant hunt
Dan Z for TTAG

Sec. Bernhardt on Promises Kept 

Interior Secretary David Bernhardt recently spoke at the 2020 SHOT Show and discussed the vision he and President Trump share on expanded access and increased funding succinctly. “The administration has done some really great things that ensure that sportsmen can get out, enjoy their land, participate in hunting, fishing and recreational opportunities – and really see the great bounty that nature provides.”

During the conversation, which also included Agriculture Sec. Sonny Perdue, Sec. Bernhardt also described President Trump’s leadership in working through the Bureau of Land Management to develop outdoor activity microsites across the country. These are sites where outdoorsmen and women, from beginner to expert, will be able to take advantage of recreational shooting opportunities on BLM land to practice, hone their shooting skills and pass on traditions to newcomer friends and younger generations.

Congress ultimately has the power of the purse. However, President Trump is setting the vision for – and delivering results – for hunters, recreational shooters and conservation and wildlife management priorities. For outdoorsmen and women across the country, the future is still very bright under the Trump administration.


Larry Keane is SVP for Government and Public Affairs, Assistant Secretary and General Counsel of the National Shooting Sports Foundation.

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  1. Fud funds for fudd activities.
    Dear Mr spray-tan, The second amendment is NOT about recreational shooting or hunting.
    National reciprocity?
    Passing federal laws to prevent states from passing unconstitutional redflag laws?

    • Before the Trumpsters get their pink panties in a knot, I voted for the orange man and I’ll vote for him again due to a lack of a better choice.

      • I just want him and not bernie, hillary or bloomberg to be the one appointing those judges.

        I am a hunter. So this budget benefits me. But it is all about the judges at this point.

        • jwm, I’m a hunter too. Going to Georgia this weekend to shoot quail. I hunt private land, but every year I buy a Florida Sportsman Gold license. It includes permits that I never use. I do this because it benefits wildlife programs/management areas that others do. What pisses me off are those that take advantage of free recreational activities (non-hunting) and never contribute a dime. Yet, they criticize you and I.

        • Likewise I buy a state Sportsman License every year even though I hunt and fish almost exclusively on my own land. Hunters and fishermen do more for conservation than any 1,000 tree huggers or Sierra Club, whatever. As for people bitching about this budget and the attention focused on outdoor activities and opening up land, piss up a rope. Too many people just come here to bitch, this budget is clearly a good thing. All this Fudd talk is off-putting and will eventually run good people off this site. I’m what you’d probably call a Fudd because I hunt and fish, yet I have all sorts of ugly-ass ARs and AKs and 1911s and whatnot, I like all guns and don’t care what other people shoot. All these boogaloo SHTF bringiton civil war let’sgetiton cowards would run for the hills if somebody actually started something, yet are quick to call people that actually get out and kill and eat their own food Fudds. Stick it up your ying yang.

        • That’s why the budgets are so bloated. Because of all the free shit for everyone. Get the government out of everything. They want larger budgets to scim, scam, squander , and with which to buy votes via free shit. We should pay for what we want directly and get politicians out of our choices….much more cost effective. You want hunting and recreation so you FREELY buy the related licenses to fund that. Very cost effective and of your own free will…..not politicians’ will. See my other comments below for how this “free shit” works. Here’s a clue: it ain’t free.
          We want hunting and recreation. Others want food stamps, housing, cellphones, medical, transportation, and on and on……..all for free. And the government wants their hands on the money. Cash flow is KING!!! If it is your OWN cash flow for your own use. But, politicians want your cash flow as it provides more money to scim, scam, squander, and with which to buy votes.

      • I’m all for hunting and recreation. But, not from the government. Same as, why is my municipality in the swimming pool business. If citizens want a pool, let some business man take the risk and build out of his own pocket…and reap the profit for the risk. Don’t steal from me (tax) to pay for others’ wants.
        I didn’t vote for Trump, but I sure a as Hell voted against Hillary. Sadly, Americans are forced to vote for the lesser of two evils……or in the case of 2016, the lesser of 17 evils; or 2020 campaign the lesser of 25 evils. Trump just signed a $1.4billion budget. WE CANNOT AFFORD IT> WE ARE BROKE!!!! All politicians are bankrupting America. Politicians of all flavors see the Little Peeps’ (that’s you and me that get up and create value in the market place) money as theirs to scim, scam, squander, and with which to buy votes. (OH, that’s why my city is in the swimming pool business.)
        To receive a dollar from the politicians, someone has to send $5 to them. Then, the politicians skim, scam, and squander $2, and use $2 to buy votes via free shit. Then, send the $1 back with all kinds of stipulations and controls. States should flip this control mechanism. Keep all tax dollars collected within their borders and only send to Washington what the Constitution grants Washington power to perform….and attach stipulations and controls to the money sent to Washington. Strangle Washington into Constitutional compliance.

        • StLPro2A, the Red Cross taught me to swim in a public pool. My parents paid my admission every day to offset the cost to the city. That pool is about three blocks from where I live today. Every summer when I drive by and see the kids swimming I smile. BTW. I went on to learn to dive and became a founding member of my agency’s dive team. Gruesome work, but appreciated by the family of the deceased. When I was 18 I saved a small child from drowning. How’s that for a return on your tax dollars?

          • So, you couldn’t possibly have learned how to swim anywhere else? Only possible solution is government expenditure of tax dollars stolen from citizen. Without that government expenditure, that little kid would have drowned. Was his name George Bailey by any chance? Had the government not gone into the swimming pool business, a private citizen would have taken the risk if the potential return had been there to make a profit. Your thinking is why America is broke and politicians are able to scim, scam, squander, and by votes with Little Peeps money.

        • StlPro2A. What is it with you and swimming pools? Yes my mom, and other moms, in the neighborhood, would take us to Indian Springs. A private enterprise. After we had already learned to swim. No life guard. Later we just swam in Telogia Creek. That public swimming pool is a public asset paid for in part by public funds. Sometimes tax money is well spent.

          • It’s a symbolism….theft by tax. I have nothing against swimming pools. Have had them in my yards at various locations……but paid for by my labor’s fruit…..not stolen (taxed) from others. Just not interested in paying for someone else’s pool…..even if many use it for free or basically free. Some want a free pool, justified under community benefit…..teach kiddies to swim. …obviously no other solution, but steal/tax others….to save the kiddies. Another wants free college. Another wants free cell phones. Another wants free housing. Another wants free hot dogs. Everyone can justify their own free shit want/need. Santa Claus always sounds good and is tough to compete with. Government knows better than I how to spend the fruits of my labor… to be compassionate….NOT. And, yes, I do give….at last 10%…beyond 10% tithing….to charitable efforts. Only it goes directly to those needing and worthy (putting forth meaningful effort) rather than through the “scim/scam/squander/buy votes” hands of politicians. How much one earns is only part of the equation. How much one keeps, in spite of taxation for the common good, is the bottom line. It’s the money of others to scim, scam, squander, and with which to buy votes. Socialism….for the public good…..sounds good until you run out of other people’s money, And, then no one knows how to earn fruits from their own labor and the whole shows crashes…except for the Elites. And, that’s where the gun control thingy works. America became great because everyone enjoyed and earned to the limit of their industry and capability. Enjoy the fruits of one’s own labor. No labor; no fruit; no joy… pool.
            Let the free market decide. Not politicians……nor the mob rule…..justified as democracy.
            First American Revolution due to taxation without representation.
            Second American Revolution due to taxation by representation.
            And, that explains the need for gun control. Guns only in the hands of government/police/elitists controls the Little Peeps. That is why Mini Mikey, Angry Bernie, Pocahontas, Butto, and company hate the 2A.

    • You should bring your complaint to Tom Gresham’s Gun Talk. He is on the air 1 pm to 4 pm Sundays. I dare you, I double dog dare you. I will be listening, so will the Trump campaign.

    • Chief, just because you may not hunt doesn’t make it a Fudd activity. I have more than a couple of non-Fudd firearms. All my firearms are important to me. Regardless of what I use them for. Firearms do not begin and end with ARs and Glocks. After all, the Minute Men showed up with their hunting rifles.

    • “The second amendment is NOT about recreational shooting or hunting.”

      OK, BFD- we all agree with that statement.

      Now, how about going back and reading the first line of the original article that you, “Chief funny talk”, are responding to… I’ll put it right here so you don’t even have to use the scrolling feature:
      “In a welcomed sign for hunting and shooting sports enthusiasts across the country,
      the Trump Administration this week submitted its 2020 budget proposal to Congress,
      and it’s chock full of good news for outdoorsmen and women.”

      No mention of the Second Amendment, the US Constitution, and no need for it in the context of the article.

      Some people cannot even fathom an original thought they’re so quick to jump on Trump for any reason. Total lack of raw intelligence IMO, and a reason why it is often so difficult to have an intelligent debate.

    • “The second amendment is NOT about recreational shooting or hunting.”

      OK, BFD- we all agree with that statement.

      Now, how about going back and reading the first line of the original article that you, “Chief funny talk”, are responding to… I’ll put it right here so you don’t even have to use the scrolling feature:
      “In a welcomed sign for hunting and shooting sports enthusiasts across the country,the Trump Administration this week submitted its 2020 budget proposal to Congress, and it’s chock full of good news for outdoorsmen and women.”

      No mention of the Second Amendment, the US Constitution, and no need for it in the context of the article.

      Some people cannot even fathom an original thought they’re so quick to jump on Trump for any reason. Total lack of raw intelligence IMO, and a reason why it is often so difficult to have an intelligent debate.

      • So I’m frustrated by the lack of progress on the 2A and lack of urgency.
        The left make 10 steps of progress meanwhile we make 1/2 step or no steps.
        Because Trump throw us bread crumbs I should shut up, kiss the emperors ring and be grateful Despite his anti gun rhetoric in the past.
        I believe we should demand what we want and hold the president’s feet and Republicans feet to the fire.

        • “So I’m frustrated by the lack of progress on the 2A and lack of urgency.” And besides making snarky comments on a website where you don’t even have to get dressed, you’re doing exactly what else to defend the Constitution?

      • Did you miss this the next line down?

        “ President Donald Trump – an ardent supporter of law-abiding Americans’ Second Amendment rights-…”

        I will proudly support Mr. Trump after looking at all the other candidates, but he doesn’t represent me in my beliefs in the second amendment or small government.

        • “Did you miss this the next line down?”

          Didn’t miss a thing, cooter. That still doesn’t change the focus of the article nor the attempt by many angry people with little to say to want to jump on Trump even when his admin attempts to do something that will be a good thing for many people who actually use firearms every day.

          And BTW- a lot of you just can’t wait to scream “FUDD” any time hunting, target shooting or actual daily activities portray guns actually being discharged, as opposed to just being kept or carried for some sort of self-protection. You are absolutely mirroring the mainstream media and the left in discounting that President Trump was duly-elected by the laws of this nation and trying to portray anyone who voted for him as an idiot. The notion around here that the only reason anyone should own a gun is because of the Second Amendment is selling the majority of the population down the river by a bunch that likely have never had to use their EDCs. It’d be smart to make some connections with those who’s primary interest is shooting and hunting rather than mock them.

          For example: I am fully licensed to carry in something like 42 states now and every day, my Glock 43 or P365 is inside my waistband. I also hunt birds regularly, shoot everything from .22s through .458 Win Mag at paper on a weekly basis when weather cooperates as well as practice with a variety of handguns to stay sharp. Still- when it comes to actually using the firearm for what it was intended for (by me)- the hunting and target shooting are where it’s at. I’ve got pheasants in the freezer but I’ve yet to fire a shot in the defense of myself or my property and pray I never do.

          If you think hunting and general shooting is being a FUDD or in some way not worthy of your support you are going out of your way to insult a very large segment of the American population. Put on your thinking caps and get out of your basement- connect with some others who use their guns regularly…

      • Chief from “Land of Can’t Count Votes” (Iowa) you repeat same smoke signal. Just kidding you. Enjoyed living in Iowa many moons ago….Burlington and Ankeny. Were great people with good American values. Now over run with Liberals.

        • “Chief from “Land of Can’t Count Votes” (Iowa) you repeat same smoke signal.” Funny. Chief, however, no live in corn state, me do. (Craig) How!

          To set the record straight, it was the democrats, not Iowans that had trouble counting and registering their caucus votes. I chaired a caucus west of Des Moines and we had no trouble at all: Trump won 37, Walsh and Weld each earned ZERO. There were no write-ins, either. Then we elected reps to the Dallas Co Central Comm, delegates to the County Convention and were done in about an hour, even after telling a few jokes and listening to some, as well as other comments. I also selfishly pushed my candidacy for NRA Board, FWIW.

          Republicans in IA take votes and submit the total for each candidate to the state party chair/delegate. NFBD, easy, although Santorum got shafted last time (2016) when RPI announced the “winner” before all the totals were in, which was inexcusable. But the democrats are all bound up trying to exude fairness, compassion, tolerance, etc. Their counts and delegates must reflect what they’ve been told is a cross section of IA voters- so many women, so many minorities including the various stages of gayness, disabled, non-English speaking, etc., etc. (Being just slightly facetious, but not by much.) Just count the damn votes, see that there aren’t more votes than there are registered attendees, and report them. Quit trying to play politics among dazed, star-struck morons when “the professionals” can’t even get it right.

          In the end, both parties, but especially the democrats want to determine the outcomes first and then fit the voter’s actions to them as the party sees fit. As a life long and active Republican, I can assure everyone that there was no way the Republican Party wanted Donald J. Trump as their candidate, let alone winning the 2016 election. Even today, there are a few who still can’t figure out why the general public is getting behind Trump in ever-increasing numbers. Oh, not around here much- too many disillusioned, angry and inconsequential people who think they could do better, who want to pick nits rather than observe outcomes and in general, whine about how bad things are in what is still the most free country on the planet. I’m not against trying to make it even better but the constant complaining does no good.

          • I didn’t vote for Trump. But, I sure as hell voted against Hillary. Millions of others voted the same. Hence, Trump is President. America can only vote for the lesser of two evils any more. Voting for a third choice only negates your vote. There are no good politicians. To get that far, you have to already be corrupt. Anyone actually not corrupt who does make it to Washington either becomes corrupt (get with the program) or gets pushed aside by the swamp process and sent home next election. Trump won Repub primary and nomination because the other 16 jerks on the stage would have even been worse at fitting into the swamp. Trump’s abrasive style is a negative, but I enjoy watching him pull Dems’ chains. Pelosi looked great with steam coming out of her ears during SOTU speech.

      • They don’t do it, either out of laziness or incompetence or just ignorance, or, OK, lack of interest, so therefore it must be unworthy. Better to slap on their 5-11s and accessorize any firearm to the point of diminishing returns and mouth off on a website about Fudds.

    • Texican, if the government didn’t own it it would be in private hands and you wouldn’t have access to it at all. One reason Theodore Roosevelt began the National Park System. Among other things.

      • Everything starts out as a good idea………common sense, I’m sure. Then, the professional politicians get hold of it and it goes to shit for their benefit. And, it….and we….end up getting controlled…..for our own good, of course.

  2. His proposal also cuts bout $600 a month from my retirement so I guess I don’t get to enjoy these lands and do I get to use my silencer or is still bad as he says?
    I’m not against him but he sure is making it hard to be for him.

    • I’m supposed to be getting a retirement soon. How exactly did the recent actions hurt your retirement please?

      • You a fed retiree? If so sign up for the emails. They are daily and will explain.
        In looking at it further yesterday it’s the same thing he tried 2yrs ago that went nowhere but the proposal is all inclusive.

  3. More fake news disinformation from the Putin puppet, and now for some real news:

    “Washington, DC – The Trump Administration’s budget plan for 2021 proposes serious cuts to the National Park Service and other federal agencies that if enacted, would jeopardize the protection, maintenance and operation of our more than 400 national parks across the country.

    The administration’s budget calls for a total cut of $587 million (17 percent) to the National Park Service. The budget also proposes a $2.4 billion (26 percent) cut to the EPA, the agency responsible for implementing and enforcing laws like the Clean Water Act and Clean Air Act so we can drink clean water and enjoy scenic national park vistas unmarred by air pollution. Additionally, it nearly zeros out funding for the Land and Water Conservation Fund, a critical conservation tool that supports local tourism and recreational economies and enhances opportunities for the American public to enjoy access to its public lands.”

    No need to conserve our land or water, Jesus is returning soon and we’ll have the rapture, yippee!

  4. Apparently, Montana is just full of never Trumper’s, they seem somewhat disappointed with Donald Trump’s perfect budget:

    “Montana conservation groups were quick to voice opposition Monday after President Donald Trump released a proposed federal budget that would further slash environmental protections and agency budgets, among other cuts.

    On the heels of his State of the Union address, Trump proposed a record $4.8 trillion budget for fiscal year 2021 that prioritizes the military and border patrols and walls.

    In order to shunt more money to the military, which already receives more than half of the federal budget, Trump proposes to cut about $2 trillion from environmental programs, student loans and safety net programs including Medicaid.”

    • Why do you lie about things that are so easy to check? Maybe you’re just to stupid to do it, so I’ll do it for you. Defense is not 50%. For 2018, total spending $4.11 trillion. Defense was $590 billion(15%) and 4th on the list. Medicare/Medicaid was #1 at $1,077 trillion (27%, more than double defense). Social security #2 at $939 billion (24%, 59% higher than defense), other discretionary spending $610 billion (15%). Defense was a bit more than double interest payments on debt at $263 billion. If you add social security, Medicare, Medicaid, disability, retirement, veteran benefits, SNAP, etc, mandatory spending makes up about 2/3 of all government spending. BTW, the payroll taxes for Medicare and social security only covered about 80% of the costs. Just Medicaid and the under run of SS and Medicare was more than defense. Of the 1/3 that’s left, a bit less than 1/2 is defense. In other words, less than 1/6 of government spending is defense, but it is about half of what the budget gets a choice on spending. To put it into terms you might understand, if you make $3000 a month, and pay $2000 to utilities, rent, taxes, loan payments, you have $1000 left to spend as you decide. If you spend $500 on food, 1/6 of your spending was on food, but it was 1/2 of the $1000 you were allowed to decide how to spend.

        • Because we do not embrace your way doesn’t mean we don’t care. You sound like a 2 yo sometimes. I guess it’s hard to keep your vlad persona under wraps.

        • And this is yet another example of why people can’t trust what you post. Anyone with an ounce of brain that read that “news” article you posted would see the immediate flaw. They posted 2 trillion in cuts on a “record 4 trillion budget”. Retards. Trump didn’t cut the budget almost in half AND have a record spending budget.

          Why didn’t you just got to a primary source, the Congressional Budget Office?

          Take a look at those Data Underlying Tables and Figures document. You’ll see Anymouse was correct.

          Anyone that ever says the military takes a majority, or even remotely close to the majority of federal spending is a fool that has no idea what they are talking about. The military makes up a small fraction of the budge compared to entitlement programs. Social Security alone is about $350 Billion more than the entire defense budget.

          If you don’t know what you are talking about, keep your mouth shut.

  5. Here’s the details on liberal Montana state residents attacking our dear leader regarding his perfect budget. One can see from the details that it’s just the liberal Democrat mommies who want to save our environment, at the expense of Donald Trump’s power, how dare they!

    “If Congress were to back the budget, cuts to the Superfund program would restrict or potentially eliminate the cleanup of contaminated sites around Missoula. Progress on the cleanup of the Smurfit-Stone Mill site is already at a snail’s pace, and the EPA has had to replace three associated employees in the past year.

    Meanwhile, the Clark Fork River Superfund cleanup upstream of Missoula continues, but progress could stall on final critical projects if the budget cuts go through. The new budget also guts funding for the cleanup of abandoned mines and tailings, putting both habitat and public health at risk.

    Clayton Elliott, Montana Trout Unlimited conservation director, said the cuts could significantly accelerate the degradation of Montana’s streams, reducing wild trout fisheries and the local economies they sustain.

    “This is an alarming opening salvo out of the appropriations starting gate, but the process is far from over,” Elliott said in a statement. “Montana’s coldwater fisheries and anglers deserve better, and we appreciate Senator Daines’ and Tester’s leadership on the Senate Appropriations Committee to continually keep those interests – from LWCF to habitat conservation – at the front of these discussions.”

    As justification for some of the EPA cuts, the budget proposal claims that air pollution has decreased since Trump took office. However, a Carnegie Mellon University study conducted in October showed that fine particulate pollution started to climb in 2016.”

    • You do have to feel sorry for the billionaires gobbling up “A River Runs Through It” especially after dragging their Kalifornia Liberal tripe clear over the mountains and expecting legions of EPA green extremists to follow. You’re not in Kansas, I mean Kalifornia anymore Dorothy.

    • And yet in spite of him not living up to your standards he will get a second term. How does that make you feel? More judges. Fascinating.

      • It is said that his budget cuts will contribute significantly to the loss of wildlife habitat that hunters feel is important.

        What I find interesting is the spin this article put on the budget, claiming that Hunter’s will benefit greatly from this budget when the fact is, we’ll lose the healthy environment that both wildlife and humans need to survive.

        But hey, if there’s a buck to be made, screw the environment, we’re talking money and that’s all that matters, right?

        • Ask that question of all the rich white folks running the democratic party. They don’t have a problem throwing tons of money at problems. So long as its yours and not theirs.

          Still trying to claim the dems, rich white folks, are the party of the working class.


        • No, I’m saying the Trump administration is cutting funding needed to provide a clean environment for wildlife in humans.

          You notice the funds in Montana we are being used to clean up industrial and mining sites, some of the toxic legacy left by the corporate greed of unrestrained crony capitalism.

          Just like in the coalfields of Appalachia, the robber barons provide dangerous jobs at low wages while extracting their profits.
          Then they leave a toxic legacy of sludge impoundments and contaminated groundwater, while crippling the workers in mining accidents and black long. Once the mine is played out, they leave the mess for someone else to clean up, usually with your tax dollars.

          And don’t forget, when the coal is burned you’re left with the Ash, another toxic legacy just experienced a year or so ago in Virginia.

        • “Still trying to claim the dems, rich white folks, are the party of the working people”

          No, I’m saying the Trump administration is cutting funding needed to provide a clean environment for wildlife and humans.

          You notice the funds in Montana are being used to clean up industrial and mining sites, some of the toxic legacy left by the corporate greed of unrestrained crony capitalism.

          Just like in the coalfields of Appalachia, the robber barons provide dangerous jobs at low wages while extracting their profits.
          Then they leave a toxic legacy of sludge impoundments and contaminated groundwater, while crippling the workers in mining accidents and black long. Once the mine is played out, they leave the mess for someone else to clean up, usually with your tax dollars.

          And don’t forget, when the coal is burned you’re left with the Ash, another toxic legacy just experienced a year or so ago in Virginia.

        • You clearly have no idea what you are talking about, and you are parroting an editorial posing as news, which also clearly doesn’t know what it’s talking about. You cite the cuts to the Land and Water Conservation Fund. Do you even know what that is? If you think it’s about cleaning up land or water you’re sorely mistaken. The article cites cuts to the EPA budget as if EPA spending is in any way responsible for cleaning the environment . It’s not. In fact, in many states, lower EPA spending has seen exactly the opposite. Hell, in Texas, under the Obama Administration the EPA actually sued to force Texas to adopt a standard of dirtier air!
          You are doubling down on stupid.

    • I saw how the mine clean up worked out in Colorado a few years ago. To use the title of a recent book, ” Please stop helping us “.

  6. This type of government spending is totally unconstitutional. Not to mention that this budget will set a new record for deficit spending. Go Trump?

  7. Yes President Trump, open more public lands to natural resource exploitation. Denali Park is just begging for strip mines .

  8. “Trump’s Budget Proposal Includes Funds to Support Hunting, Recreational Shooting”…and cuts to Medicare and Social Security. I’d rather have my health, a roof over my head and something to eat. Oh and it was money I earned that the gubment took outta my paycheck…for 40 years.

    • Don’t worry the government will house you in a low rent complex and give you $34 a month in food stamps. You’ll do just fine, the hard part is finding someone with a running vehicle so you all can pile in and hit the commodities( two packages of spaghetti, jar of “It’s Peanut Butter” three cans of Garabado beans, one box of macaroni and cheese a sack of oranges , two pounds of off brand Velveeta cheese and package of unidentifiable meat. You get your clothing and Bed Bug Thrift Shop for give away, it’s all good

  9. I like how the article’s photo shows a hunter and his dog standing up, with no cover and the duck call in his mouth at the ready, right there in the midst of all the decoys. Looks like a great way to entice the ducks to come on over and say hello. [/sarc]

    • Kinda funny what can happen when you’re hunting. I’ve had geese fly past me at shoulder height. Stepped on a pheasants tail feathers as I was working a stubble row. A jack rabbit came trotting down the same trail I was on. Blind to the fact that I was right in front of him. Only reason he lived was I’m a lousy shot with a bow.

      Sometimes I think the best hunting trips are the ones that get a little wonky.

      • Well, I hafta admit I’m a SoCal guy, so the only “hunting” I regularly engage in here (with a .22) is the vermin kind. Ground squirrels, rabbits, coyotes that invade my yard, etc.

        • I fish, hunt, gold pan, hike. I do all sorts of outdoor stuff. The climates pretty mild up here in the bay area. Lot of days with good weather for getting out.

    • I took that photo and can’t remember the specific circumstance (that was more than two years ago). We were in a flooded rice field in Arkansas. IIRC, it was right before dawn and he’d just set out the decoys.

      Rest assured, we hunted from sunken blinds. No one stood out there among the decoys calling birds, at least not that I remember.

  10. I’m not a hunter. I’m happy for the hunters. But the 2A was not written for hunting. It was written so I could have the same firepower that the government has. I want my bazooka. I can already buy rockets every 4th of July. Or I can make my own and shoot them into the stratosphere.
    As a boy scout we shot rockets all the time. As well as shooting rifles.

    • I agree the article should not have added the part about “ardent supporter of 2nd amendment rights,” as really this article has zero to do with what the 2nd amendment is all about. Kind of a deflection, really. Still, I think there’s some good things here for those who like to hunt and shoot, more righting past wrongs than a gift.

  11. I get a kick out of some of these younger guys that call us older guys boomers or Fudds online… I have yet to meet one with the balls to call me that to my face… Tough guys….

  12. The budget also cuts nearly a billion to Medicare and nearly a billion to Medicaid.

    You boomer Fudds out there should be pissed off.

      • He’s in a panic because his boomer parents might have to start charging him rent on the basement. He can’t be expected to live on his own. He’s only 35 after all.

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