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40 thoughts on “The Truth About the Gun Industry: Quote of the Day”

  1. The blonde is the Taran Tactical babe that said in a Gamour magazine interview that guns should be limited to three per person and other stupid gun control comments throwing Taran Tactical under the bus. She is a 2A traitor and Noir is an NRA shill.

  2. JWT nailed it.

    Symptomatic of everything else that humanity touches.
    Two axioms I believe:
    –Any political and/or ethical issues? Follow the money.
    –Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    • As someone who has worked at the absolute highest levels of this nation’s political offices, let me enlighten you. It has absolutely nothing to do with money. This misconception is one of the major reasons that Americans continue to underestimate our opponents. Remember middle school? That’s Washington DC and northern Virginia. It’s not about money. It’s about what club you are in, who you eat lunch with, and what parties you get invited to. It’s all about who kisses your ring and what levers you can throw. And those levers aren’t thrown with money.

      And power does not corrupt. Power reflects.

      • How did you determine that power only reflects off a persons angles without changing those angles? Is political power mass-less?;-)
        You have had experience at a high level but it is doubtful that you have had more than folks like the oft quoted Lord Acton, Edmond Burke, Horace, Clementine Churchill and the countless other observers of people and power that agree with the notion put together. I am pretty sure that studies of the matter generally find that power does indeed corrupt. I am too lazy to look them all up for this comment though.

        • Actually yes, I have a much better view than all of the people you mentioned. Thepeople you mention were people who were of political power. They would much rather believe that the power corrupted them then to admit that they were corrupt in the first place.

  3. Is Taran’s Engineering Department any smarter than their PR Department ?

    Just asking, never heard of them before three or four days ago.

  4. So . . . they hired a dipshit. Shocker. . . . 24 year old or whatever hot blondes are not always deep or critical thinkers. Fire the dumb bitch and move on.

    Noir’s article is spot on.

    • Really, children?
      Your personal opinions of her physical appearance are irrelevant, and your insults say a lot more about you than they do about Ms. Hathaway. You perpetuate the leftist stereotype of the misogynistic neanderthal redneck conservative.

        • It’s not at all helpful to our cause to be mean, petty, and crude. We’re supposed to be the adults in the room with facts and thoughtful reasoning. If you wouldn’t say it to her face, it doesn’t need to be said. This is not how you convince fence sitters to our cause.

        • Everyone has opinions. Civilized people have a filter of common decency that limits when and how those opinions are expressed.

      • I agree with you 100%, except that Ms. Hathaway essentially sells her physical attributes. When you use your mental or physical characteristics to earn a living, they are subject for comment. If Ms. Hathaway wasn’t playing on her physical attributes to earn her living, that would be different. A good example is how the left mocks the way Sarah Sanders looks and dresses. Very petty. The same can be said for how these very forums discuss Shannon Watts. Her stock in trade is not her beauty, but her stance on gun control. I cringe when the discussion veers toward how she looks.

  5. The entertainment industry is eroding at the core values of America.

    Somewhere along the line they developed a belief that if they are on camera then it is their duty to spear head the nation.

    • “The entertainment industry is eroding at the core values of America.”

      That same industry (Hollywood, most particularly) is responsible for brainwashing, er, *educating* kids that guns are serious cool, they will save the day, get you the girl, etc, etc.

      With a gun in hand in the movies you will drive fast cars, see stuff explode, and many other cool things.

      Hollywood is the 2A’s best friend, in my non-humble opinion…

  6. I’m missing something with the quote. What is JWT referring to?

    I care about the “gun industry” quite a bit, but not as much as I care about gun-owners and gun-ownership. I care about America and bona-fide Americans. I don’t follow Noir enough to distinguish him from any other in the picture above, except for process of elimination, but it sure does look like whatever hooks the ‘gun/entertainment industry’ has in him, he’s one of them, not us.

    • Post SHOT Show we see a lot of talk about gun bunnies (male and female alike) and how companies like Tarran Tactical and their shooters like Ms. Hathaway are ruining the gun industry. We watch youtube personalities like James Yaeger say inflammatory crap for clicks, we see asinine stunts and worthless products pushed as if they were valid.
      Especially new shooters are fooled into believing this is “gun culture”. That TV show pedophiles and youtube know-it-alls are part and parcel with the “gun industry”.
      They are not. The gun industry takes in metal, wood, composites and polymers and turns them into firearms and firearms parts.
      Taran Tactical or their now disavowed shooter Ms. Hathaway are not part of that industry. They are part of the entertainment industry and they should be taken with the same level of serious contemplation we would give to John Wick Part 9.

      • “They are part of the entertainment industry and they should be taken with the same level of serious contemplation we would give to John Wick Part 9.”

        JWT, ‘John Wick’ and other movies like it reinforce to young movie viewers guns are cool.

        The actors off-screen are a pain in the ass to us, but do not in any way just dismiss the power of the characters they play on screen in solidifying gun rights in the minds of the young.

        Hollywood movies are *powerful* positive gun mojo…

      • Maybe I’m missing something here, Jon.

        A quick look at Taran Tactical’s web site shows us that they sell gun parts and gunsmithing services. It is obviously part of the gun industry.

        Marketing is a huge part of any industry, and trade shows and youtube videos are part and parcel of those marketing efforts. Ms. Hathaway was paid to contribute to those efforts. Taran Tactical’s faceplant post on the controversy refers to her as a “promotional model.” Entertainment? Perhaps, but only as it relates to marketing, not entertainment for its own sake.

        Some people may not like this (eye candy in yoga pants and tight tank tops) aspect of the industry but it is undeniably part of the gun industry, just as it is a part of pretty much any industry whose customer base is primarily male.

  7. OK…what’s the point of this(other than clickbait)? The traitor chick ain’t hideous. Love to see some of you guys old ladies😏

    • “Got any pictures of your old lady naked. In your billfold?” ….. “No.”…… ” Wanna buy some?”

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