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TTAG APB: We Need A Hunting Writer

A member of TTAG’s Armed Intelligentsia emailed me today. He highlighted an editorial blind spot of which I’ve been shamefully, painfully aware. “I enjoy reading TTAG as much as TTAC. But I have to say that one could get the misimpression from the content that shooting is about personal defense and nothing else. While both my wife and I have Virginia CCW permits our focus is on  sport shooting and hunting. We spend most of our range time with long guns and only bring out the handguns to maintain proficiency . . .

Most of our firearms are rifles.  Personally I would like to see more reviews of hunting rifles, hunter safety and techniques and less on self defense shooting.  A more balanced presentation of America’s gun owner culture would give a better impression and go farther in publicizing the positive aspects of shooting and increasing support for our Second Amendment rights.”

Aspiring TTAG writers who’re ready to fill the literary ballistic breach please ping [email protected] with the word “DIE BUCKTAIL DIE!” in the subject bar. Or something like that. No need for resumes and references. Just write something wonderful and send it in with pics and/or YouTube linkage. [NB: Ernest Hemingway got his start at TTAG.]

If your submission doesn’t float our editorial boat, I’ll email back a quick word of encouragement. If it bleeds, it leads. Winners will [eventually] gain access to T&E firearms and equipment, and enjoy internet immortality. ‘Cause that’s how we roll.

21 thoughts on “TTAG APB: We Need A Hunting Writer”

  1. If only grammar, in terms of commas and such did not matter, did not count I would jump on this.

    • I hear you on that one. Getting into defensive or sport shooting is pretty easy. I’m in my mid thirties and grew up in a city without any hunters in the family. I’ve gotten into lots of outdoor activities over the years. Now that I’m interested in learning to hunt, there are zero resources out there. I took the mandatory hunters ed class in PA, but it was geared to the 50 twelve year olds in the class. Guess the trial and error is going to make that first squirrel all the more satisfying…

  2. One of the reasons I like TTAG is because there is very little hunting content. I don’t have an anti-hunting agenda, but like most Americans I have no interest in it, either.

  3. I’m in the same situation as Exurbankevin. I hunted as a teenager, with no particular success, but had no family role models to watch and learn from. I have friends and some relatives who hunt, but I don’t have thousands of dollars to spend on out-of-state big game tags.

    Would any TTAG hunters in Washington state mind if I tag along? I’ll buy the gas, beer, ammo, you name it…

    • If you come to Ohio, I know a far trip, I have 200 acres I can take you out on.
      In all seriousness though it does take a lot of work to get good at hunting. You definitely need to bait deer to ensure you always get one. Some “purists” will say they just happen to get a deer no matter what but its hard in Ohio to ensure you get a deer without baiting.

      • I never (read “won’t”) hunt over bait (deer feeders?). Call me a purist maybe? Hailing from the Licking/Muskingum county areas. OH!

  4. As an avid hunter deeply passionate about the sport (and writing, too, for that matter), I find myself concurring with GaryinVT, but for different reasons. I read numerous forums and other informational websites written specifically for the hunter, however, I visit TTAG in order to enjoy a frequent departure from my hunting studies. TTAG is a terrific site sans the hunting content. TTAG is what it is, and I come here for exactly that; the content as it currently exists. Not only am I passionate about hunting, but I’m passionate about self-defense, shooting techniques, firearm education, precision shooting methods and the many other subjects advanced here as well. I prefer not to see this site become a firearm catch-all. I believe that will dilute TTAG’s purpose and focus. There is a plethora of hunting sites out there. I choose to read them for their current content and scope and I choose TTAG for its current content and scope. As a newbie here, I respectfully ask that Robert and the gang remain on the current track and continue to expertly fill the niche all of you are currently filling. In closing, I find this site to be a remarkable firearm information resource. I’d hate for that to change.

    • I also think when it comes to writing / reading hunting its very dry. TV does much better for hunting. I would still love to write about firearms lol.

  5. I agree, Adam. I love to write and I love firearms. I even write professionally and would love to take Robert up on his invitation to submit a writing sample, but I have what may be an unfounded fear that the introduction of hunting to this site will dilute or compete with the great content as it exists. I’m sure it wouldn’t be a zero-sum game, but I have witnessed internecine wars develop over content within websites which caused those same websites to deteriorate and sometimes simply disappear. I guess I’m saying,”If it ain’t broke…….”

  6. I wouldn’t mind seeing a few hunting articles up here, but I don’t want to see the website turn into The Truth About Hunting ™.

  7. Based on new hope with my new pain management, (whew!), I am looking into talk of year round hunts of wild hog and coyote in my state. Our deer problem is bad enough, but now hog and coyote population are becoming a real threat. I haven’t hunted since after the military, but my grandfather was half Iroquois and taught me tracking and stalking as a child. My last deer I took was with a pistol gripped mossberg 12 ga., one handed shot, 3″ #4 buckshot, at 15 feet. If all goes well, I’ll update on this-I have some of my own land. Mike

    • Cujo Mike, I’d be happy to visit you and take care of your problem for you…. ;o)

      Coyote/predator hunting is a BLAST with the right equipment; adrenaline by the buckets, Brother.

      • “Coyote/predator hunting is a BLAST with the right equipment; adrenaline by the buckets, Brother.”

        Mah! Get a ticket to Newfoundland and hunt the over-populated moose. Wipe out the coyotes that some fool thought would be able to take down those moose. While you are at it ask if you can be part of the black bear (large in Newfoundland, really large) dump removal program. Imagine shooting one black bear and twenty other black bear look in your direction. Bring some wolves too.

        • Thanks, Brothers! I was just watching my favorite comedy-“Grizzly Man”, with a seemingly high Timothy Treadwell talking about how he would be a fierce warrior and not die at “the claws and paws” as he ran about like a hippie with the grizzlies. He ends up being eaten. When the iron clad boot of reality comes there is no mercy.

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